All Chapters of My Unexpected Lycan Mate: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
67 Chapters
Chapter 41
When Michael returned, he saw Arec had taken off his suit jacket and sat with his back against the wall. His legs were bent, and he rested his arms on them as he stared at the door across the hallway. As Michael neared his brother, the door shook as the werewolf inside thudded against the door, rattling it. “I see she’s awake,” Michael said, handing the plate of food to his brother. Arec nodded, accepting the plate. “It’s going to be a long night, so I brought a thermos of coffee,” Michael said, handing Arec the large container. “Thanks,” he said, opening it and pouring the dark liquid into the cup. “Do you want me to take a shift?” Michael asked. Arec shook his head and said, “I’ll be fine.” Grinning up at his brother, he added, “This won’t be my first overnighter.” Michael grinned back and said, “Yeah, but you were much younger then.” Arec rolled his eyes and took a drink of his coffee. Sobering, Michael said, “I’ll patrol the grounds to make sure the werewolf who
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Chapter 42
“Arec?” Eve called in a weak voice. “Is that you?” She looked at the door from where she lay curled on the floor. It slowly opened, and she closed her eyes at the light streaming inside, lifting her hand to block the brightness. “It’s me, honey,” he said, coming into the room and kicking the door shut behind him. The room was dimly lit, but he could make out the naked form of Eve curled on the ground. He set the tray down on the floor and hurried to her side. “How are you feeling?” he asked, kneeling beside her and gently touching her shoulder. “Sore,” Eve said, lifting her head to look at him. “What happened to me?” “What’s the last thing you remember?” he asked as he helped her sit up and pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. She melted into him and shook her head. “I’m not sure,” she said. “I remember going for a walk before dinner. I went into the trees, then….” Her voice trailed off. “Then, what?” Arec asked softly. “Do you remember anything after that?
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Chapter 43
“A Lycan?” Eve asked. “What’s that?” “We’re wolf-like beings but aren’t werewolves,” he said. “We aren’t controlled by the full moon as werewolves are.” She stared at him with wide eyes as her mouth hung open. “In our wolf form, we have complete control over our actions,” he continued. “We also remember what happened while in our wolf form.” He looked at her as he added, “Unlike werewolves.” Falling silent, he waited for her to understand what he was saying. Eve stared at him in shock as she took in what he was telling her. Suddenly, her mouth snapped shut. Then she gasped. “Are you seriously telling me I changed into a werewolf last night?” she asked. “You’re being serious about that? It’s not a joke?” He nodded but remained silent. She laughed until she realized he wasn’t laughing with her. “You’re being serious?” she asked, sitting up from the water. He nodded again. She looked away from him, frowning. “What am I going to do?” she muttered. “I’m going to tak
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Chapter 44
Michael’s eyes grew wide at Arec’s announcement. “Your mate?” he asked. “Are you sure?” Arec nodded, standing to walk toward the bar. He refilled his glass and walked back to his chair. Once again seated, he looked at his brother and nodded. “Of course, I’m sure,” he said, shaking his head as he chuckled. “I’ve known since I first set eyes on her.” “But she’s not Lycan,” Michael said. “How can that be?” Arec shrugged and asked, “Who can tell the heart what it wants?” Michael shook his head and said, “Mother and the others won’t be happy to hear this.” Arec glared at him and said, “They better not hear it from you.” Michael held his hands in front of him and shook his head. “My lips are sealed,” he said. Arec nodded and took another drink from his glass. The brothers remained silent until Michael cleared his throat and asked, “When will you tell Mother? You know she’s been searching for a suitable mate for you.” Arec grunted and rolled his eyes. “Don’t remind me,” h
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Chapter 45
Arec and his mother locked eyes as they glared at each other. Michael cleared his throat, and they both turned to look at him. “Aren’t you forgetting something, Mother?” he asked. “What?” his mother asked with a scowl. “Tonight is the night of the full moon,” Michael said. “And?” his mother asked after a moment. “If we let Eve go, who knows what kind of damage she’ll cause?” he said, uncrossing his arms. Before their mother could say anything, Arec raised an eyebrow and said, “He has a point.” Mrs. Lyons opened her mouth, then snapped it shut. “After all,” Arec continued, “as Lycans, we are charged with keeping the werewolves in line.” His mother’s lip compressed in a thin line as her nostrils flared. “Fine,” she finally said. “She can stay here tonight and tomorrow night, but after that, she’s gone.” Arec glared at her rising from the chair. “I need to check on her,” he said as he bowed to his mother and turned to leave. As he passed his brother, Michael slappe
