All Chapters of Billionaries's scandal: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
124 Chapters
Have to be guilty
Kate reassured him, " I Already did that, Babe. I'm safe and sound."Alexander let out a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness. I don't know what I would do without you."Kate smiled over the phone. "You'll never have to find out," she said.Alexander smiled back. "I love you, Kate," he said."I love you too, Alexander," Kate replied.Caleb and Steven watched as Alexander hung up the phone. They could see the worry etched on his face."We need to come up with a plan," Caleb said.Steven nodded in agreement. "We can't let this situation spiral out of control."Alexander looked at his two partners. "I know. Let's brainstorm some ideas.""We need to come up with a plan," Caleb said.Steven looked up at Alexander and Caleb. "Let's try to talk to Mr Hamilton. He might agree, we never know until we ask him."Alexander and Caleb looked at each other, silently acknowledging the validity of Steven's suggestion. "That's a good idea," Alexander said. "I'll call Mr. Hamilton later and see if he's willi
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Just the main Chaos
Olivia sat in her office, scrolling through the news on her computer when she came across an article about Alexander Sterling and Ava. According to the article, Ava had dated Alexander and was cheated on by him. Olivia couldn't believe it and exclaimed, "All lies! I can't believe Ava could do this when we all regarded her as a friend."She felt a sense of betrayal wash over her. She had known Ava for years, and they had always been close. Olivia wanted to call her boyfriend, Caleb, but decided he might be busy. Instead, she grabbed her car key and walked out of her office, determined to clear her head from her hectic work and the lies from Ava.As she entered the parking lot, she felt the cool breeze on her skin, and the sun shone down on her. She took a deep breath and got into her car, starting the engine. She drove aimlessly for a few minutes, trying to sort out her thoughts.Olivia couldn't shake the feeling of disbelief. She wondered if Ava had really been cheated on by Alexander
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Just Two Options
Alexander sat in his office, feeling the growing commotion outside the company. He wondered if asking George Hamilton for help was the best course of action. George was the only one who could fix this mess. After some contemplation, Alexander pulled out his phone and dialed George's number. George was lost in thought in his own office when his phone rang. He picked up the call and heard Alexander's voice on the other end. "Mr Hamilton. I'm in a bit of a bind here. Ava lied to the press about us dating, and it's causing chaos. They're saying I cheated on her and everything is a mess," Alexander explained.George listened intently and asked, "Is there any way to stop this?"Alexander took a deep breath and replied, "The only way to stop this is to tell the truth. The public will only believe it if either Ava or you come clean."George paused for a moment to think. "I see. Give me some time to think about it. I'll get back to you soon," he replied before ending the call.Alexander sat
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Leaving The Best Options
Ava felt a knot form in her stomach as she processed her father's words. She knew that whatever the options were, they would be difficult. But she also knew that she trusted her father and that he had her best interests at heart."Okay," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I'm ready to hear what the options are.""Okay Ava, here's the deal," George said. "You have two options. Either you hold a press conference with reporters from everywhere and tell them the truth that you lied about dating Alexander and that he didn't cheat on you. Or, you leave the country and come back in two or three years, hoping that by then the scandal you've created around Alexander will be forgotten. Which do you choose?"Ava's eyes widened as her father revealed the two options she had to choose from. Either she had to publicly confess to lying about dating Alexander and ruining his reputation, or she had to leave New York and stay away for two to three years until the scandal died down.Ava was ta
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Beyond Words.
Upon arriving at the Mansion, the butler and maids greeted her with warm smiles, and she waved at them in return before making her way to her room. She collapsed onto her bed, feeling exhausted both physically and emotionally. As she lay there, she couldn't help but recall the events that had led up to her decision to leave New York."I made the right choice," she said to herself, nodding her head in agreement. "Leaving New York is the best thing for me right now."From his office window, George watched as Ava looked wistfully at the company building before making her way out in her car. As he stood there, a sense of sadness washed over him, knowing that he would only be able to see his daughter through video calls, just like the last time she had left New York.Despite his sadness, George knew that Ava's departure was for the best. It was time for her to spread her wings and explore the world beyond New York. He was grateful for the time they had spent together during her visit for t
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Just what's Absolutely Necessary.
