All Chapters of Sinful Attraction:My Billionaire Husband And His Best Friend: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
132 Chapters
Alexa's POV I fell asleep not long after Calan left my room. I know i wasnt exactly feeling better about what had happened earlier but i felt a little uplifted; i felt lighter knowing he didnt see me as a burden, i felt better knowing he actually wanted me in his future. I dont know for how long I slept for, but when i woke up i felt like i had been trampled upon by a mob of angry protesters. I had pulled myself together and gone to the bathroom to shower, and when i was finally done i headed downstairs to find Calan. I found him in his study on the phone, and because i didng want to interrupt him i stood by the door and waited. "I dont care". He was saying, his voice was low....upset. "It's not about paying a fine, Layla can take care of that, i want her sanity tested". She knew he was talking about Leela, and truly, she was tired of the whole Leela thing. "Just find a way of getting it done....". She let out a breath before stepping into the study fully to get his attention,
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Third person's POV His gaze softened and he gestured for her to come over. "You're up". He said as she walked to his desk. She had intended to settle down in one of the seats opposite his desk but he streched out his hand encouraging her to go to him. She did, she slid her hand into his and he gengtly uided her to sit on his lap before placing a tender kiss on her head. "How are you feeling?". He asked her. "I...i think i'm better". She replied quietly. "I dont want to talk about it". She didn't even want to be asked how she was feeling; it only reminded her of an event she so desperately wanted to forget. He gently brushed her hair from her face to reveal the red mark Leela's nails had left there, and though she saw his eyes darken he made no comment on it. "What do you want to do?". He asked her. What did she want to do? She wasn't sure about that too, the only thing she was sure about at the moment was that she wanted to close her eyes and open them to find everything ne
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She sat there staring at him, her smile still in place: it wasn't difficult to see the clear adoration in her eyes. "You should never have stopped playing". She told him. It was so very clear that he loved to play, it was clear that it calmed him, gave him a sense of peace. His gaze flickered from hers to the piano and then back again. "It truly wasnt easy to not stopped playing". He told her. He let out a heavy breath. "My father thought me how to play, and when things became.....uneasy between him and i, i sort of just started getting detached from playing". She averted her gaze from his, his eyes seemed to sad. "And when he....". She said quietly. She couldnt complete what she wanted to say but he understood her, and he nodded. "I stopped playing all together". He said. And her gaze flickered back to his. "I'm sorry". She said quietly. He shook his head. "I was trying to cheer you up". He said before clearing his throat. "Lets not get distracted". And she pulled on th
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Third Person's POV Calan's eyes fluttered open on hearing his phone ringing softly from the nightstand, he let of Alexa gently before reaching out and picking up the vibrating device. On seeing that it was Micheal calling he assumed it had something to do with Leela, and so he pushed the covers of himself and got out of bed before answering the call. "What's up?". He said as he walked to the other side of the room. He didn't want Alexa waking up to hear him discussing Leela and what had happened earlier. "Nothing much as of now". Micheal replied. "You good? You sound like you've been on sedatives". He rolled his eyes before shaking his head. He cleared his throat nonetheless. "I was asleep". He replied. "It's four in the evening". Micheal said, he sounded unapologetically judgemental. Calan combed his fingers through his hair. He obviously hadnt called to tell him about the status of the case with Leela. "What exactly is it that you wanted?". He asked him. "How's Alexa?".
