All Chapters of Rejected the Alpha but Dated His Beta: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
80 Chapters
Chapter 11 - Thrown to the Wolves
Shirley I’ve got Ralph wrapped around my finger like a perfectly tied bow. And I let Jean know as much as we go up the escalator together, leaving her to gape at me. “He’s really been messaging you non-stop everyday?” she asks, completely surprised. “Yup,” I confirm happily. “And he also makes sure we see each other any chance we get. But don’t worry - there hasn’t been any funny business.” Not that he hasn’t tried. However, it’s all been fairly harmless. Just a hand on my back here and there or pretending as if it’s a coincidence when our hands brush. But I make sure to keep him talking, placing his focus elsewhere. As I mentioned, we've been seeing each other constantly, planning to see each other everyday - without fail. I can’t say that I exactly love spending time with him, but I can’t deny that I enjoy seeing the way Keith sneers at me whenever he spots us together. Troublesome jerk. Plus, I’m making lots of headway. I bat my eyelashes at him, look at him in wonde
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Chapter 12 - Wrapped in the Alpha’s Embrace
Shirley All I can hear is growling and what appears to be harsh kicks or punches landing against bodies. At one point or another, the sound of bones crunching meets my ears, causing me to shake harder as I can’t see anything. Whoever was holding me is no longer at my side, but I know it’s because they’re currently taking on the group of rogue wolves - I pray that they’re winning. Eventually, my shaking becomes so bad that I can’t even stand anymore. I’m on my knees, hugging myself on the ground as the brawl continues. It feels like a dream - a bad dream as my ears become numb and everything sounds so far away. I don’t know how long I sit there, but it feels like hours as I still shiver and rock, unable to calm myself. I know I’m perfectly capable of removing the bag from my head now, but I can’t get my arms to move. I simply sit there, listening to the fight, and wishing it would all just stop. And soon it does. I hear footsteps as multiple wolves run away or even a few g
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Chapter 13 - The Gamma’s Contempt
Shirley This asshole really had the nerve to call me an immoral minx when he has a girlfriend? Oh, that’s low. So completely low. Especially considering the way he’d been holding, not denying his obvious arousal. I want to shake my head at him, to show him just how disapproving I am by his actions. But apparently I don’t need to. Keith seems to receive my message loud and clear based on my suspicious stare alone. He just glares right back, working out the puzzle as he tilts his chin. And then he’s the one shaking his head. “This is Lily,” he states, sweeping a hand in the woman’s direction. “She‘s my Gamma. And the little sister of Ron - a longtime friend.” Gamma…so not his girlfriend then. Considering Keith’s claims, I allow my gaze to go back to Lily, ready to offer her a nod as a way of greeting. However, my desire to acknowledge her disappears as she snorts at me. What the hell? “And who are you?” she asks me disdainfully. But she doesn’t give me a chance to answer
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Chapter 14 - Enough
Shirley Ralph: Hey, beautiful. Sorry about the last few days. I came down with a cold and had to be hospitalized. I just woke up an hour ago. Aww, poor thing. Anya: Oh my! I’m so glad you’re okay. Ralph: Don’t worry about me, sweetheart. -heart emoji- I’m fine. I want to gag as I read his message, but swallow down the sensation as I remember who’s in my company. Plus, I need to search for the perfect thing to say. It’s been days since I’ve heard from Ralph, seen him - a situation that I should rectify as soon as possible. I can’t let the loss of time affect the plan. Finally, I come up with an idea that’s purely sinful. Anya: Well, I’m sorry you had to miss the Halloween party. Especially because you didn’t get to appreciate my costume. “Anya,” Keith begins, trying to gain my attention. But I’m too busy. Following my text, I immediately send Ralph a few photos I’d taken earlier in the night. They’re all of me in my hotel room, striking multiple sexy poses that highli
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Chapter 15 - Making Him Squirm
Shirley I’m beautifully dressed as I pull up to the curb, seeing Ralph’s grinning face as he waits for me. The doctors finally gave him the all clear and he’s able to leave the hospital - and we both insisted that I should be the one to pick him up. “Hey, sweetheart,” he says as he slides into my car. “Boy, am I glad to see you.” “I’m glad to see you too,” I state back shyly. In a way my words are honest this time, but I would have said them more mischievously if I could have. I have high hopes for today. “Actually, I’ve been in a pretty bad mood these last few days since I couldn’t see you,” I tell him. As if feeling sorry for me, I watch as Ralph’s gaze becomes remorseful. And then I catch how his hand begins to move, sliding out of his lap and coming directly toward mind. Sick from the idea of him touching me, I quickly slide my hand away, appearing as if I didn’t notice his advances as I put the car back in drive. “But you’re free now!” I state ecstatically. “I was hop
