All Chapters of Failing Moon: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
67 Chapters
Everyone's Notes
When Tarrin came out of his office and said, “Let’s go.” Josey could only nod. She still felt the embarrassment and sting of his words from earlier and didn’t want to face him. Grabbing her pen and notebook she suddenly heard the grumbling of a stomach, but she wasn’t sure if it was hers or his. Josey had sent Cece an email apologizing for skipping out on their lunch date, but was ultimately regretting it as she realized it was hers making the noise. Josey noticed Tarrin glance back at her as she followed him. Worried her stomach would cause him to scold her again, she silently promised stomach it could have whatever it wanted, if it would just chill out on the noise. They stood by the elevator in silence for a moment. “Umm, what floor are we going to?” She spoke quietly stealing a glance of his side profile. “We aren’t going to any floor. They are coming here. If you would have reviewed my emails better, you would know that. I am only standing here to greet them. As eac
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After Thought
“Exactly that. The point of this meeting was information, information on how each individual present’s themselves, their strengths, weaknesses. I want word for word what everyone said. From the first letter to the last goodbye, if you kept good notes, like an assistant should, then this shouldn’t be an issue.” Tarrin knew what he was asking for, and enjoyed watching her squirm. He remembered every syllable, every hand gesture and even the food particles that fell on their suites. He wasn’t a normal human like everyone knew him to be and uncle Rex acting as his father was only the surface to his secrets. Waiting for her response, he continued to pretend he was looking over the documents on his desk. Minute passed and he finally looked up and seen that she was no longer standing at his desk but had left the office and closed the doors quiet enough he didn’t notice. Looking at her through the window as she furiously typed away at her desk, Tarrin grinned. With his stomach full from th
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Got Pens?
Josey sat at her desk finally feeling relaxed. She waited 5 minutes before yelling out loud to the emptiness of the office. “Exactly, yes, information. Yes, I need to know. Oh, it’s soo important to know which golf club is the newest and greatest that only the richest can afford.” Josey’s vocal tirade about Tarrin’s request was interrupted by the elevator dinging. Quickly adjusting herself in her chair and sitting straight, she tried to look engrossed in work. She peeked at the elevator, expecting to see Tarrin walk out, but it was Mara. Mara smile and nodded at her and walked up to Tarrin’s office door. “He in?” Josey shook her head no. “He said he has to step out earlier and left me with your number in case of emergency.” Josey slightly shrugged her shoulders. “Ah, okay. How’s things going for you so far?” Josey smiled at Mara with gritted teeth and answered cheerfully. “Just great! He’s already put me to work on a really important task,” she said somewhat sarcastically
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Day 1
Shutting off the main lights, Josey took a deep breath while she waited for the elevator. Once she was in, she pushed the button for the main floor and leaned back. She thought her first day hadn’t been difficult, but she still felt worn out. Josey wasn't sure who sent the food, but she was grateful. Stepping out of the elevator on the main floor, she was surprised to see Jared leaning against the wall in front of her. He smiled upon seeing her, and she smiled back, “Hey, what are you still doing here? It’s already getting close to 7.” “I was in the area, so I figured I could give you a ride home.” “Oh, thanks!” She followed Jared towards the exit to the large building but stopped as something caught her eye. Josey stared at the small cluster of plants over by the customer service desk. She noticed the backside of some guy staring at the wall, with blonde colored hair, but she didn’t recognize him, and he wasn’t what caught her attention anyway. Josey could have also swor
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Bodies Found
Tarrin had left the lab with the intent of returning to the office but caught Mara in the elevator coming down. “I figured you were hiding here.” Tarrin chuckled and pushed the down button, deciding he’d leave his intention to go to the office for later. “Yea, Linux had a nice little surprise,” he pulled out the small plastic case, “new pills to keep my heart rate regular I guess, in case of emergencies.” “Nice, you’ll need them.” Tarrin looked at her suspiciously, “What do you mean I will need them?” “Ha, nothing. Hey, do you know your assistant is still upstairs, all alone, working? Don’t drive this one away!” “Why? It’s not like you have things to do. I was getting along just fine before when you did everything.” Mara nodded in agreement, “True, but I think, with all the extra time on my hands, I could start a hobby, like knitting, reading, or sipping coffee at a coffee shop. I’m just saying be nice. She seems like a good girl.” Tarrin didn’t know he was smiling wh