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THIRD PERSON'S POV Alexa fingers fumbled absentmindedly with the keys of the piano in Calan's room. She stared blankly at nothing in particular as she ran her fingers over the keys again and again while Calan sat by the other end going over some work on his MacBook. He had somehow managed to block out the sound of the distorted piece Alexa was playing. It had been a few hours since they returned from dinner with Micheal and April, and Alexa seemed to have to been distracted by what ever thought she had been having. She had been that way since she returned from the restroom with April, but she didn't seem sad or upset so he simply let the matter be. 'You think we did the right thing letting them go?'. He had asked Micheal when Alexa had left with April to the restroom. She had after all, told him that she believed April was mad at her, and they both knew how April could be from time to time. 'Yeah. They obviously need to talk things out'. Micheal had replied. 'That's not what
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Third person's POV Alexa found it rather hilarious that she was actually doing this; opening an instagram account to save herself from the humiliation and sneer of her peers. Everything proceeded smoothly, and when it was time to upload a profile picture she found herself becoming indecisive of what to choose. The pictures she had were all either too plain and empty or too....too plain and empty. "Do you think i should take a picture on my way out tomorrow?".She asked him. She had abandoned her seat to settle in the one closest to him so he could see the screen of her phone. "You're not going to attend classes tomorrow. And why wait till tomorrow to take a picture?". He asked her. She glanced down at what she was wearing. "I cant possibly take a picture like this". He told him."You dont have to take a full picture". He said. "But my hair's a mess". A dark smirk curved his lips and he nodded consideringly. "Perfect". He said. And before she could comprehend what he meant
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Third person's POV Alexa gently bushed her fingers through Calan's hair as she stared ahead blankly. They had showered, had breakfast and returned upstairs so Calan could get some sleep, he had told her to go shopping or something while he took a nap but she had insisted on staying with him. "You'll have something to post on your timeline". He had told her. "I don't care about my stupid timeline". She had replied. And he had sighed resignedly. "What will you do while I'm asleep then?". He had asked her. She hadn't needed to think much before replying. "I'll stay with you and watch over you". She had said. And here she was. He had laid his head on her lap and she had brushed her fingers through his hair every now and then. She knew that worrying would truly do nothing but she couldnt help it. He had barely eaten during breakfast and he still had a slight fever, she was resisting the urge to call Dr. Waltz. However, she knew she tended to be overdramatic sometimes, and so she
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Third person's POV Alexa's followers had continued to increase and they were demanding a reaction from her. They had rushed to comment on every post she shared, and when she chose not to reply to a single one of them they had flooded her DM with messages, some hateful, some mildly hateful, and some were just curious really. 'Hey, is it true you had a baby and lost it?' 'Hey! Stop fucking around with your friend's man and answer our messages!' 'Is it true that you're dragging Leela to court?' 'Bitch! You have the perfect life yet you're so not perfect!' 'Follow back!' 'Still hiding?' Alexa rubbed her temple wearily as she continued to scroll through the messages, more and more just kept on coming in and she was getting rather tired of them all. 'You're just a caward who wont even show her real face! Leela probably left a scar to teach you a lesson' Her gaze lingered on the message and for some reason a bolt of boldness surged through her. She found herself brushing her hair
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Third person’s POV The cold water enveloped her foot first as she dipped it into the water, it sent a shiver down her spine and caused her heart to race.“Come on”. Calan coaxed. She let the water envelope most of her body as she lowered herself into the pool fully. To says he felt uncoordinated and awkward would be a serious understatement really; it was weird just floating there while trying to tentatively move her legs in strokes. She liked the feeling though, she liked how the cool water felt against her skin, she liked how it just seemed to make room for her as she went deeper. “It’s not so bad, is it?”. He asked her as she gripped his hands tightly. She shook her head. It actually wasn’t, just long as her head didn’t go underneath. “No, not at all”. She replied. “It’s…..exhilarating”. He chuckled while nodding agreeingly. “You’ll find it even more exhilarating if you didn’t have to hold my hands so tightly”. He told her. She looked down at her hands which were holding
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Alexa's POV We had stayed by the pool talking about random stuff still we realized that it wasn't so hot and bright anymore, we headed back inside though i didn't want to just yet. Calendar had insisted that we go in because he didnt want be catching a cold or something. "So, apart from celebrities and fictional characters, there has to have been a real person you've had a crush on". He had said as we had made our way back upstairs. My cheeks had heated up at once on thinking about my crushes. Had i crushed on a person for real before? It was a big yes, obviously. I had firsy had a big crush on Michael, and then him...... But how was i to say that? How was i to tell him that? I hadn't responded, and strangely he hadn't asked again either. Now in my room, i had changed into a comfortable chiffon dress and was drying my hair with a towel when i heard a knock on the door. "Come in". I called out. I had expected it to be Mildred who wanted to ask me about dinner or something, but
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