All Chapters of The Almighty Dragon General: Chapter 7011 - Chapter 7020
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Chapter 7011
Observing Yianni’s determination, Lesia sighed helplessly."It's too late. He is not just the Chosen One. He embodies the fusion of Marciais and Historial Power, as well as the Three Treasures. He also inherited Emperor Yarden’s Great Historial Land, along with all the Supernatural Powers of Zemra and Chuba. He has become the master of all the Greater Realms’ living beings and possesses their Spiritual Providence!” she said.At these words, Yianni reacted like a thunderbolt, glaring at Lesia with intense anger. Moments later, he grabbed Lesia by her collar like a raging beast and hoisted her up. “Why? Why did you do this to him?” We can be unburdened, but he is someone who values ​​friendship more than life itself. Emotions are his core.“But this catastrophe will thrust him into the spotlight as the enemy of the Greater Realms. His friends, family, and admirers will turn against him.“That’s a worse fate than death to him. How can he continue living like that?”Lesia did not resi
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Chapter 7012
Yianni frowned and asked, “Is it not?”Lesia looked at him and said, “It seems more like a plot that he orchestrated. He destroyed the River of Time to make us believe his Soremsia is outside of the Tai Chi World, leading us on a wild goose chase through one universe after another.“In doing so, he gained more time to set up his plan and allow himself to grow while being hidden.”Yianni’s face suddenly changed. “You’re saying his Soremsia is likely in the Tai Chi World and that he tricked us?”Lesia squinted and nodded, “To find his Soremsia, the Yin governor went through accepted the Omniscient Mirror and endured countless hardships. She did a commendable job.”“At least now we can confirm his Soremsia isn’t outside of the Tai Chi World.”After drawing in a deep breath, and said, “However, before the Yin governor could return to the Tai Chi World, Emperor Qadeer’s Soremsia split her into two halves, and the Omniscient Mirror was lost. That meant our previous assumptions were wro
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Chapter 7013
Yianni was taken aback, staring at Lesia in shock. “In other words, you’ve already pushed him to a dead end?”Lesia replied solemnly, “It’s not me. It’s the Waitara Path and Qadeer. Can’t you see? Right now, James’ biggest opponent isn’t the Waitara Path, but Qadeer.“That bastard claims to be waiting for the Waitara Path and Taiyi’s return, yet he is crafting his own ambitious schemes.“Just earlier, I was trying to put the puzzles together. After he tapped into James’ soul, his Primordial Spirit transversed into the Xanadu Realm. He cultivated Oblivion Power, which we, the Nine Gods of Nothingness, had joined hands to seal away.“In essence, the opponent James faces now is hardly any weaker than Waitara Path's Soremsia. It's a calamity in its own right, dubbed the Oblivion Tribulation.“If James fails to overcome the ordeal, he’ll not have the chance to become the Supreme Path.”“Furthermore, it’s almost time the Waitara Path’s Soremsia returns. Soon, James will have to confron
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Chapter 7014
Upon uttering these words, James experienced a sudden realization. Swiftly, he withdrew the Three Flower Formation and appeared before Lesia and Yianni. “I’ve been wondering, why hasn’t the calamity descended yet? Could it be Qadeer is surveilling us by any chance?” James voiced his speculation.Yianni clasped his hands behind his back and said, “That may not be the case. The Gate of Mystery intertwines with Greater Realms’ existence. Qadeer wields control over it, yet his insight might not extend to every corner.”Casting a glance at Lesia, Yianni continued. “You can seize the opportunity to merge and improve your Supernatural Powers.”James’ eyes gleamed brightly. “Speaking of Supernatural Powers, Master. I’ve been eager to…”Before he could finish, Yianni swiftly whisked him away, engaging in combat within the void.Though not a struggle of life and death, Yianni intended to impart advanced fusion techniques to James through practical combat.Observing the blurred figures darti
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Chapter 7015
At that moment, Lesia transformed into numerous phantoms and circled the formation, quickly hastening the activation.The mysterious formation slowly rotated and emitted colorful auras, shattering the Sword Lights that attacked it.Morgott morphed into countless purple-red lights amidst the sea of Sword Lights, skillfully navigating through the gaps. After arriving behind Qadeer, Morgott reformed into his physical body.“You vile creature! Have a taste of my spear!” Morgott roared, swinging his spear at Qadeer.At the last second, Qadeer stepped to the side and grabbed the spear. However, an electric surge coursed through his body and caused him to convulse, eliciting groans of pain.“Haha! Dance for me!” Morgott laughed, then leaped onto the spear and charged at Qadeer.“Damn it!” Qadeer growled, then shattered the spear’s shaft. Just as he was about to counter, Morgott delivered a fierce palm attack.Unable to evade, Qadeer instinctively raised his hand to block, only to be for
