All Chapters of Billionaries's scandal: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
124 Chapters
"Wait, Alexander, I thought you and Ava were dating since she introduced you on stage as a very special person to her," Mr. Samuel asked, confused.Alexander hesitated for a moment before responding, "No, Mr. Samuel, Ava, and I are just friends. Nothing more."Caleb watched as Alexander's expression changed from worried to uncomfortable. He could tell that the conversation was not going the way Alexander wanted it to."But, Alexander, why would she introduce you like that if you were just friends?" Mr. Samuel pressed."I don't know, Mr. Samuel. You'll have to ask Ava about that," Alexander said, trying to end the conversation.Caleb could sense the tension in the room as Alexander and Mr. Samuel talked. He knew very well that Alexander loves Kate, his girlfriend, very much and that Ava was just a friend to him. Caleb wondered why Ava would do something like this and jeopardize their business relationship.After a few more awkward exchanges, Alexander finally hung up the phone. Caleb c
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What Went Wrong?
After a few moments of tense silence, one of the directors spoke up. "We need to consider the fact that anything can happen. Any of our kids could do the same thing, even though Ava is much older and should have known better. Perhaps we should try contacting Alexander and see if we can salvage this situation."Another director added, "I'm concerned that Sterling Corporation might be in chaos right now. They're probably receiving calls from investors and customers, all wondering what's going on just like us."George nodded in agreement, acknowledging the gravity of the situation. "Yes, we need to act quickly to mitigate the damage. I'll get in touch with Alexander and see what we can do to resolve this."As the meeting drew to a close, the directors left the conference hall, their minds racing with thoughts of the potential consequences of Ava's actions. George remained behind, deep in thought, realizing that this was a critical moment for the company. He knew that he needed to act swi
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That Guts.
After dealing with a flurry of phone calls, George Hamilton decided it was time to take a break to get his insanity intact. He grabbed his car keys and headed out of his office, making his way to the elevator. As he descended to the lobby, he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at the thought of stepping away from the chaos of the day Chaos Ava had created.When he reached the lobby, he strode purposefully towards his car, a sleek black sports car that gleamed in the sunlight. As he climbed behind the wheel, he felt a sense of freedom wash over him. For a moment, he decided to forget about the constant demands of the day despite his Anger at Ava and allowed himself to simply enjoy the feeling of the wind in his hair as he zoomed down the streets of New York.Soon enough, he arrived at his mansion, a sprawling estate that was the epitome of luxury and extravagance. As he pulled into the driveway, he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride at all that he had accomplished. Despite t
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In An Hour
Kate hung up the phone, feeling a sense of unease. She knew that Alexander was a strong and capable businessman, but she couldn't help but worry about how he was handling the news. All she could do now was wait for his call and hope that everything was going to be okay.Alexander's secretary, Steven, entered his boss's office and saw Alexander on the phone, answering numerous calls. Steven waited patiently for Alexander to finish, not wanting to interrupt him.After a few minutes, Alexander hung up the phone and looked up at Steven. "What is it, Steven?" he asked.Steven took a deep breath before speaking. "The board of directors wants to have a meeting with you in an hour," he said.Alexander nodded, his mind already working on what he needed to do to prepare for the meeting. "Thank you, Steven. That will be all for now. Please continue with your other tasks," he said.Steven nodded in acknowledgment. "Yes, sir," he said before turning to leave the room.As he walked out of the offic
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Collective Gasp
Alexander heaved a sigh, frustration evident in his voice. " Mr. Hamilton, the situation is a mess," he said. "We've been receiving non-stop calls from customers and investors, and I don't know how we're going to fix this.""I understand," George said sympathetically. "Is there anything we can do to help?"Alexander paused for a moment before responding. "Honestly speaking, Mr Hamilton, I think we just need to let the situation die down a bit before we can even think about making amends," he said. "Right now, everyone is too emotional, and any attempts to fix things could just make them worse."George nodded, even though Alexander couldn't see him. "I agree," he said. "Let's give it some time and then reconvene to discuss a plan of action.""Sounds good," Alexander said, relief evident in his voice. "Thanks, Mr Hamilton. I appreciate your willingness to help.""Of course," George replied. "We'll get through this together."George felt a sense of relief wash over him as Alexander's cal
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The Flow
The room was silent for a moment as the board members processed the information. Finally, one of the directors spoke up, "Thank you for your honesty, Alexander. We will need to discuss how this will affect the company moving forward." ****Olivia had been working overtime at her company and was finally able to leave for a late lunch. She walked into a nearby family restaurant and ordered her food, her mind still preoccupied with work. As she ate with her head bent down, she overheard a reporter on the TV mention Sterling Corporation. Olivia looked up just in time to see the headline flash across the screen: "Sterling Corporation's biggest investor, Hamilton, withdraws their investment."Olivia was shocked beyond words and quickly reached for her phone, dialing Caleb's number. But to her dismay, he didn't answer. Feeling anxious and worried, she called her best friend Kate instead.Kate picked up on the first ring, and Olivia could hear the concern in her voice. "Have you heard the ne
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Deepest Lie.
