All Chapters of The Alpha's Caregiver : Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
187 Chapters
119-The other Him.
EUDORA.I was falling down a cliff. It was an endless fall, one that made me think I would float in the air forever and I was prepared for the outcome, to feel pain the moment my back hits the ground, to let the darkness take over my vision and finally get plunged into that abyss that has been a long time coming but suddenly, an unknown face appeared above the cliff and for some reason, I didn’t want to keep falling anymore.I reached out, desperate. They reached down. But it was too late. I hit the ground the same moment I woke up with a horrified gasp and realized it was just a dream. At least part of it. I tried to remember where I was and the last thing I remembered was someone holding unto me as I slipped and then my vision turned dark. I must have passed out from the shock of the fall down the cliff. On instinct, I sat up and my hands roamed my body. A sigh of relief escaped my lips upon realizing I wasn’t hurt or bleeding anywhere. I was fine, but how? My vision was still
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120-Mistaken Identities?
EUDORA.I was freaking out, anyone would If they saw the same thing I was seeing right now. It took slapping my cheeks a few times to be sure I wasn’t the problem and this wasn’t a dream even though I wished it was. Did I hear him right or did he just say he was an Omega? “What sort of rubbish are you blabbering?” I snapped, “Did you hurt your head?” He shook his head, blinking his eyes rapidly and pouting his lips. “My head is fine. Is there a reason why it shouldn’t be?” I shifted closer to him, refusing to believe the fall didn’t mess with his head. Him being his alter ego, I could take but confusing his identity with one that wasn’t his? No. I dug my hand through his hair, letting my fingers scratch through his full head of black and brown, trying to see if he shattered his skull or something. “What are you doing?” He protested, “Stop!”I didn’t back down and even proceeded to grab his entire face so I could have a better look. He struggled with me and pushed me off him. I lan
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121–Like A lost Puppy.
EUDORA.The silence in the car as he drove back home was deafening. The ride back home felt even longer than the one to the forest with Alpha Rex especially with Logan's eyes that kept looking at the rearview mirror. I pretended like I didn’t know he was looking at me but I was very much aware of the way his eyes bore holes into me from the rearview mirror. His gaze was questioning and it shifted from me to the overly curious man seated beside me in the backseat of the car. Alpha Rex’s alter ego was looking outside the window of the car, seemingly intrigued by every single thing that he saw along the way. It would be even strange if Logan didn’t look disturbed by the way his Alpha was currently behaving. However, I wasn’t ready to answer whatever questions he may have for me because I didn’t even know where to start from but seeing both our disheveled state, he seemed to refrain from asking questions and I was grateful for that. “Is he…badly hurt?”He finally broke the silence in t
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122–The unhinged him.
EUDORA. I created the problem we had at hand and it was only right that I be the one to find a solution to it. Besides, it seemed like everyone else was too stunned to even find it believable and needed time to come to terms with the fact that their Alpha wasn’t right in the head. Everyone aside, Zena, who even hours after I broke the news still couldn’t stop laughing. I avoided everyone else by saying I needed to bring him to his room to treat the deep cut on his side and I pulled him away with me without as much as a protest from him, if anything, he seemed to be glad he was finally getting away from the inquisitive eyes of everyone. Finding a solution to the problem is what had me in Alpha Rex’s room right now, with the version of him that wasn’t unhinged but rather…strange. He was looking around the room, his eyes scanning the place where he had slept and woke up many times yet the obsidian eyes had not a glint of familiarity in them. He looked around and I looked at him. Only
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123-His Caregiver.
EUDORA.“Wha—what are you doing?” I stuttered, snapping my head away quickly before I got any more view of his body.“What? You asked me to take my shirt off.” He sounded perplexed.I did say so but I didn’t expect him to take it off just like that either. I might not have thought it through but he should know better, shouldn’t he? We were alone and he was blatantly exposing his chest to me and seeing his reaction, he didn’t even sound like he found anything wrong with it. I cleared my throat, still looking away from him. My cheeks flamed hot and trying to convince myself that this wasn’t the time and place for me to feel things, didn’t work. Especially the time. This wasn’t the time to feel things when the man I was feeling it for wasn’t exactly in his right senses. “Yes, I did say so but I didn’t…well, I didn’t think you’d suddenly take it off like that.” I managed to say while still looking away from him. “I should put it back on then.”Before I knew it, he was already shruggi
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124-Grumpy or Sunshine?
