All Chapters of Sinful Attraction:My Billionaire Husband And His Best Friend: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
132 Chapters
Third person’s pov“That’s all for now, enjoy the rest of your day”. Micheal concluded his lesson for the evening and everyone begun packing up their stuff and leaving.Alexa however, had other plans, she knew she had to thank Micheal for helping her out yesterday and so she decided to wait behind till almost everyone had left before she picked up her bag and made her way to the podium where Micheal was seated at the desk going through something on his phone. His gaze flickered up on hearing approaching footsteps, and on realizing that it was her a small smile curved his lips. “Good evening, Sir”. She greeted quietly.“Good evening, Alexa”. Replied as he set his phone down giving her his full attention. “Please don’t address me as sir when we’re alone”.She awkwardly averted her gaze from his as she thought about what to say to that, and when she found nothing she simply nodded.“Is there something I can do for you?”. He asked her and she shook her head almost immediately.“No, i….
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Not much had been said during the ride; and Alexa had had even more time to stew in her thoughts her scandalous and almost sinful thoughts. Calan on the other hand, had found it entertaining to simply watch her blush all on her own. And when they finally got home she had exchanged a rather awkward greeting with Mildred before telling him she was heading up to shower.“Would you like to have your dinner upstairs, Ma’am?”. Mildred asked her. She seemed to consider the option, however, she didn’t get a chance to respond before he shook his head and spoke first.“I was actually hoping we could eat out, does that sound okay?”. He asked her. Her gaze flickered to his and the look in her eyes told him that there were undoubtedly some lewd thoughts going on in her head. She cleared her throat quietly before nodding. “Alright”. She replied quietly. And for a moment nothing more was said, she stood there staring at her while her gaze darted around uncomfortably. Mildred took it as he
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Third person’s POVOn getting into Fooders and interacting a bit, they realized that a lot had changed, not just the staff but the owner as well, but that aside; it was still the same. It still had the warmth and the softness that just felt so very homey, and Alexa found herself almost choking on the nostalgia that overtook her once more.“The food still tastes the same”. Calan said and she nodded agreeingly. How long had it been? Two years? Three? It was good to know that the new owner of the place was still upholding the honor of its name.“I hope the pastries haven’t changed either”. She said while grinning.He nodded. He had always been more inclined towards the donuts and coffee they served here and he truly did hope they hadn’t changed.“Let’s get some on our way out so we can find out”. He said to her. She nodded once more.“I’ll get the croissants”. She said. “You’re getting the donuts still?”. He smiled and leaned back into his seat.“You still remember”. He said. How cou
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ALEXA’S POINT OF VIEWBreathless? Overwhelmed? Dazed? I wasn’t quite sure what I was at the moment, all I knew was that I found myself completely and absolutely unable to think or utter a coherent word. I felt like I would explode, felt like my heart would go flying out of my mouth if I tried to scream any more than I already had.“Open your eyes”. Calan said to me just as he hit a part in me so very deep and blissful.I forced my eyes open and I stared up at him resignedly. His lips curved in a dark smirk and he leaned down to capture my lips in a deep kiss which I barely responded to, how could I respond when the pleasure sought to drive me to insanity?My eyes were all teary and my skin was clammy from having spent….an hour? I wasn’t even sure how long we had spent but all I knew was that I didn’t want it to come to an end.“My God….”. I moaned breathlessly.I once again found myself trying to free my hands from the restraints I found them in; I had somehow mentioned being tied and
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Alexa’s POVIt had started out as a beautiful day; I had pulled myself together, showered and had breakfast with Calan. We had talked about random stuff and he had decided that the weather was lovely, perfect for a drive around town and I had been more than happy to go for a drive.We had stopped by quite a number of places; the mall, a café, even a bookshop. And for the first time in a very long time I had felt free, I had felt light and alive. I had suddenly felt young and vibrant and I couldn’t seem to wipe off my smile; he had taken my hand as we walked around the mall and he had insisted that I take quite a number of things I didn’t need. And at the bookstore, I had been trying to reach for a book at the top column of the shelf and he had simply reached out from behind me and lowered the book for me. It had been like a scene from the movies, a rather cliché scene from the movies but I didn’t mind. I had felt like melting against him and of course I had begun blushing intensely.