Ava woke up the next morning feeling groggy and disoriented. She stumbled out of bed and made her way to the living room, where she found the maids tidying up. "Good morning," she answered, rubbing her eyes. "Is my dad around?" The maids exchanged a look before one of them spoke up. "I'm sorry, Miss Ava. Mr. George Hamilton left the mansion early this morning for a business meeting." Ava nodded, feeling a pang of disappointment. She had hoped to talk to her father about the previous night's events, but it seemed like he was already busy with work. She decided to shake off her thoughts and focus on her morning routine.After doing her daily exercises, Ava headed to the dining area for breakfast. As she ate, she absentmindedly scrolled through her social media feeds, not really paying attention to anything in particular. Her mind kept wandering back to Alexander and the way he had rejected her feelings.Ava finished her breakfast and headed to the bathroom to take a refreshing bath. S
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Never Needed.
Ava's heart raced with excitement as she and her new Assistant made their way toward her office. Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks and turned to her Assistant."Actually, hold that thought," Ava said with a smile. "I just remembered that I wanted to go see my Dad at his office. Would you mind heading to my office instead? I'll catch up with you later.""Of course, Miss Ava," her Assistant replied with a nod. "I'll take care of everything."With a wave, Ava turned and headed toward her Dad's office.Ava entered her Dad's office without knocking, her eyes scanning the room until she saw him hunched over his desk, surrounded by piles of papers. George Hamilton looked up briefly as Ava approached, but then returned his attention to the documents in front of him, pointedly ignoring his daughter's presence.Ava took a deep breath, trying to quell the nerves that had been building since yesterday's confrontation. She knew her Dad was still angry with her for storming out of their meeting a
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Death of Him
Ava and George exchanged a confused glance before turning back to Lily. "What do you mean, Lily?" George asked, his voice tinged with impatience."I mean the news, sir," Lily replied, her breaths coming in short gasps. She quickly took the remote from George's desk and switched on the TV. A few minutes ago, at the parking lot, there was a video of Ava talking to reporters. In the video, Ava revealed that she had dated Alexander but he had cheated on her with another woman. This was the reason why she had withdrawn Hamilton Corporation's investment from Sterling Corporation.On seeing the news, George's face turned red with anger. "Ava, how could you do this?" he exclaimed, his hand on his forehead. "You might be the death of me! You promised me just a while ago that you would make things right, and now this?"Ava tried to explain herself, telling her father that she had only said those things to the reporters to save face for herself and the company. But George was too furious to list
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A problem Lie
An hour had passed since Alexander had arrived at the Company and started going through his documents. Steven, his secretary, walked into the office looking visibly upset. Alexander looked up from his work and immediately noticed the expression on Steven's face. He leaned back in his chair and asked, "What's wrong, Steven?"Steven took a deep breath before speaking. "There's a big problem, Mr.Sterling. A really big problem."Alexander's heart sank. He had a feeling he knew what Steven was going to say. "What is it?"Steven pulled out his phone and showed Alexander the news. It was a video of Ava, the daughter of the CEO of Hamilton Corporation, being interviewed by reporters in a parking lot. She was claiming that she and Alexander had dated in the past and that he had cheated on her with another woman, which was the reason she had withdrawn her investment from Sterling Corporation.Alexander felt like he had been punched in the gut. He couldn't believe what he was seeing and hearing.
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