All Chapters of One Night Stand with the Lycan: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
156 Chapters
Chapter Ninety One
Scarlett's POVI took a big breath, trying to calm myself down among all the strong feelings. Lila looked just as sad as me, and she nodded slowly. Her voice was soft and worried when she spoke."Yes, Scarlett. It was only a few days ago, about five days to be exact," Lila said, understanding in her eyes. "Swiftclaw's men came into our camp and wanted to know where you were. They were really desperate to find you and capture you. We were all really scared."I remembered that scary day when everything went wrong. Swiftclaw, a mean Alpha from another pack, was hunting me without stopping. He wanted all the power for himself and saw me as a danger."They had weapons, Scarlett," Lila continued, her voice shaking a bit. "They kept us prisoners and demanded to know where you were. We didn't know, but they wouldn't stop hurting us until we told them."I stood there, feeling sadder with each word Lila said. I remembered when Swiftclaw's men came to our camp and we felt really helpless and afr
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Chapter Ninety Two
Scarlett's POVSummoning every ounce of courage, I finally found my voice. "Yes, I am Scarlett," I replied, my voice trembling slightly but determined. "I am the wife of the renowned Lycan King."The whispers rippled through the room again, but this time, I could see a mix of surprise and uncertainty in the faces of those around me. They had probably heard stories about the Lycan King's powerful reign and his mate, but meeting me in person must have been unexpected.The Alpha regarded me with a stern expression. "Why have you come to our kingdom? And how is it that you're aware of the troubles your actions caused our people?" he demanded, a hint of impatience in his voice.Elara stepped forward, standing beside me, her voice as firm as ever. "Alpha, you must know that Scarlett never intended to cause harm to your kingdom or its citizens. She was kidnapped by Swiftclaw and the consequences were beyond her control. The Lycan Kingdom has always maintained a strong and positive relationsh
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Chapter Ninety Three
Scarlett's POVThe King's eyes softened, and he looked at Elara, taking a moment to consider my request. "You speak truly highly of her," he said with a smile. "Such devotion should be rewarded. Elara, do you wish to accompany Scarlett and take care of her in the palace?"Elara bowed her head slightly, her voice sincere. "Your Majesty, it would be an honor to continue serving and supporting Scarlett. I vowed to protect her, and I intend to keep that promise."The King nodded approvingly. "Very well, then. You may stay with her. But know that your presence comes with the responsibility to ensure her well-being," he said, his gaze shifting to me. "And, Scarlett, you shall have the best care available to you. The maidens assigned to you will be chosen for their skill and compassion. They will be dedicated to your comfort and safety.""Thank you, Your Majesty," I replied gratefully. "Your generosity knows no bounds."As the King's guards led us to the appointed chamber, I couldn't help bu
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Chapter Ninety Four
Marco’s POVMy heart pounded in my chest as Sage and I followed the faint footprints deeper into the dark forest. The eerie silence around us only heightened my senses, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was terribly wrong. The moonlight filtered through the thick canopy, casting a pale glow on the forest floor, but the shadows seemed to dance and shift, playing tricks on our eyes."Sage, keep your guard up," I whispered, my voice barely audible. "We don't know what we're dealing with here."He nodded, his eyes darting around as we continued to trace the footprints.As we followed the trail, I relied on my wolf sense to sniff the air, trying to catch any familiar scents. But something was off. The smell I expected to find—the scent of the old woman—seemed to have vanished."Sage, do you smell anything?" I asked, trying not to let my worry show.He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, using his own wolf senses to scan the area. "No, Marco. I don't smell anything. It's l
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Chapter Ninety Five
Marco’s POVThe adrenaline coursed through my veins as I crouched in the thicket, my senses on high alert. The forest was still, and for a moment, I allowed myself to hope that I had successfully eluded the pursuing pack. But I knew better than to let my guard down. The danger was far from over.Breathing as quietly as I could, I carefully peered through the leaves, scanning the surroundings for any signs of movement. The forest canopy above me swayed gently in the breeze, and the rustling of leaves made it difficult to discern any other sounds. I strained my ears, listening for the telltale growls or footsteps that would signal the return of the wolves.Minutes passed like hours, and my muscles began to ache from the tension of remaining still. The forest seemed to hold its breath, and the silence was unnerving. Had they given up the chase? Or were they lying in wait, biding their time for the right moment to strike?Suddenly, a voice pierced the silence, and my heart skipped a beat.