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A Tearful Surprise
The gift was a picture of her and Emily, when they were younger. Josey remembered that day, when they were with their mom and aunt, it was a beautiful memory, sitting on a bench in the park, wearing matching outfits and eating ice cream. “Oh Em, where did you find this picture?” Josey looked at her sister with tears, her chest heavy with emotion. “I found it the day we moved from auntie’s house, before she moved over seas. She told me to keep it, so I did, waiting for a good time to give it to you.” Josey lost it, and started crying as she got to the floor to hug her sister. Only seconds later Cece joined them and all three were sitting on the floor sobbing. “Thank you, both of you, this is the best party ever.” The started drying the tears when Cece’s phone suddenly rang. “Hello? What!? Okay, give me about 10 minutes, I’ll be there.” Josey looked at her friend, concerned, “Everything okay?” “I gotta go, apparently there is smoke coming from the apartment two doo
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Just Speculation
After Tarrin explained everything to Linux, who had his own input and speculations, he settled into bed and grabbed the laptop off his nightstand wanting to check the security cameras at Moon Terrace but, most importantly, Josey’s apartment door.A knock sounded on his bedroom door, and he grumbled, feeling interrupted when he logged into the security cameras.“Come in.”Linux peeked his head in, “Hey, I am going with Mara to get meat tomorrow, and no, she doesn’t know you asked me to go.”Tarrin doubted that. She pretty much guessed it earlier when they talked.“Okay, and?”Linux stepped in and started fidgeting, “Well, since I am doing you this favor, how about bringing me along to your uncle's Thursday?”Tarrin looked up from his laptop, “Why?”“Well, I have some ideas about controlling your change and wanted to discuss them with him. Since your uncle is a genius in biochemistry, I need some input on some chemicals from him.”Linux smiled big, and Tarrin narrowed his eyes.“What, ch
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Both Linux and Mara nodded at Tarrin’s rational explanation. “Though that does make more sense, it still doesn’t add up in the end because I am certain the owner of Brightstone would not take the chance of burning down a building that my uncle was using. Unless they were led by the leash or threatened.” Linux and Mara nodded in unison before Mara spoke, “Either way, it’s all tied. It has to be. I will see uncle this week and bug him for more details.” “No need. You can join us on Thursday. Since he wants to meet my assistant under the guise of an informal meeting, it only makes sense for you to be there.” “That's fine. Well, I am going to bed. Linux, you crashing here again?” “Maybe. Why?” Mara grinned evilly, “Good, you can make breakfast!” She turned away quickly and headed to her room before Linux could protest. “No fair!” Tarrin chuckled, “See, that’s what you get for eating her favorite snacks. Anyway, I’m heading to bed now, also. Clean your mess up.” Tarrin h
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Pet Names
Tarrin got out as the attendant opened the door, “Mara, this afternoon, make sure you and Linux make it over to the,” he glanced at the attendant and bent down to talk through the window, “market, today.” Mara rolled her eyes and drove off to park the car. Once inside, Tarrin hurriedly went to the service desk to check for deliveries. He knew Josey probably forgot that duty. Carrying the packets of mail, he walked over to the elevator. A group of employees standing nearby started whispering, “Did you see who got out of the CEO’s car this morning, the contract employee,” one of them said, and another responded, “I know. Who is she? She isn’t very attractive. Maybe she begged him to give her a ride? Figures.” Tarrin glanced at them and realized three women were standing there giving him googly eyes. He smiled slightly and nodded before staring back at the elevator door. Again they started whispering as Tarrin watched the numbers go up and down on the elevator. “He’s so handso
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Office Access
The sound of Josey’s voice brought him out of the horrible past he was reliving. The phone call had triggered memories he’d wished he’d forgotten. “Um, Mr. Stormway?” Josey knocked on the office door and peeked in to see Tarrin standing between her and the desk holding his phone. The look on his face was like he’d just seen a ghost. Whispering, “Sorry to interrupt,” she crept past him but stopped when he firmly grabbed her arm. “Please, stand there for a moment.” She heard his voice tremble and responded softly, “Okay.” She looked at the folder in her hand, only wanting to set it on his desk. Josey suddenly worried that he stopped her because he was upset she interrupted his phone call. Peeking over her shoulder, she could see he’d lowered his phone, and the faint sound of a woman could be heard yelling from it, “Tarrin! Why are you ignoring me?” Josey watched as he lowered his face, staring at the carpet. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt. I figured this investm
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