Semua Bab One Night Stand with the Lycan: Bab 81 - Bab 90
156 Bab
Chapter Eighty One
Marco’s POVThe old woman's eyes shone with wisdom and excitement. She took a moment to gather her thoughts, relishing the visions that had appeared in her mind."In my journey, Marco," she started, her voice soft and captivating, "I saw amazing things. I glimpsed forgotten civilizations and their hidden wisdom within the scroll. But what amazed me the most was realizing that the language of the scroll has changed. Now, you can understand it."My heart skipped a beat, and my eyes widened with astonishment and curiosity. The scroll, once filled with mysterious symbols, had somehow adapted to my understanding. It felt like the magic recognized me and gave me the ability to unlock its secrets."Does that mean... I can read it now?" I asked, trying to contain my excitement.The old woman nodded, her smile encouraging and warm. "Yes, Marco," she confirmed. "The scroll has chosen you to understand and interpret its message. It trusts that you have the ability to uncover its wisdom."With tr
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Chapter Eighty Two
Marco’s POVSeraphina's eyes held a profound sadness as she replied, "Swiftclaw's desire to eliminate the child stems from his desperate need to maintain his grip on power. If the prophecy comes to fruition, it would mean the end of the Dark Wolves' reign. This child holds the key to their downfall."Marco's fists clenched tighter as his anger grew. "So, he killed my father to eliminate any opposition and now seeks to destroy this child to ensure his rule continues unchallenged. But why target our town specifically? How does he know about the child's lineage?"Seraphina's ancient eyes locked onto Marco's, their depth filled with wisdom and understanding. "Your father, he knew about the child, Marco. I believe he discovered the truth and sought to protect both the child and the kingdom from Swiftclaw's grasp. It is likely that Swiftclaw learned of this knowledge through spies or other means, and he targeted your town to eliminate any trace of the child's existence."Marco's heart pound
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Chapter Eighty Three
Marco’s POVI looked at the shiny object in Seraphina's hands and felt curious. I watched closely as she held the pendant carefully, and it reflected the sunlight through the trees. It seemed to have a long history and wisdom in its design.Seraphina spoke in a calm voice and gave the pendant to me. She told me it was called the pendant of guidance and protection. It had been passed down to people who were meant for important journeys and noble causes. She believed it was meant for me.I felt excited and respectful. I took the pendant and felt its cool metal in my hand. It was surprisingly light, as if its power went beyond its physical weight."I feel honored," I said with gratitude. "To receive such a precious object that represents guidance and protection is really humbling. I will always remember its strength and wisdom."Seraphina looked pleased, as if she had completed an important part of her role in my journey. She explained that the pendant was more than just an object. It ca
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Chapter Eighty Four
Marco’s POVWhen I opened the door, I saw someone standing in the dark hallway. I was happy to see that it was Sage, my good friend whom I trust. But something was wrong. He looked bent over and was leaning on the doorframe. His clothes had blood stains on them.I called out his name and rushed to help him. I asked him what happened and if he was okay. He spoke with difficulty and weakness, telling me that something bad was going on. Swiftclaw, a person we know, was planning something against me.I felt worried and scared in my stomach. Sage usually doesn't exaggerate, and his condition showed that the situation was serious. I led him inside the room and helped him sit on a chair. I knew we had to act fast, so I called for a healer.As the room became brighter, I saw Sage's pale face filled with pain. His eyes, usually full of life, now looked tired and determined. Blood kept flowing from his side, and he pressed his hand against the wound.Sage winced as he tried to get comfortable i
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Chapter Eighty Five
Scarlett’s POVfelt scared and my body shivered. We looked at each other, feeling afraid and unsure. The forest was quiet, as if waiting for something to happen.My heart was beating fast as I took a careful step forward. I instinctively reached for my dagger. Elara did the same, looking around anxiously. The forest felt like it was closing in on us, with thick plants making it hard to breathe. Every sound seemed louder, and the wind sounded creepy.Together, we approached a bush that was shaking. We were anxious and scared. I thought about Swiftclaw's soldiers, who were mean and had bloody swords. Elara held her staff tightly, ready for a fight.As we got closer, a small fluffy animal jumped out of the bush and ran past us. It was a rabbit with soft fur, shining in the sunlight coming through the trees. We felt relieved but also a little silly for being so scared.We looked at each other, feeling embarrassed but also relieved. The tension we felt earlier went away, and we both felt h
