All Chapters of Sinful Attraction:My Billionaire Husband And His Best Friend: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
132 Chapters
ALEXA POV My eyes widened at not just the sudden incursion but also the confession he had just made. My heartbeats slowed as i tried to process all that was happening; it had happened all too quickly. One moment i was in his arms with him kissing me fervently, and the next thing i knew i was lying on my back and was feeling the blissful sensation of his hands roaming around my body and feeling me up. It was happening all too quickly, so quickly that i couldn't stop myself from saying; "Wait..." "I don't want to, Alexa". He replied while trailing kisses on the side of my neck. My head fell back in pleasure and for a split second i almost lost my mind. "Calan.....wait". I said, the breathy voice in which i spoke probably didn't make it sound like i truly wanted him to wait but he did. He stopped trailing kisses on my neck but continued to hover over me nonetheless. His eyes were all dark now and he looked almost....upset. "Are you mad at me?". I asked him while truing to st
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106 Pt i
Third person's POV 'Oh my God! Leela really did hurt her! It's no wonder they're filling a case!' 'Boy, that looks painful!' 'Eeeishhh!' 'Nope! It wont leave a scar, but Leela most definitely should have left you one!' 'It wont leave a scar.....don't exaggerate, princess'. 'Fuck off, it wont leave a scar!' 'It'll definitely leave a scar!' 'She deserves that!' 'OMG, that Leela girl definitely is an animal.....' Alexa scrolled through the comments on the picture she had uploadedthe previous day, somehow, she found herself completely unbothered by them, she found herself not caring about what they said or thought. Her talk with Calan had done her a great deal of good. It may have been irrational but there had always been that fear that he'd leave her and probably go back to Layla, but after seeing how he had stood against Layla the other day at the security's office she had begun thinking otherwise, but when he told her he didn't want what he had with her with anyone else
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106 pt ii
Alexa's POV Micheal had already been at the station when we arrived, and for some reason i found myself averting my gaze from his; things were truly beginning to get awkward between us now that people were openly saying we were having an affair. And the fact that Calan had asked if i still had a crush for him made it even harder for me to face him without wanting to die from the awkwardness. I had stood uneasily by Calan's side as he conversed with Micheal who seemed to have noticed that i didn't quite want to say much to him. He had only asked how i was and if i would be opting for the classes at home, and when i told him i might resume attending classes soon he had simply nodded and told me he wished me the very best. And when we had finally settled down for the questioning, i had tried my best to answer as confidently as i could, i hadnt let myself stutter even for once. And when i was asked what had triggered me to slap Leela in the first place, my gaze had flickered to Mic
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Third person's POV Alexa had left after spending sometime with April, they had talked, talked about how it was obvious that both men adored them, talked about how April probably didn't understand Micheal very well. She had decided to try to not be so worried about the fact that she was unable to concieve a child, after all, she was still young, she still had a whole life ahead of her. Exhausted from the talk and heart ache, she had gone to bed and had fallen asleep. And it was only when she felt gentle caresses on her cheek that her eyes fluttered open slowly. A faint smile curved her lips on seeing that it was Micheal. He was back already? Then for how long had she been asleep? "Hey". He said to her. "Hi". Their relationship lately had been a little bit bunny seeing that she so desperately wanted to convieve a child and he wasn't as bothered as she was. It had affected the both of them in different ways. They weren't exactly having issues, it was just that they were drifti
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Third person's POV The rest of the week weren't exactly the best for Alexa, it had gone from resuming classes while trying to act natural amidts to going to court and all. She had finally been relieved when Leela was asked to not only tender and official apology to her but also to Michael, she had also been asked to pay a fine. And to top it up, she had been subjected to undergo various test to ensure that she was completely sane, and amidst all that, it was discovered that she had been doing drugs unbeknownst to Layla, thus, she had been subjected to rehabilitation. Of course the newz had been all over the media and campus was abuzz with it. It was also abuzz with how Kayla had openly glared at Alexa throughout the whole court session. She had walked up to her when everything had been concluded, and for a moment Alexa had thought she had wanted to attack her like Leela had done." it?". She had said. And Alexa had said nothing, just regarded her with a frigid attitude
