All Chapters of One Night Stand with the Lycan: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
156 Chapters
Chapter One Hundred and One
Marco’s POVThe King seemed to hesitate for a moment, as if contemplating whether to reveal his thoughts or keep them hidden. Eventually, he sighed, his expression softening. "It's nothing, Marco," he replied, attempting to brush it off."Okay, Your Highness," I said, genuinely grateful for his faith in me."Now, go get some rest," the King urged, his tone gentle but firm. "Tomorrow is going to be a challenging day, and you need to be well-prepared."I nodded, taking his advice to heart. "I will, Your Highness," I assured him. "Goodnight."As I made my way to my quarters, my mind buzzed with thoughts and emotions. I couldn't shake the feeling that the King had held back something important, something he wanted to share with me. But I also respected his decision not to burden me further, especially when we were on the brink of a perilous rescue mission.Once inside my room, I closed the door behind me and sat down on the edge of the bed. I knew I needed rest, but my mind was restless.
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Chapter One Hundred and Two
Marco’s POV"Marco, you raise a valid point. Splitting our forces strategically is crucial to increase our chances of success and maintain an element of surprise. I have devised a plan based on the information we've gathered and the capabilities of our warriors."He turned to the map, his finger tracing a path between the marked locations. "Our first priority is to strike at Swiftclaw's suspected hideout. I will personally lead half of our warriors to this location. It is vital that we do not underestimate his defenses. I anticipate traps and ambushes, but we must be steadfast and prepared for anything.""As for you, Marco," Thane continued, his gaze locking with mine, "I want you to lead the other half of our warriors to the area where Scarlett is said to be kept captive. If this information is accurate, rescuing her will be a significant blow to Swiftclaw and his forces."I nodded in agreement, feeling the weight of responsibility on my shoulders. Scarlett was not only a valuable al
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Chapter One Hundred and Three
Marco’s POV"Marco," Thane began, his voice carrying the weight of his experience, "we've reached a critical point in our journey. These two roads lead to different camps of the Swiftclaw, and as we discussed before leaving the palace, we must split up to get t Swiftclaw both camps on time"You will take the road to the east,as our scouts have said that will be where Scarlett would be held captive" Thane continued, pointing toward the path on the right. "I will take the one to the west. Where is it said Swiftclaw is. That way we will be bale to kill two birds with one stone.""I understand, Thane," I replied, trying to suppress any sign of hesitation. "We'll execute the plan as we discussed. The sooner we execute the plan, the better it will be for both of us."Thane smiled, his expression one of pride mixed with concern. "I have faith in you, Marco. You are a skilled warrior, and I know you can handle yourself well. Remember the training we've been through, and trust your instincts."
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Chapter One Hundred and Four
Marco’s POVI looked around at the scouts, waiting for someone to step forward with a suggestion. It was essential that we not only successfully rescue Scarlett but also have a clear escape plan to get her and ourselves safely out of the Swiftclaw camp.One of the scouts, a young and agile warrior named Rook, stepped forward. "I might have an idea for the escape route," he said, his voice steady despite the weight of responsibility."Please, share your plan," I encouraged, eager to hear his thoughts.Rook took a deep breath before continuing. "Behind the camp, there's a dense thicket that leads to a narrow ravine. It's a challenging terrain to navigate, but it should provide us with enough cover to slip away undetected.""Could it accommodate all of us, including Scarlett?" Sage inquired, concern etched on his face."Yes, it might be a tight squeeze, but we can manage," Rook replied confidently. "Once we're in the ravine, we can move in single file and maintain silence to avoid drawin
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Chapter One Hundred and Five
Marco’s POV Sage's question hung in the air, and I found myself considering it deeply. He had a point – sending scouts to survey the camp's perimeter at this juncture might indeed be a risky endeavor. We had just discussed the possibility of the Swiftclaw being aware of our presence and potentially setting a trap for us. Sending scouts out could inadvertently reveal our position and intentions. I glanced at Sage, his concern mirrored in his furrowed brows. "Sage makes a valid point," I acknowledged, addressing the group. "If the Swiftclaw is on high alert, sending scouts now might expose us prematurely. We need to prioritize caution and ensure that we're not falling into a trap." Rook's expression was thoughtful, and he leaned in, his eyes searching my face. "So, what's the alternative? How do we gather information about the camp without risking our cover?" "That's where our own observation skills come in," I replied, leaning back against a tree trunk. "Before we make any moves, le
