All Chapters of The Almighty Dragon General: Chapter 7001 - Chapter 7010
7256 Chapters
Chapter 7001
As Thea gazed at Yiulia, an intrigued expression flickered across her beautiful face.She was fascinated that despite Yiulia being a Path Emperor and manifesting a Soremsia, she appeared pretty naive and innocent. It seemed as if she hardly experienced the dangers of the world. Someone like her could not possibly be too bad.As the two beautiful women stood at a stalemate, an explosion suddenly erupted from the Wuinfinite Formation beneath them, causing the void the tremble violently.Yiulia stabilized herself and lowered her gaze to observe the situation only for her face to darken instantly. “You left him to face Emperor Qadeer’s Light of Mustery and Wuifinite Formation alone. Do you truly care for him?”“Do I have to answer?” Thea retorted.Yuilia aimed her Sword Light straight at Thea’s throat and asked, “You’re ashamed to answer?”Thea said calmly, “Deep down, you know the truth, yet you refuse to admit it. You’ve never been able to face our relationship. In fact, you don’t
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Chapter 7002
James looked at Morgott with a frown and asked, “What happened to you?”Morgott licked his lips and answered, “I got a little hungry and ate a few Path Emperors. The good news is we can work together now. We might have a chance.”James smiled calmly and disagreed, “He’s not an easy opponent. It’s impossible to predict how many Supernatural Powers he has. Moreover, he is really fast. You’ve never cultivated the Martial Path, so you must be careful.”Morgott laughed and jabbed his spear into the void. Following his movement, numerous phantom spears emerged and darted toward Emperor Qadeer.James quickly seized the opportunity. He hopped onto one of the phantom shadows and charged toward Emperor Qadeer with a sword in his hand.Emperor Qadeer snorted, flipped his palm, and unleashed a wave of Wuia Power, which manifested into violent whirlwinds.James quickly cast the Terrastride Step and sealed the surrounding space. Then, stepping on the whirlwinds, he swiftly approached Emperor Q
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Chapter 7003
Before James could react, he was immediately enveloped by the Bohnwer Lights.Morgott immediately dashed over but was bounced away by the lights. He shouted, “Damn it, Taichu! How could you swallow James?!”Taichu declared, “You’re not worthy of my blessing, you ignorant demon.”James was bathed in Taishi Divine Light and felt a terrifying aura.He unleashed his Zen and saw a mass of black energy headed toward Morgott.“Morgott!” Startled, James shouted worriedly. Then, he quickly activated the Dawnblaze Form, escaped the divine light, and rushed toward Morgott.Taichu called out, “Do you also wish to be like him, James?!!”However, it was already too late. James had already reached Morgott and was also swallowed by the black energy.“Haha! I must thank you two, James, Morgott. If not for this catastrophe, I would not have successfully integrated my Five Spirits!”Within the black energy, a spectral figure emerged and gradually formed into Qadeer’s appearance. He waved his h
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Chapter 7004
The Bohnwer Light clashed with the black energy, flashing left and right in the void.Countless phantoms emerged from Qadeer’s body, heading straight into the void and quickly surrounding the gray energy. However, they did not attack relentlessly. Instead, they moved around as if playing in an attempt to humiliate Taichu.“Bastard!” Taichu roared and unleashed Bohnwer Lights.However, the explosion and spread of the Bohnwer Lights only pushed back Qadeer’s phantoms and failed to break through the encirclement.Qadeer laughed, “That’s enough. If you and I become partners, we might be able to have Hongrome Children. They’d have limitless potential.”After speaking, he pointed forward and unleashed a burst of black energy toward Taichu, knocking her away.The next moment, the gray mass collapsed. The beautiful woman within it fell from the sky.Qadeer licked his lips and said, “So perfect. Just the right woman to be my partner.”Just as he released a beam of black energy to capture
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Chapter 7005
"Why are you being so stubborn, Qadeer?"The word “Path” materialized above the sedan chair. It expanded gradually, shining with unmatched brilliance, making one subconsciously want to worship it.Witnessing this, Qadeer, who had summoned countless black phantoms, suddenly burst into eerie laughter."Lord Goyo, I know your Wuia Light is powerful and is unstoppable by any deity in the Greater Realm. However, that no longer includes me!”As he spoke, Qadeer moved his hand, and countess black phantoms with the chilling aura of death swept over toward the “Path” in the air.Boom! Boom! Boom!A series of loud expressions resounded as the phantoms collided with the “Path.”The shock waves spread, causing the space to collapse and the void to shake violently.After thousands of consecutive impacts, the entire void suddenly collapsed into nothingness. The Fortieth Heaven crumbled, ceasing to exist.Seeing the “Path” still emitting a divine light in the void as it resisted the Oblivion
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Chapter 7006
Goyo explained patiently, “One epoch in the Haleth Realm is equivalent to one entrapoch in the Xanadu Realm. As long as Qadeer follows James into the Xanadu Realm, he only needs to spend one epoch in the Haleth Realm but can cultivate for an entire entrapoch in the Xanadu Realm.”Taichu took a deep breath. She realized how clueless she was in comparison to Goyo, even though she was one of the Five Primal Evolutions. It was evident he had studied the Xanadu Realm very thoroughly.After a moment of hesitation, she asked, “And what about James? Are you not going to help him? Isn’t he the Chosen One that you hold in the highest regard?”Goyo raised his head and said with relief, “He became the Chosen One on his own, so there isn’t much I can do.”Taichu said anxiously, “If you don’t do anything, Qadeer will swallow him and seize his Three Treasures. If that happens, who could stop him…”Before she could finish, Goyo’s laughter interrupted her.Annoyed, Taichu asked, “What’s so funny?
