All Chapters of My Unexpected Lycan Mate: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
67 Chapters
Chapter 51
“It is pretty rare for a Lycan to be mated with someone other than another Lycan,” Arec nodded. Bella nodded and said, “I haven’t heard of it happening in a long time, though.” “Me, neither,” Julia said, shaking her head. “When was the last time it happened?” Eve asked. Arec shook his head and said, “I honestly don’t remember.” “It was one hundred and fifty years ago,” Julia told him. Everyone turned to look at her in surprise. “Oh, don’t be so shocked,” she told them. “You know how much Lycan history fascinates me.” “So, what happened to the couple?” Eve asked. Julia shrugged and said, “I’m not sure. Once they became mates, they left their pack, and no one ever heard from them again.” “Did they leave willingly?” Bella asked. Julia looked at her before glancing at Arec and Eve and shaking her head. “They were forced out by the pack leaders,” she said. Eve gasped, her hand covering her mouth. She looked at Arec and asked, “Do you think that will happen to us?”
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Chapter 52
A knock on Eve’s door a few hours later caused her and Arec to jump. Eve grinned at him before she called, “Who is it?” “It’s Bella,” she said. “Is Arec in there with you?” “I’m here, Bella,” he called. “What’s up?” “The others sent me to ask when you would be down,” she said after a moment. Arec glanced at Eve and grinned. “Tell them that we’ll be down soon and to have a large meal waiting for us,” he called. “We’re going to be starving by then.” Eve giggled and reached up to twine her fingers in his hair, drawing him to her for a kiss. Thirty minutes later, Arec and Eve walked into the kitchen. They held hands and grinned at the others gathered around the table in the room. “It’s about time you two came down,” Ray grumbled. “Don’t mind him,” Bella said, elbowing her brother in the ribs. “He’s always grumpy when he’s hungry.” “Well, I wouldn’t be hungry if they hadn’t taken so damn long,” he said, rubbing his side. Turning to look at Arec, he added, “I hope it was w
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Chapter 53
“Hello, Mother,” Arec said. He felt Eve’s hand tighten in his, but when he looked at her, she stared at his mother without expression. “Hello, Arec,” his mother said from her seat. She didn’t stand but waved him over to her. “I’ll stand, thank you,” Arec said. His mother’s eyes narrowed as she sniffed. “Suit yourself, son,” she said. When she remained silent, he sighed and asked, “What brings you by today, Mother?” His mother’s eyes glanced at Eve before returning to her son, and she said, “I think you know.” He nodded once and narrowed his eyes as he said, “But I’d like you to say it aloud.” She glared at him before breaking his gaze and sighing. “Fine,” she said, waving her hand. “I’m here because of her.” She pointed at Eve, who gasped and looked at Arec, who turned to smile at her as he squeezed her hand again. Eve’s face screwed up in a scowl, and she stepped forward. “What is it that you have against me?” she asked. “You don’t even know me.” “I know enou
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Chapter 54
Arec and Eve spent the rest of the day together until the sun started its descent on the horizon. She looked toward the orange ball of light as it dipped below the horizon. Sighing, she said, “I guess that means it’s time for me to return to that room.” Arec followed her gaze and nodded. “I’m afraid so,” he said. “But after tonight, you won’t have to stay there for a while.” Eve wrinkled her nose and said, “Yeah, but I’ll have to do it again next month.” “And I’ll be waiting right outside the door as I’ve been doing,” Arec told her, picking up her hand and lifting it to his lips. She smiled at him and asked, “You know you don’t have to do that, right?” “And let you go through this transformation alone?” he asked, shaking his head. “I don’t think so.” “You’re so good to me,” Eve told him, leaning over to brush her lips over his. “You’re my mate, and I love you, Eve,” Arec told her. “I love you, too, Arec,” she said, smiling at him. “That will get us through anything, rig
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Chapter 55
“The werewolves are back?” Bella asked, getting to her feet. “They are, and they brought reinforcements,” Michael said, looking grim. Arec put his fork down and got to his feet. “How many are there?” he asked. “More than last night,” Michael told him. Bella looked at Arec, chewing on her lower lip. “Do you think we can take them all?” she asked. Arec pressed his lips together and took a deep breath. “We have no choice,” he said. “Let’s go.” Michael and Bella hurried down the hallway as Arec walked to the door. Putting his hand on the door, he whispered, “I’ll be back soon.” He heard a whine in response and closed his eyes before removing his hand and hurrying after his siblings. Arec found Bella and Michael with Ray and Julia in the living room. “How many are there?” he asked. “It looks like at least twenty,” Ray said, frowning. Arec frowned and pursed his lips. Bella twisted her hands in front of her and asked, “Can we take that many?” “Of course, we ca
