All Chapters of The Almighty Dragon General: Chapter 6991 - Chapter 7000
7246 Chapters
Chapter 6991
However, what Xanthakos received in response to his friendly greeting were four blasts of vicious energy aimed at him. Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Huge clouds of smoke engulfed Xanthakos as multiple explosions erupted around him. For a moment, no one could see him. “How could you guys act so barbaric! Where are your manners?” Xanthakos’ voice rang with rage and indignation. James, Morgott, Thea, and Lesia split up and attacked from four sides. There were sounds of explosions and weapons clashing as soon as the four of them disappeared behind the cloud of smoke where Xanthakos was. All of that happened so quickly that even Yiulia, who was also a Path Emperor, could do nothing and just watch from the side. Above all the commotion, the mass of gray gases formed by Taichu was circulating rapidly. Taichuʼs voice reverberated through the space. “Chosen One, donʼt fall for his trick! It’ll be over for your side if the group of you are sent into the Gate of Mystery!” Just as Taic
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Chapter 6992
While James was momentarily stunned, Xanthakos swiftly blew out a stream of gas from his mouth. In an instant, a tremendous amount of Innate Energy enclosed James’ sword form, trapping him in. “Hahaha!” Xanthakos laughed heartily. “Is this how you greet an old friend, James? Donʼt you think you were a little too rough?” James assumed the human form. He had a look of bewilderment on his face. “You’re Emperor Jabari of the Celestial Abode?” “The Celestial Abode!” A reminiscent smile hung on Xanthakos’ face. “We shared a close friendship and great memories back then. However, that was just the beginning of it all.” Xanthakos lifted his hand. There was a flash of colorful lights as a beautiful lady materialized next to him. “Sophie!” Jamesʼ eyes bulged. Without a pause, Xanthakos raised his other hand and conjured another person next to him. “Henrik!” James exclaimed, “You… You were all Xanthakosʼ subordinates?” “We are your friends as well,” Sophie answered. “How have
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Chapter 6993
On the other hand, Morgott, Thea, and Lesia had cast another round of attack at Xanthakos. However, Xanthakos easily deflected those attacks by using his evil spirits. Jamesʼ brows twitched. After a short pause, he transmitted his voice to the others. “Stop attacking. I want to have a word with him.” His words left Morgott and the others flabbergasted. Moreover, they could not see what was happening near the Gate of Mystery from where they were. James fixed his gaze on Xanthakos, who had Franciscusʼ face. “Mr. Franciscus died a long time ago, and it was Yehria, your illegitimate daughter, who caused his death. Did you think I would believe your words now?” “It doesn't matter if you donʼt.” Xanthakos smiled softly. “You’ve achieved the Daeclon Mahayana Rank and Three Treasures Integration. Moreover, you’ve mastered Yianniʼs signature skill, the Chaos Yin-Yang Eyes, and surpassed his mastery of the skill. “You know better than anyone if the face I have now is real or just
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Chapter 6994
James snickered, “Please, carry on with your story.” “She was born a fish of malevolence.” Xanthakos said regretfully, “I thought she might change if I just sent her to Tirta. I never imagined she would betray the Tirta Sect and take the Xyloria Tai Chi Pearl for herself. “She even managed to get through thousands of tribulations and become the Heloria Tai Chi. “It was also at that point she and the Yin governor started to bear grudges against each other.” James narrowed his eyes. He had heard about the conflicts and bad blood between Yehria and Thea before this. Xanthakosʼ description of those incidents that came afterward pretty much matched what James already knew. Yehria was aware that the Yin governor, the last Alcide being, was immortal. The only thing she could do was to force the Yin governor into being reincarnated. Therefore, she used every means she could find as Tai Chi and made Thea go through eighty reincarnations. According to Xanthakos, the Yin governor
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Chapter 6995
“Surprise, surprise!” Lesia announced.James curled his lips as he took in the shocked expression on Xanthakos’ face. “Do you still want to keep up with the act?” Beside him, Lesia smiled enigmatically as well. “You!” Xanthakos glared at Lesia. “Alas, you decided to complicate things! There I was thinking you’d be smarter than this!”Lesia replied flatly, “On the other hand, it was exactly because you were so clever that you were blinded by greed.” Xanthakos threw his head back and laughed scornfully upon hearing her words. As the cynical smile on his face disappeared, Xanthakos stopped laughing and asked, “Frona, didnʼt those incidents happen just as I told James earlier? “Without my help, could a mere human like him ever be able to amount to what he is now?” Lesia sighed and looked at James. “Do you believe the things he said?” James shrugged. “He was telling the truth. I didn’t detect any signs of illusion during our conversation. So, I think his statement isnʼt fals
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Chapter 6996
