All Chapters of The Almighty Dragon General: Chapter 6971 - Chapter 6980
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Chapter 6971
James was at a loss for words. He didn’t refute or explain. Thea pinched his ear, making him grit his teeth in pain. He quickly begged for mercy.“We can take our time to settle the scores.” Thea said, “As for now, you must listen to me, or else we can’t get through the Solemnity Tribulation.”James felt helpless. “I’ve always listened to you.”“You didn’t listen to me before,” Thea said sharply, “Did you think I wouldn’t recognize you because you were possessed?”James was speechless.“I didn’t expose you because we were being watched,” Thea continued. “I let you leave not because I wanted you to leave me behind but to let you temporarily leave the Fortieth Heaven. That way, they couldn’t activate their trap and the Solemnity Tribulation.“If you’re outside, even if they’re bold, they can’t do anything to me.“On the other hand, you’re infatuated. Why must you die with me? Now, your wish might come true.”At this time, James was like a child who had done something wrong and
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Chapter 6972
Looking at the Jozo Sword James pulled out, Marcus and Mical widened their eyes. Then, they backed away in fear.“I-Is that the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword?”“I-It doesn’t look like it. It doesn’t seem like the Sword Light of the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword. It seems more terrifying.”Upon hearing the conversation between the two, James smiled.“This is the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword’s father!”The two were at a loss for words.“Don’t scare them.” Standing to the side, Thea reminded, “Be careful when you enter the formation later. After all…”“I won’t enter the formation alone.” James said devilishly, “We have shields now.”Thea was taken aback. Before she could say anything, James raised his hand and grabbed Yehria.“James, you didn’t expect yourself to have such a day, right?“The Wuinfinite Formation is the most powerful formation in the worlds. No matter what cultivation rank you’re in, even if you have the Three Treasures Integration and Five Spirits Integration, you can’t escape.
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Chapter 6973
Yehria shrieked. Her desire to live made her grab the edge of the Defensive Energy Wall. She was hung there. Her long legs and body curled up. Her screams were endless.Upon seeing that, Thea burst into laughter. She didn’t expect her husband to know how to do things. Yehria was the arrogant Tai Chi.“Do you think her blood and flesh will splatter everywhere if I throw her out?” James asked.“I don’t think so,” Marcus quickly said, “She’s the ruler of all worlds. Tai Chi can’t be annihilated.”“I don’t think it’ll happen either.” In a low voice, Mical said, “Qadeer is her father. She said it herself. No father would hurt his daughter.”At this time, Lesia walked over while laughing.“I don’t care if she will die. Once we send her into Qadeer’s tribulation, we will have a chance to fight back.”“Good idea.” Thea snapped her finger at Lesia. “When we get rid of Qadeer’s hypocrisy and make him angry, we can find a loophole.”James agreed with them. At once, he pushed out his palm.
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Chapter 6974
Stavros quickly nodded. “Qadeer, no mistakes can happen at this time. Otherwise…”Before he could finish his words, Yehria’s curses could be heard from the Fortieth Heaven.“Qadeer, you always say that you’re sorry to us and want to compensate us. Is this how you compensate us?“Are you going to kill your daughter for the sake of your sanctimonious reputation and to cover up your image? How can you lead and control the worlds?”Upon hearing that, Stavros and Zdravko were stunned. They looked at Qadeer, astonished.At this moment, Qadeer’s face was pale. Whatever one was afraid of would happen. His only weakness was in James’ and the Yin governor’s hands.Qadeer didn’t expect James and the Yin governor to be so savage and ruthless. How could they push his daughter to suffer the tribulation?Soon, he calmed down. He couldn’t admit that Yehria was his daughter. Otherwise, the prestige he established would be gone before Stavros, Zdravko and the entire Forty-Ninth Heaven.Then, Qad
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Chapter 6975
At the same time, the three disciples under Qadeer stood forward.After glancing at Qadeer, Stavros looked at Zdravko.“Emperor Zdravko, take care. Help me look after the disciples.”Once he got a confirmation from Zdravko, he turned to leave. At this instant, Qadeer had a strange smile on his face.On the other hand, Zdravko’s face was pale. She looked sad.Although they were the Five Path Emperors, there were rankings among them. For example, Zdravko and Stavros were the weakest among the Five Path Emperors. They could only rely on Qadeer who was more powerful to gain more benefits.Of course, they had to repay him. They didn’t need to repay him with benefits. Instead, they might need to repay him with their lives.On the other end, in the Wuinfinite Formation, as the tribulation stopped, James waved the Jozo Sword immediately and headed to the top of the Wuinfinite Formation.After fighting against the 81 Path Characters at the top countless times, James still couldn’t break
