All Chapters of Rejected the Alpha but Dated His Beta: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
80 Chapters
#Chapter 41 - Keith’s Soothing Touch
Shirley “I’m on my way..” That’s all Keith had said in reply before he’d hung up the phone - no questions, no reluctancy. All I’d heard were those four words and swift steps before the phone had gone silent. Standing here now, I almost wish that I would have asked him to stay on the phone with me until he arrived. The knocking and ringing have stopped, but that hasn’t done anything to calm me. I feel like I’m going to crumble - my bones are so tight and my muscles so strained that I fear they might actually shatter. Either that, or I may have a heart attack based on the way my heart pounds within my chest. It’s practically painful as I run a hand along my sternum, taking small gasps of air as I try to shake the panic. But I know it’s not going anywhere. As awful as the pounding and doorbell ringing were, the silenced aftermath seems
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#Chapter 42 - Gathering Mysteries
Keith Relaxing had been an impossible task for the Alpha since he’d left Shirley’s the night before. All day, he found that he couldn’t stop thinking about the woman - how her voice had seemed so fearful on the phone that he’d snapped his pen in half when he’d heard it. Or how he’d nearly broken his front door when he rushed out of it before tearing out of his driveway, going at an ungodly speed in his car. He’d been beside himself as he imagined what he’d find when he arrived at her house, only able to calm down a little when he saw for himself that she was okay. But the information she’d given him only raised more concern. Someone was terrorizing her and he couldn’t figure out who may be behind it. All he could do now was ensure her safety and keep a watchful eye out. Sure, he still didn’t completely trust the woman, but that didn’t mean s
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#Chapter 43 - Tread Lightly
Shirley Despite better judgment, I’ve decided to come into town today. I know it may not be safe for me to be out and about, but considering what happened at the house last night - it doesn’t feel safe to be there either. At least in town I’ll be in a public setting, surrounded by witnesses if anything goes wrong. And I really hope it doesn’t. Honestly, I don’t understand why someone is messing with me and why they’re going to such drastic measures to shake me up. Who have I wronged so badly that they feel the need to take me things? Leave dead rabbits for me to find? And what if the two aren’t correlated at all? I could be dealing with two people instead of one, and that thought really shakes me up. I’m just thankful that Keith was so willing to come over before whoever was at my door became impatient, deciding to take things up a notch. His presence had
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#Chapter 44 - Keep It Professional
Shirley Just seconds after I’ve received the second message, there’s a knock at the front door - causing me to nearly jump out of my skin as I quietly yelp. I look toward the entryway with fear filling my every nerve, waiting as I anticipate multiple knocks to follow - or even a neverending chiming from my doorbell. But as I practically hold my breath, I find that neither of those things happen. There was only a single knock and then nothing - just pure silence. Slowly, I make my way toward the door, trying to get a better view of it - even if I know I won’t be able to see who’s standing on my doorstep. Still, I wait for more telling sounds, soon hearing one as there’s another knock. But it’s gentle, not at all menacing as someone raps their knuckles against the wood before they withdraw again. My tormentor wouldn’t do that…would they? Well, I suppose it would mak
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#Chapter 45 - Up in Flames
Shirley The team is absolutely ecstatic as we sit within Keith’s office - all of us buzzing with conversation as we discuss the news we’ve just received. Keith and his right hand men were able to identify who was organizing the protests, discovering it was an older wolf and his son who lived on the other side of town. After some discussions and agreements, the pack was able to ease their minds as well as their followers - completely diffusing the situation. We’re all overjoyed by the information, knowing that we’re in the clear and can fully jump back into the swing of things. However, I feel that same small tinge of sadness pool in my stomach each time I think of the company no longer needing me, but try to quickly smother it each time. What also makes the meeting better is the fact that neither Ralph or Lily are here. Of course, I don’t know why they’re
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#Chapter 46 - Ashes to Ashes
Shirley My gaze is locked on the fire, unwavering as my body slowly moves. I unbuckle my seatbelt, reach for the door handle to my right - completing each action like I’m on autopilot, in a trance.  I can hear Keith yelling at me to stay in the car, but I’m already opening the door and stepping out. The flames are still roaring and rising toward the sky, making me question how we didn’t notice them earlier. I can now confirm that what I thought was fog is actually smoke, floating up to the trees and dispersing through the surrounding area. I’m in complete shock as I stare at the fire, my mind empty as I watch the Tudor enveloped and breaking to pieces. At this rate, the flames are sure to stream toward the forest as it’s already beginning to touch the trees. I pray that they don’t succumb to the heat, knowing it’s the only thing I can do. I feel completely powerless
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#Chapter 47 - The Alpha’s House Guest
Shirley As I stare at Keith, I’m nearly certain that I only imagined his words, that he didn’t actually say them aloud. But the seriousness on his face begins to make me question the thought. “What?” I finally ask, wanting to see if he’ll repeat himself. I hadn’t even realized he’d been listening, but I’m beginning to realize that’s a recurrence with Keith - he’s always listening. “You won’t stay at a hotel,” he begins, his tone straight. “You’ll stay at my home as my guest.” I hadn’t heard him wrong, and my features mirror my surprise. “No,” I start. “No, I can’t do that.” It’s too much, too gracious. “Really, Keith. Thank you for -“ I try, but Keith jumps in agai
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#Chapter 48 - Shopping Spree
Shirley There’s a smile on my face as I wake up the next morning and I know it can be blamed on the lovely scent that drifts up into my nose. As I roll in bed, I happily stretch across the soft bedding, finding that the smell is all around me, warmly greeting me for the morning. Even Cicy seems delighted as she wiggles around inside of me, wearing her own grin as she brushes her fur into the scent. She even nudges me, causing me to lightly sweep my cheek against the pillow under my head as I take another long inhale. However, as I register the quality of the material against my skin, I immediately feel myself tighten. The next second, my eyes fly open and then I find myself swiftly sitting up, blinking wildly as I take in the room before me that is now glowing in the morning light. Keith’s. I’m at Keith’s. I’d somehow completely forgotten an
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#Chapter 49 - Dinner Conversations
Shirley Keith and I don’t talk much on the way back - mainly only to discuss the dropping temperatures or when he scolds me for slapping his hand when he tries to change the radio station. Again, it’s another enjoyable encounter that has me feeling mixed up inside. However, it also leaves a small smile on my face. Only, my smile seems to fall as we pull into his driveway and I notice two figures walking up to the door. “What is she doing here?” Lily calls out the second we step out, not shy about voicing her disdain while Ron stands quietly at her side. Her question makes me want to shake my head, but I keep myself calm as I close my car door. As much as she hates me, just imagine if she found out that I’m - “She’s staying here,” Keith replies. And welp, consider the beans officially spilled. Lily takes the news li
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#Chapter 50 - Undeniable Attraction
Shirley As I’m getting ready for the day the following morning, I can’t help but acknowledge the restful night of sleep I’ve had - despite the dinner with Keith, despite him asking me to spend Thanksgiving with him, despite everything. Somehow, I managed to pass out soon after I returned to my room, and I slept soundly throughout the whole night. And now I’m moving around the guest bedroom, tidying up a little so Keith doesn’t think I’m some wild animal. Meanwhile, I have my phone propped against my shoulder and Jean’s sweet voice filling my ear. Well, it’s sweet despite the sadness in her tone over the news I’ve just shared. “What do you mean you’re not coming home for Thanksgiving? I was really hoping I could see you,” she tells me. “I know, Jean. I was too,” I tell her as I fo
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