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We had even gotten flowers; a beautiful bouquet of variety of flowers which smelled heavenly a bouquet elegant white roses and also that of vibrant red roses. I loved them all. And at the bookstore, I had been trying to reach for a book at the top column of the shelf and he had simply reached out from behind me and lowered the book for me. It had been like a scene from the movies, a rather cliché scene from the movies but I didn’t mind. I had felt like melting against him and of course I had begun blushing intensely. And after all that, he had said there was one more place we needed to go. And as we pulled up in front of the large wrought iron gate of the cemetery, I knew what exactly it was we were doing here, and the thought alone had tears welling up in my eyes rapidly.“We should have come here sooner”. He said as he helped me out of the car. It was evening now and the breeze was getting chilly but he draped his arm around me and held me close to himself so I didn’t get cold.
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THIRD PERSON’S POV There had been a lot of tenderness between Calan and Alexa back at the cemetery, and now that they were back home, neither knew what to make of the somewhat awkward situation they found themselves in. Alexa had been sure he had been so kind and endearing to her because he had wanted to stop her from crying and all, but then, she couldn’t help but wonder if there was more to it. But what if it had simply been as a result of the moment of weakness? There was that, and there was also the fact that she was overthinking things like always. And then there was Calan who found he was also conflicted on making sense of what had happened earlier. He had wanted to comfort her; obviously, she been in so much discomfort, she had been hurting so much, and it had bothered him to the point that he had wanted to do all he could to just make the pain go away, he had wanted to tell her everything she needed to hear to make her feel better; he had wanted to be everything she needed
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THIRD PERSON’S POV“Well there’s still time to think about where you’d like to go”. He said. “Continuous assessments are starting soon, aren’t they?”. She nodded.“Great, and soon enough there’ll be the end of semester exams”. He said. “And then the break. I’m sure you would have decided by then”. She let out a breath before nodding once more. She felt a bit better now; there was no rush, no pressure, it was all good. She let out a breath she didn’t know she had been holding.“Come on, have your dinner and get some rest”. He said to her.She nodded simply.“You’ll eat too, right?”. She asked him.He let out a resigned breath before picking up his fork.“I will”. He said. “You worry too much”. She was aware of that, yet she found she couldn’t do anything about it. ~~ The weekend had come and gone, and Alexa once again found herself stepping out of the car and into the parking space of Greyman’s College. It had rained a lot the previous night and the grounds were still wet, it w
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Third Person’s POV Alexa sat quietly in the security office while waiting for Calan to arrive, Layla had also been called as well, and it was said that Micheal would be here soon. It was turning out to be more of a personal affair really; Rayne and Sasha sensed it so they left after assuring her that everything would be alright.She stared blankly at her feet as she thought back at all Leela had said. Her throat constricted all over again and tears blurred her vision. She knew that Leela had just been trying to spite her, but the fact that she had so blatantly implied that she was sleeping with Micheal affected her in an entirely different way.Who else thought she was sleeping with Micheal? Who else had Leela told? Did everyone think the same? How would Calan react if he heard that? How would Micheal react? She blinked and the tears that had blurred her vision went sliding down her cheeks. She had been crying for close to fifteen minutes now; her eyes were all red and puffy, sore
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ALEXA’S POV And it was only when three of us were left in the office did Calan finally settle down beside me on the bench. He draped his arm over my shoulders and I leaned against him as more tears left my eyes. This had to be the most humiliating thing that had happened in my life; I could almost imagine his reaction when he received a call saying his attention was needed immediately because his wife had gotten into a fight with his ex’s younger sister.“It’s alright, don’t cry”. He said to her. “Do we need to go to the hospital?”. She shook her head. She just wanted to crawl under a rock and hide there till everyone forgot her name, till everyone forgot she ever existed.“Are you sure?”. He asked me.“I…I just want to go home”. I cried quietly. I was suddenly so exhausted, it was time to go home, curl myself in a corner and shut down.“Alright then”.Micheal cleared his throat quietly and we both looked up at him. He seemed just as exhausted as I was, just as drained.“I’m sorry
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