Lahat ng Kabanata ng My Unexpected Lycan Mate: Kabanata 31 - Kabanata 40
68 Kabanata
Chapter 31
After Eve packed an overnight bag, Arec led her to her car. “I’ll drive,” he said, holding his hand out for her keys. “I’m perfectly capable of driving my own car,” Eve protested. “You were kidnapped and knocked out by something,” Arec said, staring at her with his palm open. “I’m driving.” Eve sighed and put her keys into his hand. “Fine,” she said. “But I’m still protesting.” “I get it,” Arec said, grinning at her. “It’s hard to relinquish control sometimes, but right now, I just want to take care of you.” He reached out to cup her cheek in his hand. She leaned into his touch and closed her eyes, smiling. “Are you sure you have everything?” Arec asked, breaking the spell. Eve lifted her head, opened her eyes, and nodded. “I packed everything I need,” she said. “I can always come back for more.” “Not without me, you can’t,” he told her. “I don’t plan on you coming back here by yourself if I can help it.” Eve shook her head but didn’t say anything more. She got into t
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Chapter 32
When they broke apart, Arec looked at her in surprise. “What brought that on?” he asked. “I just wanted to show my thanks for letting me stay here,” she said, stepping back and smiling at him. Grinning at her, he said, “Feel free to thank me often.” She giggled and glanced away from his gaze.“I’ll keep that in mind,” she said. “Sleep well,” he told her. “You, too,” she said before opening the bedroom door. “I’ll see you in the morning unless you need anything during the night,” he told her, standing in place. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but I hope I don’t need to see you until morning,” she told him, grinning at him. He chuckled and said, “No offense taken. I, too, hope not to see you before morning.” They stared at each other for another moment before Eve blinked and said, “I’d better let you get to your room.” He nodded, so she added, “Good night, Arec. I’ll see you in the morning.” “Good night, Eve,” he said. “Have a good night.” She nodded and closed the do
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Chapter 33
Eve could feel her face warm, so she set her cup down, smiling. Arec set his tray on the table and sat across from her. Glancing out the window at the scenery, he said, “Sometimes, I think my favorite time of the day is sunrise. Others, I think the sunset is my favorite.” Eve nodded and said, “I know what you mean. Both are special times of the day. At sunrise, you have all the possibilities of a new day. At sunset, you have the day and all of its problems behind you and the promise of another day ahead.” “That’s beautiful,” Arec said, staring at her. She chuckled. “Some days, I’m more philosophical in the morning than others,” she said. After they finished their meal, Arec stacked everything on one tray, saying, “I’ll take these to the kitchen and let you get ready for the day.” “Thanks, Arec,” Eve told him. Once he departed, she closed the door and proceeded to the bathroom to prepare for her workday. She had just given her reflection a nod when she heard another ta
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Chapter 34
“Are you…are you firing me?” Eve asked Arec when she could speak. Arec stood so fast that Eve didn’t realize it at first. He walked over to her and grasped her upper arms. “No,” he said in a soft voice. “I’m not firing you. I’m just asking you to take a leave of absence. Fully paid, of course.” “But why?” Eve asked, staring at Arec. “I don’t understand.”Arec glanced toward the office door and said, “I’ll tell you later today when I return home after work. For now, though, go back to my house and stay there. I’ll call for the chauffeur to bring the car around.” “Should I pack up my desk?” Eve asked. Arec shook his head and said, “Just take your purse with you.” “Who’s going to take care of the work while I’m gone?” she asked. Looking away from her, Arec said, “Mother suggested Sabrina take over your duties.” “What?” Eve asked, her mouth dropping open. “Why?” “I’ll explain tonight, Eve,” he told her, looking at her again. “I promise.” Eve looked at Arec and snapped her mou
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Chapter 35
When Arec returned, Eve had already dished up the chicken parm and had set the plates on the table. “Perfect timing,” she told him. “Everything’s ready.” He smiled at her and said, “That looks delicious.” “Thanks,” she said. “It’s one of my favorite meals.” “If it tastes as good as it smells, I can see why,” he said, walking to the table. Stopping, he smiled at her and said, “I see you put out a bottle of wine. Are you trying to get me drunk, Miss Rolands?” Giggling, Eve shook her head and said, “I just thought it would go well with the meal.” He picked up the bottle and looked at the label. “I mean, I’m sure it’s not as good as you would have at your house, but I like it,” she told him. “I’m sure it will be delicious,” he told her, opening the bottle and pouring some into each of the glasses. She smiled at him and said, “I hope you like it.” He walked toward the table and pulled a chair out for her. “Thank you,” she said as she sat in it. He moved to the other chai