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Chapter One Hundred and Six
Marco’s POVTaking another deep breath, I continued my walk, my thoughts a tumultuous storm that raged within me. I wanted to believe in our plan, but the fear of repeating history loomed large.The memories of my comrades, their voices and laughter, their camaraderie – they all played like a bittersweet melody in my mind. I couldn't let their sacrifices be in vain. This mission wasn't just about rescuing Scarlett, it was about proving to myself and to them that I could lead us to victory, that their trust wasn't misplaced.I looked down at my hands, clenching and unclenching them as if searching for some physical reassurance. The scars that adorned them were a reminder of past battles, both won and lost. I had learned from each one, and now, faced with this monumental task, I had to summon every lesson, every ounce of courage within me.I resumed my walk, my steps guided by the moon's ethereal glow. The path ahead might be uncertain, but there was one thing I knew for certain – I cou
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Chapter One Hundred and Seven
Scarlett’s POVA soft knock on my door stirs me from my reverie. The door creaks open, and a tall, uniformed guard steps in. I offer a respectful bow, my expression attentive and composed. "My Lady," I greet, my voice steady. "You requested my presence?"I nod, my eyes meeting his with a mix of curiosity and earnestness. "Yes, please come in," I say, gesturing to the chair across from me. "I wanted to speak with you."His blue eyes flicker with a glint of surprise, but he complies, settling into the seat with an air of professionalism. "Of course, My Lady. How may I be of service?"I take a moment to study his features – his neatly trimmed beard, the way his uniform fits him perfectly, the emblem of the palace guard on his shoulder. There's a sense of familiarity about him, a reassurance that settles my nerves somewhat. "I've heard that you've been assigned to watch over and care for me during my stay in the palace," I begin, my tone measured.He inclines his head slightly. "Yes, My L
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Chapter One Hundred and Eight
Scarlett’s POVThe aroma of freshly cooked delicacies wafted through the palace corridors as I made my way towards the grand hall. The vibrant tapestries that adorned the walls seemed to come alive with each step, telling stories of generations past. My thoughts swirled like the patterns in the fabric, a mixture of anticipation and anxiety. As I approached the entrance to the King's hall, my heart quickened its pace.The imposing double doors, intricately carved with scenes from ancient battles and victories, swung open to reveal the King's domain. The hall was bathed in a warm, golden light that filtered through stained glass windows. Massive chandeliers hung from the ceiling, casting a soft glow over the room. At the far end of the hall, the throne awaited its occupant.My footsteps echoed against the marble floor as I walked, each one echoing my rising apprehension. As I neared the throne, I caught sight of the King, his presence commanding and regal. He was clad in rich, dark robe
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Chapter One Hundred and Nine
Scarlett’s POV"I have no idea," I reiterated, my tone a mix of frustration and concern, my gaze locked onto the King as I spoke. "It's a complex situation, one that's hard to decipher. But there's no doubt that Michael's motives are far from pure. He might be trying to exploit our vulnerabilities, seeking shelter only to further his own agenda."The King's brows furrowed, his eyes narrowing as he absorbed my words. "But how did he manage to get here? And under the guise of being sent to check on you?" His voice held a note of disbelief, his arms crossed over his chest as he regarded me intently.I sighed, my fingers absently tapping against the arm of my chair. "It's possible he's manipulating the situation. Remember, he's always been crafty, a master of deception. He could have easily forged that seal or coerced someone from the neighboring pack into playing along. We know how skilled he is at twisting truths to suit his purposes."The King's pacing slowed, and he cast a contemplati
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Chapter One Hundred and Ten
Scarlett’s POV"Thank you for coming promptly," I began, my voice carrying a sense of purpose. "I have a favor to ask, one that requires your discretion and attentiveness."The guard, whose name I wasn’t able to recall, nodded again. "Your Grace, I am here to serve you. Please, tell me what you require."I appreciated his loyalty, sensing his willingness to help. "I find myself in need of information, Thomas. There is a matter of great importance to me, one that I believe will soon come to pass. You see, the stranger, Michael is to meet with the King in the near future."Understanding began to dawn in the guard 's eyes. "You wish to know the outcome of their meeting, Your Grace?"I leaned in slightly, my eyes locking onto his. "Precisely. I have reason to believe that the outcome of their discussion could have significant implications for me and for the realm."The guard nodded once more, his gaze unwavering. "I understand, Your Grace. You would like me to keep my ears open, to gather
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