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Chapter 16 - The Third Wheel
Shirley As expected, Ralph agrees to have Keith join us. After all, Keith is his Alpha and I know he wants to please him. However, Ralph insists that I decide what we do next, leaving me to try and think of something as we leave the building together - now as a trio. Stupid, Keith. I’m so annoyed by his presence that I can hardly come up with any ideas. That is, until I recall something I’d seen earlier and am finally hit with inspiration. “We should go back to the mall and ride the Ferris wheel,” I claim, looking toward Ralph with a little excitement. “All the way to the top floor.” It has been years since I’ve ridden a Ferris wheel and have to admit I’m genuinely enthused about the idea. Seeing as this day isn’t turning out how I hoped, I can’t help but feel I’m entitled to a little self indulgence. Ralph agrees while Keith says nothing - probably because the Alpha doesn’t care what we do as long as he just gets to keep an eye on us. It’s an annoying discovery, but I tuc
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Chapter 17 - Admiration for the Alpha
Shirley I no longer hear approaching steps and I know we’re safe. Especially as I feel a body peel away from mine, allowing me to open my eyes as I see we’re no longer in the midst of the crowd as the other wolves are still fleeing twenty feet away. I don’t focus on them for long, though. No, I’m too busy glancing toward my side in search of who had just saved me from being stomped to death. And as I find them, my lips fall open. “Keith.” He’d saved me - us. I’m reminded of the mother and child’s presence as the woman begins to cry out “thank yous” while Keith helps us to our feet. I’m barely able to offer her a goodbye as she rushes off as I’m still too busy staring at the Alpha. He can teleport. Keith can teleport. And he’d used it to get us out. I’m just about to offer my gratitude, but I’m hindered as there are new screams filling the air. The fire is only growing, blocking off previous exits as wolves cower away. At this rate, we could all be trapped. “Everyone, do no
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Chapter 18 - Giving the Paw
Shirley I would love more than anything to leave Ralph to rot in his cell, but I know that I can’t. Not only because I need to continue impressing him, but also because I need to see if the conditions of my charm were met. Sneaking in was easy as I stayed within the shadows and waited until the guards were in the middle of a shift change before I slipped by. Ralph’s eyes had lit up when he saw me appear at his cell door, showing him that I brought plenty of food and water for him to enjoy. But now we’re standing within the dark together - both of us tucked into his cell as I was able to get in with the key I’d swiped from the guard. I was surprised Ralph didn’t suggest we just escape together, but I think we’re both aware that the consequences are too great. So instead, we’re just staring at each other and Ralph’s eyes still shine with adoration. I know that’s my cue, my sign that it’s time to initiate the next phase of my plan, so I take a breath…and I remove my glasses. I
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Chapter 19 - Learning About Ralph
Shirley Things with Ralph have progressed to a whole new level. Sure, there have been a few complications, but I’ve still managed to get him in a good place to deliver the final blows. However, the end of my plan admittedly will require more information. Ralph likes me - or rather, Anya. He’s made that perfectly clear. But apparently, dizzying his head with surface level conversations and adoring looks won’t cut it. I don’t know Ralph well enough for the charm to fully work because I’m uncertain what he fully wants or needs. Hence why his sudden need for affection threw Cicy and me off. In order for this to really work, I need to know more about Ralph. I need to dig a little deeper. I decide to start my research by turning to Jean, but she - surprisingly - doesn’t have much to offer. “Ralph and I have been together for three years, but most of our time has been spent in bed together, exploring physical pleasures,” she tells me as we both sit at the Fleetwood cafe, sipping coffe
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Chapter 20 - An Unexpected Opportunity
Shirley Once again, I’ve found myself drinking a cup of coffee as I sit inside another cafe. However, this time it’s not Jean who sits across from me - it’s Keith. We’ve been eyeing each other for a few minutes, both of us barely moving as we don’t even take a sip of our drinks. Ron is long gone at this point - after he heard me accept Keith’s invitation, the man had quickly said his goodbyes. So now it was just Keith and me, and I really can’t understand why he was helping me. “Why are you suddenly so eager to talk to me about Ralph?” I finally ask, getting nowhere with my silent thoughts. “Why now?” Keith huffs at my questions. “Eager might be an overstatement,” he insists. “But I guess I had a slight change of heart considering I can tell you’re serious about Ralph.” I blink as I take in his words, waiting for a “but.” However, Keith surprises me as he continues. “I still have my reservations, seeing as I believe in the sanctity of fated mates, but…” But. “I’m als
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