All Chapters of Failing Moon: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
67 Chapters
No Way
The dizziness was starting to lessen as Josey headed to the breakroom. Her head and nose still hurt, but she didn’t dare take the day off. Opening the fridge, she went back to wondering who the woman was and why Tarrin was so affected by her., even though it was none of her business. “Just worry about yourself, Josephine,” she whispered and grabbed a bottle of water. As she walked back to the office, Tarrin opened the door inward and wouldn’t look at her, “I’m heading out for the day. If any calls come in, forward them to Mara if you can’t handle them. Also, email me a copy of the notes you typed up, and I will review them and send back my response to anything needed.” Josey nodded and handed him the water. “You keep it,” was all he said before heading to the elevator. Josey stood there for a moment facing his office door and then returned to her desk. Trying to focus on work, she opened her email and noticed she had over thirty emails from just 20 minutes ago. Taking a de
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Tarrin had stalled the elevator long enough to give Josey time to head out of the building before exiting it and making the woman leave. She was a nightmare from his past, and it only took the threat of embarrassment in the building’s lobby to get her to leave. Luckily, Olana, the nightmare and daughter of the powerful cosmetics corporation FaceIT, left right as Mara was coming in. Tarrin quickly met up with her. “Head to security and do me a favor, check the cameras and make sure Olana left.” Mara just looked at Tarrin a moment and headed for the exit with sheer determination to kill on her face. Tarrin reached and grabbed Mara’s arm, “Mara, stop!” There were very few people that late in the large lobby entrance, but Tarrin lowered his voice. “You’ll only provoke her. I can’t stop her from coming on the premises, or Rex will have my ass. If you go after her and cause a scene, he will have your ass. The CEO of FaceIT is her father, who is friends with our uncle, remember?”
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The Coat
Josey lay in the living room late into the night. Her sister had come home and needed to study for a test, so Josey gave her the bedroom, figuring she couldn’t fall asleep and Emily would end up passed out with her nose in a book. The coat thing was still bothering her, so she checked the time and decided it wasn’t too late to text Jared. “Thank you, but you don’t need to buy me something so expensive. The coat is beautiful, but I could never afford to pay you back, so please swing by and pick it up when you can.” Before she could set her phone down, it chimed with a response. “?? Sorry, what coat?” Josey sat up and decided to call him. When he answered, she quickly said, “The coat you left on my doorstep, Jared, it’s too much. You don’t need to buy something as an apology. There isn’t anything to apologize for.” Even though he had been weird lately, she didn’t think an apology gift was necessary. “Sorry, but I didn’t buy you a coat. I had stopped by to bring flowers as an apo
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The older man stepped forward and shook Mara’s hand, “Nice to meet you, my, your tall! My daughter is also very tall. Good for you!” Josey smiled at the comment he gave Mara, and then the older man turned to her and shook her hand but didn’t let go. Instead, he put his other hand over Josey’s and said quietly, “I remember you. Your parents used to bring you here a lot as a child. I heard what happened. I’m so very sorry, dear.” Josey’s eyes almost filled up with tears. She glanced at Tarrin, who was watching, so she tried to play it professionally, “Thank you, I appreciate that.” He just smiled and nodded before turning back to head inside. Josey didn’t remember him, but she was very young when she would come here and run between the rows of flowers, laughing as her mom would chase her. They were sweet memories she kept on a special shelf in her heart. When they all went inside, Josey noticed the place was very warm, and cushions were on the floor around a large square wooden ta
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Jealous, Maybe
Tarrin had full intention of explaining to Josey that she was foolish in assuming he was acting that way because of his personal life. However, after he followed her through the plastic flaps, and stopped in his tracks. The sight of Josey crouched down petting a little dog as the sunlight coming through the glass panes around them took his breath away. His vision was keener than usual, and while the sunshine hit her face just right when she smiled, Tarrin couldn’t take his eyes off her. She looked like an angel, with her hair dangling loosely and the smooth edges of her white teeth noticeable as she laughed playfully with the small dog. Tarrin noticed the shade difference in each eyelash as the light danced on her smooth porcelain skin. Josey cooed at the dog, “Oh my, you’re just so stinking cute. What are you doing out here alone?” “Dumb dog doesn’t know to find somewhere to get warm.” Tarrin watched as she rolled her eyes and stood up. “Dogs aren’t dumb. Sometimes they don’t kn
