All Chapters of The Almighty Dragon General: Chapter 6981 - Chapter 6990
7246 Chapters
Chapter 6981
Emperor Stavros spewed a mouthful of blood as the last physical clone exploded. He was utterly shocked. Each of his thousand physical clones possessed the strength of the Soma Daeclon Rank. They had all been destroyed by a single strike from this mysterious woman. He was curious about this terrifying strength.“Something’s wrong.” Emperor Stavros pointed at Lesia. “You look familiar. I think I know you.”“Is that so?” Lesia sneered with her arm akimbo. “I’ll give you a chance to tell your nonsense.”“Y-You’re Frona Dhimer!” Emperor Stavros exclaimed in horror. “You’re one of the Nine Caeloros Gods of Nothingness, the God of Prophecy.”Lesia’s face remained charmingly coy as she smiled without replying.“Impossible!” Emperor Stavros immediately dismissed his guess. “James is just an insignificant living being. How could he possibly summon the God of Prophecy? This must be an illusion.”As he spoke, his body erupted with dazzling light. His wounds were instantly healed, and his pow
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Chapter 6982
At the critical moment, a blue and a red phantom shadow rushed in from the void of the formation. They circled the two phantom hands holding Lesia’s Sword Light, spinning swiftly and breaking the hands with two sharp cracks.“Ah!” Emperor Stavros screamed. The phantom shadows enveloped Lesia and pulled her away into the air.“There’s no way of escape!” Emperor Stavros roared. He sent out countless phantom hands to seize the phantom shadows and Lesia’s Sword Light all at once. In an instant, the red phantom shadow transformed into a blazing fire lotus, consuming all the phantom hands. Simultaneously, the blue shadow turned into countless Galeat Wind and swept toward Emperor Stavros.Lesia finally caught her breath and broke free from the phantom hands. Then, she darted toward Emperor Stavros’ throat in Sword Light form.Facing a three-pronged attack, Emperor Stavros remained calm. He opened his mouth to swallow the Sword Light. In the next second, his thousand phantom hands converge
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Chapter 6983
Amid the endless explosions, two figures simultaneously flew out and were separated by tens of thousands of light-years before steadying themselves. Staggering, Emperor Stavros was covered in blood. He looked at the massive bloody hole in his Ultimate Golden Body, his eyes shooting out intense rays of fury as he suddenly raised his head.On the other side, the figure revealed itself as James. His hair was disheveled, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. Yet, he wore a fierce smile full of battle spirit.“You finally appeared,” Emperor Stavros said through gritted teeth. “James Caden, I didn’t expect you to become this strong.”“I don’t know either,” James replied with a smile and a shake of his head. “However, taking you down shouldn’t be a problem.”“You’re so arrogant!” Emperor Stavros immediately stood straight. “Do you think two clones and a second body could injure me? You underestimate the Forty-Ninth Heaven.”“No, you’re wrong.” James shrugged. “They weren’t my clo
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Chapter 6984
Emperor Stavros moved as fast as lightning, attacking swiftly and deadly. Just as he was about to strike James, nine rapidly spinning transparent sacred lotuses appeared in front of him. A terrifying and mysterious energy erupted from them with a buzzing sound.Emperor Stavros was caught off guard. Immediately, he was assaulted by the rotating mysterious energy. With muffled thuds, his Ultimate Golden Body was quickly covered in numerous deep and bone-revealing wounds. “W-What are these?” he exclaimed in shock.Desperate, he launched an all-out attack with both hands against the nine transparent sacred lotuses surrounding James, but each collision sent him flying back. Realizing he could not break through the defensive formation of the sacred lotuses, Emperor Stavros retreated swiftly, only to be severely wounded again by forty-nine golden sacred lotuses that suddenly appeared behind him.In a state of shock, he noticed that there were eighty-one rapidly spinning jade lotuses form
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Chapter 6985
Facing the siege, Emperor Stavros burst forth with a dazzling array of ten thousand radiant lights. He immediately engaged in rapid combat with the Forty-Nine Primordial Spirits Clones. They clashed powerfully.Each move, each sword and palm strike, was relentless, shaking the world. Despite his immense powers as the Daeclon Mahayana Rank Path Emperor, Emperor Stavros struggled to withstand the relentless assault of the Forty-Nine Primordial Spirits Clones.After countless rounds of battle, Emperor Stavros realized he was losing ground. So, he quickly summoned the Jyndor Cauldron. It rotated swiftly around him with a resonant hum. Boom! A terrifying explosion erupted, sending the clones flying away.“Hahaha!” Emperor Stavros laughed and roared, “James Caden, did you think I am made of clay...?”Before he could finish his sentence, a dark shadow flashed before him. A long spear moved with lightning speed and pierced through his Ultimate Golden Body at the chest. In that stunned mo
