Semua Bab Rejected the Alpha but Dated His Beta: Bab 71 - Bab 80
80 Bab
#Chapter 71 - Loss of Power
ShirleyNo.No. It’s impossible.You’re wrong, I tell Cicy, my body beginning to shake. There’s no way.I can sense it, Cicy tells me in return, unbothered by my efforts to calm her.He can’t be, I insist. You’re just confused.That’s all this was - confusion. Cicy had to be mistaken, misreading signs. And maybe she was just hopeful due to the other mating bonds we’d witnessed lately - even Jean’s that we literally watched snap into place. However, Cicy’s excitement over Keith’s possibility of being my mate formed my own confusion.For years - or even for as long as I could remember - Cicy and I had been in agreement that mating bonds were a waste of time. Neither of us wanted one, and now she’s singing a different tune, disrupting our peace.It’s nothing, I tell her then. Just confusion.I’m not confused, Cicy snaps back, but still I’m not convinced. His scent, his touch. I can’t resist its temptation - even if it's vague.Vague. I hold onto that word, Cicy’s admittance. It’s all I c
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#Chapter 72 - Undeniable Lust
KeithThe house was quiet as Keith sat in his office, drinking from a glass filled with the last of his scotch. Usually, he wouldn’t make a habit of drinking alone, but tonight the alcohol felt necessary.He felt run down in every sense of the word - though, he’d never admit it. So much had occurred over the previous weeks and it was moments like these where everything caught up to him.Only, he couldn’t ignore what captured his thoughts tonight, had his vision glazing over as he looked at nothing in particular. Instead, he was met with images of Shirley as the woman’s face took up every inch of his mind.“Stop!”The way she’d thrown out the word the previous night had struck him straight to his chest. Her voice had been so raw, anguished. And he still didn’t know what he’d done to cause it.However, that wasn’t even the oddest thing about the whole occurrence. No - Keith was still left in confusion as he remembered what else had happened during Shirley’s struggles. As she stood withi
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#Chapter 73 - As Sweet As Honey
ShirleyI’ve returned home after being out all day. I’ve been trying to come to terms with what happened last night, but I know it was just a moment of weakness caused by Cicy’s influence. However, that doesn’t explain why my powers are weakened, why my scent slipped.I wish there was a way to gain answers to what’s happening, but there’s no one I can turn to. Not even Jean as I know she’s currently busy with her new mate. For now, I have to cope as best as I can.Still feeling defeated, I walk up the front door of Keith’s home. I brace myself with every step I take, knowing that the Alpha must be home as I can see his car in the driveway. All I can hope is that our paths don’t cross again tonight.Reaching the top step, I go to slid my key in the lock, but I pause as I notice the door is already unlocked. That’s strange…normally whoever comes and goes makes sure it’s secure each time, not wanting anyone to somehow sneak in.Still puzzled, I let myself inside, making sure to lock the
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#Chapter 74 - Finally
ShirleyKeith wants me. I heard it from his very lips, felt it rumble through every inch of me being. It’s not a conclusion I made based on a look he gave or from reading between his words. He actually said it.And following his words, his teeth scrape against my neck, gently biting me. It makes me completely lose all sense, my mouth acting before my brain as I jerk and give a muffle cry.“Yes,” the word falls out of my mouth, my approval feeling as though it could shake the earth beneath my feet. But it also has Keith growing more wild.“Do you want me to fuck you here? Or the bed?” Keith asks next, sending sparks into my stomach.Yes. Neither. Both. All answers fly into my head, but only one leaves my mouth.“Bed.”Keith peels his body from mine, and I instantly miss him. But then he’s picking me up, carrying me through the office.My lips are on his neck now, burning him with kisses that make his steps stagger as he moves into my bedroom. He groans from deep in his throat, causing
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#Chapter 75 - Back Into Hiding
KeithKeith’s head hurt like hell when he woke up the next morning, groggy as he tried to blink away the pain also sitting within his eyes. It caused him to reach his hands in his hair, groaning as he felt a strain in each of his muscles.Holy fuck - he felt like shit. It was as if he was hung over, the pounding in his head only becoming worse. However, as he ran another hand through his hair, alarms began to ring within his head.He hadn’t been drunk - he’d been drugged.Eyes snapping open, Keith bared the pain as memories began to dance within his mind. Sitting at home, Lily coming over, realizing she’d put something in his drink, kicking her out. He could remember it all, but it’s what came after that was foggy.Keith continued to stir then, unsettled by the holes in his own story. Only, as his limbs brushed the bedding around him, he came to a new discovery.This was not his bed.Startled again, Keith sat up, fighting through discomfort as he stared down at the sheets and then up
