All Chapters of Billionaries's scandal: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
124 Chapters
Feelings Request.
After a long day at the office, Alexander returned home and joined Kate for dinner. They chatted about their respective days, enjoying each other's company.As they finished their meal, Alexander suggested they take a walk to the relaxation area of the mansion to get some fresh air. Kate agreed, and they made their way to the serene outdoor space.For a few minutes, they sat in comfortable silence, taking in the beautiful scenery around them. Then, Alexander turned to Kate and asked, "So, what's your dream?"Kate's face lit up at the question. "I've always wanted to be a fashion designer and have my own brand," she replied.Alexander was intrigued. "That's really cool. Have you ever designed any clothes before?"Kate nodded, a hint of pride in her voice. "Yes, actually. I have a talent for it, I think."Alexander smiled, impressed by Kate's passion and talent. "Well, maybe someday you can make that dream a reality. Who knows, maybe we can even collaborate on something together."Kate'
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Hidden Seen.
Ava's eyes narrowed, and she leaned across the table towards Alexander. "I don't understand why you would choose a poor girl over me. I'm a multi-trillionaire, Alex. I could give you everything you ever wanted."Alexander felt a surge of anger rising up within him. He couldn't believe that Ava was reducing everything to money and status. "Ava, I'm a Multi-trillionaire myself, and besides that's not what this is about. I love Kate for who she is, not because of what she can give me. And I value you as a friend, not because of your wealth or status."Ava looked away, her expression softening slightly. "I'm sorry, Alex," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I just...I don't know. I guess I wanted you to see me in a different way."Alexander reached across the table and took her hand again, this time sensing a hint of vulnerability and sadness in her touch. "I see you, Ava. And I value you as a friend. That's never going to change."Ava's frustration boiled over, and she couldn't
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Xavier noticed that Olivia lowered her head and was busy on her laptop, but he didn't want to interrupt her. He decided to take a chance and ask her if she wanted to have lunch."Hey Olivia, how about we grab some lunch? Since we're already at a restaurant," Xavier suggested with a smile.Olivia looked up from her laptop, surprised by the sudden invitation. "Sure, that sounds great," she replied, nodding her head.Xavier suggested they pull their laptops to the side, so they wouldn't have to stop working. Olivia agreed, and they both moved their laptops to the edge of the table.After placing their orders, they continued to work on their laptops while waiting for their meals to arrive. Once their food arrived, they took a break from their work to enjoy their meals.As they ate, they chatted about their projects and caught up on what was happening in their personal lives. It was a nice break from the hustle and bustle of work, and they both felt rejuvenated after their lunch break.Aft
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Caleb's Request.
Olivia nodded, feeling relieved. "Okay, I'm glad to hear that". Olivia said.Caleb arrived at the Company and headed to his best friend Alexander's office. As he approached the door, he noticed Steven, the secretary, who informed him that Alexander was busy with Olivia.Caleb's heart skipped a beat when he heard the name Olivia, his crush. He took a deep breath and straightened his clothes before knocking on the door. It was unusual for Caleb to knock before entering his best friend's office, but he wanted to make a good impression in front of Olivia.Alexander and Olivia were in the middle of a conversation when they heard the knock. Alexander looked up and called out, "Come in!"Caleb opened the door and walked in, trying to exude confidence. Alexander was surprised to see Caleb knock before entering, and Olivia's eyes widened as she took in Caleb's appearance. Caleb cleared his throat and greeted them both, "Hey guys".Olivia greeted Caleb with a friendly smile and said, "Hi Caleb,
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Ava's Rage.
