All Chapters of Claimed by the Alphas: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
76 Chapters
The worst dream I ever had.
Lenox pov Okay, so I didn’t get to see chihuahua faes attack the moron, but that doesn’t mean I won’t find some other way to have some fun around this guy. So far, the best I could think of is telling scary stories, and what’s even better is that this dude inhales each word like it’s true. “No! You can’t be serious!” He gasps, adding a step to his stride to keep up with me. I chuckle at his enthusiasm and turn to wink at him, “I’m serious, buddy. That’s how it is. If you don’t believe me, you can ask others, and they will stand by my words.” I place a hand over my heart as if I’m swearing to someone’s grave. I could. To Sarah’s father’s grave, but I have no idea where he’s buried, so that might be a waste of time and words. “But why didn't they find the killer yet? Do you think he’s still out there? What if we run into him?” The dimwit next to me looks around frantically. I can’t. He’s looking if there aren’t any serial killers. Shrugging my shoulders, I stare ahead and
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I'm on my period.
Felix povThis guy is mental. And I wish I could say he’s just slightly crazy; no, he’s not even close to anything I could call slightly. As we walk deeper into the woods, he starts talking about some personal shit. First, he decides to share information about his hobbies and favourite colour, and now, for the last five minutes, he talks about his plans. Honestly, if I didn’t already know he’s mental, by now, I’d know there’s something seriously wrong with him. Instead of listening to his annoying voice, I keep a low profile and follow hot in his heels. He didn’t say anything about his ideas or the place we’re supposedly looking for, so all I can do is comply. That is if I want to survive. It’s clear that my life is in danger. Anyone’s life would be next to a train wreck like Lenox Vincent. No, sorry, he calls himself a beautiful mess. An unexpected chuckle leaves my lips, and a wave of panic instantly surges through me. This little slip-up might cost me my life. I lift my gaze
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Where is good, always will be some evil.
Fenton povOver the years I have spent on Earth, I gathered plenty of information about the Vincent family. First, it started with rumours about the parents. I won't lie, I found it quite odd to listen to people discuss a family with dynamics like theirs. One woman and four men didn't seem like the most natural and ordinary relationship someone might have, but I never bothered to acknowledge those talks. But now, I'm more than just barely interested in everything others might tell me. I love walking the streets and watching mindless people while they spill their secrets to each other. It's a thing of passion now, which helps me get ahead of everything. Thanks to the talks, I get to plan out the details for my course of action. I can imagine the chaos I'll cause. Mortals have no clue about the inevitable destruction I will bring upon them once my plan comes into action. But for now, I need to convince Luka Vincent that I'm a friend, not a threat. Honestly, luck shined upon me wi
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No judgement, no anger?
Lazarus povI take a deep breath to ignore Than’s frantic state. I get it, sometimes even I’m scared of Sarah, let alone my mom, but we need to establish some rules in this household. There’s no way we can walk around and claim we are men of this house if we hide and cover away every time mom or Sarah get angry. “You deal with mom and I will deal with Sarah,” I mutter to Than. His eyes widen as he shakes his head, visibly at the end of his rope. I groan and roll my eyes at his state. “You’re a centuries old demon and you’re telling me that you can’t deal with a temper tantrum of a mother?” I raise an eyebrow, as if challenging him to tell me just that. Than gulps, seemingly things for a moment and starts vigorously nodding his head. Well, fuck me, this won’t work if we can’t figure out one course of action. “Again, you deal with mom and I’ll deal with Sarah. There’s no way any of us will get out of this mess if we can’t separate them. Mom and Sarah will keep on hyping each other
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You seem a little… Off?
Sarah pov“But,” I stop and peek at him. Lazarus has his full attention on me which is equally as amazing as it is scary. I don’t feel comfortable under someone’s gaze, never have, so this is a little off-putting. And yet, I promised to come clean so I better do it before I change my mind. Maybe it’s the pregnancy hormones still stuck inside me or some weird after labour experience, or even the aftermath of that stupid thing attacking Lenox, but I’m all over the place. My emotions are all over the place and it seems impossible to pull myself together. No matter how hard I try to keep them in check or how many times I remind myself that I shouldn’t act like this, I can’t stop. It feels like I have a stupid new voice in my head that keeps screaming “be difficult, give them a run for their money” and all that crap. And while I know it’s unfair to my partners, I can’t stop. It’s now or never that I tell him how I truly feel. “So, as I said, you know, the ability to feel, right?” As
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Optimus Prime and her sidekick Lenox.