EUDORA.I was also exhausted and needed to shut my heavy eyes. I had planned to meet Zena after I was done with taking care of Alpha Rex’s alter ego but I was too tired to do that anymore. Or maybe I was trying to avoid talking about it for now and me being tired was an excuse, either way, I retired into my own room and just slumped on my bed, not even bothered enough to take a shower. As I laid on the bed, my back on it and my face to the ceiling, like a tape was being rewinded, my mind drifted back to everything that has happened in just a span of two days and what it now means for me.Lillian never said anything about how to make Alpha Rex return if he somehow becomes someone else. I remembered clearly everything she said about Alpha Rex, especially how no one has ever met his alter ego. It can only mean that now, I have to figure out a way to make him return to his true self. What if I am never able to do that?What if Alpha Rex never returns?What if he is stuck as his Omega alt
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125-Not like a brother.
EUDORAI don't know a lot about brothers but I know you don’t wake up snuggled too close into them. You don’t wake up with their breath in your face, their arms circled tightly around your waist protectively like they could lose you any minute if they didn’t hold on tight, I know your heart doesn’t beat when you first flutter your eyes open and butterflies don’t swarm your stomach like a garden when you realize how close you both are. You don’t wish to remain like that for just another moment before their eyes flutter open and then this thing you both have vanishes into thin air. So much for thinking of him as a brother. I have felt this same attraction with Conan to know what it was. On those days I thought our relationship was harmless and I was just the delusional one, falling in love with a man who was just like a brother to me and cuddled me at every chance. I knew what my own feelings were, I just didn’t know what his were until the night of my rejection. Strange, how he rem
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126–A Style as Pretty as you.
EUDORA.If he was teasing me or actually meant every word that left his lips, with his man, I never could tell. But for both our sake, I hoped this was a tease and he wasn’t really asking me to bath him. A grown man! “Are you kidding me?” I snapped at him when I was finally able to regain my composure from the shock I received earlier at his carelessly thrown words. He scratched his head, “You seem horrified. Did I say something scary?”Clueless. He was totally clueless. I was this close to opening my mouth and calling him stupid just the way his sister does but I clamped down on it. He was totally clueless to how his words messed up my insides and caused me to go red from the bottom up. Him being an Omega, I could pretend to understand but him being stupid just because he’s an Omega? I felt insulted. Ignoring the buff chest and the very obvious V of his waist, I stalked over to him. He backed away, slightly frightened by my determined movement towards. He grips the end of the tub
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127-Entry 004<The Journal>PART 1
L’s POV.***I stopped counting the days. Even as I write this, I do not remember exactly when all of these happened. It was hard to keep counting when everyday was just me reliving the same torture over and over again. You’d think it would get better as the days bled into weeks, weeks into months and months into years but it never did and the longer I was in captivity, the sooner I realized that it never would. It could only get worse. And when I met others like me, the only question I had in mind was, what made me special? What made me different from all of the other Omegas held captive in the MoonBorn pack? What made me believe my fate was worse than theirs?My fate changed within a minute of me finding out that Mason, my brother who I tried so hard to protect even with my death, was already in the hands of the merciless Alpha who tore our family apart. I always knew—no, my parents always told me we were powerless and a few times, I have experienced it back at our own pack but t
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128-Entry 004<The Journal> Part 2
L’s POV****I was never really curious about the world but there was always a question at the back of my mind because as an Omega, what it entailed was like a luxury, the kind someone like me couldn’t enjoy. How does one fall in love?Does it begin with a touch that sends sparks flying in the air? Eye contact that leaves you mesmerized for days? The laughter of that one person that gives you butterflies for days even after they’re gone? Gifts that show the affection of one towards another?Well, for me it started with three words; “Are you hurt?” In a world where no one cared about Omegas and what happened to them other than what they needed to gain from us, hearing those words after bumping into someone, losing my footing and falling to the ground was like hearing Luna Trisha dishing out orders to us without threats of punishing us in the most brutal ways. He wasn’t just anyone too, he was an Alpha male and like every other one of them, he scared me at first, so much that I c
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