All Chapters of One Night Stand with the Lycan: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
156 Chapters
Chapter One Hundred and Eleven
Marco’s POVSage's expression mirrored my concern. "It's like they were hit with something unexpected. But what could have caused this?"My mind raced, trying to piece together the puzzle. It didn't make sense for an enemy camp to be in such a state of disarray. Swiftclaw had always been known for their vigilance and readiness.As we continued to move through the camp, my gaze landed on a group of soldiers, their expressions vacant and their movements sluggish. Bottles and tankards lay strewn around them, evidence of a night of revelry. The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning. They were drunk, incapacitated by their own celebration."Why would they let their guard down like this?" I mused aloud, my voice tinged with disbelief.Sage's eyes narrowed in agreement. "It's unlike them.”Gently, we passed the incapacitated soldiers, their snores and mumbled words echoing in the stillness. Our steps were careful and deliberate as we moved toward the cage that held Scarlett captive.
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Chapter One Hundred and Twelve
Marco’s POV "Northern Ridge," he gasped, his words a fractured admission. "They've taken her to the Northern Ridge.""Look at me," I commanded, my voice firm but devoid of the anger that had fueled me moments ago. His gaze locked onto mine, a mixture of defiance and vulnerability swimming in his eyes. "I don't relish doing this, but I need to find her. Scarlett's safety is my priority."His lips trembled, his face a canvas of agony and trepidation. "I understand," he croaked, his voice barely above a whisper. "But even if I tell you, they'll kill me for betraying them."I leaned in, my expression a blend of urgency and sincerity. "Listen carefully," I began, my words measured and deliberate. "You've seen the kind of person I am. I won't let my men harm you if you cooperate. We're not like Swiftclaw's forces. We're better than that."He hesitated, his breath hitching as if caught between two conflicting decisions. "I don't even know if they've told me the truth about where they took h
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Chapter One Hundred and Thirteen
Marco’s POV"Our first step is to head to the Northern Ridge," I replied, my mind already formulating the plan. "But before we do, we should send scouts to Thane's camp."Sage raised an eyebrow, curiosity evident in his expression. "Thane? What does he have to do with this?""Thane has been tracking Swiftclaw's movements," I explained. "If anyone knows more about the Northern Ridge and its defenses, it would be him. We need to gather as much information as possible before we make our move."Sage nodded in agreement, his logic aligning with my own. "It's a sound plan. Thane might have insights that could give us an advantage.""We can't afford to leave any stone unturned," I said, determination resonating in my voice. "Our priority is rescuing Scarlett, and we'll do whatever it takes to achieve that."Sage's eyes gleamed with a mix of resolve and anticipation. "Then let's get to it. I'll coordinate the scouts to head to Thane's camp.""Thank you, Sage," I said, my appreciation genuine.
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Chapter One Hundred and Fourteen
Scarlett’s POVI woke up when I heard a gentle knock on my chamber door. I rubbed my eyes and stretched, trying to shake off the sleep that still clung to me. It took a moment for me to fully comprehend that I was back in the waking world. Who could be looking for me at this time? In a sleepy voice, I asked, "Who is it?"A voice I recognized immediately came from the other side of the door. "It's me, Your Grace."A spark of familiarity ignited within me. The guard speaking was my personal guard. As his words registered in my half-awake mind, a small smile formed at the corners of my mouth.I responded, my voice still heavy with sleep, "Please come in."The door creaked open, revealing him in the doorway. He was dressed in his usual attire, his armor and his weapon fastened to his side. His dark hair framed a face that carried an air of determination and respect. As he stepped forward, our eyes briefly met, conveying a silent understanding that words couldn't capture."I'm sorry for di
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Chapter One Hundred and Ffiteen
Scarlett’s POV"But Elara," I began hesitantly, my fingers unconsciously finding their way to the delicate swell of my belly, "Michael has always been skilled with his words. He can twist them like vines, winding his way into people's thoughts."Elara's expression softened, empathy shimmering in her gaze. "I know you're concerned, Scarlett. And you're right, Michael does have a way with words. But remember, the King isn't just anyone. He's a ruler who's navigated through countless negotiations, intrigues, and schemes. He's honed his ability to see beyond the surface."She reached out, her hand lightly resting on mine, offering comfort in her touch. "You may not have spent as much time around the King as I have, but I've seen him in action. He's perceptive, shrewd, and he knows when someone is trying to manipulate him."I nodded, absorbing her words. The thought of the King being a seasoned player in the world of power dynamics was both comforting and intimidating. "But Michael has alw