"I know," Kate replied with a smile. "It's like they all just disappeared."Alexander and Kate looked at each other, both feeling a sense of relief and happiness. Finally, they could relax and enjoy each other's company without any unwanted attention or distractions. They walked back inside, hand in hand, ready to spend the rest of the evening in peace.Alexander and Kate sat down for a quiet dinner together, enjoying each other's company and savoring the delicious meal that had been prepared for them. The tension of the day had dissipated, and they were both feeling more relaxed than they had in a long time.As they finished their meal, they cleaned up the kitchen together and made their way back to the bedroom. Snuggled up under the covers, they talked about their plans for the future and reminisced about old times.Eventually, they both began to feel drowsy and decided it was time to turn in for the night. They snuggled up close to each other, feeling each other's warmth and comfor
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George's War
George, on the other hand, tried to keep the mood light, cracking jokes and making small talk with Ava along the way. As they finally arrived at the airport, George helped Ava unload her suitcase.As they arrived at the airport, George did his best to keep Ava's spirits up, cracking jokes and making small talk as they made their way through the bustling crowds. He helped her to unload her suitcase and they walked together to the ticket stand. Ava pulled out her passport and purchased her ticket to Canada, taking a moment to double-check the details before following her dad to the waiting area. As they waited, George did his best to keep Ava's mind off the impending departure. "So, have you thought about what you want to do when you get to Canada?" he asked, trying to keep the conversation light. Ava smiled, appreciating her dad's efforts to keep things positive. "I'm not sure yet, although I would love to continue with my Model Career and all but I would love to give it a rest for so
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The Scoop Truth.
The room erupted into a frenzy of activity as reporters frantically typed away on their laptops. Amidst the chaos, one reporter raised his hand and asked, "Mr. Hamilton, if Ava's accusations were false, why did she lie in the first place?"George took a deep breath and prepared to answer the question, knowing that his response would be scrutinized by the press.The room erupted in a frenzy of questions as the reporters clamored to make sense of George's bombshell revelation. "Why did Ava lie about the relationship?" one reporter demanded, while another shouted, "What else aren't you telling us?"George held up his hands, trying to restore order. "Please, everyone calm down," he said firmly. "I know this is a lot to take in, but I need to set the record straight. Ava withdrew the investment because she was upset that Alexander didn't reciprocate her feelings. She wanted to save face, so she made up the story about them dating and him cheating on her."The reporters scribbled furiously,
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Unexpected Trip Party.
2 month LaterTwo months had passed since the incident involving Ava's lies had rocked Hamilton Corporation. George Hamilton and Alexander Sterling had worked hard to repair the damage that had been done. They had renewed their investment contract, and the future was looking bright for the company.The media had lost interest in the story, and the public had moved on to other things. It seemed that everyone had forgotten about the incident and the drama that had surrounded it.George Hamilton had been attempting to persuade his daughter, Ava, to return to New York. He had assured her that the media had moved on and forgotten about the scandal surrounding her alleged relationship with Alexander Sterling. However, Ava had politely declined her father's request."I appreciate your concern, Dad," Ava had explained. "But I'm really starting to enjoy my new life in Canada. I've even started modeling again, and I feel like I'm making progress in my career. I'd like to stay here a little long
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Surprise Proposal.
As Alexander opened the door for Kate, she gracefully stepped into the car, her black gown flowing behind her. Once they were both seated, Kate turned to Alexander and inquired, "Hey, which river are we headed to for the yacht party?"Alexander smiled at her, "We're going to the Hudson River, Kate. The yacht is docked there."Kate nodded in understanding, her excitement for the night ahead growing with every passing moment. Alexander started the car engine, and it purred to life, ready to take them on their journey.With a gentle press of the accelerator, Alexander smoothly maneuvered the car out of the mansion's driveway, and they drove down the winding road, surrounded by towering trees. As they drove, the city lights slowly came into view, twinkling like stars in the night sky.The car began to pick up speed, and they made their way towards the Hudson River, the anticipation building with each passing mile. As Alexander's car pulled up to the Hudson River, the yacht's lights shon
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