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ALEXA’S POV For a moment I truly didn’t know what to say to her. I just sat there staring at her while trying to comprehend the new piece of information; like, Rayne had asked her out, and she had somehow turned him down because they would be going their separate ways soon and she would be getting married. That seemed entirely…..unexpected. I cleared my throat quietly as I thought about what to say.“It’s not like you’re in a hurry to get married, are you?”. I asked her quietly. I mean, Sasha had never really struck me as the kinda girl who would get married once she was done with college, heck, she didn’t even have a serious relationship. She shook her head.“No, but my family seems to have found someone for me”. She told me. She leaned back into her seat resignedly, I couldn’t help but feel bad for her.“Is that even right?”. I asked her.Her gaze flickered to her drink which she had set down earlier, she stared at it for a while before shrugging.“It’s normal really; partne
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Alexa's POV I had texted Sasha to find out if she was free so we could hang out. I didn't want her being on her own while she had so much going on, and....i also needed help with going to the saloon, getting my nails done and all seeing that it was Friday. I had texted April regarding the dress the very evening Calan had told me about it and we had gone to see her seamstress the next day. They had helped picked a design and the dress had been delivered earlier today, and it had been perfect. We had also gone shopping for the shoes and the purse; i was excited to wear them all, but was i still nervous about going to the dinner party? Completely and absolutely. Sasha had replied saying she would be available and would love to hang out, and so i found myself waiting in the car outside the address of the apartment she had given me. It wasn't long before the door opened and she stepped out looking flawless like always. She locked the door quickly before hurrying to the car and gettin
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Alexa's pov Soon enough, i found myself standing in front of a full-length mirror wearing a simple, yet stunning, floor-length dress made of rich, emerald green silk. I found it almost hard to believe that my reflection was truly what was staring back at me. The dress was sleeveless and had a modest neckline, with a simple band of gold around the waist. And my hair was swept up into a chic chignon. I loved how my makeup was elegant and understated, Rosa, the lady from the saloon had truly done a great job! I had on delicate gold jewelry; a pair of simple studs earrings, a delicate gold chain necklace and a matching bracelet. And i held a small, nude clutch which went well with my pumps. I couldn't deny that i looked rather lovely, it even made me feel confident....or perhaps i onky felt that way because i hadnt walked into a room filled with people like Calan.....or worse, Layla. I swallowed a the lumo that had formed in my throat before dragging in a deep breath and heading out.
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Alexa's POV My breaths were beginning to falter as the car pulled over at the entrance of the grand hall in which the dinner party was holding. My palms were becoming sweaty and my heart was beginning to pound heavily, i felt almost faint really. I hadn't realized Calan had gotten out of the car till the door to my side suddenly opened and the cool evening breeze blew against me. "All good?". He asked me as he begun helping me out gently. I nodded. "I must have.....spaced out". I replied quietly. He smirked. "Dont". He told me. Behind him, i could see a mob of tabloid journalists standing by the sidelines just waiting to start clicking photos. "There's so much people". I said quietly. "Yes. Now smile subtly". He said as he closed the door behind me. My lips drew up in a faint smile as his hand settled on he small of my back, i clutched my purse tightly as we turned to face the mob who already had their cameras set. And just like that they begun clicking pictures and talki
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Third person's POV Daddy.... She had said the word and it had totally disstabilized him, he had literally had to use all his willpower to control himself in other to not start kissing her in the hall. And the very second the got into the car he had crashed his lips onto hers with an urgency that surprised the both of them, he dound he didn't care that Ralph was right at the front, he didnt care that he could hear them, he didn't care at all. Luckily, Ralph had been kind enough to play some loud music. "Calan....Calan we're not alone". She said to him quietly, breathlessly. "I dont care". He replied, and he had necer meant it more. His hands impatiently felt her up and he was met with the smooth silk fabric of her dress, and he impatiently brushed it up to reveal the creamy skin of her thigh, she moaned against his lips and he ached even more for her. He backed her against the smooth leather seats till her lush bosom was pressed against his hard chest, till they were practically
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