All Chapters of Failing Moon: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
67 Chapters
No Tomato
Jared had pulled up at exactly 6:30 to pick Josey up for the dinner outing. The sun was low in the sky and street lights were getting ready to kick on. Grabbing her sneakers, Josey headed out the door. She kept it casual in jeans and a hoodie. The weather was cooler in the evenings, and because she gets cold easily, she figured she wouldn’t get over heated. Jared was standing there, leaning in his car waiting when she came out. “Hey!” She said waving at him as she hopped and skipped, pulling her sneakers on. “Ready?” He asked her while opening the door to the car. “Sure am! Thanks for offering to take me to dinner.” She said as she slid into the black leather seat. He shut the door and got into the driver's side. “Uh yea, my pleasure! Hey, what's with all the security camera’s suddenly popping up around here? There’s a camera even pointed at your door step from the energy pole across the street.” Jared asked Josey curiously. “Oh that? It would be our not so lovely ne
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3rd Floor
“Yes, and for God's sake, why did you have to go and drag me here? I hate Italian, and I hate low lit places.” Linux whined under his breath. “Do you recognize the man she’s with?” Tarrin asked again, keeping his voice low. Taking several glances at the table, Linux could only see the back of the man's head. “Not really, when they first came in, I thought he looked familiar. Why are you asking?” Linux responded, trying to look natural and cover his mouth so his words wouldn’t carry. “Thats Jared Chaser, from Rapture Investments.” He murmured. “Oh!” Linux almost yelled, slapping the table causing his fork to fly off and clink on the floor. Tarrin shook his head at his friend. Linux quickly reached out a foot and tried scooting the fork back closer. Josey looked over towards them because of the noise and Linux froze with his leg extended out from the table. looking at the ceiling. “I can’t take you anywhere.” Tarrin commented under his breath. Suddenly he and Linux hear
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Fresh Air
“The dressing wasn’t a big deal. I could have eaten a side salad instead.” Josey said to Jarred as he rushed to start the car.“Oh, well it doesn’t matter, we will have a better time grabbing something and sitting by the beach.” Replying, Jared pasted a fake smile on. He didn’t want to tell her the real reason they left.Jared wanted to protect Josey, but at the same time, he needed to use her. He knew that back in the restaurant things looked weird, but after he confirmed with Josey that Tarrin Stormway was her new landlord, he wanted to ask his friend about the properties located around the apartments.The guy couldn’t keep his perverted mouth shut. He suggested that they take Josey out to get drunk after they eat, and then have a little fun with her before dumping her off at home. Jared didn’t mind the idea, just not with Josey.When Jared declined, his friend questioned his stature, that pissed Jared off so he punched him. So not wanting to deal with him any longer, Jared decided
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He Tripped
Tarrin lifted the phone above Josey’s head as she attempted to snatch it back. He couldn't let her call anyone because it would just draw more attention to what he was trying to do, and himself, as well.Hanging it up, he handed it back to her.“Why did you hang up!?” She yelled at him.“Calling your friend wouldn’t be wise, unless you want to explain to him why his friend is knocked out?” Tarrin challenged her, noticing her panicked expression.“You’re the one that knocked him out!” She responded, eyeing the snoring body as she put the phone back in her pocket.“Did you.. see me knock him out?” He asked as he pulled out his own phone.“ you did. Otherwise, how did he end up flat on his back, and snoring?” Josey replied, frustrated this was going nowhere.“He tripped, apparently knocking himself out.” Tarrin responded with a smug look as he shrugged his shoulders and unlocked his phone.Josey’s mouth dropped open. She started to question if that was true but didn’t buy it
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That Was Close
With the hoodie pulled up around her hands, Josey wiped at the tears. Her pride was hurt. She knew that the friend of Jared’s wasn’t sincere and really did mean to hurt her, but it didn’t matter. Tarrin’s actions still pissed her off. Going in her apartment, she noticed all the lights were off. Removing her shoes, she walked to the kitchen and flipped the light on. There was a note from Emily saying she was staying at her friend Clarrisa’s house and would be back in the morning. Emily also said she had leftovers from the get together and they were in the fridge. Being thankful to her sister, Josey grabbed a small plastic wrapped paper plate holding 2 chocolate cupcakes from the fridge. It was just what she needed after the evening she had. She was hoping Emily would be home but at least she could try calling Cece to console her. “Hi, you’ve reached the lovely Cece’s phone! Leave her a message, and if you’re lucky, she’ll return your call! ..where’s the bee..BEEP.” Josey hung up smi
