All Chapters of Claimed by the Alphas: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
76 Chapters
Bob? Bill? Larry?
Lenox povAs we walk away from the little piece of paradise, I wonder how ignorant that fool is. He's grinning like he just saw his first sunrise, and sadly, he can't notice everything wrong with this situation. "That friend of yours isn't a friend," I mutter to check his reaction. Either he's blissfully stupid, or he's pretending. It doesn't matter which one it is because sooner or later, he will pay the price of his doings. Not that I want to warn this moron about everything Fenton could and most likely will do, but the least I can do to get more information is to come somewhat clean. First, when I decided to follow Luka, I thought he left because of me, because of the words I never meant. Yet, of all the possibilities, kidnapping wasn't one I considered as I roamed the woods. But now that I have enough information to put facts together, I slowly start accepting the seriousness of this shitstorm. The only thing I truly fear is the possible consequences. If I don't find Luka bef
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Where is Luka? And Lenox?
Sarah pov“Lazarus Vincent, you are a dead man walking!” I scream at the top of my lungs as soon as I step out of the darn building. The nurses kept fussing about how I’m not allowed to leave the premises and try to find my husband, but I’ll be damned if I miss a chance to catch him red-handed. Excuse after excuse flooded in whenever I asked for him. Even when some of the nurses had to leave the hospital and look for him – the man had balls big enough to dismiss my pleas for him. Just like in an old tale – if the mountain won’t come to me, I will walk to the damn mountain. In this case, however, the mountain in question is dangerously close to losing the things he loves the most. A body part less or more, who cares? I don’t. But he will. “Please, let us help you get back to your room. You can’t leave yet, we don’t know if it’s safe for you to walk around,” one of the nurses jumps in front of me. Haven’t these women figured out that I’m stubborn enough to ignore their words jus
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Other than a proof of ownership, what is that mark?
Sarah pov“They want us to mark you.” All I can do is stare at his lips and hope he will repeat the same thing, and somehow, his lips will move in a different way to prove I’m hearing things. Mark me. What the actual hell?I get it, marking is important, but given my past and the things the triplets found out about me – if anyone, Lazarus should understand how I might feel about such a possibility. And above that, how does the Council have so much power over three Alphas, ruling the biggest pack known to shifters, to demand something?Aren’t they getting ahead of themselves? Won’t anyone ask the triplets if that’s what they want? Won’t they ask for my opinion?I shake my head in denial and clear my throat. “Excuse me, could you repeat that?” My voice breaks mid-sentence as my heart starts racing even faster. Lazarus brings his hand to his face and pinches the bridge of his nose as he lets out a deep, frustrated breath. “They want us to mark you,” he repeats the exact words, and to
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Your brother’s blood.
Lazarus povI leave the room. But not because Sarah told me to, I do it because I want to. Alright, maybe, just a tiny bit maybe because she told me to go.More arguments are the last thing we need right now. With Luka and Lenox technically going missing, we should try to stay closer, as a family. Her reaction seems a bit unjustified. I know the importance of communication when it comes to Sarah, but I also don’t feel like we should be completely transparent with each other. Yes, that would be for the best, but then again, what’s the harm of a little white lie? Besides, if I try to hide something – I do it for her good. In no way am I intending to hurt her, quite the opposite. Laying out the truth might sound like the best thing in her books, but she just gave birth, God damn it. On top of that, she was in a life-threatening state just hours ago. I can’t dump all that information on her shoulders as if it won’t affect her. Are my attempts to protect her really that bad of an ide
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I’m a Barbie girl in a Barbie world.
Lenox pov Shit. Fuck. Chickenshit fucksticks! How in the hell did we get here? Like seriously, I’m missing my daily tea party with the fucking devil because of this bullshit. I pinch the bridge of my nose and groan, just like Laz would in moments of great stress. Honestly, no idea why he does this because shit isn’t helping the rising frustration to fade. Someone’s about to die, and I don’t care who’s the damn victim for as long as I get to taste the blood and enjoy it dripping down my fingers. Speaking of which, I think I have an idea. “Well, asshole, you better get yourself together because we have places to be, chainsaws to play with, and bitches to kill. I’m a Barbie girl in a Barbie world and all that bullshit; I’m sure you’re catching my vibe.” I poke the guy in the gut and wink at him. One thing I love about criminals is how clueless and stupid they get once they swim deeper into my imaginary ocean and meet a fish much bigger and way more dangerous than themselves.
