All Chapters of Failing Moon: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
67 Chapters
Weekend Cap
Tarrin stopped in the foyer when the butler came out holding the cup of milk for him, with extra chocolate.“Leaving already?” His butler flashed a look of disappointment as Tarrin nodded. “Yea, sorry, can you make it to go?” He asked sheepishly while slipping back on his shoes. “Boy acts as if he still lives here.” He heard the old man grumble as he went back to the kitchen to get Tarrin the chocolate milk in new cup. Once the old butler brought him the to go cup, they said their goodbyes. Walking out into the chilly night air, Tarrin took a deep breath and looked up towards the moon. It wouldn’t be long and the soft hay colored glow would be in full circle while he was locked up for the night. He felt a twinge of longing to see the moon when it was full, Tarrin couldn't remember what it looked like, even if he caught a glimpse after the wolf came out, he still forgets by morning.Josey had woken to the sound of Emily finally coming home. “I’m here, sorry I’m late! You would not
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Charts Don't Lie
While Josey and her sister were getting settled into their beds, they laughed talked about Emily’s weekend with her friend Clarissa and this made Josey feel better about her crappy weekend by knowing her sister was happy. “I bet the view was breath taking!” Josey said, staring at her ceiling and listening in earnest to her sister’s voice. “Well, you’d know for yourself Jo if you would come with us sometimes. The air is fresher up there and you can see for miles.” Emily responded pointedly. Josey knew Emily didn’t remember that when they were young, their mother and father would take them to the base of the mountain and ride a rail car up while sipping warm drinks in the fall. She felt it was better that Emily didn’t remember, but it was hard for Josey to ever go back. “I know, maybe one of these days I will join you and drag Cece along. I really could use the exercise anyway.” Trying to keep the mood happy, Josey let go of the memory. “You’ll get it hiking with us, that’s for
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Great Offer
“Now this is just an observation, and I am just saying from an outside perspective, but could it be that girl, what’s her name? Josey? She seems to be getting you riled up?” Linux raised his arms to cover his face, expecting Tarrin to react with violence. Tarrin just looked up and gently smiled at Linux, but the moment Linux dropped his arms, he smacked his friend on the head with the clip holding the charts. “Ouch! Why’d you smack me!?” Linux yelped, rubbing his head. “Because, you asked for it, and no, this has nothing to do with her. You can just forget that idea.” Tarrin replied defensively, not wanting to admit it. After some incoherent grumbling from Linux as he unhooked Tarrin from the treatment IV, they headed back upstairs. Walking out to the living room from the office, they noticed Mara was standing, facing the tv. “Hey, you guys better come take a look at this.” Mara said as she grabbed the remote and turned the tv up. It was a late night news broadcast covering an
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A Double Reflection
Holding on to her smile, she entered through the rotating glass doors. The text she received Friday said she could head straight to the 4th floor for HR, but she noticed the line of badge scanners she didn’t realize were there before, when she came for the interview the other day. The only way around them was to pass by the reception desk and she didn’t want to deal with explaining herself. Trying to act natural she walked up to one of the scanners. Pulling out the visitor badge she still had, she tried that first. It didn’t make a sound so she tried again and still nothing. Josey even tried scanning it upside down then waving it back and forth, still the machine wouldn’t acknowledge it. “What is wrong with this thing?” Whispering the question, she noticed the red button above the little dark glass covering the laser. Josey assumed if she wasn’t supposed to touch it, it would be labeled as such, so she went for it. Mashing the button, hard, she suddenly realized it was
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His Perspective
Tarrin received a text from his uncle saying he was unfortunately running a few minutes late but would meet him at the company entrance. It was a power pull used to support Tarrin because his uncle Rex technically owned Terrace Pharmaceuticals, but as head of the board and CEO, Tarrin took over. “For being so strict, he sure doesn't mind bending the rules.” Tarrin complained from the back seat. Mara woke Tarrin up earlier than normal because of the meeting this afternoon, so he wasn’t in the best of moods. “I take it uncle Rex is running late per usual?” Mara asked, sliding in the driver's seat. “Yea. Hey, what was the point of me getting here early then?” He looked up from his phone with a death threat look on his face at Mara. “Hold your horses, and save your grumpy pants for Rex, he texted me and said you had a briefing this morning with HR, regarding your new assistant. He didn’t want you pushing this one off to some far-off office to read safety manuals.” She replied, givin