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Chapter 56
Arec stopped in his tracks as the other man stood from his crouched position in front of the door. The other man grinned at him and asked, “You didn’t expect to see me here, now did you?” Looking at Arec before glancing at the werewolves, he added, “You can change back. They won’t attack you for now.” Arec hesitated as he looked at the werewolves surrounding the man. Then he grimaced and shifted back to his human form. “Hello, Samuel,” he said. “I should have suspected something like this, but I never thought it would be from my own family.” His brother chuckled and said, “You should have known better than to have gotten involved with a werewolf.” Arec raised an eyebrow and nodded toward the werewolf pack surrounding his brother. “You should talk,” he said, crossing his arms over his chest. The werewolves growled low in their throats, but Samuel growled back at them, causing them to quiet. “This is necessary to get your… girlfriend back with her own kind and for you to co
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Chapter 57
Arec led Eve up the stairs to the kitchen, where Michael and Bella waited. Eve growled when she saw them, and Arec patted her head. “It’s okay, Eve,” he said. “It’s just my sister and brother. You know them.” Eve pressed against Arec’s leg but continued to growl at Michael and Bella. Arec looked at his siblings and said, “I’ll be right back.” Michael and Bella nodded in unison as they stared at Arec, who led Eve out of the kitchen. “We’ll see how you do in my room,” he told her as they mounted the stairs. “I’m hoping that you won’t tear it apart while I’m gone.” Eve just panted as she loped up the stairs beside him. She sniffed the air as they neared his room and ran to his door, scratching to get in. “I can tell you know which one is mine,” he said as he opened the door for her. She bounded inside, smelling everything as she explored the room. Arec grinned at her before shaking his head. “I’ll be back in a few,” he said. “Make yourself comfortable, and try not to des
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Chapter 58
Arec listened for any sign that Eve was rampaging as he walked to his room, but the hallway was silent except for his footsteps. He paused when he reached his door, listening for any sign of Eve inside. He heard a faint noise, then a scratching at the door. A faint whine from Eve on the other side of the door brought a smile to his lips, and he whispered, “I’ll be right in.” He opened the door and stepped into the bedroom. Eve leaped at him, licking his face. He laughed as he put his arms around her. “I missed you, too,” he said, nuzzling her fur. He glanced toward the window and added, “It’s almost moonset. I hope you’re ready to change back into your regular form.” She yipped, causing him to laugh. “I hope it’s not painful for you,” he said, walking toward the bed. Eve followed him and jumped on the bed. He sat beside her and leaned against the headboard. She rested her head against his stomach as he rubbed her ears. They remained that way until Eve shifted and whined.
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Chapter 59
At the sound of Eve’s voice, the man on the other side of the room looked up. “Eve? Is that you?” he asked in a scratchy voice. Eve started toward him, but Arec touched her arm, causing her to stop and look at him with raised eyebrows. Arec shook his head and stepped in front of her. “Why did you turn Eve?” he asked, glaring at the other man. Craig turned his focus from Eve to Arec. His expression soured, and he snarled at Arec. “You!” he said, struggling to his feet. “Why couldn’t you have just left well enough alone? Why did you have to get in between us?” Arec snarled back at him and said, “You shouldn’t have changed her!” Craig sneered at him and said, “You should have minded your own business!” “Eve is my business!” Arec growled. Eve stepped in front of Arec, putting her hand on his chest. “Stop it,” she said, looking at Arec before turning toward Craig. Stepping toward him, she asked, “Why did you turn me, Craig?” “Because we’re meant to be together,” he said
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Chapter 60
“What?” Arec asked, hurrying toward Eve and taking the paper out of her hand. He scanned it and looked at Michael. “Mother has issued an official invitation to Eve to come to the family compound,” he said, holding the paper up. Michael walked to his brother and took the paper from his hand to read it. Arec put his arm around Eve’s shoulder. Lowering the paper, Michael looked at them and asked, “What’s the plan?” “Go and meet your family,” Eve said. “I don’t think I have any other choice.” Arec shook his head and said, “I don’t think that’s a wise idea, Eve.” Eve took the paper back and skimmed it again. “It doesn’t look like I can get out of it, Arec,” she said, shaking her head. Arec strode toward her and took the paper out of her hand. Crumpling it in his fist, he said, “You do have a choice, Eve, regardless of what my mother thinks.” Eve shook her head and said, “I don’t want to cause any trouble between you and the rest of your family.” Arec laughed without mirth and
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