All Chapters of Claimed by the Alphas: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
76 Chapters
No army will stop him.
Lazarus pov“What do you mean by she’s not there? This better be a fucking joke. There’s no way my wife just vanished in thin air while we’re standing here, basically guarding this goddamn door!” I growl at the nurse. I have no business forcing my anger at frustration at everyone like this, but I’m at the end of my rope. All I have to do is spin on my heel and more shit falls over me. “Son,” Than speaks, placing a hand on my shoulder. “Calm down. It isn’t her fault, or anyone’s at that. We need to find Sarah first, only once she’s back in that room can we start tossing accusations and decide what to do next.” As much as I hate to admit this, he is right. Even when he mutters something that sounds like ‘better find her before your mother finds out that her precious daughter-in-law is missing or kiss out crown jewels goodbye.’I want to laugh, but I can’t. His attitude is remarkable and the fear our mother has installed in his mind is a thing of wonder. Not that I don’t fear mom. She
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Hurt our little Optimus.
Atlas povI want to rip out her throat. I want to claw her eyes out so badly, it’s making me feel giddy. And on top of that, Lenox is growing really damn turned on by the view of Sarah, struggling to breathe. Isn’t it funny how we love her with all our being, yet for some reason, her pain excites us? Sick fucks, that’s what we are. Not that any of us cares. Maybe only As does, but since she doesn’t have a dick, I don’t think her opinion matters. To some we are monsters, some think of us as feral, some call us an animal. Well then, welcome to our freakshow.A sudden wave of pure euphoria runs through our entire being as Lenox adds more pressure to her throat. He won’t let me choke her since he fears the possibility of going too far, so this will do for now. As Lazarus appears next to us, he tries to place a hand on Lenox's shoulder. “Lenox,” he whispers the name as if he’s approaching a cornered animal. I don’t pay him much attention. The family drama doesn’t concern me, but I sur
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Impossible. Luciano is dead.
Luka pov“I must say, you almost had me. Almost. If only your answers weren’t that perfect, if only you left some details out, or let’s say, forgot a couple of things - I might have believed you. The mystical hatred aside, tell me, did you really think you would succeed? Seriously? Think about this - you are going against Lenox Vincent. No, let’s make it even better - you are going against Lenox and Luciano Vincent. Yeah, that sounds even better.” As I speak, Fenton’s face turns as white as a paper sheet and the grin on my lips spreads wider. I have always hated using my family name against people, but now, it’s pretty pleasant. For a moment, there’s nothing but the distant forest sounds surrounding us. It looks like Fenton has completely lost himself, nearly brainded. Until, he shakes his head and gets back to his senses. He clears his throat. “Impossible. Luciano is dead.” Colour me surprised, who would have thought that my father has died? I raise an eyebrow at him and decide t
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You’re not a monster.
Lazarus povAlthough Atlas clearly knows its best to let go of control and allow Lenox deal with this mess, I can’t say that the disappearance of his visual presence easies my mind. While my brother isn’t burning alive anymore, now that I know what is truly hidden in him, waiting for the moment to break out of the chains, I’m fucking terrified. I don’t think I will ever find any comfort in being around Lenox again. Not anymore. “What do we do next?” Lenox’s voice pulls me out of my thoughts. It startles me that he finally sounds like himself alone, but what surprises me even more is how far away I have stepped from him without noticing it. I guess I should be glad my brother is so out of it that he doesn’t notice my behaviour. If he were to see it, he would be hurt, definitely feel rejected. Lenox turns his attention to Than, so I use the opportunity to step closer to him. I know I am acting like absolute shit, but I can’t help it. This will take some time for me to adjust to.
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Someone with a death wish?
Lazarus pov I stare at him. All I can do is stare at him and try to figure out if the demon himself has been possessed by another demon because… what the fuck? Has Than finally caught the family crazy? I never thought of it as anything contagious, but apparently acting like one of the Vincents could be considered as a virus now. By now, I'm sure my jaw has hit the floor and my eyes are wider than the brightest full moon. While I am busy being in an understandable state of shock and disbelief, Than looks at me like I'm some child who is trying to misbehave. "What are you waiting for, Lazarus? Didn't you hear me? You need to take the child and leave! There is no time to waste, you must go!" He raises his voice, which is enough to snap me out of the dazed state. I shake my head and take a step back to create some much needed distance. "Have you gone mental, Than? Are you hearing yourself? You're seriously ordering me to steal my brother's child? No, let me rephrase that… You are de
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I’ve never seen the sons.
