All Chapters of Billionaries's scandal: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
124 Chapters
All needed
Sebastian chimed in, "Mom will be so surprised! When are you planning to do it?""I'm thinking of carrying out the proposal on Saturday evening. I'll send a driver to pick you and Grandma up before the time, and you all can wait for Kate's and my arrival at the yacht. It will be a lovely surprise for her," Alexander explained.Mrs. Morrone nodded in agreement. "That's a fantastic idea, Alexander. Kate will be over the moon. We can't wait to be a part of it," she said.Sebastian added, "Yeah, it's going to be so cool! Thanks for telling us, Dad."Alexander smiled, feeling grateful for Mrs. Morrone and Sebastian's love and support. "You're welcome, son. I'll talk to you both soon. Bye!" he said as the call ended.As the call ended, Sebastian and Mrs. Morrone exchanged excited looks, thrilled to be a part of such a special moment. 1 day AgoAfter dropping Kate off at her fashion house, Alexander arrived at work and spent some time working on important documents. Sudden
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The Answer.
D-DayOn the day of the proposal, Alexander arranged for a driver to pick up Mrs. Morrone, Sebastian, and therapist Nancy from Averill Park. The driver navigated the winding roads and delivered them safely to the Hudson River, where the yacht was waiting for them. The sun was shining brightly, and the sound of the water lapping against the boat created a soothing atmosphere.Meanwhile, Kate had arrived home early and was surprised to see Mrs. Thompson leaving in a hurry. "Mrs. Thompson, are you okay?" she asked, concerned.Mrs. Thompson smiled reassuringly. "Oh, yes, dear. I just have somewhere important to be. Don't you worry about me."Kate nodded, feeling slightly puzzled but not wanting to pry. As Mrs. Thompson left, Kate couldn't help but wonder where she was going and why it seemed so urgent.At the yacht, Caleb and Olivia arrived and were greeted warmly by Mrs. Morrone, Sebastian, and therapist Nancy. Olivia introduced Caleb to the group as Alexander's best friend, and they all
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Perfect Ones
After finishing their breakfast and changing out of their sleeping clothes, the group prepared to disembark from the yacht as it made its way back to the Hudson River. Once they had docked, everyone gathered their belongings and stepped off the yacht, ready to head their separate ways. "Thank you so much for having us enjoy this weekend, Alexander and Kate," Mrs. Morrone said gratefully. "It was a wonderful time." Alexander smiled warmly at her. "Of course, it was our pleasure. And don't forget, you're invited to the wedding next week!" Mrs. Morrone chuckled. "Wouldn't miss it for the world." As they said their goodbyes, Caleb offered to give Olivia a ride home and they left in his car. The driver took Mrs. Morrone, Sebastian, and Nancy back to Averill Park, while Alexander, Kate, and Mrs. Thompson climbed into their car to head back to the mansion. "What a lovely weekend," Mrs. Thompson exclaimed, breaking the silence in the car. "You two make a wonderful couple." Alexander and K
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Marriage License
Kate smiled back, feeling a wave of love and appreciation for her fiancé. "Thank you, Alexander. You're always so thoughtful," she said, taking his arm as they walked towards the entrance of the mansion.Once inside, Alexander placed the bags on the bed and turned to Kate. "I want to make sure everything is perfect for you on our wedding day," he said, his eyes fixed on her.Kate felt her heart swell with love for Alexander. "You always make sure everything is perfect for me," she said, her voice filled with emotion.Alexander pulled her into a warm embrace, holding her tightly. "I love you so much, Kate. And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you," he whispered into her ear.Kate smiled, feeling overwhelmed with happiness. "I love you too, Alexander. I can't believe we're getting married soon," she said, looking up at him.Alexander caressed her cheek gently, "Me neither. But we'll make sure it's a day we'll never forget," he said, his eyes filled with determination.Kate
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Bride's Sparkle.