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Chapter 36
When Eve opened her eyes, she blinked a few times in confusion. The ceiling overhead was unfamiliar to her. Turning her head, she realized she was curled up on a bed. She lifted her head and squinted into the darkness, trying to identify anything that would give a clue to her surroundings. She groaned as her head pounded and closed her eyes again. Reaching up, she smoothed her hand over her forehead, then opened her eyes again. “At least I’m not tied up,” she muttered, turning her head to scan the room again. She sat up and groaned, holding her head as the room swam around her. “What the hell happened?” she muttered. She thought back to what she was doing before she woke here. Arec had just left to return to the office. She walked back into the kitchen to do the dishes and heard the knock on her door. Thinking it was Arec and he’d forgotten something, she opened the door with a smile. The smile left her face as she saw an unfamiliar man standing on the other side. Be
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Chapter 37
Two weeks flew by as Eve explored Arec’s house while he was at the office. She watched a couple of movies in his in-house theater, swam in the indoor pool, and roamed through the hallways, marveling at how big the house was. However, restlessness began to set in for her toward the end of the second week. She roamed the hallways, not knowing where to go or what to do. She snapped at the servants, and when Arec arrived from work, she kept as close to him as possible. They slept either in her room or his, but they didn’t spend the nights apart. “I love waking up beside you every morning,” Eve told him as they snuggled in bed one morning. He pulled her closer and brushed his lips over her hair. “I do, too,” he said. “So many advantages.” He moved his hand over her hip, causing her to giggle. “I agree,” she said, moving her hand down his back and tilting her head to kiss him. Before they could go any further, someone knocked on Arec’s bedroom door. Groaning, Arec lifted his
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Chapter 38
Eve jumped and slammed the refrigerator door shut. She whirled around to see a strange man leaning against the counter, looking at her with a smirk. “Who are you?” she asked with her hand on her racing heart. “I’m Michael,” the man said. “And if I guess right, you’re Eve, the talk of the house.” Eve lifted one eyebrow and crossed her arms over her chest. “How is it you know who I am, but I’ve never heard of you?” she asked. Michael threw his head back and laughed. “I’m not surprised Arec would leave a woman such as yourself a secret to the rest of us,” he said, looking her over. Her eyes narrowed, and she asked, “What does that mean? Who are you again?” “I’m Arec’s brother,” he told her. “Arec sent me over to make sure you were protected.” His smile disappeared as he added, “He told me what’s been happening to you and didn’t want to leave you without protection.” Tilting her head as she looked at him, Eve pressed her lips together before saying, “That makes sense.” “
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Chapter 39
Eve picked her phone up and saw a text from Linda. “Hey, girl! What’s new with you?” she asked. “It’s been a bit since we’ve talked, so I wanted to check on you.”Eve chewed on her lip as she thought about how she would tell Linda that she was staying with Arec. Sighing, she typed a message. “Hey, my friend! Have I got news for you!” she said. “You know those creepy packages I’ve been getting? Well, Arec doesn’t want me to stay at my place alone, so he has me living with him in his house.” She waited for Linda to respond but wasn’t waiting long. “WHAT?! You mean you’re staying with your oh-so-hot boss?!” “Yup!” Eve told her friend. “In his HUGE mansion!” “He has a mansion?!” Linda asked. “I’ll have to invite you over to see it,” Eve told her. “You’ll love the indoor movie theater and the pool.” “You’re kidding me,” Linda said. “He has an indoor movie theater AND a pool?! I must see this place!” Then she sent another text. “How long are you staying?” “I’m not sure,” E
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Chapter 40
“Finally,” Arec muttered, closing the file on his desk and putting it into the bottom drawer of his desk. He glanced toward the windows and frowned at how dark it was outside. “I’d better get home before Eve starts to worry,” he said, pushing away from his desk and calling for the car. As the chauffeur drove, Arec stared out the window. “Something’s wrong,” he muttered, pulling out his phone. “I can feel it.” He dialed his brother, who answered on the second ring. “What’s up?” Michael answered the call. “Is everything okay back there?” Arec asked. “I haven’t seen anything out of the ordinary,” his brother told him. “What about Eve?” Arec asked. “Where is she?”“She went for a walk on the grounds,” Michael told him. Arec sat up straight and asked, “She did what?” “She went for a walk,” Michael said, puzzled. “Why?” “Can you see her now?” he asked, leaning forward to see how far away from the house the car was. Arec could hear his brother moving before he said, “D
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