All Chapters of Rejected the Alpha but Dated His Beta: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
80 Chapters
#Chapter 51 - Conversations by the Fireside
Shirley I’ve spent the last few hours locked up in my room, working away on the rest of the day’s tasks. I’d like to say I’ve only cooped myself up in here so I can focus, but I know that another part of the reason is because I’m avoiding Keith. It’s silly - I know. But I figured it was a better alternative than returning to the kitchen table, unable to type any coherent words as I listened to his shower running in the background. I wanted to get something done after my elongated break and I know this is the only way to accomplish that. And it worked. I was able to finish all of my work today and even clear my head a little. Maybe that can also be blamed on the house being fairly quiet, but either way I’m thankful. Rewarding myself, I decide to change into my nightgown and grab my book again, soon wiggling onto the bed. I pick up where I lef
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#Chapter 52 - Jealousy
Shirley All at once, my dirty thoughts from the afternoon seem to trickle back into my mind, and I find myself squirming again, pressing my thighs together. But I realize my reaction is a mistake as it catches Keith’s attention, drawing his stare to my exposed skin that only makes me hotter. And then his eyes begin to slowly raise back up, and I watch as his lips begin to part. However, it’s not his voice that soon meets the room, but the distant sound of a phone ringing. My phone. Jean. She’s calling. Stumbling over myself, I stand from the chair, clearing my throat. “I should go take that,” I tell him, and he watches me as I adjust my nightgown. His stare is still heated, but thankfully it has become a little tamer. Without another word, Keith hands me back my book and I leave the room, trying not to focus on
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#Chapter 53 - Toying with the Alpha
Shirley He couldn’t be…could he? My head is still reeling with the thought, feeling dizzied by the possibility as Keith and I finally sit in the car and buckle our seatbelts. I’m questioning it, trying to make myself believe that I’m mistaken and something else must have set Keith off. But it’s becoming harder to ignore my suspicions as he aggressively throws the car in drive and speeds away from the estate. There’s a buzzing silence between us that’s not even filled by the ambient sound of the radio as Keith has already turned it off. I assume that every mile we put between us and the party that his mood would get better, but it doesn’t. He only grips the steering wheel harder, keeps his angry stare on the road. Finally, I can’t hold my tongue any longer. “What’s wrong?” I ask,
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#Chapter 54 - Sticking to the Plan
Shirley I wait. I wait for Keith to cross that last inch, to bring his lips to mine. I feel like his prey, but for some reason I’m willingly defenseless and ready for him to take control. His hand on my cheek tilts my chin a little and then I know his lips are almost again mine. I feel that flutter in my lashes as they long to close, to submit so Keith can take over. But they never fully close. Instead, they remain open as I hear his voice. “Go inside,” he states. It’s laced with lust, mirroring whatever desire I’m feeling. And yet his words were a perfect contradiction to the emotion, causing me to draw back an inch as Keith does the same. I’m left looking up into his golden eyes, my throat growing tight and dry as I see the intensity behind them. “Go inside,” he repeats. 