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Chapter 6986
Seeing the sudden turn of events, Zachariah and Hattie stumbled in fright. They nearly fell out of the void. James calmly lifted his hand and tossed Emperor Stavros, bound by the Jozo Sword, to Thea’s feet.Then, he slowly spoke, “Alright, you can come out now.”A flash of purple-red light appeared on James’ body, revealing the soul consciousness of Morgott.“Y-You all!” Emperor Stavros glared at James and Morgott’s soul consciousness with a mix of grief and anger. “You rebellious devils, you will die like a dog!”“James, he’s cursing us.” Morgott’s soul consciousness grabbed Emperor Stavros. “Let me cut out his tongue first.”“How dare you? You insane devil, you...” Emperor Stavros was sent flying with a punch by James before he could finish his words.“After all, he’s one of the Five Path Emperors. Killing him would be a waste,” James said. Then, he turned to Thea. “Darling, I’ll leave him to you. Please absorb his cultivation base, so I can feel more at ease.”Hearing this, T
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Chapter 6987
Morgott’s soul consciousness remained unshaken, each kick and punch he delivered sending one golden-purple character after another flying away from the siege.“James, I’ll take back my spear now.”Morgott in the void reached down and with a swift grasp, the spear in James’ hand immediately slipped from his control, flying straight towards Morgott. Watching Morgott battling countless golden-purple ‘Path’ characters at the apex, James and Thea immediately gathered together. They were shocked.“I didn’t expect him to seize the opportunity again.”In contrast to Thea’s frustration, James appeared much calmer. He grinned as he watched Morgott fiercely kick away one character after another.“Perhaps, we should lend him a hand.”At James’ words, Thea looked at him with surprise. “You want to give the other half back to him?”“Do we still have any use for it?” James shrugged. “This guy has even taken the Gate of Wuia. The next step he’ll face is the tribulation of the Forty-Ninth Heav
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Chapter 6988
Upon hearing these words, the Demonic Spirit widened his eyes in astonishment.“Go on!” James kicked his buttock.Staggering, the Demonic Spirit immediately turned around. He was reluctant to leave. “James, do you really want me to do this?”“Cut the crap!” James replied impatiently. “Isn’t this what you’ve been longing for?”The Demonic Spirit took a deep breath. “James, this might be the last time we meet. Are you really willing to let go of your brother who’s always been valiant and righteous?”James was stunned at these words.Once the Demonic Spirit merged with the soul consciousness, he would become the true Morgott. At that time, their brotherhood might completely disappear. “Let’s hug.” The Demonic Spirit opened his arms to James.With a faint smile, James embraced him. This was their final farewell.“James, I admire you from the bottom of my heart. I respect and salute you. So, whether I’m a spirit or the main self, it won’t change the fact that we’re brothers in lif
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Chapter 6989
Upon hearing this, James and Thea exchanged a glance. Then, they simultaneously leaped into the air, appearing next to Morgott’s main self.“The Wuinfinite Formation consists of nine layers in total, similar in essence to the Great Historial Land,” Morgott said slowly, his hand resting on his back. “We’ll need ages to unravel it one by one. However, with the three of us together, we can make those old geezers regret their existence once we breach a gap.”Listening to this, James turned to Morgott. “How do we proceed exactly?”“I have the spear, you have the sword,” Morgott replied coldly. “With the newly controlled Gate of Wuia, half of Frona’s Wuia Rune, the Yin governor’s Three Treasures Integration, and the Heavenly Path Power, it’s more than sufficient.”James looked at Thea.“What about the living beings in the formation if I leave?” Thea asked suspiciously.Morgott snorted coldly before suddenly reaching out, unleashing a terrifying purplish-red light toward the living bein
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Chapter 6990
Meanwhile, Emperor Qadeer and Emperor Zdravko, stationed at the highest point of the Fortieth Heaven, sensed the unusual fluctuations of the Wuinfinite Formation.Alarmed, they immediately unleashed their Supernatural Power, pouring countless vast Innate Energy into the Wuinfinite Formation to stabilize it.“Emperor Qadeer, don’t you find this very suspicious?” Emperor Zdravko asked.Emperor Qadeer twirled his beard and gradually squinted his eyes. “The sudden activation of the Wuinfinite Formation must be because Emperor Stavros and the devil are engaged in battle.”At these words, Emperor Zdravko was startled. “If that’s the case, shouldn’t we lend our assistance?”“How would we assist?” Emperor Qadeer sneered. “Can you withstand the tribulation power of the Wuinfinite Formation, or can I withstand the blockade of myriad ‘Path’ characters?”Emperor Zdravko was speechless. She knew that Emperor Qadeer had a hidden agenda, letting Emperor Stavros investigate the Wuinfinite Format
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