All Chapters of My Unexpected Lycan Mate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
68 Chapters
Chapter 21
Arec leaned closer to kiss Eve, but a knock at her door caused them to jump apart. “Who could that be?” Eve asked with a frown. She moved to answer the door, but Arec grabbed her arm and said, “Let me get it.” As he moved past her, he added, “I don’t trust anyone who knocks on a woman’s door this time of night.” “I’m not sure if I should be insulted or grateful,” she said with a wry smile. He glanced over his shoulder at her and said, “Grateful. Definitely grateful.” Winking at her before turning around, he reached for the door and hesitated. “What is it?” she asked, her brow wrinkled in confusion. He shook his head and said, “I’m not sure. Something doesn’t feel right.” Keeping her behind him, he opened the door and peered out. “Who is it?” Eve whispered, trying to look over his shoulder. He shook his head and said, “No one’s out here.” Opening the door wider, he looked around. “What’s that?” Eve asked, pointing toward the ground. He looked down to see a bouquet
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Chapter 22
After Arec left her place, Eve picked up her phone and sent a text to Linda. “Hey, girl,” she wrote. “What are you doing tonight? Wanna catch a movie with me?” Setting the phone down, she sat on the couch and smiled, thinking about the night before. Her eyes settled on the bouquet of flowers she’d set on the end table before she and Arec went into her bedroom, and she reached for them. Before she touched them, her phone buzzed, letting her know she’d received a text. Looking at her phone, she saw Linda had responded to her. Opening the text, she read, “I don’t have any plans tonight, so I’d love to go to the movies with you! How about we see that new Mike Hanson movie? You know how much I love that guy!” Eve smiled and shook her head. “It’s amazing how well I know you, Linda,” she said as she hit the reply button. “That was my exact thought,” Eve typed. “I had a feeling you’d want to see that movie. Did you want to meet at the theater?” While she waited for Linda to res
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Chapter 23
When Eve arrived home, she looked around before opening the car door. No one was in sight, so she opened it and got out. She grabbed her groceries from the trunk, hanging each bag on her arm so she wouldn’t have to make multiple trips, and hurried inside. Locking the door behind her, she leaned against it and put the bags on the floor. “That was so weird,” she muttered, frowning. “What was up with Craig? Was meeting him at the store only a coincidence? Or is he following me around?” She sighed before adding, “At least he doesn’t know where I live.” Her eyes lit upon the flowers and narrowed. “At least I don’t think he does,” she added. Leaving the grocery bags by the door, she walked toward the bouquet and picked it up. Walking into the kitchen, she opened the trashcan lid with her foot and shoved the flowers inside. She wiped her hands on her jeans as she stared at the trashcan. Shaking her head, she returned to the door to get her groceries, carrying them into the kitchen
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Chapter 24
Linda dropped her piece of licorice as her mouth dropped open. Her eyes were the widest Eve had ever seen. Her mouth closed and opened again, but no sound came out. Finally, she cleared her throat and asked, “He stayed the night?” Eve nodded, feeling her face must be glowing from the heat she felt. “I’d ordered Chinese, and he happened to stop by as it was delivered, so I invited him in,” she told Linda. “We watched a movie and talked, then before you know it, it was time for him to leave, but neither of us wanted him to.” Linda grinned at her and said, “So, you convinced him to stay.” Eve nodded with a smile but couldn’t meet her friend’s eyes. Leaning even closer, Linda asked in a low voice, grinning at her friend, “And how was it?” Eve grinned back and wiggled her eyebrows. “It was as good as you’d expect,” she said. Linda sat back in her seat and fanned herself with the bag of licorice. “Whoooo, girl,” she said, grinning. “You are one lucky woman.” Eve giggled and n
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Chapter 25
After Eve and Linda had finished their meal, they stayed to at their table until Eve yawned. Linda glanced at her watch before asking her friend, “You’re not getting sleepy, are you?” Eve nodded and said, “My late night last night must be catching up to me.” Smirking, Linda said, “If only I could have that problem.” Eve laughed and shook her head. Linda looked around the almost-empty cafe and said, “If you’re ready, we can head out, and you can get home to get some much needed sleep.” Eve nodded and said, “I’m full and getting sleepy, so I think I’m ready.” She picked up her glass and took one final gulp of her tea, adding, “That should keep me awake until I get home.” They gathered their things, paid the bill, and left the restaurant. Continuing to talk as they walked to their cars, they didn’t notice a figure following them until it spoke. “Well, well, well,” a voice behind them said. “If it isn’t my two favorite ladies.” Eve and Linda whirled about, identical looks of