Luka povComing back to senses sucks if your head is pounding like a goddamn bass drum. It sucks even more if your vision is blurry and something bright shines at you, so opening your already tear-filled eyes is close to impossible. And worst of all - those two things make the headache ten times worse. For some reason, my whole body is in pain. Even my damn toes, and if it’s possible, my hair. I have no idea where I am, but it is clear I am tied to something. Possibly a tree since I’m upright. Although I am no expert, I believe I’m chained and tied to the object because I can feel something as heavy as metal against my skin and something more. God, if Lenox were here, he would know. My brother is oddly good at materials and all that shit. Honestly, this makes little to no sense. Does someone really have to ensure I won’t escape, especially after I was knocked out cold? Being in this much pain would prevent me from even forming an escape plan, let alone acting on it. I do wonder i
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I shall call this one Lumpy.
Lenox povExit through the window? Check. Emotional instability? Also check. What the hell is this thing I am feeling right now? How do I deal with it?All my life I thought that with great sexiness comes even greater power. Yes, I think that was the saying everyone loves to use when they meet someone as awesome as me. But now, even the fact that I am, in fact, insanely hot and attractive doesn’t help me figure out the weird things I feel. It’s like the guilt I have never felt during my life finally piles up to wash over me with such ferocity, it nearly kicks me off my feet. As soon as I land on the ground, I shake my head to get rid of the stupid thoughts and take off. God forbid I start crying like a baby and everyone sees it. Ew, no. Not in this lifetime. Better yet, I can focus on dealing with Luka’s absence, stupid Fenton and those trees everyone has been raving about. The moment I step my foot in the cover of the woods, I feel much better. A bag of my clothes is hanging on
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Atlas povTRIGGER WARNING: THE FOLLOWING CONTENT MIGHT BE DISTURBING TO SOME READERS. VIOLENCE. PROCEED WITH CAUTION. I don’t know where the sudden surge of anger is coming from, but it’s here and there is no way I or Lenox are willing to let go of it. If anything, both of us are eager to grip it so tight, it never leaves. As seems to have joined too, relishing in the sensation, eager to act on it and enjoy every second the intensity of the rage gives her. Just as Lenox takes another step closer to encourage the men to attack him, they glance at each other, nod and take off. Both choose different directions to run to. Although it is a somewhat smart move, since they clearly think one of them could get out of here alive, we all know how feeble that hope really is. They can act like they are no harm, but we all know those men are camping here for a reason. I bet Lenox can feel how wide my grin is as his eyes follow the cowards. With someone like Lenox hot on their heels, neither has
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Life threatening.
Lenox povWell, now we are getting somewhere, are we?To be fair, I wanted to use the new friends to get rid of some pent-up anger, but the confession is even better. “Where is he?” I don’t hesitate to ask since this one seems to be more than willing to talk. Side note: in future, I solemnly swear to use the bloodlines, families and kids against the people I torture for information. So far, it seems to be everyone’s weak spot and it’s so damn easy to exploit. “You need to let me live too. And my friend. I will tell you then,” Lumpy still tries to negotiate. “Are you smoking dollar tree dog food? You must be the most delusional fucker I have ever met. Dude, you won’t be enjoying any life quality by the time I’m done with you. Trust me on this one, will you,” I grin at him. If there really is one thing I enjoy more than looking at my woman and baby, it’s watching the tears fill a grown man’s eyes. The desperation, fear, terror. All of those things, best if together, feel like I’m t
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Can’t it stay here?
Lazarus povOnce Lenox finds out what I am doing behind his back, he might try to murder me. Scratch that, he will kill me without a doubt. Than helps me with grabbing the necessities for Ophelia first. I pitched the idea to go to our parents, but he dismissed it as soon as the words left my lips. He claims dad is busy with some old business and mom can’t know what I am doing. I wonder why? Although so many things about the sudden changes confuse me, I try to remain as calm as possible. As soon as I have a bag packed for the baby, we both head to Alister’s room. It is no surprise that my boy is at his best behaviour, as per usual. He sits at his tiny desk and focuses on a colouring book Sarah got for him. The moment he notices a new presence, Alister looks up from the page and frowns when his eyes zero in on Ophelia. I still can’t understand why my boy hates her so much, but maybe I could use this new change and find out what bothers him while we’re away. “Buddy, we are going on
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