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#Chapter 55 - Thanksgiving
Shirley The next two days seem to fly by as the team is busy working on their own necessary tasks. Even I barely remember to take a moment to eat as I stay glued to my computer, typing away furiously to do my part. And I hardly see Keith. In fact, I only really saw him once and it was from behind as his back had been turned to me and he’d been on the phone. I’d made sure to soundlessly move into the next room so I wouldn’t disturb him. When the morning of Thanksgiving arrives, I find myself waking up early and almost immediately leaving the house. I have a few errands to run for the day, including trying to see if the post office is open so I can redirect a few of Jean’s old packages that were apparently being held. Warren doesn’t seem too bothered to be working on the holiday as he drives me anywhere I need to go. However, I also try to sweeten him up more when
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#Chapter 56 - Meeting Keith’s Parents
ShirleyThere’s no way this is happening. I’m dumbfounded as I stare at Keith’s mother, seeing she has the same golden gaze that is currently widened with bewilderment as she blinks at Keith and me.I know how this looks to her - it looks bad. Well, actually it isn't necessarily bad, but she’s probably getting the wrong idea from this scene. Keith and I both dressed up, sharing Thanksgiving alone? Again, it looks intimate and there’s probably a million thoughts swirling around in her head.“What are you doing here?” Keith finally asks calmly, getting up from the table. He goes to his mother, giving her a simple hug as she begins to bounce back a little. She embraces her son, giving him her attention as I also stand.“We were trying to surprise you,” his mother confesses. “We didn’t want you to be alone for Thanksgiving, but it seems that’s not an issue.”She looks at me again, but her gaze isn’t cruel and neither was her tone. It’s clear that she isn’t bothered by my being there, maki
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#Chapter 57 - Setting the Record Straight
ShirleyI’m not sure what to do with myself. I woke up this morning, overwhelmingly aware of Keith’s parents being here as the house sounded more lively than usual. It’s not that I don’t want to see them - I actually think they’re lovely people. However, I’m not sure how to face them.They think Keith and I are together. I don’t know how to proceed, how to navigate this whole thing. Part of me wishes I could talk to Keith about everything, but I didn’t have the chance last night and I haven’t heard his voice from beyond the door this morning.So I’ve kept myself cooped up in here for hours, working away on my computer as I try to keep myself at ease. Only, I find myself losing focus any time I hear any noise or my mind slips back to the previous night. I wonder what Keith said to them when I’d left…whether he admitted the truth or just pushed it off. Maybe he didn’t have the heart to tell them they were wrong - I don’t think I would.It all has me in quite a daze, leaving me to try an
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#Chapter 58-The voice
ShirleyKeith: Well, my bed is more than big enough for two. If you ever change your mind. That’s the last text Keith sent last night. The one I’d missed as I fell asleep, and I’m in shock as I read over the words for the fifth time this morning.Did he actually say that? Had he just been as tired as I was and spewing nonsense? Because that seems very blatantly flirty to me.But maybe it isn’t. Maybe it’s all in good fun - just like my messages were - and I need to relax. After all, Keith and both know that nothing would ever happen between us, so this is all just nonsense.That’s what I keep telling myself anyway as I get ready for the day. And I’m still telling it to myself as I leave my room before I head into the kitchen.And then I find the exact wolf who’d just been at the center of my thoughts. However, he’s not the only one sitting at the table with a beautiful breakfast spread laid out. No, there’s at least a dozen other wolves gathered around.I begin to question how I hadn
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#Chapter 59- Help From a New Friend
ShirleyThe sight of Ralph’s smile makes me instantly forget that I have to pee and nearly causes a shiver to slide down my back.It has been over a week since I’ve seen him, which almost made me forget about his disdain for me…for Anya. But based on the look on his face, I can tell that hate hasn’t faded - it may have even grown.“Do you need something?” I finally bring myself to ask, my grip tightening on my phone. It’s still open to my text thread with Keith, oddly making me thankful that I could hit call if necessary. But why do I feel like I may need to?“Just checking on you,” Ralph says, his smug smile growing. “I see you’ve made some friends.”He glances over my shoulder, causing me to turn and do the same as I see the distracted wolves in my party.“If that’s what you want to call it,” I reply as I turn back to him.Ralph hums, the sound only adding to my discomfort as I try not to grimace. But I still grow more rigid as I frown.“Guess it’s nice to have people to keep you co
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#Chapter 60 - Enlighten Me
ShirleyKeith’s tone makes me feel as though I’ve been caught doing something I shouldn’t have. Like I’m a teenager who just snuck in after fooling around with my boyfriend all night. I pause in the doorway as I stare at him, studying how his solid features are held tight.I can already tell Keith is ready to pick a fight, which causes a sudden annoyance to begin to trickle into my veins.“Why does it matter?” I ask him.“Warren can drive you home,” Keith tosses back.“It’s two in the morning,” I counter. “I didn’t want to bug him.”“That’s what he’s there for,” the Alpha states. “That’s his job.”In turn, I huff. “Well, excuse me for trying to be polite.”But Keith doesn’t care. He’s too wound up as he stands from where he’s seated.“Your ‘politeness’ put you in danger,” he says then. “You were being careless.”“Careless?” I ask with a scoff. “Because I took a ride from someone who offered?”“You hardly know him,” Keith tries. “What if he had brought you back to his place? Or drove o
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