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76 Bab
You have a point.
Luka povLeaving Sarah in the cell has to be close to the hardest thing I have ever had to do. The pleading look on her face, the desperation and sadness in her eyes paired with her words will forever haunt me. As I move through the halls, my mind instantly kicks into the right gear. First and foremost, I need to figure out how to fix this mess and then, we can move along with whatever has to be done next. Rounding the corner, I manage to run into the man she begged me to seek for - Than. “Luka? What are you doing here?” He asks, looking like he has just been caught red-handed, doing drugs or some shit. I raise an eyebrow and remain silent, waiting for an explanation to come, but that doesn’t happen so I groan and shake my head. “I was looking for you, actually.” Than tilts his head, obviously intrigued, “why?” If I wouldn’t be in such a hurry, I would use this moment to fuck around a little, but since we don’t have time for foolish behavior, I get straight to the point. “I went
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I can always wait.
Lazarus povBy the time Alister finally wakes up, I manage to do a quick trip to the car and back. I grabbed some food and blankets to cover him and in the meantime, I started a fire to warm up some food for us. Every once in a while, I glance at Ophelia and for most part, check her pulse. Babies aren’t supposed to be this calm and sleep this long - she has to eat, but instead, she’s just sleeping. When Alister stirs awake, his eyes instantly seek me out. Once our gazes meet, he flashes me a smile and something within me shatters. That is my son - the little boy who’s been forced to grow up too soon, all thanks to my inability to be the father he deserves. “Dad, why are you sad?” He asks, instantly picking up on the change in my mood. Like the selfish, scared fool I am, I just shake my head in denial. “I’m not sad, just thinking.” Wordlessy, he kicks off the blanket, gets back to his feet and walks closer to me just to plop down next to me. Again, he rests his head against my upp
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How can I help?
Felix pov“Go on, run. Shoo, shoo, little pet, you’re free now. Don’t make me shoot at the sky or some shit just to scare you away. That bullet will come back down and there ain’t no way in flippity flappity fuck hell I’m standing here to accidentally take myself out with it. Nope, ain’t happening.” Lenox mutters in a baby voice. First of all, this approach of his, acting as if I’m some kind of a kid is downright disrespectful. And mean. Yes, mean too. Sure, I didn’t want to follow him at the beginning, but the guy has grown on me now and I really don’t want to watch him head into danger alone. So, like any proper brainless moron, I shake my head and refuse to move for an inch. If this guy is about to die, I’m doing the same. Besides, it’s not like I have anything better to do with my life anyway - why not become an unlike hero, huh?“Come on, man,” Lenox grunts and rolls his eyes. “I’m allowing you to live and see the day your balls finally drop. Don’t take this experience from yo
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Take me home.
Lenox povThe little shit is persistent, that much credit I can give him. I’m not one to grant first chances, let alone second and he sure as fuck doesn’t deserve any, given he kidnapped Luka and all that. However, here I stand, becoming a better man than I ever was and changing my way. Except, the shit head isn’t taking the goddamn hint at all. Lord have mercy on my soul because I’m about to bash someone’s head in with my trusty spoon. Speaking of which, where did I put it? As I start patting down my pockets in search of my magic weapon, the damsel in distress clears his throat and starts nervously scanning the damn surroundings. “What?” I grumble, half-assedly paying attention to him. “Nothing, I’m just worried, you know,” he mutters and casts his gaze down. “Yeah, yeah,” I grunt and give up. “Where the fuck did my spoon go this time?” I shout, a little louder than intended. How am I supposed to make this sacrifice and kick the demonic asses of whatever is on the other side of
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I think it’s fair.
Sarah povI feel weird. Something about me feels different, but I struggle to pin-point why and if anything has changed. A little obsessed with the need to figure out what has changed, I start by touching my arms and legs. Then, I count my fingers and toes - all intact. I can’t check if anything inside has changed without an x-ray, so I don’t focus on that possibility. A minute of me wondering passes, then three and then I don’t even know how long until I realize something. The voice in my head is gone, it has stopped haunting me, stopped screaming at me and demanding for something. “A-are you there?” I stutter as I whisper into the darkness, but there’s no answer, both from outside the cell and inside my head. “This isn’t funny. Stop messing with me and speak up,” I say, a little louder to appear like I’m challenging the thing, yet still nothing. The only thing that happens is some footsteps in the distance that I hear slowly approach me. Looks like I haven’t been as silent as
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The balance has been shattered.
Than povReturning home has never felt like this before. Not in a sense that I’ve been eagerly awaited, which obviously is the case here since everyone around me seems very pleased to see me. What I mean is the feeling that I don’t belong here anymore. It’s not about others, it’s about what has changed within me - it’s deep rooted, captivating, something that has gripped me so hard, I don’t think it will ever let me go. Seth. It has to be the change she has brought me - the sense of belongingness I have whenever I’m around her. With that woman, I feel at peace, wanted, respected and needed. With her I feel everything I don’t have here. Home, on the other hand, hasn’t changed much, if anything at all. The same dark, slimy cave walls, those same faces of the demonic creatures that surround me. I could say something has shifted, but I’m not sure if it’s more my problem than any other. “My Lord, we have been waiting for your next visit. It’s such an honor to be present when the Lord
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