All Chapters of Sinful Attraction:My Billionaire Husband And His Best Friend: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
132 Chapters
Alexa’s POV My legs were literally trembling as Calan helped me out of the car, it wasn’t just my legs though, it was all of me; my entire body trembled almost violently and I could barely hold myself upright. He hadn’t stopped feeling me up and kissing me after I had come undone, and now I was all needy and desperate. “Easy”. He said as I fell against his chest. His arms went around my waist to offer me a much needed support. “Want me to carry you?”. I shook my head. That would just be….i don’t know, it would attract so much attention.“I can walk”. I said to him quietly.A smirk curved his lips and he nodded.“I’ll make sure you can’t by tomorrow”. He said. Did calling him daddy really appeal to him so much? Was it such a turn on for him? A shuddering breath left my parted lips and I continued to stare up into his darkened eyes not knowing what to do or say.“Come on, let’s go inside, I want you out of this dress before I lose my mind and rip it off”. He said to me. Rip it o
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Alexa's POV "You actually remained on your knees". I heard Calan say as he made his way back to me. I looked up at him to see him walking towards me determinedly while holding a glass of ice cubes. I cleared my throat quietly before brushing my hair from my eye slowly. I didn't quite know what to do or say at the moment, i just wanted him to touch me. And i probably would have crumbled back to my knees if i had attempted to stand up anyways. On getting to me, he reached out and took my hand to help me up gently, my legs wobbled once more and i once again fell against his chest breathing heavily. His hand went around my waist to keep me alright as he stared down at my face. "You look....breathtaking". He said to me before leaning in to kiss me deeply. It was almost awkward really, seeing that i just had him in my mouth..... I was even more breathless when our lips broke apart. "We've got the ice". He told me. And i nodded. "Are you still aching?". I asked him quietly, my voice
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Alexa's POV My eyes fluttered open to steaks of sunlight streaming into the room, i was alone in bed and for a moment i just lay still while recalling last night's events. I blushed faintly as i recalled how i had screamed his name, how i had begged him, how i had said i loved him...... My eyes widened back as a thought came to my mind.....had he said it back? Had he said he loved me too or had i just been so very sleepy? Had it all been in my head? Was i now beginning to imagine things? I sat up at once while holding the covers against my bosom. He had said it hadn't he? I had just woken up yet i was beginning to overthink things, yet my heart was beginning to pound so heavily. My gaze flickered to the nightstand and i found the glass of ice, only the ice were all melted now, it had my cheeks heating up slowly. It was too early to be thinking of such things, too early to be blushing so much, too early to be thinking so much. I decided to push everything out of my mind and prete
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Third person's pov April woke up to the all to familiar feeling of wet warmth pooling in her panties. Her eyes widened as all sleepiness left her. She hastily pushed the cover off her body and climbed out of bed hoping she hadnt made a mess on the sheets.....on Micheal's sheets. The dull light barely penetrating the curtains told her that the sun was just beginning to rise; it meant she had a long day ahead of her, a long day with cramps and moodswings, a long day of being aware of the fact that.....she wasn't pregnant. Micheal's eyes fluttered open slowly on hearing the rustling of silks as April quickly slid on the robe of her night dress. "April? Is there a problem?". He asked her while blinking a couple of times to get rid of the sleepiness. She spun around to face him at once. "I...i need to go to my room". She told him. "Sorry i woke you". He shook his head. "Why are you in such a hurry though?". He asked her. How could she not be in a hurry when she feel the blood no
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Third person's POV Cramps.... April had seen the cramps coming, she had known it would be a shitty day ahead. What she hadn't known however was that it would be painful and teary. After breakfast, she had gone up to her room to get some sleep while Micheal had retired to his study to tend to a thing or two. It had started out well, she had managed to numb her thoughts and had even managed to fall asleep. However, she had woken up to the a dull but rather disturbing pain in her stomach. She had assumed it wouldn't get worse, she had assumed it wouldn't intensify and cause her to break down completely. But soon enough she founs herself clutching her stomach while curling herself up in a ball on her bed as tears streaked down her cheeks again and again. It had actually been a while since she had experienced so much pain during her period, it took her back to her days in college. Days in which she'd lie and cry within the walls off her apartment; being a person who didn't have actu
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Third person's POV How long had it been since she went upstairs? A few hours, and if she wasnt asleep then it was very unlike her to not have come to him. And so, Micheal had decided to go upstairs and check up on her. Of course he had been surprised to see her curled in the middle of the bed looking all disheveled and pained, even the sheets were disheveled. He had hurried to her at once and gathered her into his arms. "Hey". He said as he brushed her hair from her hair softly. "What's wrong?". For a moment he feared she was having an emotional breakdown or something, giving all that had been happening lately. And on seeing the tears streaming down her cheeks, he became even more alarmed. "Cramps". She told him quietly. His eyes widened slightly and he once again brushed her hair from her face. "What can i do to help?". He asked her. A shuddering breath left April and she held onto his arms tightly. She let the fraagrance of sandal wood soothe her. "Hold on to me...".
