All Chapters of One Night Stand with the Lycan: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
156 Chapters
Chapter Seventy One
Scarlett’s POVBut disappointment washed over me as a woodland creature scampered away, its presence a mere illusion of solace.The night wore on, and my sense of direction waned. The forest seemed to taunt me, its dark tendrils reaching out to ensnare me in its depths. My strength waned, and I sank to the ground, tears streaming down my dirt-streaked cheeks.The glimmer of light ahead seemed to mock me, teasingly distant and unattainable. My body ached with exhaustion, and every step felt like a battle against the unforgiving terrain. The pain in my abdomen intensified, sharp twinges that twisted my insides. Panic surged within me, and I clutched my belly protectively."Oh, no," I gasped, my voice quivering with fear. "Please, not now. Not when I'm so far from home."The tears that streamed down my cheeks mingled with the dirt on my face as I struggled to find the strength to continue.Taking a deep breath, I tried to steady myself, to push away the fear and anxiety that threatened t
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Chapter Seventy Two
Scarlett’s POVScarlett's heart quickened as I noticed a trail of smoke rising in the distance above the trees. My senses heightened, and a surge of determination coursed through my veins. Despite the pain radiating from my abdomen, I was resolute in my mission to reach the hut and ensure Elara's safety.With each step I took, anticipation grew, my mind filled with a mix of hope and worry. I knew the path ahead wouldn't be easy, but I pushed aside my own discomfort, focusing solely on the goal that lay ahead.As I moved forward, the thick foliage became an obstacle to overcome. The branches reached out to snag at my clothing, leaving shallow scratches on my arms and face. But I pressed on, my eyes never straying from the faint trail of smoke that served as my guiding light.Conversation echoed in my mind as I willed myself to keep going. "You can do this, Scarlett," I whispered to myself, my voice strained yet determined. "Just a little farther. Elara needs me."The pain intensified w
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Chapter Seventy Three
Scarlett’s POVThe leader of the group, a tall and imposing figure, called out to his men, his voice carrying through the night. "Spread out! She couldn't have gone far. We must find her before Swiftclaw learns of our failure."My heart raced, and my mind raced even faster. We couldn't afford to be found. We had to keep moving, stay one step ahead of our hunters.My heart pounded in my chest as I listened to the man's words. The realization struck me like a bolt of lightning. They weren't just after Elara—they were after me too. Swiftclaw's reach extended far and wide, and the danger we faced was more significant than I had ever imagined.With our breaths held, we watched as the group of men spread out in different directions, their figures disappearing into the darkness. The moon, shrouded by clouds, provided little light to guide their search. It was a race against time, and we had to stay one step ahead. My mind raced, devising a plan to evade them.Silently, we crawled away from o
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Chapter Seventy Four
Scarlett’s POVFear shot through my veins, igniting a surge of adrenaline. They were closing in on us, their determination to capture us evident in their words. We couldn't afford to waste a second. My mind raced, seeking a plan, an escape route."Elara, we need to move faster," I urged, urgency lacing my voice. "They're right behind us."She nodded, her face pale but resolute. We quickened our pace, our feet dancing along the unstable tree trunk, desperately trying to maintain our balance. Every step felt like a ticking time bomb, the threat of falling and being captured looming over us.As we reached the halfway point, a misstep sent Elara teetering on the edge of the trunk. I reached out, grabbing her arm, my grip firm yet gentle. "Hold on, Elara! I won't let you fall!"Her eyes widened with a mixture of fear and trust, and she clung to my arm, her fingers digging into my skin. We had come too far together to give up now. Failure was not an option.The voices behind us grew louder,
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Chapter Seventy Five
Scarlett’s POVElara's gaze flickered with a mix of emotions—pain, fear, and a hint of resignation. She sighed heavily, the weight of her past settling upon her shoulders. "Scarlett, it's a long story. A story of choices and consequences, of alliances and betrayals."My heart sank at her words, a knot forming in my stomach. I could sense the weight of the truth about to unfold, and I braced myself for what I was about to hear."Years ago," Elara began, her voice tinged with sadness, "I made a pact with Swiftclaw, In exchange for his protection, I vowed complete loyalty to him.""I believed it was the only way to keep those I cared about safe," Elara continued, her voice filled with regret. "I thought I could navigate the treacherous web of Swiftclaw's world without any repercussions. But I was wrong."She paused, her gaze distant as she relived painful memories. "When you arrived in my territory, seeking refuge, I couldn't turn you away. I knew the risks, the danger it posed to both o