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Chapter 6976
Lesia shook her head. “No!”James didn’t expect that. He was shocked.Helplessly, he said, “We shouldn’t joke around right now…”“Do I look like I am?” Lesia glanced at James. “It’s not that I don’t want to help. It’s just that I can’t help.”James was anxious. “Aren’t you one of the Nine Caeloros Gods of Nothingness? You can even create Waitara with the Daoism. Why…”“My main self, Frona, is one of the Nine Caeloros Gods of Nothingness,” Lesia cried, “I’m Lesia. Look clearly. I’m the cute Lesia. I’m your second body, Lesia!”At that, James was stunned. It was his fault. He couldn’t help but combine Frona and Lesia.Lesia was Frona, but she didn’t have the Supernatural Power as strong as Frona’s. It was difficult for her.Thus, James said awkwardly, “Sorry, Lesia. I was in a hurry to succeed, so…”Suddenly, Lesia showed James a dazzling rune. When James saw it, he was astonished. “This is…”“It’s the Wuia Rune,” said Lesia with a smile.When James came back to his senses, he
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Chapter 6977
When James was about to grab the rune, Thea moved away.“I have something to say first.” Thea stared at James. “I asked you to risk your life, but I didn’t mean for you to go out and fight against the Five Path Emperors. Even though you have the Three Treasures Integration and have reached the Daeclon Mahayana Rank, you will lose if you fight against the Five Path Emperors together.”Upon hearing that, James was taken aback.“You’re smart. I’m only reminding you.” Thea continued, “The Five Path Emperors could control all worlds because they have controlled the Five Gates of the Supreme Path.”At once, James was enlightened. “The Gate of Mystery, Gate of Creation, Gate of Virtue and Gate of Wuia?”In a low voice, Thea said, “And the Gate of Perception. Among these five gates, aside from the Gate of Perception which derived countless Innate Energy, the other four are the only ones to control all worlds other than Lord Goyo and the Four Path Emperors.”Then, she turned to look at Le
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Chapter 6978
In the Wuinfinite Formation, in the ruins of the Palace of Law that was destroyed by a tribulation, a faint ray of light flashed by. Behind a giant pillar, a door suddenly appeared from nowhere.In the next second, a middle-aged living being wearing silver armor walked out of the holder holding the Heaven-Piercer Halberd.He looked nervous. He was on his tiptoes. Each step he took, he would stop for a while. It was as if he was surrounded by powerful enemies.“Zachariah, have you noticed anything?” At this time, another rough living being with a mustache in a gray robe walked out.The middle-aged living being, Zachariah Shelby, was taken aback. At once, he turned around and shouted unhappily, “Why are you shouting? It’s scary.”“Aren’t you a supreme being?” The rough man snorted and said, “Did you find anything?”Zachariah took a deep breath. He turned the corner and was shocked by the scene before him. There were corpses everywhere.There were internal organs and flesh everywhe
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Chapter 6979
Upon hearing that, before Hattie and Zachariah spoke up, the beautiful woman answered in agreement.When she was about to head toward the corpses, she turned around and looked at her two companions. “Hattie, Zachariah, are you going against the Path Emperor’s order?”Zachariah clicked his tongue and said coldly, “Of course not. But you should lead the way.”“That’s right.” Hattie said lazily, “You like the living beings’ souls the most. We’ll let you go first.”“Are you guys even men?” The beautiful woman was furious.“Alright.” Stavros sat with his legs crossed. “Yamila, just go.”The beautiful woman, Yamila Moreau, snorted angrily before walking toward the corpses alone.On the other hand, Hattie and Zachariah drank wine leisurely.Their actions were being watched by James and Thea who had hidden their auras in the void.Through Lesia’s introduction, they had learned about Stavros.It was just that when James saw his face, he found the latter familiar. He couldn’t explain i
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Chapter 6980
Stavros turned around. At once, his eyes widened. He was shocked.“It’s the Jozo Sword of the Wuia Demon-Slayer Sword. Darn it…”Then, his body flashed. He shot up to the sky with the Wama Light.With a loud explosion, the Gate of Wuia burst open. At once, the entire area shook. The ruins of the Palace of Law were struck with the fluctuations again. The Gate of Wuia was buried.On the ruins, Hattie and Zachariah immediately activated the holy light defense and shot up to the sky.“James, you’re seeking death.” Seeing that the Gate of Wuia was buried, Stavros was enraged. He slashed out in the void. Palms of the Wama Light filled the sky and attacked James.At this instant, a huge formation landed from the void. It trapped Stavros and the palms inside.Then, in the sky above the formation, there were gray clouds. The bells were ringing. Wama Lightning struck.From the ground, Wama Flame soared into the sky. The fierce Galeat Wind filled the sky, forming a powerful comprehensive
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