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Chapter 7007
James turned his head and saw a striking man in a black robe with long, flowing hair racing toward him with a flying sword.The man had thick eyebrows and sharp, upturned eyes, exuding a remarkable aura. His exquisite facial features were as if they were chiseled by a master sculptor, capable of captivating every woman who laid eyes on him. His upright and powerful physique added to his extraordinary and commanding presence.James recognized the man’s face but felt slightly unfamiliar, as if it were someone he had not seen for eons.After recovering from the shock, James blurted out, “Mr. Yianni?”The handsome man placed his hands behind his back and responded smilingly, “Time sure does fly. I’m already of so much seniority in the current era.”James was overjoyed and immediately dropped to his knees with a thud, paying his respect to Yianni. “Master!”Yianni raised an eyebrow, surprised by the greeting.Morgott also approached, intrigued by James’ actions. “Who’s this man, Jame
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Chapter 7008
James thought, ‘Chaos Absinthe? Yianni loves this stuff. It’s impressive that he still has stock left.’Morgott quietly approached James with his hands behind his back and said proudly, “Ahem! Ignorant young man! You’re quite rude, aren’t you? Don’t you know how to respect your seniors?”James burst out laughing after seeing Morgott’s comical act. He was trying to use his seniority as an excuse to shamelessly obtain someone else’s wine.Lesial rolled her eyes and reprimanded, “Quit putting on a show, acting like you could beat him. How about you have some practice with him, you fool?”Morgott was momentarily taken aback but immediately drew his Tyrant Spear and pointed it at Yianni. “Let’s practice if that’s what you want. I won’t take your life. How much Chaos Absinthe do you have? Give it all to me.”James rolled his eyes at Morgott’s words.Yianni slowly put down his wine jar. “I have plenty! Whether I win or lose, I have more than enough! It’d be a great chance to spar with y
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Chapter 7009
Lesia looked at James and explained, “It’s a Supernatural Power that Yianni and I came up with during our discussions. Traditional Supernatural Powers had always been flashy and were about energy, clones, phantom attacks, or formations. They looked imposing on the surface but were mediocre in strength.“The Radiant Titanform combined refined clones and phantoms, allowing them to have strength equal to their caster’s main body. Finally, they would merge with the main body’s Primordial Spirit, achieving an exceptional physique that is connected in mind and spirit.“Hence, when an attack is cast, the Primordial Spirit could enter a titanform for close combat. It’s a seamless dual attack that will force an opponent to defend.”James asked surprisedly, “So basically, you can have two bodies of equal strength and can switch your Primordial Spirit between them to fight?”Lesia nodded. “Yeah. You could also split your Primordial Spirit between them. It’s much more stronger than using clone
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Chapter 7010
Morgott’s fists tightened, his whole body trembling with frustration. He explained, “It’s not that I’m incompetent, but this place suppresses my Demonic Body and Demonic Energy.”Yianni lifted his head and chuckled, “The Gate of Mystery holds sway over heaven and earth. It’s both a hindrance and an opportunity for us. The crux lies in how we navigate it."James conveyed Yianni’s message, deciphering it for him in blunt terms. “In essence, my master suggests that you lack adaptability and intellect.”Infuriated, Morgott retorted, “You…”Yianni reprimanded, “You rascal! Stop misinterpreting me. Look at how upset he is!”James chuckled and gave Morgott and pat on the shoulder. “Listen, Morgott. Your defeat stems from your inadequacy. Admit your defeat, and learn from it to get better.”“You…” Morgott was itching to argue but paused as James had left toward Yianni.Lesua fixed a stern gaze at Yianni and said, “You’re quite arrogant. Why not let your disciple challenge you too?”Yia
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