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Chapter Seventy Six
Scarlett’s POVElara's gaze shifted, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. The crackling of the fire seemed to grow louder, filling the space between us with a heavy silence. For a moment, I regretted prying into her past, realizing that my question had inadvertently opened old wounds."I'm so sorry, Elara," I whispered, my voice filled with empathy. "I didn't mean to bring up painful memories."Elara shook her head, tears trickling down her cheeks. "No, Scarlett. It's not your fault. I've carried these memories with me for so long, and perhaps it's time to share them."A mixture of sorrow and understanding welled up within me as I reached out and gently squeezed her hand. The warmth of our connection offered solace amidst the weight of her unspoken words."If you're comfortable sharing, I'm here to listen," I assured her, my voice tender.Elara took a deep breath, her gaze focused on the dancing flames before her. As she began to speak, her voice trembled with a raw vulnerability.A
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Chapter Seventy Seven
Marco’s POVAs I stepped into the throne room, the grandeur and opulence of the space overwhelmed me. The King, seated majestically upon his ornate throne, exuded an air of power and authority. His gaze met mine, and I detected a flicker of curiosity within his eyes. The atmosphere was thick with anticipation, and I silently reminded myself to remain composed.Taking a deep breath to steady my nerves, I approached the King, my heart pounding with a mixture of reverence and urgency. "Your Majesty," I began, my voice filled with a blend of respect and determination. "I come before you today with a matter of utmost importance that requires your immediate attention."The King inclined his head slightly, indicating for me to proceed. "Speak, Marco," he commanded, his voice carrying the weight of his position.Feeling the weight of the task ahead, I gathered my thoughts and began, "Swiftclaw's reign threatens not only my family but the entire kingdom. I bring news of a prophecy, Your Majest
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Chapter Seventy Eight
Marco’s POV"Your Majesty," I emphasized, my voice filled with a mix of anticipation and frustration. "Without knowledge of Swiftclaw's base of operations, our rescue mission would be nothing more than a shot in the dark. We must uncover the location of his stronghold, so we can plan our assault strategically and ensure the safety of Scarlett."The King's gaze sharpened, his voice firm and resolute. "You are right, Marco. We cannot afford to leave such a crucial aspect to chance. I will gather my generals and discuss our intelligence on Swiftclaw's whereabouts. Though he may be elusive, I am certain that through our combined efforts, we will be able to obtain a lead."Relief washed over me as the King assured me of his commitment to finding Swiftclaw's location. His faith in his generals and their extensive knowledge of the kingdom instilled a newfound sense of hope within me."Your Majesty," I said, my voice filled with gratitude. "Your dedication to this cause and your assurance of
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Chapter Seventy Nine
Marco’s POVRelief washed over me as the old woman acknowledged my successful journey. Her warm smile reassured me that I had finally reached the right place. The weight of the Pack's fate still rested heavily on my shoulders, but I took solace in knowing that I was one step closer to obtaining the crucial information we needed."Thank God you got the way correct," the old woman said, her voice filled with gratitude. "So, back to why we are here. I was to show you a few things, right?" I nodded eagerly, my curiosity piqued by her mention of important knowledge. This meeting held the potential to change the course of our struggle against Swiftclaw.The old woman motioned for me to follow her instructions. "Okay, please go to the back of my hut and get me the clay pot that lies there," she said, her voice gentle yet firm. I complied, making my way to the rear of the cottage, my gaze shifting between the surroundings and the path I had just traversed.As I stepped outside, the air felt c
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Chapter Eighty
Marco’s POVThe old woman carefully put the torn scroll on a nearby table, making sure not to damage it further. She raised her hands, placed them near the scroll, and closed her eyes for a moment, as if collecting her thoughts. When she opened her eyes again, she looked determined."Now, Marco," she said, speaking with confidence but also excitement. "We need to be careful. The words on this scroll have great power, but they've been hidden for many years. We have to uncover their secrets and understand what they mean."I nodded, focusing my gaze on the scroll in front of me. The dust had settled a bit, but the ancient writings still looked faded and hard to read. I squinted, trying to make out the intricate symbols and lines on its surface."It's really dusty," I said, feeling a bit disappointed. "I can hardly see anything."The old woman understood my concern and nodded in understanding. "Don't worry, Marco," she reassured me. "The dust is just covering up the wisdom in these writin
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