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Chapter One Hundred and Sixteen
Scarlett’s POVI looked directly at Michael, and it felt like time slowed down for a moment. His eyes seemed really sincere, in a way I hadn't seen from him before. It was so different from the times he had tricked me. All sorts of feelings swirled inside me, like a big storm of emotions. I couldn't hold back the strong mix of hurt and anger that I felt. My voice was soft, barely louder than a whisper, as I spoke up and faced him. The hurt from what he had done was just too real to ignore."You were like a brother to Marco, and you betrayed us? How could you?" The words escaped my lips, laden with the weight of betrayal that cut deep into my heart. Marco, my beloved husband, had shared an unbreakable bond with Michael – a bond I had thought was unshakable, until the truth unraveled before me.His gaze dropped to the ground, and a heavy cloak of shame seemed to shroud him. His voice was tinged with remorse as he admitted, "I messed up. I let my desires lead me astray, and in doing so,
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Chapter One Hundred and Seventeen
Scarlett’s POVMichael took a deep breath, his eyes holding a haunted intensity. "It all stems from a lineage deeply entwined with dark magic and an ancient pact," he began, his voice low and measured, as if each word carried a heavy burden. "Long ago, Swiftclaw's ancestors made a pact with a malevolent entity, a dark God that granted them power beyond mortal understanding. They were werewolves, but not ordinary ones. They were bestowed with unnatural strength, speed, and a connection to the shadows themselves."As he spoke, Michael's words painted a vivid picture of a family consumed by a sinister legacy."Throughout their family's history, each new generation had a strong leader, like a powerful wolf, who was very determined," Michael explained. He sounded really sad and burdened when he spoke. I couldn't look away from him, and I felt a mix of worry and curiosity."This Swiftclaw is the most recent leader from that family, and he not only got their physical strength but also the su
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Chapter One Hundred and Eighteen
Scarlett’s POV "Your Majesty, I understand that this plan might sound incredibly dangerous, but Michael has a point. Swiftclaw's power comes from that hidden place, and if we can disrupt his connection to it, we might have a real chance to defeat him." Scarlett's eyes met the King's, her determination shining through. "We can't just keep running from him. It's time we take a stand and fight back."The King's brow furrowed with concern, his gaze shifting between Scarlett and Michael. "But how can we be certain that attacking that place will actually weaken Swiftclaw? What if it only makes him more powerful?"Michael leaned forward, his expression earnest. "Your Majesty, I understand your concerns, but I've studied Swiftclaw's dark magic extensively. The source of his power is deeply intertwined with that place. By breaking his connection to it, we'll disrupt the flow of energy he draws upon. It won't make him stronger; it'll make him vulnerable." As Scarlett leaned against the cha
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Chapter One Hundred and Nineteen
Scarlett’s POVUpon reaching the Great Hall, I was granted entrance by another guard stationed outside. "Your Majesty," I greeted with a respectful nod, my heart pounding in my chest."Scarlett," the King acknowledged, his voice deep and measured. "Thank you for coming promptly. Please, have a seat.""Indeed, Your Majesty," I said. "Michael's revelations have stirred quite a storm of thoughts and questions within me.""Scarlett, as you know, your child, the heir to our pack, is now involved in this matter. The prophecy suggests a destiny that intertwines with the pack's fate and an imminent threat from Swiftclaw. I called you here because I believe it's time for us to discuss this openly, to share our thoughts and insights. So, tell me, what are your thoughts on all that Michael has shared?""Your Majesty," I started. "The prophecy's implications are profound, and I can't ignore the possibility that it holds some truth. Swiftclaw's attacks are escalating, and if we don't take action,
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Chapter One Hundred and Twenty
Marco’s POV"Thane sent me to deliver a message," he began, his voice carrying a sense of gravitas. "He's been able to locate Swiftclaw's army, but they've encountered significant resistance. They haven't been able to infiltrate the camp due to the enemy's defenses. As we speak, they're engaged in a fierce battle.""Attacked?" I echoed."What happened?" I inquired."The journey to find Swiftclaw's army wasn't without its challenges," the messenger began. "Thane and his forces encountered formidable resistance on the way. The enemy's strength was greater than anticipated.""And where is he now?" I asked."As we speak, a battle rages," the messenger answered, his voice unwavering. "Thane wants you to join him."My eyebrows shot up,. "Join him? But why?"The messenger's eyes bore into mine, the weight of his words laden with purpose. "Thane believes that together, the two of you can tip the scales. Swiftclaw's army is formidable, and he thinks that if the two of you unite, you might just
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