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Think about the baby.
Sarah pov I know I was too harsh with Lazarus, but sometimes, that’s exactly how I must be to get my point across with the triplets. I never intended to make him feel like there’s no trust in our relationship, yet if that’s how I came across when I spoke my mind, I will deal with the consequences. I just wish they would understand why I’m so adamant to keep open communication with them. Right now, all I want is to stay close to my little miracle and see all of her dads next to us. We’re a family, so we should act like one. I wonder how Seth would feel about the mess if she were to find out about how secretive her sons are. Of course, they do this only behind her back to ensure their mother won’t intervene. As a heavy sigh leaves me, someone knocks on the door and doesn’t wait for me to invite them in to open it. Speak of the devil; it’s the one and only, Seth. My eyes follow her as she slides inside the room, hiding something behind her back. “Hey, what are you hiding?” I get st
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I can’t be held in the dark.
Sarah pov “What kind of issues?” I raise an eyebrow at Seth as she awkwardly glances at Than. This can’t be good. Seth is a woman of grace and power, and I don’t know anyone who’s more confident in themselves than she is. The only thing Than does is clear his throat and shrug his shoulders while Seth still seeks some support from the demon. Yeah, if they thought I wasn’t suspicious of their behaviour earlier, I definitely am now. I mean, how do they expect me to react if both are acting so strange? Besides, whenever she describes her son’s doings as ‘dealing with some issues, the whole thing is bound to end up in disaster. I roll my eyes at the adults that clearly act like toddlers and clear my throat to catch their attention. “I am not leaving unless I get details. Chop, chop, spit them out.” Although my voice is stern, I feel like I might burst out in laughter any second now. The looks on their faces are priceless, and if I had a camera, I would make sure to keep this moment
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Childish games.
Than pov Oh no, the woman is looking at me. No, to describe the feeling more precisely, I need to find other words. If I had a soul, she would be staring right at it, tearing it apart and squeezing out any juices she could get out of it. That’s exactly how Sarah’s gaze looks. And that wicked smirk? Shit, it reminds me of all the things I feared about her. Sure, I’m bigger and stronger, but, fuck me, some women can inflict so much more damage than a man ever could. And so it happens that my lovely Goddess has a few things in common with her daughter-in-law. The stare would be one. The ability to burn the world to ashes just because they were bored would be another. The need to castrate a man because he refuses to give out a piece of information is another talent both of them surely have. I glance at Seth, seeking the much-needed support, but she’s looking away. Wasn’t she the one who pulled me into this mess? Why must I be the one who deals with the aftermath? I clear my th
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I didn’t fall. I escaped.
Luka pov I follow Fenton’s steps, but I can’t stop his words from echoing in my mind. I know he’s talking about something, possibly explaining important details, but I can’t force myself to pay attention. Than claimed God is dead, and here is this man claiming God is lost. Not only that, apparently, God is a she. If I thought our life was messed up earlier, now, it seems like an entire rollercoaster ride. A wild one with loops and surprises no one could predict. I want to figure out why all of this is happening. It can’t be that some trees suddenly grew out of nowhere and decided that my brother or his child could be the only key to close that gate of evil. No, there has to be more. There has to be someone who stands behind creating this mess and watches us try to solve the mystery. “Fenton?” I call his name, stopping his rant mid-sentence. “Hmm?” He hums, still heading forward. I assumed he might stop and give me a moment to ask the question, but I suppose criminal minds t
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They, they both are working against me.
Lazarus pov I don’t know where to look, what to do, or think anymore. There are so many issues surfacing around us that one person can't possibly deal with all that alone. Not only both of those morons are still God knows where, and one of them left their blood behind, but also there’s the issue with Sarah. Oh, did I forget to mention that my mother arrived, and her puppy of a demon followed hot on her heels? I already dismissed my men, and now, I’m enjoying the well-deserved moment of silence and privacy. The thing is that I know, for a fact, the blood the trackers found is there for a reason. My brothers might be injured, but both are too smart to leave any trail after they left the place. My guess is that Luka left it there for Lenox to find him. Or I would hope so. If Lenox was the one who did it – well, shit. One detail about my youngest brother is that he refuses to do blood tests when doctors demand those. While Luka and I agree to yearly tests, just to ensure we’r
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