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Chapter Eighty Six
Scarlett's POV "I was born in a small village with pretty hills and meadows," I said, feeling both happy and vulnerable. "When I was a kid, I had good and hard times, like everyone else. But I was fortunate to be born into a group of werewolves. We were like a big family, and we cared for and supported each other. Even though I was a lower-ranked werewolf, called an Omega, I always felt valued and accepted. Everyone in the group was nice to me, and I felt like I belonged." "That sounds amazing," Elara said. "It was," I replied. "I loved growing up in the group. We would play together in the woods, swim in the river, and have campfires at night. It was a special time." I paused, remembering the good times I had with my packmates. "But then, everything changed," I said. "When I was six years old, there was a fight between our group and another one. My parents and other members of our group were killed." I took a deep breath and kept going. I closed my eyes, trying to gather the st
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Chapter Eighty Seven
Scarlett's POVThe man holding my mother looked at his friend and smiled in a creepy way. He said, "These people are no good. They don't have what we need. Let's kill them."Elara was shocked and couldn't believe what she heard. She whispered softly, "Scarlett, those words... they're terrible. How did you find the strength to keep going?"I looked down, my hands shaking, and gathered the courage to look at Elara. I said, determined, "Something inside me broke at that moment. The men's cruel plans and the way they treated us like objects made me feel a strong desire to fight back. I couldn't let them destroy us. I had to resist."Elara nodded, impressed. She said proudly, "And you fought back indeed."I took a deep breath and vivid memories flooded my mind. "I turned to my uncle, desperate, and whispered urgently, 'We can't let them win. We have to find a way to escape.'"Elara leaned closer, offering comfort in the midst of the chaos. She asked with anticipation, "What did your uncle
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Chapter Eighty Eight
Scarlett's POV"Yes," I said with relief in my voice. "We were really determined and lucky, so we found a moment of rest. We ran faster than the people chasing us and left them confused. It was a short time when we were safe, and my uncle had to make a hard choice."Elara leaned closer, looking at me without moving her eyes, so I kept talking. "He took me to his house, a secret place where nobody could see us, so we could have a safe place to stay," I said gratefully. "We hid there for many days and nights, waiting for the storm to go away and the dangers to get smaller."There was a quiet pause while we all thought about what I was going to say next. Elara looked worried and asked gently, "What happened after that, Scarlett?" Her voice sounded a little scared.I took a deep breath and found the courage to share the sad truth. "We stayed there for weeks, and then my uncle finally told me the really sad news," I said, my voice shaking with sadness and acceptance. "He said my parents ha
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Chapter Eighty Nine
Scarlett's POVMy heart felt excited and scared as Elara called me from nearby. I reluctantly looked away from the old woman on the bench and hurried to join my friend.I asked Elara, "What's up? Who do you want me to meet?"Elara looked happy and led me to a small house in the corner of the village. She said, "There's someone I think you'll really like. Her name is Lila, and she knows how to find peace when things are chaotic."As we got closer to the house, we heard laughter and talking. I felt hopeful about making a new friend in this nice village.Inside the house, there were colorful decorations and comfortable cushions. A young woman with a calm smile sat on the floor, weaving a pretty tapestry. She looked up when Elara and I came in, and she seemed warm and curious.I watched the young woman stand up from her weaving, and she looked surprised. It was like seeing a friend I hadn't seen in a long time."Elara?" the woman said, sounding surprised and happy. She hugged Elara tightl
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Chapter Ninety
Scarlett's POV"I can't believe we're doing this," Lila whispered, sounding worried."I know, but we have to. She needs to know," Elara replied with determination.Their quiet words made me more and more anxious. I wondered what they were talking about that was so important and urgent that they couldn't tell me directly. I tried my best to understand what they were saying."Scarlett will be very sad," Lila murmured, feeling guilty."I understand, but she deserves to know the truth. It's the right thing to do," Elara said firmly.Their words made me even more curious and worried. Time felt like it was going by so slowly, and I couldn't stop pacing back and forth, waiting for them to come back. I imagined all kinds of things based on their conversation, and I started feeling scared.Finally, the door opened slowly, and Lila and Elara came back into the room. I looked at them, hoping to find clues in their faces. Lila seemed worried and caring, while Elara looked determined yet understan
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