All Chapters of Affair with the Rockstar : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
140 Chapters
ten hours after I'd
Ten hours after I’d arrived at the Dubai, I finally made my way up to my room. It was small but lovely – beautifully decorated, with a luxurious king-size bed. There was a large glass window that looked six stories out over the Sunset Strip, with all its lights and cars and revelers on the sidewalks, even at 1AM. The glass was double-paned, though, so the room was quiet as could be, with no more than a whisper from the air conditioning vent.There was my bag, waiting for me in the middle of the room. I put it on a nearby chair, opened it up, and dug out my super extra-large t-shirt that I slept in. I stripped off my clothes and smelled them. Ugh – stale pot smoke. Same with my hair. Blech. I desperately wanted to slip into bed and just forget the entire last three hours had ever happened, but I couldn’t bear the thought of smelling like this, not one second more. I slipped into the bathroom and took a short, hot shower. The hotel’s exotic soaps and shampoos washed away my makeup and t
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it was a long ass
It was a long-ass night.A long-ass, frustrating night.I laid awake, fitfully turning in bed for over an hour, replaying the scene over and over in my head.Fuck this.Him slamming me against the wall, kissing me, stroking me, tantalizing me – The stench of a dozen other women’s perfume – I’ve always wanted YOU, Kaitlyn. Just you.My final refusal – You want me? I’m yours. But YOU let me know.It all seemed like a dream.An incredibly hot, but incredibly disturbing dream.Why did I have to say ‘no’? Wasn’t that exactly the thing I’d fantasized about for years – him forcefully pinning me against the wall, taking me, ravishing me?I knew why I’d said ‘no,’ of course. The smell. The perfume. I couldn’t get past it.Why did he have to dance with those women? Why?Why did he have to flaunt it in my face?Why couldn’t we have just left immediately after the concert and come here?He could have been in my arms right now.He could have been inside me RIGHT NOW.I was so hot and bothered I
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he was dressed in jeans
He was dressed in jeans, boots, a black t-shirt that hugged his chest, and his customary sunglasses.My heart leapt. I was so happy to see him that my whole body buzzed with anticipation – But a second after my heart jumped in my chest, it seized with fear.Our previous encounter last night in my room – temporarily forgotten because of Riley’s antics – reared up in my memory like some monstrous shadow.Derek seemed to have no such qualms, though. He just ambled over to the table, sat down between Riley and Ryan, and reached for a plate.He didn’t even look at me.It was like a punch to the gut.“I’m assuming that chick out in the hallway was yours, Riley,” he said as he piled on eggs and bacon.“Whose else would it be?” she snorted. “Nobody else in here gets any pussy.”“Jesus, Riley,” Ryan groaned, “I’m eating.”“See? He’s too much of a pussy to even talk about pussy. And don’t even get me started on Mary Jane over there.”She was obviously referring to Killian. He ignored her and k
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despite my wounded
Despite my wounded pride at being told to butt out, I was soon captivated by the jam session. In total, they worked on three songs I’d never heard before. Each one was better than the last; the final one could have been good enough to be a single on the radio, even in its rough state.I kept that opinion to myself, though.Two hours passed, and suddenly Miles walked in. “Twenty minutes. In twenty minutes, you’re on the bus or my foot is up your arse.”The band members put up their stuff and retreated to their separate rooms. Derek slipped out before I could say anything to him.“He just hates criticism in any way, shape, or form,” a voice said behind me. “Can’t stand it.”I looked back. Ryan was standing in the doorway of one of the bedrooms.“It was actually pretty good, though,” I protested.“Yeah, well, for Derek, telling him he’s ‘pretty good’ is a half step above saying he’s awful. It’s amazing – the guy can handle all sorts of stuff getting thrown at him, but he gets bent out of
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there was maybe
There was maybe ten seconds worth of silence.It felt more like two minutes.Then we both spoke at the same time.“Look, I just wanted to say – ” I started.“Aren’t you going to ask another question?” he said, overlapping me.We stopped and looked at each other.Then we both smiled – me shyly, him grinning.“You were saying?” he asked.“Um… I just wanted to say that I really liked your song. Back there in the hotel room. I wasn’t criticizing you or anything.”His smile faded. Between his mouth and his sunglasses, I couldn’t read anything about his expression.“So… that’s it,” I finished lamely.He sat there, silent, just watching me.“Aren’t you going to say something?” I asked, annoyed.He shrugged, then looked away. “You were right,” he said, and took another sip of scotch.“…what?”“You were right. The second and third verse need a lot more work.”I sat there staring at him. “You agree with me?”“Yeah.”“So why’d you bite my head off?”His lip turned up in the tiniest of smirks as