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Chapter 26
“You don’t have to come over,” Eve texted Arec. “Too late,” he replied. “I’m on my way.” Sighing, Eve shook her head and put the phone on her bed. She went to her dresser to get a pair of comfortable pajamas and changed into them as she waited for Arec to arrive. Pouring herself a glass of wine, she carried her glass, another glass, and the bottle of wine to the couch and sat down, curling her legs under her as she waited for him to arrive. Even though she was expecting him, she jumped when someone knocked on the door. “Eve?” Arec called out in a low voice. “It’s me.” Getting off the couch, she walked to the door and opened it. Arec rushed inside, shutting the door behind him and locking it. Turning toward her, he dropped a bag to the floor and took her in his arms, crushing her to him and pressing his lips to hers. She wound her arms around his neck and returned his kiss. After they broke apart, she said in a breathless voice, “If I’d have known you’d be greeting me like
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Chapter 27
Eve peered into the darkness, sure she’d seen something moving in the bushes. She jumped when she felt a hand touch her arm and whirled around, putting her hand over her pounding heart. “What are you doing?” Arec asked, looking past her to peer out of the window. Shaking her head, Eve said, “I’m not sure. I woke up and was drawn to the window.” Arec moved to put himself between Eve and the window and looked out. After a moment, he closed the curtains and said, “Wait here, and whatever you do, stay away from the window.” As he moved to pull on his pants, she asked, “What is it? What did you see?” “Just wait here,” he told her, rushing out of the bedroom. She hurried after him, but he shut the bedroom door in her face. Frowning, she crossed her arms over her chest and stared at the door. Finally, she sighed and walked to the bed to sit on the side. Staring at the wall, she crossed her arms over her chest and sighed. She shook her head and leaned back to get back into be
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Chapter 28
After Arec left, Eve took a shower and put on her pajamas. Getting into bed, she grabbed her book and tried to read to take her mind off the empty space next to her. After reading the same paragraph three times and it still not making sense, she put her bookmark on the page and closed the book. Setting it on the bedside table, she sighed and reached out to turn off the light. A noise from outside her window made her pause. She drew her hand back and rubbed her arms, trying to settle the shiver that ran through her. “It’s just the wind,” she whispered, though she hadn’t heard the wind blowing earlier. “Nothing’s out there. There’s no need to get scared just because Arec isn’t here.”She took a deep breath and reached toward the lamp again before hesitating. “Isn’t it better to see what’s coming rather than having it jump at you in the dark?” she whispered before shaking her head. “Get a hold of yourself, Eve,” she said in a low voice. “You’ve lived here for how long and
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Chapter 29
Coming to again, Eve slowly opened her eyes and gasped. She could see, and she was in her bedroom. She sat up, wincing at the pain in her head. Putting her hand over her eyes, she eased back against the pillows. “What is going on?” she muttered. “Was that just a crazy dream or something?” Her phone gave off the notification that she’d received a text. Groaning, she rolled over and reached blindly for it. She opened one eye to look at the screen. Her eyes widened as she saw numerous texts and phone calls from Arec. Opening the most recent one, she read, “If you don’t reply in the next five minutes, I’m coming over there. If you don’t answer the door, I’m breaking it down.” Typing as fast as she could, she wrote, “I’m here, but come over anyway. Something strange happened.” He wrote back, “I’ll be there in ten.” Setting the phone down, she eased herself into a sitting position, trying to ignore her pounding head. “I really need to take something for this headache,” she mut
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Chapter 30
“What do you mean you want me to move in with you?” Eve asked Arec, pulling away from him. He smiled at her and repeated, “I want you to move in with me. From what’s been happening to you, I don’t think you are safe living here on your own.” She stared at him with her mouth hanging open. Finally, she shut her mouth and shook her head. “I don’t think so, Arec,” she told him. “What would everyone at work think if we started walking into the office together after I’ve been there for such a short time?” He frowned and shook his head. “I don’t care what other people think,” he told her. “Not even your mother?” Eve asked, looking at him with a raised eyebrow. “Especially my mother,” he told her. Eve frowned as she looked at him. “I don’t know,” she told him. “It’s so sudden.” He put his finger under her chin and tilted her face toward his. “Unless I am mistaken, you feel the same way I do,” he said. She stared into his eyes before nodding. “I do,” she said. “I’m just sca
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