“Frona!” Xanthakos called out in a shaky voice, “Do you sincerely not have any impure intentions?! “You, one of the Nine Caeloros Gods, were willing to come all the way to the Haleth Realm? You even approached James Caden as a bell spirit and willingly became his second body. “What are your real motives? Wasnʼt it because you wanted to control him and make him your slave?” A small frown creased James’ forehead. Meanwhile, Lesia heaved a deep breath. “You won’t be able to damage the trust between me and my master by saying that. “We are connected mentally and spiritually. Moreover, we are even willing to die for the other person.” “Hahaha! You're willing to die for the other person?!” Xanthakos laughed hysterically. “Did you hear that, James Caden? She couldnʼt, and she wouldnʼt dare give you a straightforward answer!“Let me tell you why! She herself wasnʼt sure whether you were the Waitara Pathʼs reincarnated Soremsia or not! “On the surface, she’s following you everywh
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Chapter 6997
Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Boom! As James’ sword form spun in the air, he unleashed a tremendous amount of sword energy and formed a huge sphere around him. In an instant, the Bohnwer Lights moving into the range of Jamesʼ attack were obliterated. “You’ve mastered Zemraʼs skills, and you can wield the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword skillfully. I’ve truly underestimated you previously. However, you’re being a little naive if you think you can save them by doing this.” As soon as Xanthakos said that, the severed Bohnwer Lights seemed to come to life as they grew and extended almost instantaneously. This time, the strands of Bohnwer Lights did not try to aim for James’ sword energy. Instead, they spread out and moved around the sword energy, shooting toward Thea and Morgott at lightning speed. On the other hand, Thea and Morgott were alarmed as they could see the Bohnwer Lights moving toward them even from the edge of the Fortieth Heaven. Instead of backing away, Thea stepped forwar
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Chapter 6998
Thea halted and glanced over her shoulder. To her surprise, Morgott got down on his knees. She gasped, “Why are you…” “You and James saved my life. I sincerely see James as my friend as well.” Morgott continued, “In a dangerous situation like this, I should be the one to step up and battle, not you. “James is sacrificing himself not to buy time for me to leave. Instead, he is doing it for you, for all beings, and the Great Historial Land. “If you stayed behind, James would not be able to focus on having a full-on battle with Xanthakos. We’d lose and let all our efforts go to waste. “James is the leader of all living beings. He has many good friends and comrades. He also has the responsibility of protecting the living beings. “Therefore, we canʼt let Xanthakos and his men get their way. There needs to be a force that’ll keep those men wary and on their toes.” Thea was momentarily stunned after listening to Morgottʼs heartfelt words. She never thought the newly recombined M
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Chapter 6999
James was touched by Morgottʼs actions since he knew what it meant for Morgott to help Thea escape. The news of Thea getting to safety gave James a great sense of relief as well. “Xanthakos!” Morgott bellowed, “I’m back! The last time we met was millions of entrapochs ago, right? Prepare to die!” Xanthakos was still in a seated position with the Gate of Mystery found just a few steps behind him. The man opened his eyes and grinned maliciously. “Emperor Kaelisar, what makes you think you can succeed this time?” “We have me and James on our side.” Morgott jutted his chin out. “Sadly, you’re on your own.” Xanthakos dissolved into laughter upon hearing those remarks. “Your powers combined amount to almost nothing… Huh?” Before he could finish, Xanthakos spotted James spreading his arms out. In the blink of an eye, countless balls of sword light were cast outward. Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! There were sounds of objects cutting through the air as those balls of sword light
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Chapter 7000
“I’ve been waiting here for quite some time.” A monotonous voice came from her right just then. Thea swiftly turned around and saw a person in the distance. To her surprise, a gorgeous and curvaceous lady was staring at her with an intense gaze. “Lyla?” Theaʼs brows arched. “You got it wrong. I’m not Lyla.” The lady responded expressionlessly, “I am Yiulia Zdravko, one of the Five Path Emperors from the Forty-Ninth Heaven.” Thea subconsciously dropped her jaw. ‘Lyla and Emperor Zdravko… The two of them look so alike. It’s as if they are the same person. Is this just a coincidence?’ Thea wondered. “Yin governor…” Yiulia called out frigidly, “Oh, no. You are still incomplete. I should call you Thea instead. “For old time’s sake, Iʼll help pass on the message to him. So, do you have any last words for him?” Thea narrowed her eyes. “Youʼre Emperor Zdravko, and youʼre also Lyla…” “Donʼt mention that name again!” Yiulia raised her voice. “I’m Yiulia.” Without any warning,
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