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the concert was over
The concert was over and the band went backstage to shower. I didn’t get an invitation this time – in fact, I barely got any recognition that I existed. Derek just smiled faintly as he and the others walked past me, and then they were gone.I went backstage and waited.It was all the same as last night. The women waiting in line. The famous people, the rich people, the beautiful people. The rockers and the actors and the celebrities. The band showed up and things went crazy. Drink, food, drugs, alcohol.I kept to the periphery as more half-naked women threw themselves at Derek. The longer I watched, the angrier I got – not to mention more and more jealous with each passing moment. It felt like he was doing this to spite me – waving all these hot little boob-jobbed playthings in my face – And then I remembered ‘I Want You To Want Me.’A little voice in the back of my head whispered, You know, YOU were the one who threw him out last night.YOU were the one who spurned all his advance
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we burst out the
We burst out the back, running like two kids in high school after the police have raided a party – delirious, screaming, laughing. We raced past startled crew members and out into the night.The amphitheater was set off by itself, connected by a small, winding road to absolutely humongous parking lots. We ran through the darkness, and when I began to stumble on my high heels, Derek stopped and hunched over.“Get on!” he ordered.“What?” I asked, confused.“Piggyback ride – come on, get on!”I jumped on his back, screaming, laughing, and he took off again for the headlights in the distance.It was almost an hour after the concert, and the last stragglers were leaving. We raced past cars, Derek running as fast as he could, carrying me like I was weightless, until we were almost to the end of the parking lot. There was a convertible up ahead with its top down – a beat-up, rusty Le Baron, probably 30 years old. Three college-age kids were in it – a male driver, a female passenger, and ano
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we slowed it down
We slowed it down.Waaaaaay down.He kissed me softly, our lips verging on swollen from our frenzied passion before. Now every kiss had a salty little sting to it that added to the luxurious pleasure of his mouth against mine.He slowly undid my bra behind my back – and, like four years ago, he didn’t let it fall off right away. He gently pushed the strap off my right shoulder, letting it drift and tickle my skin… and then he nudged the left strap until it slid down my arm. Then he kissed my lips… and my chin… then tilted my head up with his hands… and let his tongue dance softly, lightly down my throat, to the tiny hollow between my collar bones, to the upper swell of my breasts. He kissed me, his lips moving downwards, pressing the satin of my bra down, down, until I felt his mouth hot and damp on my swollen, erect, aching nipple, and he sucked.I moaned, and a shiver ran down the entire length of my body.My bra dropped down my arms, baring my chest completely to him. His fingers
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He crawled up
He crawled up over my body, and I felt his muscled thighs brush against mine. The mattress indented when he braced his arms on either side my body, and I could feel his forearms touch the sides of my breasts.I put my hand on the back of his massive arm. His muscles were so hard and firm, it took me by surprise.Something else was hard and firm, too.His cock brushed against my pussy, and I could feel his skin against mine, the cloying pull as his and my wetness met – wet, hot, sticky – and then he pulled away.It was hard as rock, but clothed in soft, satiny skin.And just like that, I was ready to go again.He kissed me on the mouth, and I felt his lower body shift, and then there was a wonderful, throbbing, amazing pressure just about to part me – “Condom,” I whispered.He paused, and I could tell he was disappointed.I remembered what he had said in the showers:I get tested now, once a month. And I’m totally clean, by the way.I was actually on birth control. I could have let hi
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we lay in bed
We lay in bed, him holding my body against his, and just talked for a long time afterwards.A good portion of it was Derek busting my chops.“See? Was that so difficult?” he teased.“What?”“Sleeping with me.”I rolled my eyes, though he couldn’t see. “Whatever. If you hadn’t been such an asshole last night – ”“Me?! How was I an asshole?”“What, you don’t remember the 200 pairs of boobs you signed?”“Oh… that.”“‘Oh, THAT,’” I mimicked, and twisted his nipple.“Aaaaah!” he laughed, and started tickling me in retaliation, which led to roughhousing, which led to more kissing.After a minute, though, he pulled away and smiled. “It was just to make you jealous.”“Yeah, I’ll bet.”“Seems like it worked.”I wasn’t about to tell him that, yeah, it worked, all right.“Didn’t work so great, or we could have been doing this last night.”“Hey, I tried the straightforward approach – ”“Can we not talk about this?”Derek grinned. “What was it that changed your mind?”He was a little too pleased w
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