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Bob and May's
Tarrin took Linux’s car and met Mara at Bob and May’s. The smell was coming from their house. He and Mara entered the front gate, as it was late and no neighbors were out. They checked out the car first. It didn’t look like it’d been drove in a week or two, a fine layer of dirt from the road next to their home had settled on it. Next, they tried the front door, but it was locked. Bob and May had a high wooden privacy fence that surrounded their back yard so Tarrin decided they should try the back door. The smell of death hit his nose hard as they got to the back door, but it wasn’t human. Nodding at Tarrin’s prompt, Mara forced the door open. She coughed and pulled her tight black t-shirt over her nose. “It’s the dog.” Tarrin whispered, walking past Mara as she came out to the yard to breath. Entering the house, even though it was dark, he could still see. He was still under the effects of the treatment serum, so his senses could be handled better. The door they entered was to the
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Familiar Face
“Hey, answer your door. Your sister told me you were home. I have something of yours you left in my car last night.” Tarrin said, lightly banging on the door. Josey couldn’t move. Wondering if the malt liquor was spiked and gave her false memories, she could have sworn she called and text Cece last night after she was home. The knock came again so she straightened herself and went to the door. “Can I help you? Do you realize how early it is? It’s not even breakfast time yet and you’re here banging on my door.” Josey said, snapping at him. Tarrin tilted his head at her like a dog would when trying to figure out what a human is going on about. He pulled out Josey’s phone and clicked the side button and stuck it in front of her face. Josey went to grab it but not before she realized it read 11:30am. “I didn’t know you took your breakfast this late, my apologies.” Tarrin responded with a smirk. Josey could feel her cheeks flush with embarrassment. “Oh, well, I do..on.. Sundays! Just
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Moved Picture
Sticking her ear to the door, Josey listened. She wasn’t sure what she expected to hear, but could only hear a faint mumbling before silence. Walking to living room, she set her phone on the coffee table and plopped down on the couch. Sitting there for a few minutes, she only stared at her phone. With thoughts racing through her head, Josey sat forward and unlocked it. She had no unread messages, but when she saw one from Cece this morning, she knew, something wasn’t right. Her friend's message had been read., stumping her even more. Letting the phone slip from her hand to the table with a thud, she shook her head and grabbed her hair letting out a small scream of frustration. “Okay, I’m not crazy, but let's say I did leave you in his car, let’s say that the message I sent Cece was done on our way last night to the apartment. I could have asked her then what she was up to. I can accept that, but who read you TODAY. I didn’t.” Pointing at her phone and back at herself, the phone ju
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Josey wasn’t about to betray Agatha for giving her the number. She didn’t answer his question and went straight to the point, “I need your help. I think someone broke in my apartment! Can you meet me today so I can look at the security camera recordings from last night? I promise I won't take long.” Tarrin narrowed his eyes on the other end of the phone. He didn’t think it was possible she knew he had carried her in and took her phone. “Yes, of course, I can be at the office in about 20 minutes, will that work? You should call the police to meet us there also.” Hearing his response, Josey started to question her sanity all over again. If they called the police, and the cameras did show Tarrin going into her apartment, she knew she would be getting him in trouble when all she wanted was an honest answer. If footage didn’t show anyone other than her, going in, somehow, that was a whole other worry. “I would rather wait, uh..because..I had a bit to drink last night, after you dro
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Uncle Rex
Hanging up his phone, Tarrin shook his head. “Should I ask?” Mara questioned. “No, but I guess I better be more careful. She wanted to see the camera footage from last night. I called her bluff, but she is a lot smarter than I thought.” He said, removing the lab coat he was wearing. “I meant the about the dog, not the girl.” Mara responded with a bit of laughter in her voice. “Oh, uh, yea, it will be fine now. Go help Linux clean up and ask him to give you a ride home. I want to go see my uncle before tomorrow's meeting.” He responded, trying to quickly change the subject.. “Fine, tell uncle Rex I send hugs.” The sarcasm in Mara’s voice reminded him that his uncle and Mara had a love hate relationship. Even though the old man raised her from a young age, and gave her everything she ever wanted, he was still really hard on her to make her tough. He used her as a tool to help protect Tarrin, and he hated it. Tarrin shouted a quick bye to Linux through the operating doors a
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