As they walked into the Clerk's office, the Clerk carried out the necessary documents and asked Alexander and Kate a series of questions to verify their identities and eligibility for marriage. Then, turning to their witnesses, the Clerk asked, "Are you both witnesses to the signing of this marriage license?""We are," Mrs. Thompson and Mrs. Morrone replied in unison, beaming with happiness.With all the formalities taken care of, Alexander and Kate signed the documents, their witnesses standing by their side as they made their commitment official. As they walked out of the Clerk's office, hand in hand with their witnesses, they felt a sense of elation and gratitude for the love and support that had brought them to this moment. D-DayThe indoor wedding hall was transformed into a stunning floral wonderland, with an array of vibrant blooms adorning every corner of the room. The chairs were meticulously arranged in neat rows, creating a sense of symmetry and elegan
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Marriage Vows
Breaking away from the chatter, the MC cleared his throat and addressed the audience. "Ladies and gentlemen, it's my pleasure to inform you that the moment we've all been waiting for has arrived. Our bride and groom are all dressed up and ready to take the plunge into matrimony!" The crowd erupted in cheers and applause, their energy palpable in the air. The MC turned to the security personnel and issued a command into the microphone. "Alright folks, let's lock those doors and get this show on the road!" The security team quickly sprang into action, sealing the doors of the venue shut. The guests held their breath in anticipation, their excitement reaching a fever pitch. With the doors locked and the couple ready, the wedding ceremony was about to begin.As Alexander stepped out of the groom's room, he was accompanied by his best friend Caleb, secretary Steven, and his son Sebastian. They made their way toward the wedding hall, the excitement building with each step. As they approac
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Alexander and Kate leaned in and kissed passionately, sealing their love for each other in front of all their family and friends. The room erupted into applause and cheers as they embraced, ready to begin their new life together as husband and wife.As their passionate kiss came to an end, Alexander took Kate's hand and led her to their seats. The newlyweds smiled at each other, their hearts filled with joy and love.The rest of the day was a blur of celebrations, laughter, and love. The guests enjoyed a delicious meal, and the newlyweds were surrounded by family and friends, all wishing them congratulations and happiness.As the evening progressed, a popular singer was called onto the stage, and the room erupted into cheers as she began to sing. Alexander and Kate held hands, swaying to the music as they gazed into each other's eyes.The night was filled with entertainment, with guests taking turns to dance and share their good wishes for the happy couple. Alexander and Kate smiled a
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18+ Honeymoon
The car pulled out of the Mansion's driveway, and Alexander and Kate settled into their seats, feeling excited for the honeymoon ahead. As they approached the airport, the excitement in the air was palpable. Alexander and Kate checked in their luggage and made their way through security, feeling grateful for the smooth process. They boarded their plane. The airport was bustling with activity as Kate and Alexander made their way towards their departure gate. The sound of luggage wheels rolling on the tiled floor and excited chatter filled the air. They checked in their luggage quickly and smoothly, and before they knew it, they were passing through security.As they walked towards their gate, Alexander took Kate's hand in his, interlocking their fingers. "I can't believe we're actually doing this," he said with a smile.Kate squeezed his hand. "I know, it feels so surreal. But I'm so excited for our honeymoon."As they boarded the plane, they were greeted by friendly flight attendant
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Linked To The Culprit
As they embraced each other, lost in the moment, they knew that they had found true love. It was a love that would only grow stronger with time, a love that would see them through all the ups and downs of life.After their intense lovemaking, Kate held Alexander close as they both caught their breath. Their bodies were heaving, and they were both filled with a sense of overwhelming joy and happiness.As they lay in bed, Alexander looked into Kate's eyes and told her how much he loved her. Kate smiled and returned his gaze, telling him that she loved him too. They embraced each other tightly, feeling the love and passion they shared.As they drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, they knew that they had found something that many people spend their entire lives searching for. They had found true love, and they were filled with a sense of happiness and contentment that they had never felt before. It was a magical night, a night that they would always remember as the beginning of thei
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The Culprit
Alexander's eyes widened in shock. "Do you have any leads on who it could be?""I've been able to link some high funds to a particular person's account, but their personal information is hidden from the server. It's been a challenge trying to uncover their identity," William explained.Alexander clenched his jaw, determined to catch the culprit. "Keep digging, William. We'll get to the bottom of this.""We'll need to work together to catch the culprit," William said, his voice serious.Alexander nodded, eager to do whatever it takes to bring the thief to justice. "What do we need me to do?""I need access to your company at night to check all the computers. That's the only way we can uncover the culprit," William explained.Alexander considered the request, knowing that it was a risky move. "I'll come with you. When do you want to do this?""10 pm tonight," William replied, his tone brooking no argument.Alexander took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the task ahead. "Oka
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