All Chapters of Rejected the Alpha but Dated His Beta: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
80 Chapters
Chapter 21 - The Temptation of Power
Shirley Leaving the cafe has my head in a spin as I try to juggle all of the information I just learned. I walk down the street as I think about Jean first, considering what she told me. However, as I realize most of it has to do with physical intimacy and secrecy, I abandon the details. Next, I think of Ron. He didn’t give me much to work with, but he had mentioned how Ralph and he had drifted over the years. He claimed it was “this and that,” but I can’t help but feel there’s something written between the lines. And finally, there’s what Keith told me. I’m still blown away that he was willing to talk to me about Ralph after all that he’s said and done, but regardless I’m thankful. He gave me more insight than either Jean or Ron had. But how is it helpful? He said that Ralph is a motivated and committed Beta, but he also mentioned Ralph’s mission to become the leader of the Beta. And since Keith wasn’t willing to just hand over the title to him simply because of friendship
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Chapter 22 - Keith’s Discovery
Shirley I’m certain Ralph has seen the paper by now, and there’s no way he missed our story - it’s on the front page for Goddess’ sake. However, I have yet to hear from him and I know I can’t risk the chance of reaching out myself. So I have to take another route. It’s lunchtime and I’ve “coincidentally” decided to catch a meal at the Root - Ralph’s tried and true lunch spot. Seeing as he hasn’t come to me, I’m taking it upon myself to ensure that we “bump” into one another so he has no choice but to face me. I’m assuming the only reason he hasn’t rushed to my side is because he’s trying not to seem too eager with the information at his fingertips. Either that, or he’s still trying to process everything. After all, suddenly discovering that the girl you’ve been seeing is secretly the Alpha King’s niece isn’t an easy pill to swallow. Making my way down the street, I can see the restaurant in the distance, watching as people come and go out the front door. I don’t spot Ralph among
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Chapter 23 - The Alpha King’s Niece
Shirley I feel them both waiting for me to respond, though I realize now that Keith has shifted backward, giving me a little space. His actions allow me to feel the fall breeze on my skin, making my head clearer. “No, of course not,” I tell Ralph, appearing scattered as I brush him off, attempting to hide the “truth.” “Yes, you are,” he insists, giving a nod. “I saw the paper this morning. There was a story on the front page saying the Alpha King is going to receive his niece.” “That has nothing to do with me,” I try, shaking my head before I gesture to Keith. “We were just joking around.” I try to laugh him off, looking to Keith for backup. However, the Alpha doesn’t budge as he stares at Ralph as if hanging on every word. “But your picture was included,” Ralph presses ahead. “Right in the middle of the article.” Faking surprise, I make my eyes grow wider as I take a step back. “What?” I ask. “But…but how did they -“ “So you’ve been faking your identity this entire time
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Chapter 24 - Rejection
Shirley As I watch Ralph tearing down the street, getting farther and farther away from us, I begin to feel panic rise up from my toes. Ralph is leaving. And his urgency suggests that he’s on his way to somewhere specific, or rather - someone specific. Jean. He’s going to reject her. Right now. And everything in me can’t help but feel things might go south. “I have to go,” I say aloud suddenly, taking myself by surprise. But I soon realize that maybe the words aren’t necessarily for me, but for the Alpha still standing at my side. Simultaneously, we both look over at each other. The furrow over his brow causes me to swallow as I begin to back away. “I’m sorry, Keith,” I start. “I have to go take care of something urgent.” I then try to swivel away, but I’m stopped as I feel his hand wrap around my arm. “Wait,” he says, leaving me to look back at him as I can’t move my arm even a centimeter within his grasp. But I can’t wait. I need to go. So I tell him. “I need to
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Chapter 25 - Secret Goodbyes
Shirley As quiet as a mouse, I step out of the room, my eyes scanning the entryway as if expecting to find shattered glass and carnage. However, everything is still perfectly in its place and my eyes are left landing on the only movement I can spot in the hallway. Jean is standing there, hugging herself as she looks toward the door. I don’t say anything as the seconds tick by, giving her space to gather her thoughts as I prepare myself for whatever reaction she’ll have once the adrenaline wears off. It takes a good five minutes and my feet are sore as my heels press into the ground, but finally - Jean blinks. Then she repeats the action, but her eyelids become more rapid, fluttering quickly before tears begin to fall. The moment she looks over at me, she releases a sob. “Shirley,” she tries. I rush over, throwing my arms around her as I shut my eyes tight and squeeze her tighter. She trembles in my arms as her cries fill the hall, and I just let her empty out every single emoti