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Chapter Ninety Six
Marco’s POVMy heart pounded in my chest as I listened to the old woman's words. It was overwhelming to learn that there was a prophecy about me, and the fate of the forest rested on my shoulders. I couldn't understand why Swiftclaw would have access to the forest in the first place and why they were so determined to capture me."I've been at her hut days back," I interjected, feeling a sense of urgency. "She did explain some of this to me, but I didn't grasp the full extent of it. I didn't realize the danger I was in or the implications of this prophecy."The King's eyes narrowed, and he regarded me with concern and curiosity. "Why didn't you come to me sooner, Marco? We could have worked together to face this threat.""I... I wasn’t sure," I admitted, lowering my gaze. "I didn't know who to trust. The old woman was the only one who seemed to understand, and she was trying to protect me. I didn't want to put anyone else in danger."The old woman placed a comforting hand on my shoulde
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Chapter Ninety Seven
Scarlett's POV"Scarlett, please, let me explain," the familiar voice pleaded, and my heart skipped another beat. It was him—Michael, my husband's closest friend and confidant who betrayed us to Swiftclaw. His eyes were filled with sorrow and regret, and his hands trembled slightly as he held them up in a gesture of surrender.Anger mingled with the relief of seeing a familiar face, and I couldn't contain the rush of emotions. "Explain? Explain what?" I spat, my voice wavering with a mix of anger and heartache. "You disappeared without a trace, leaving no word for anyone, not even for me, your friend! And now, after all this time, you show up here, unannounced, without warning? Why should I listen to anything you have to say?"Michael took a hesitant step forward, and I instinctively retreated, my back pressed against the wall. "I know I owe you an explanation, Scarlett," he said, his voice heavy with remorse. "But please, give me a chance to make amends, to make things right."Elara
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Chapter Ninety Eight
Scarlett's POVI was overwhelmed with a raw pain in my heart as I gazed at Michael. His tear-streaked face mirrored the anguish he felt. Though my emotions were intense, I knew I couldn't let them cloud the gravity of his betrayal. I took a deep breath, attempting to steady my voice, which was laden with sorrow and anger. "Do you truly comprehend the magnitude of your actions, Michael?" I inquired, my gaze unwavering. "Your betrayal led to Swiftclaw attacking us, and as a result, Marco's father—the alpha of our pack—was killed. Now, Marco has been thrust into leadership, a burden he never sought. Furthermore, Swiftclaw took me, kidnapping me and tearing me away from the man I love. I haven't seen Marco in weeks, and it's because of you." Michael's face contorted with pain, but I refused to look away. I believed he needed to understand the consequences of his actions—the shattered lives he left behind. "Swiftclaw's attack has left our pack weakened and vulnerable," I continued. "Our m
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Chapter Ninety Nine
Scarlett's POVElara sighed, furrowing her brow in thought. "To be honest, Scarlett, I have no idea how he found you," she replied with a thousand wit. "Perhaps he's just incredibly lucky and stumbled upon your scent by chance while wandering the wilderness, or maybe he hired mystical tracking hounds to track you."Despite the gravity of the situation, I couldn't help but crack a small smile through my tears. "Mystical tracking hounds? You have quite the imagination, Elara," I said, a hint of amusement in my voice.Elara chuckled softly. "Well, a bit of humor never hurts when dealing with these painful situations," she said. "But in all seriousness, since he once worked with Swiftclaw, we really need to be careful. It's possible he has some inside knowledge or connections that could be used against us.""I know," I replied, my expression growing more serious. "We can't afford to underestimate him or the danger he poses to us and the pack."Elara nodded. "Exactly. That's why I'll do so
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Chapter Hundred
Scarlett's POVThe maid shook her head. "I'm afraid not, Lady Scarlett," she replied. "I've only heard bits and pieces of conversations. But if you need any more help or information, please feel free to ask."Elara thanked the maid for her help with a warm smile. "You've been most kind," she said. "We truly appreciate it."As the maid left the room, Scarlett turned to Elara, her eyes shining with hope. "So, it seems Michael's presence hasn't gone unnoticed," she said.Elara nodded, her expression serious. "Indeed," she replied. "We should continue gathering information discreetly. The more we know, the better prepared we'll be to face whatever challenges lie ahead."Scarlett's mind raced with possibilities, and she felt a renewed sense of determination. "I won't rest until we find out everything about him," she said.Elara placed a reassuring hand on Scarlett's shoulder. "We will, Scarlett," she said. "We'll uncover the truth. Now you need to eat, you need strength for you and your un
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