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#Chapter 76 - Running Away
ShirleyI want to say that I’m happy I’m gone - that I’m relieved. But I can’t.I don’t know what to feel. I know I’m the one who decided to leave without saying a word to Keith…or anyone really. However, that hasn’t left me rejoicing in my seat as I sit on the plane - heading to my next destination.Keith doesn’t know where I’ve gone - no one does, really. I’d sent Jean a message right before I’d disconnected my phone, letting her know I needed to get away. Only, not even she knows where “away” is.Sitting on this plane, I’ve already watched miles fly by as we coast through the air. I watched the sun go down, leaving my eyes to only scan flickering lights of the cities below. And now the plane’s cabin is quiet as most passengers have fallen asleep.But I’m awake - I don’t know how I’ll ever sleep again with all the thoughts going through my head or the heaviness in my heart. The ache in my chest is horrible and I wish I could just make it go away. But it only becomes worse each time
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#Chapter 77 - Acceptance
ShirleyA silent breath brushes through my lips, making my shoulders fall an inch as I swallow Keith’s declaration.I just want you. Four simple words and yet it feels like my world has been shaken. Deep down, maybe I already knew, but it’s different hearing him say it aloud.“Want me…” is the only thing I can murmur once my lips choose to move. And in turn, Keith silently nods, waiting for me to say more.But I’m not sure what to say - just like I haven’t known what to think for the last week. Maybe even since the day I met Keith...I’ve never known what to think.Keith is my mate, and when I look back at everything that has happened…I’m still so drawn in. But that doesn’t mean I’m not afraid. And because I only want the truth to be spoken between Keith and me, I tell him.“I’m afraid,” I say aloud, quietly.Again, Keith nods.“I know,” he says.He knows - because he always knows. But why else would I have run away if I wasn’t afraid? The only thing is…he may not know what exactly I
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#Chapter 78 - Returning Together
ShirleyKeith holds my hand, keeping me close as we walk through the Lock Heart airport. Looking at our intertwined fingers keeps a smile on my face, which can’t be smoothed even as people stare our way.“Who is that?”“Do you see the Alpha?”They’re whispering, staring wide-eyed. Some people smile, others - mainly women - scowl at me. Apparently Keith notices too because he only squeezes my hand and brings me closer.However, it’s not in a domineering or protective manner. Instead, he holds his head high, seemingly proud and happy to have me at his side.I have to admit I like it - I like this. Finally being able to touch him and look at him however and whenever I want is like a personal gift from the Goddess.It certainly felt like a gift yesterday when we’d made the most of my final moments in my room - we’d locked ourselves in there all day. But eventually, I had to go meet with my counselor, let her know that I wasn’t going to finish the semester and that I’m withdrawing.Since t
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#Chapter 79 - A Call For Help
ShirleyThe room is silent and the men are gone. Keith is gone.All Arthur, Ruth, and I can do is stand within the room, breathing as we try to soak in everything that has just happened.They took Keith because he’s committed a crime they wouldn’t explain, but I know for certain that they’re wrong. Whatever it is - he’s been wrongly accused.I want to know for what, why, and who made the accusations. But most importantly, I want to get him back - I need to.As my shock disappears, fire begins to course through my veins - determination soon filling me to the brim. Then the wheels in my head begin to spin.“Arthur,” I say, turning to look at him. “We need to contact the Alpha King.”I watch as Arhur turns to me blinking - apparently still stunned.“What?” he asks.“The Alpha King,” I state. “We need his help. We need to clear Keith’s name.”Arthur continues to blink at me, as if he still hasn’t grasped what’s going on. But we need to act fast.“Ruth,” I say next, looking toward the woma
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#Chapter 80 - Setting Us Free
ShirleyRalph.Ralph did this. He took his own crimes and tried to save himself by making a counter strike and pinning them on Keith.This isn’t over. It’s far from over.And the Alpha King is unable to help me now unless I can provide evidence. Which is exactly what I plan to do. But first, I need to get Keith released.I called the police department following my conversation with the King. He’d been right - Keith’s bail was absurdly high and would need to be paid immediately. Though paying it won’t clear his name completely - it will at least be a first step among plenty.I’ve already talked with Arthur too. Unfortunately, I don’t have the money to pay the bail myself. But Keith's father said they may have the funds to cover his son’s release, but the money may need to be moved around.That’s where my skills come in. I’ve been sitting at Keith's computer all morning, looking at accounts, assets. I’m trying to figure out what can be pulled from where so we can save Keith and also not
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