Caleb was taken aback by Alexander's observation and asked, "Really? Are you sure?"Alexander nodded and replied, "Yes, I saw it. I think Olivia might have feelings for you too, Caleb. You just need to be confident and put yourself out there."Caleb felt a wave of hope wash over him as he realized that Olivia might feel the same way about him. He thanked Alexander for his support and advice, feeling grateful for Alexender's keen observations.As Ava stormed into her room, she was consumed by anger and frustration. She threw a glass flower vase against the wall, making a deafening sound that echoed through the house. She continued to throw things in a fit of rage, screaming and yelling at the top of her voice. The maids and butlers were startled by the commotion, but they knew better than to interrupt Ava when she was in a temper.George Hamilton, Ava's father, heard the noise and rushed to her room. He found Ava in a state of distress, tears streaming down her face. He held her close,
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The Reservation
Ava shook her head, her voice trembling with emotion. "I can't, Dad. Please, you have to help me. You're his biggest investor. You can threaten him to be with me. Tell him that you'll withdraw your investment from his company if he doesn't date me."George's eyes widened in shock. "Ava, that's not how things work. You can't use my investment as a means to threaten someone. It's unethical and wrong."George's shock turned to disappointment as Ava continued to push for him to use his investment as leverage. "Ava, I already told you that it's not ethical or right to threaten someone like that. And besides, Alexander is a billionaire. Withdrawing our investment wouldn't affect him that much. It would only hurt us because we're receiving good profits from our investment in Sterling Corporation," George explained.Ava's frustration boiled over once again, and she began throwing things around the room. "I can't believe you're not even willing to help me, Dad! You're supposed to be on my side
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Call from School.
"Kate, I know you've been swamped lately. How about we go visit your mom and Sebastian?" she suggested with a smile.Kate's eyes lit up at the idea. "That sounds like a great idea, Olivia. But what about your date with Caleb tonight?""No worries, we'll be back in plenty of time for my date," Olivia reassured her.Kate felt grateful for her friend's thoughtfulness. "Thank you so much, Olivia. Let me get ready quickly."As Kate rushed to get ready, Olivia took a moment to admire the new interior design of the Mansion. It was a cozy space, filled with Alexander's unique sense of style. She couldn't wait to see the rest of the family again.As Kate hurriedly got ready, Olivia pulled out her sleek laptop from her bag and began typing away. After a few minutes, she closed it and got up from the couch."Ready to go, Kate?" Olivia asked, tucking her laptop back into her bag.Kate nodded and they both headed out to Oliver's car. The drive to Averill Park took about an hour, during which Kate
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A Slave.
Mrs. Morrone's face filled with concern. "Oh no, is he okay?" she asked, standing up from the couch."I don't know yet, but I need to go down to the school right away," Kate replied, her mind racing with different scenarios.Nancy stood up as well, ready to offer her support. "Do you want us to come with you?" she asked, her voice calm and reassuring.Kate nodded gratefully. "No thanks, Olivia will come with me Please stay with Mom".Mrs. Morrone gave them all a tight hug. "Go quickly, and let me know how it goes," she said, her voice filled with worry.Kate rushed out the door, with Olivia following closely behind. As they got into the car, Kate's mind was racing with different thoughts and scenarios. She didn't know what to expect when they get to the school, but she knew that she had to be there for her son.Olivia drove as fast as she could to Averill Park School District, and in no time, they arrived at the school. They quickly made their way to the principal's office, where they
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Getting Back.
Kate felt a surge of pride in her son as they walked out of the principal's office. He had stood up for himself and for her, and he had managed to get an apology too. "I'm proud of you, Sebastian," she said, giving him a small smile. "You did the right thing."Sebastian smiled back, still feeling a bit shaken from the encounter but relieved that it was over. "Thanks, Mom," he said, before they walked out of the school, ready to put the incident behind them and move on.Sebastian, Olivia, and Kate arrived home, feeling drained from the events of the day. As they walked into the living room, they saw Mrs. Morrone pacing back and forth with her walking stick. Kate immediately spoke up, concern etched on her face. "Mom, don't pace like that. Your joint after all your joint replacement surgery isn't fully healed yet," she warned.But Mrs. Morrone seemed to be in a state of panic as she dragged herself towards Sebastian, checking his body all over. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" she aske
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Date Room.
Olivia hurried home, eager to get ready for her date with Caleb. As she walked into her bedroom, she couldn't help but feel excited and nervous at the same time. "I hope I look good enough for him," she thought to herself.She quickly changed into her gorgeous dress, admiring herself in the mirror. "You got this, Olivia," she said, giving herself a confident smile.Next, Olivia styled her hair into loose waves and applied light, natural-looking makeup. Finally, she slipped on her favorite pair of heels and added a few accessories to complete her look.As she made her way to the car, Olivia checked her appearance in the mirror one last time. "Okay, I think I'm ready," she said to herself with a deep breath.As she drove to the restaurant, Olivia couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement in her stomach. "I really hope he likes what I'm wearing," she thought, glancing at herself in the rearview mirror.Finally, she arrived at the restaurant and walked inside, feeling a little nervou
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