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Chapter 46
Arec turned his head so fast that his neck cracked. “What is it?” he asked as he got to his feet. “What’s going on?” “We have trouble at the gates,” Michael said, skidding to a stop next to his brother. Arec frowned and asked, “What kind of trouble?” The door thudded once more. Michael nodded to it and said, “That kind of trouble.” Arec’s eyes grew wide. “You mean werewolves?” he asked. Michael nodded, his face grim. “It looks like a whole damn pack has come onto the grounds,” he said. “What? How is that possible?” Arec asked. “You tell me,” Michael said, jerking his head toward the door. “You think she had something to do with this?” Arec asked, glaring at his brother. Michael shook his head and said, “Not her, directly, but someone did change her, so I’m assuming it’s her sire.” Arec frowned and looked at the door again. The door thudded again as Eve threw herself against it, but it held firm. Sighing, Arec turned to look back to his brother and asked, “How
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Chapter 47
Walking down from the roof, Arec and his siblings headed toward the living room. “So, what’s the plan?” Bella asked. “The plan is that we take them out,” Ray said, grinning at her. “We need a little more planning than that, Ray,” Julia told him, rolling her eyes. “Agreed,” Michael said. “The last time I counted, there were fifteen of them. If we each take three, we should have no problem.” The rest of his siblings nodded. “Before we go out there, I want you to know that the big one with the brown and gray fur is mine.” Everyone turned to look at him. “He’s the one that turned Eve,” Arec told them. “We’ve fought before, and this time, I want to make sure he can’t hurt anyone else.” Michael and the rest of their siblings nodded. “That one’s all yours,” Ray said. “Leave the rest to us.” They discussed how they would go out of the house and onto the grounds unseen before turning into their wolf forms. “We’ll take them by surprise, and it will be over before we know it,
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Chapter 48
Arec turned back into his human form, as did Ray and Julia. “They got to her,” Arec said, slamming his fist into the wall. “They couldn’t have gone far, Arec,” Ray said, sniffing the air. “I can still smell the stink of them.” “If we can smell them, then we can track them,” Julia said, putting her hand on Arec’s shoulder. Arec froze with his fist on the wall before turning his head to look at his sister. “You’re right,” he said, smiling grimly. “We are going to get Eve back.” “That’s the spirit,” Ray said, grinning and clapping his brother’s shoulder. “Let’s go.” The five siblings explored the area, determining how many werewolves had entered and which direction they’d gone. Arec caught the scent of the werewolf who had turned Eve and growled. The others heard him and came over to investigate. “This scent right here,” Arec told them. “This werewolf is mine to take. He’s the one who turned Eve, and I need to make him pay.” Everyone looked at him and nodded. “Does every
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Chapter 49
The werewolf slammed into Arec, knocking him to the ground. It sunk its teeth deep into Arec’s shoulder and shook its head, tearing at Arec’s flesh. Arec growled in pain and grabbed the werewolf’s head, prying its jaw open to loosen its grip on his shoulder. Suddenly, the werewolf was torn away from Arec as Eve tackled it, breaking its hold on Arec’s shoulder. They tumbled over one another until Eve had the other werewolf pinned to the ground. She stood over it, baring her teeth and growling. The other werewolf growled back at her. It tried to move away from her, but she snapped at it, causing it to remain in place. Arec sat up, clutching his injured shoulder. He watched their interaction with a frown. The werewolf turned to look at him before looking back at Eve and growling. Eve growled and snapped at it, causing it to turn away from her. She growled at it again as it looked back before walking toward Arec. He watched the other werewolf through narrowed eyes as Eve walked
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Chapter 50
Arec spent the rest of the uneventful night sitting against the wall, staring at the door while he listened for sounds of Eve within. He was surprised at how quiet she was compared to the night before. In the morning, Bella returned with Julia trailing behind. They both carried a tray for him and Eve. “Is she awake?” Bella asked. Arec shook his head and said, “I’m not sure, but if it’s anything like yesterday, she is and is in her human form again.” Julia looked at the door with one eyebrow raised and asked, “Are you willing to find out?” Chuckling, Arec said, “I think with the three of us, we could take her if she isn’t.” “Should we change first?” she asked. Arec shook his head and said, “As long as the moon is down, she’s not in her wolf form.” “And it is,” Bella said, glaring at her sister. “So, we should be perfectly safe.” Julia raised an eyebrow but remained silent. Arec got to his feet and walked to the door. He put his hand on the door before opening it. Bella
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