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Chapter 7016
Hearing Morgott’s screams of agony, Lesia still felt anxious.Qadeer suddenly snorted coldly, “You’ve managed to set up a formation in the Gate of Mystery. I really underestimated you, Frona.”Lesia snapped back to reality and sneered, “Aren’t you supposed to be invincible in the Gate of Mystery? Come and try to break through it.”Qadeer laughed. “Do you think I’m as foolish as Morgottl? Stop spouting nonsense and bring out your master, or I'll make Morgott suffer a fate worse than death.”Lesia mocked, “You are truly shameless. You’re one of the Five Path Emperors, yet you…”Qadeer interrupted, “Save it. No matter how impressive the Nothingness Formation is, you won’t be able to maintain it forever.“You are all in my grasp. Why not take this chance to talk and make a deal?”Lesia said nothing, but her heart was pounding. She was worried Qadeer was confident because he knew the Nothingness Formation was suipplied by Primordial Spiritual Energy.She raised her head and observed
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Chapter 7017
Observing the intense battlefield, Lesia, situated within the void formation, clenched her fists, gripped by extreme nervousness.Yianni landed beside Lesia, and he surveyed the battlefield. His handsome countenance exuded fervour.Lesia inquired, “Can he pull it off?”Yianni put his hands behind his back and chuckled, “You were right. He is smarter and has better comprehension abilities than us.”Lesia’s tense heart felt slightly relieved. Even so, the Gate of Mystery was under Qadeer. Hence, it offered him great power and the ability to exert absolute dominance over James.James was undoubtedly at a great disadvantage.Surprisingly, James was using little of his vital energy and strength. Moreover, he was not relying heavily on the Three Treasures, and his Daeclon Mahayana Rank. Instead, he was only using the incredible speed attained through the fusion of the Terrastride Step and Dawnblaze Form.Following a moment of silence, Lesia suddenly remarked, “He refrained from using
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Chapter 7018
The next second, the lightsaber suddenly dissipated and turned into James’ figure, sitting crossed-leg. A huge holy lotus suddenly bloomed under it.The Three Treasure Formation appeared again. The outburst of Qadeer's Nothingness Dead Energy spread rapidly, colliding with the Three Treasure Formation.The Gate of Mystery was engulfed in the aftermath, causing countless cracks to appear in the space, hinting at an impending collapse.As the shockwave dissipated, Qadeer found himself tragically suspended in the void, disheveled and spitting blood.James was surrounded by nine holy lotuses, 49 golden light holy lotuses, and 81 Jade Blossom. He appeared sacred and transcendent, his eyes closed as if he had entered an unfamiliar state.Qadeer gasped, his gaze fixed on James. “What kind of sorcery is this? We’re in the Gate of Mystery. Here, I am supposed to be invincible. What kind of monster are you, James? What kind of dark magic have you delved into?”James slowly opened his eyes
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Chapter 7019
Suddenly, a loud explosion reverberated through the air as James’ Primordial Spirit clashed with the dense barrier, causing numerous cracks in it. Qadeer, barely managing to block James's ferocious assault, was once again sent flying by the ensuing shockwave.James’ Primordial Spirits launched another attack, effortlessly breaking through the barrier ahead. Then, it relentlessly chased after Qadeer, unleashing consecutive attacks.Faced with the onslaught, Qadeer was afraid to engage directly. Instead, he controlled the Gate of Mystery’s powers to continuously form barriers and deflect the attacks. However, despite his efforts, he could not withstand the unpredictable and rapid attacks. Therefore, he had no choice but to stay on defense.Qadeer could not help but feel a deep sense of humiliation at being forced into such a defensive stance. Despite his status as one of the Path Emperors and the second most powerful being in existence within the Greater Realms, he found himself strug
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Chapter 7020
James’ Primordial Spirit was about to deliver a punch but abruptly halted at the last second. Qadeer immediately seized the opportunity and escaped into the distance. He steadied himself and stared at James with a horrified expression.“Let him go,” James’ Primordial Spirit commanded with an authoritative tone.Qadeer looked at him in shock and asked, “Are you a clone, primordial spirit or the real deal?”James’ Primordial Spirit wasted no words. It raised its hand and drew in potent auras and energies from the surroundings, gathering them into a massive golden energy ball.Under Qadeer’s astonished gaze, James’ Primordial Spirit commanded the golden energy ball forward.Roar!The golden energy ball suddenly transformed into a black dragon, flying in Qadeer’s direction.Startled, Qadeer thrust both his hands forward and summoned two streams of Nothingness Dead Energy and Innate Energy to form a barrier. Unfortunately, the barrier was shattered instantly and the dragon contin
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