Lenox povOne of my all time favourite activities has always been walking through the forest. I can’t explain why, but there’s something special about the feeling I get. You never know what might happen, whom you might meet or kill. Awesome scenarios over and over again, no matter where you look. “So what’s the real plan now? I get that we have a few things we’re supposed to do next and it’s truly surprising that you haven’t killed me yet, which don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for, but still - what is the next step you’re taking?” Oddly enough, I’m starting to warm up to this guy. A while ago, I would have killed him without a second thought, but now, he’s kind of cool. A little too curious to my liking, but not the worst company I’ve ever had. “Well, although I really want to find my brother first, I have a feeling that chopping the trees will be the best choice as our first step,” I tell him as my eyes scan the forest. “Alright… But why?” He asks. “Oh, that’s simple,” I laug
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I can be the goodest boy ever.
Lenox pov“No, not discussing that. Especially with someone, who’s about to kill me as soon as I’m of no use,” he huffs and looks away. I gasp. “First of all, you’re already of no use,” the words leave me as if I’m surprised, but in reality, I’m just messing around. “Second of all, I might change my mind. Don’t act like I’m some monster or shit. I’m actually pretty nice if you get to know me. Besides, my dad claims I’m the best.” “Which dad?” He mutters. “Well, two dads. Luciano and Than absolutely love me.” I announce with a proud grin on my lips. “Than? I don’t remember hearing anything about him.”I huff. Right, it’s not like my family is big about spilling our secrets or letting everyone talk shit about us. To be honest, I love that. Private life is called private for a reason. It’s only our business what happens behind closed doors, no need to put up a show for every outsider to see. “Eh, a demon who’s head over heels with my mom, no biggie. Anyway, he’s the new additional d
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Does that make us gay now?
Luka povSomething about this guy seems to be off. Very off. Although Fenton has his story perfectly making sense, it feels rehearsed. It’s making too much sense even when he tries to avoid my questions. It almost feels like every time that happens, he’s taking his time to go through the mental notes to find the correct answer. I wonder if I could throw him off by asking something completely out of the blue? Maybe that could work… But how? What do I ask? A wide grin spreads across my lips as I come up with possibly the best idea I’ve ever had. All I have to do is be like Lenox. Spit out everything that’s on my mind, especially if it doesn’t make sense. “If I wear women’s underwear, it doesn’t make me gay, does it? I mean, it isn’t gay for as long as you’re wearing socks, right?” Well, mental facepalm. What the actual fuck, Luka? Fenton spins around and gapes at me like I’m completely out of it. I might be since I do sound like my brother right now. Not sure if I should feel prou
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Alpha, she’s not there.
Lazarus povI watch how Sarah’s eyes roll back in her head in horror. Her body goes completely lump before I or Than have time to react and catch her. She collapses on the floor and Than instantly tries to scoop her up, but I move past him and shove him aside. “What the fuck is going on? What is going to happen to my wife if she’s the host? Why is that thing inside her to begin with?” I spill out questions without thinking. My mind is racing faster than ever before. I can’t imagine what we might be facing with this newfound thing. Seriously, I can’t even follow the events of our life anymore at this point. Everything is going to shit. At this point, all one of us has to do is breathe and something will go wrong. “We need to hook her up with some systems. Right now, she’s too weak and the leech is feeding on her energy. Once it’s completely gone, it’ll try to feed on life sources. Perhaps it’s better to try and keep her unconscious for a while until I figure out what type of leech
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My ass feels a little bigger.
Felix povThe crazy bastard holds me close enough for anyone to mistake us for actual lovers. If I wouldn’t know better, I would assume he’s actually planning to kiss me. I should've known better. I shouldn’t have gotten involved in this madness. First and foremost, when I first heard his name and last name be involved in the conversation, I should have listened to my instincts and ran as far away as possible. But no. Of course, I didn’t do it, so now, I’m dealing with the consequences of my own stupidity. If only I could for once listen to the inner voice and follow its command, that would be amazing. “It’s not here for us,” Lenox whispers. I know I should feel freaking relieved at the words, but for some reason, I’m having the complete opposite reaction. Cold shivers run down my spine at those words and his grip on me tightens. Just because he claims that thing isn’t here for us, it seems that it doesn’t make it any less dangerous to be near to. “That’s the tracker, Lenox.” I
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