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What He Said
They arrived back at the Terrace Pharmaceutical building. Mara stopped the car at the entrance, “I’ll let you two out here and park the car.” Tarrin nodded from the back seat as the attendant in front of the building opened the door for him. Getting out, Tarrin was suddenly dizzy and sat back in the seat. His hearing was on a rampage, and he could even smell the scent of the greenhouse dog on Josey. Reaching in his pocket, he said to Mara, “I need a minute,” then to Josey, “Go ahead and head up to the office.” Josey looked at him with her hand on the door, “Are you okay, Mr. Stormway? You look very pale!” Suddenly, before he could get the pill out of the small plastic case, Tarrin passed out. Josey caught his body and laid his head on her lap. “Mr. Stormway?” She said, panicking, patting his cheeks. Then, looking toward Mara, she yelled, “What do we do!?” Mara quickly shifted the car into park and got out, walking around the car to the attendant. “Mr. Stormway is exhausted. He
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Pants Down
“Sorry, he’s normally not as useless,” Mara said to Josey, smiling at her innocently. Linux huffed, picking back up the syringe and vial before extracting a tiny amount of clear liquid into the syringe. “Is it going to hurt him?” Josey asked. “No, he’ll barely even feel it. Now, the thing is, it has to be injected in his, um, bum. So can you reach down and try to loosen his belt for me?” Mara didn’t react, but Josey stared at him, unsure of what he had just asked. “Do what?” Linux cleared his throat, “I need his belt loosened so I can pull his pants down. The injection has to be done in his,” Linux pointed to a butt cheek, “I’m sorry.” Josey shook her head, “No, find another way! I’d rather stay like this than do, do THAT!” “Look, if I could do it, I would. I’m just asking you to loosen his belt. I’ll pull the pants down.” Josey shook her head, “No, even if you ARE pulling his pants, er, down, he will still be laying against me, but pant less!” Mara snickered and covered her
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On Second Thought
Tarrin was about to leave the bedroom, but thoughts on how he acted fighting off the wolf mutation in front of Josey made him think twice. It also helped that Linux spoke up, giving Tarrin a good excuse not to go down yet. “Before you go down to secure your pride, you need blood drawn. The mutation it’s getting stronger, Tarrin, and even though I may crack a joke here and there, it is dire. In the last five days, several things have happened I noticed that aren’t its normal pattern. The full moon is this weekend, now is the best time to get it under control. Besides, if you want to keep it from messing with your future love life, it’s best to teach it who the boss is.” Hearing the halfhearted seriousness in Linux’s voice, Tarrin nodded in agreement. “I shouldn’t see her right now anyway, so I’ll wait for you in the lab.” “Sounds good. Mara will be taking her back to the office anyway. When she leaves, I’ll be down,” Linux responded. Downstairs in the kitchen, Mara had whipped up
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Their Story
Looking at the number he didn’t recognize, Tarrin answered cautiously, “Hello?” “Ah, Mr. Stormway? This is Detective Ranier from the homicide division. I was asked to call you if I had any development in the case regarding Robert and May Hathens. Detective Ombre gave me your number. Are you available to meet today?” Tarrin shot Linux a questioning look, and his friend nodded. “Yeah, today will be fine.” “Good, I’m down at the precinct. Let’s do 2:30?” Tarrin nodded and answered into the phone, “That works.” Hanging up, Tarrin looked at the time. He had an hour to meet the detective. “Do me a favor, head over to my office, and keep an eye on Josey. I’ll have Mara take me.” “Awe, you never let me join in on the exciting stuff, and WHY do I have to keep an eye on your secretary? She can keep an eye on herself!” Tarrin finished pulling off the medical tape from the IV and replied, “Just do it. This is serious, if that homicide detective has anything useful in finding Bob and Ma
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Unhappily Stuck
Josey felt sorry for Tarrin after hearing what happened between him and his ex, but she was relieved they were no longer together and also angry that someone could be so judgmental. “Kinda pisses you off, doesn’t it?” Linux’s question snapped Josey out of her thoughtful stare, and she nodded, “Yeah, it does. I mean, it’s not like he is bedridden or has some crazy disease. I kinda feel sorry for him.” Linux choked on his water and shook his head, “Oh, don’t let him hear you say you feel bad for him. I wasn’t kidding when I said he was touchy about it.” Josey nodded, “Okay, I won’t, sorry. But, at least he made something of himself and can do better.” Linux smiled, “Yes, yes he can. So, what do you think about him?” “Me? I think he’s okay as a human being. He is rough around the edges, rather bossy and pushy, and I know he does things to irritate me on purpose. Mr. Stormway can be arrogant and confusing too. Other than that, as I said, he’s okay,” she shrugged with her response an
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