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Chapter 26 - Unexplainable Loneliness
Shirley After finishing the errands, I return to Jean’s to find that she has finished packing up the rest of her things. Thankfully, we were able to pull some strings for a moving company to pick up everything within the hour and booked a flight for this evening. Even if we had to pay a ridiculous amount, we figured it’s worth it just in case Ralph changes his mind and returns - though I doubt that will happen. He thinks he’s about to have the Alpha King’s blessing - he’ll never turn back. Once the movers arrive, they’re quick to load all of Jean and Eliot’s belongings into the truck. However, that’s likely because Jean and I both seem a little frantic and they can sense our desperation. I swear everything gets packed and strapped down within the blink of an eye. Now it’s just Jean, little Eliot, and me standing in front of her house, holding each other's hands as we stare at the flourishing rose bushes and forest green shutters. As Jean inhales slowly, her hard stare sweeping
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Chapter 27 - Dead to the World
Keith The sun had gone down hours ago and Keith kept finding himself glancing outside to see the black silhouetted trees just beyond the window. It was as if someone was standing out there, wildly trying to get his attention - but he knew there was no one. And yet, he couldn’t shake the feeling that something might be wrong. “Do you need help with anything?” a purring voice called from his doorway then, drawing his eyes over. Sure enough, there stood Lily, her eyelashes fluttering as she gave him a coy smile. “No,” he rumbled out, his brows bunching. “How did you get in?” “The key you gave me. Duh,” Lily said with a scoff as she leaned away from the doorframe. However, she didn’t decide to leave upon hearing he didn’t need help. Instead, she welcomed herself in, even making herself at home as she swayed over to his desk and took a seat on the edge. “What’s the matter?” she asked, still smirking as she seemed to notice his irritated gaze. “You seem a little pent up.” “I have a
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Chapter 28 - Jarring Propositions
Shirley Moving Jean’s belongings into my spare bedroom was more exhausting than I’d imagined, but I have to admit that the physical labor was rewarding. Plus, seeing Eliot’s smiling face as he ran around my apartment and pressed his face against the tall windows to look out at the city made me forget about most of my aches and pains. My own unpacking was a lot simpler as I just put away my toiletries and threw all my clothes in the wash. It almost felt too easy - returning to everything and settling in like I’d never left. That thought causes unwanted feelings to press up from my heart, heading straight to my head as I gaze around at my bedroom. Wanting to stop them, I abruptly head for my bedroom door, crossing the narrow hallway so I can poke my head into Jean’s new room. “Hey,” I say as I give a small knock on the doorframe. “Can I borrow your phone?” Jean swivels to look at me, stopping mid step as she balances a few books in her hand. “You threw it away in the airplane b
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Chapter 29 - Devil’s Advocate
Shirley “Shirley? Shirley? Is everything okay?” I blink as I finally acknowledge Alana calling out to me, my vision clearing as I register her concerned features. “Are you alright?” she tries again. Am I alright!? I just discovered that the job I was practically lusting after is located in the town I just saved my best friend from. A job that is led by a man I’d swore I’d never see again and was trying to distract myself from. I don’t even know what I am. “Y- yes,” I manage to say despite the sourness swirling around in my stomach. I know my words are not the least bit convincing as I watch Alana eye me, most likely noticing the lack of color in my cheeks. “Is there something wrong with the job?” she asks, lifting a brow. “No, no,” I toss out quickly. “Of course not.” But it’s a lie. Everything is wrong with this job. Well, besides the amazing payout and provisions - but somehow that almost makes matters worse. “Well, good…” Alana trails out, still looking skeptical.
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Chapter 30- Returning to Lockheart
Shirley Jean doesn’t shy away from voicing her disapproval the whole time I pack up my things. The words “bad idea” are repeated so many times that they practically don't sound real anymore. However, when she finally manages to take a breath, I make sure to grip her by the shoulders and hit her with a lifetime supply of reassurance, repeating a line of my own to really strike home. “One sign of danger and I’m gone.” I can tell that she still isn’t pleased as she watches me walk out of the door with my suitcase in tow, but she still lets me leave. Probably because I told her I would call at least two times a day and keep my location on at all times so she wouldn’t fret over my whereabouts. I even send her a few texts while I’m on my way to the airport, trying to keep things light as I promise I’m still alive. However, Jean doesn’t seem to think it was very funny. Going back toward the east, the flight feels a lot shorter than when I’d gone home, but I make sure to use my time
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