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Third person POV April woke up to the feel of Micheal's fingers combing through her hair tenderly. Her eyes fluttered open and she found him right where he had been before she had fallen asleep, and she took a moment to just stare at him, took a moment to realize that her stomach wasnt killing her anymore. "You're awake". He said to her. She nodded. "You stayed". She said quietly. "Of course". He replied. "Are you feeling better?". "Yeah. Thank you". She replied. He smiled. "That's good to know". He told her. "I was begining to lose my mind". And a faint smile curved her own lips. "I guess we had that in common". She said quietly. He combed his fingers through her hair once more. "Why dont you ever go to the hospital?". He asked her, he was rather serious now. "I hate hospitals". She replied simply. He shook his head. "I do not wish for a next time, but if there is to be one....we're going to the hospital". He told her. She shook her head. "There's no need". She to
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Alexa's perspective Examinations had started and to say i was stressed out would be an understatement. All the days of skipping school and spacing out in classes where beginning to take their toll on me. I had decided to not leave immediately after i was done with my exam for the day, and so i found myself sitting in the library while trying my very best to go over some of the work Micheal had covered. I groaned almost exasperatedly. I had beenbat this for hours and i still wasn't getting it right, i was beginning to lose my mind now. I was even beginning to think i was losing my mind. The words on the pages were getting all jumbled up and my eyes were getting sore from having stared at the page for so long. I blew out a breath before shaking my head. I would find someone to explain it to me but of course, i had no one. Sasha and Raymond weren't taking the course and so they couldn't help me, and it truly would be embarrassing to me if i failed Micheal's course. My gaze snapped
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Alexa's Point of view How long had it been? Two hours? Three? More? I had lost track during the course of the lesson, and though i was actually understanding Micheal's lectures, i couldn't help but feel really exhausted. I leaned into my seat tiredly and let out a breath as i tried to focus on what he was saying. The fact that i had been sitting in the same spot for more than three hours now didnt help at all, my body felt stiff and almost numb, even my brain was beginning to protest. I hadn't thought he had meant it so much when he had said i wouldnt be leaving till he was convinced i was ready to approach tomorrow's questions. A small groan left me before i could stop myself, and his gaze flickered up to mine. He probably took in the sorry sight i made cause his eyes softened and he also leaned back into his seat. "Tired?". He asked me. And i nodded immediately. He heaved a sigh before rubbing his temple wearily. "Fair enough, we've been on it for some time now". He sa
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Alexa's POv "Why do you look this way?". Calan asked me as he draped his arm around me for a hug which i hadn't known i had needed till now. He placed a lingering kiss on my head before rubbing my back soothingly. "I'm just so tired". I told him. "That's understandable. Did The lectures go well?". He asked me. And i nodded. After my talk with micheal i had felt better, and we had even gone over the last pages. I was all done now and i had never been more confident about writing an exam. "That's good to know*. He said Against my head. "It was worth it". I nodded once more. We were in the parking lot standing leaning against the car almost lazily while the cool evening's breeze blew softly. "I missed you". He told me. And i looked up at him while my cheeks heated up slowly. "I...i missed you too". I told him. "So much". We had spent yesterday indoors in each other's company, he had helped me study and all, and then later on we had lost ourselves in each other's embrace.
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