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Laugh in Room
“Ah, glad to see Mara did her job.” His uncle said to Tarrin as walked over to greet him. “Yes, well, I hadn’t planned on such an early arrival, but I will say it had its benefits.” He responded putting on a fake smile. Tarrin was nervous, with what just happened with the scanners and Josey being locked in the security room, he played along to keep things going smoothly. “Good, the meeting will be on the 12th floor, they have better coffee. I will have one of my assistants brief you prior, say around 10?” His uncle asked, knowing full well Tarrin was already aware when and where the meeting was. “10? That should work. I have some paper work to wrap up before the meeting and I will need to stop by HR, so, till then.” Tarrin quickly nodded at his uncle and headed back towards the room where he was hiding Josey. Instead of going to the door she was locked behind, he entered the one right next to it. It was a small room that was made for interrogation observation. He had stuck
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The Walkthrough
The door opened, and in stepped Mara, to Josey’s surprise. “Oh, hello. Can I please go now?” “Uh, I’m not sure. Why are you in here to begin with?” Mara responded, eyeing Josey curiously. “Beats me! Mr. Stormway didn’t believe I was here for my first day of work. He was supposed to check and let me go. Once he finds out I wasn’t lying, he better apologize!” Mara laughed as she shut the door and sat at the table across from Josey. “Tarrin? Apologize? Good luck.” Josey gave her a small smile and shrug. She didn’t want to take what happened out on Mara, if she was nice. They sat there in silence for a few minutes looking around the room uncomfortably before Josey spoke up. “Is he always that pushy?” Mara looked at Josey and grinned, “Yes, always. I mean, don’t get me wrong, he has good intentions, but the manner in which he approaches them, are usually not to someone’s liking. That’s what makes him a good boss.” “Ah, I see.” Silence returned a moment before Mara spoke this t
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To Answer or Not
Mrs. Averret opened the supply closet and stepped in. “Now, everything you should need is in here. Computer paper, pens, envelopes, you name it, it’s in here, somewhere. Oh, and if you have any issues with the computer or the phone, you will have to put a work order in. The easiest way to do that is with a work form and I will show you those.” Josey stepped in and looked at the shelves of paper and supplies in disarray, the place was a mess but she just nodded and continued writing. They stepped out HR lady closed the door behind her before walking over to the copy machine by the office door. “This is the only copier on this floor, so you will need to knock before you enter during business hours when you need to use it. It is actually a multi-function machine, scans, faxes, even staples if need be. He rarely uses it, so it’s good that someone will finally be able to appreciate it.” Josey watched as she explained all the buttons and displays, and wrote the information down.
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The Connection
Tarrin was looking through the paperwork his uncle sent him regarding the capital investment meeting towards the afternoon. However, his focus was interrupted by Josey every few minutes as his mind started to wonder about her. He kept peeking out the glass to see her working on the computer. He didn’t want an assistant, he felt he didn’t even need one because he could just do all the work needed from home. Unless something occurred in the lab there really was no need for him to be there. His cell phone buzzed drawing his attention and it was Mara calling him. “Yes?” “How’s the newbie doing as your assistant?” Tarrin rolled his eyes at her question. “So, were you able to find anything out?” Mara cleared her throat before answering, “Yea, but you're not going to believe it.” Tarrin felt success before even hearing Mara answer, he figured it had to be something bad and maybe it would give him a good reason to push the old lady in HR to reassign or even terminate the contract. “I
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Unusual Beat
Mara was quiet for a moment then responded, “Yes. He’s known since this morning.” Tarrin swore under his breath. It was too late to come up with a decent reason to keep her, he thought, before changing his mind again, feeling maybe it was actually better this way. He heard his uncle say something again before Mara relayed it, “I am to inform you that you are to not let her out of your sight. He wants to meet with Josey at his home sometime this week because she is the only key to what was lost in the warehouse.” Tarrin closed his eyes and took a deep breath and brought his other hand down hard on the desk in frustration. “Are you fucking serious?” Mara said something to his uncle before responding but it was faint and then his uncle got loud enough for Tarrin to hear him before Mara relayed in a gentler way rather than what the older man said. “Your uncle says yes, he is very serious, so serious that instead of the wolf mutation occurring every full moon, he will find a wa
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