All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Pretend Fiancée : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
110 Chapters
Sofie's POVI heaved a sigh of despondence as my heart sunk to the pit of my belly, on sighting the imposing structure of Roman's estate."We're here." I mumbled quietly, to which Damien hummed."Do not hesitate to call me if you need anything, Sofie, and I mean literally anything, okay?" Damien uttered, unbuckling his seat belt and making to head out of the car.I deduced he wanted to assist me with the car door, so I quickly spoke, "It's fine, I can open the door on my own.""But seriously Sofie, don't forget to let me know if you need my help, and also please think carefully about this decision of yours to keep the pregnancy a secret from Roman." He reiterated himself."The first one, I will. But the second one, I can't say." I muttered, keeping my gaze rooted to the my lap.I heard him sigh. "I won't force you, I will try to respect your decision because after all, it is you who is carrying the child. Just make sure to take care of yourself and the little one inside you."I was mo
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Roman's POV"Make sure to attend the meeting with Mr Montez today on my behalf, okay?" I said, handing over the tablet to Nathan who nodded.I raised a questioning eyebrow at Nathan when he still remained standing in front of me, after I had instructed him on how to go about the schedule of the day."Yes. How may I help you? Why are you still here?" I asked.He shuffled in a spot before answering. "I noticed you have been spending most of your time at the office, so I just wanted to know if everything is fine."I frowned as I placed my pen on the table and observed Nathan. Since the past eight years that he had been working with me, he had never dared to ask me about my personal life and him asking at that moment made me feel somewhat pathetic.Did I look that heartbroken?"Everything is fine, why do you ask?" I muttered coldly."Forgive my inquisitiveness, sir. My curiosity got the best of me when I noticed that for the past three days, you've been going home quite late in the night
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An embarrassing ordeal
Sofie's POVI sighed as I turned sideways with my hands caressing my belly.I was gradually gaining weight, and my clothes were starting to get tighter around my waist. I had changed my clothes thrice that morning and still, I couldn't find something to fit in.The funniest thing was that my stomach had not even rounded to the slightest of bumps, but I was rapidly gaining weight.With a deep exhale, I changed into a pair of joggers and sweatshirt as they were the only clothes that I could comfortably fit into.Soon, I was on my way to a boutique to get some maternity clothes. But while I was in the taxi, I caught a glimpse of a beautiful pink sundress through a glass window, and before my brain could process the gorgeousness of the dress, I told the driver to stop and I paid him."Welcome, Miss. What would you like to get from us today?" A smily-faced, young woman asked, as I sauntered into the glass building of the boutique."That." I said, pointing to the flowery dress.She follow
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Right in front of me
Chapter 64 Right in front of meRoman"When did I ever make things up, Roman? What have I ever done to you to make you hate me so much? Please tell me, so I can make a full atonement. It hurts s-"I inhaled deeply as I felt the familiar surge of anger simmer within me."Enough of that stupid pretentious acting of yours, what I want from you is to leave me the fuck alone, Lana. Get out of my life, I never want to see you again. I swear to the heavens, the next time you try this bullshit with my fiancée, I'll have you arrested before filing a restraining order, am I clear?" I gritted out.A stray, crocodile tear rolled down Lana's face as she shook her head. "Where exactly did I go wr-""I don't have time for your bullshit." I cut her off before turning to Sofie whose eyes were fixated on my face.I fought the urge to snarl at her, as the thought of her betrayal floated into my mind."Let's go, have you paid yet?" I asked, and she shook her head.I didn't say anything, and just walked t
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His inexplicable behavior
Sofie's POVI had a dream; a weird, obscene dream.In my vile dream, Roman was on top of me, kissing me with such ferociousness and fervor that it felt as though I was just a prostitute he had paid to fuck, and not his girlfriend.He was trailing harsh hickeys down from my jaw down to the cleavage of my chest while muttering angry italian words whose meanings I couldn't decipher.In a bid to stop the mad dream from continuing, I forced my eyes open with a loud gasp, but my eyes only widened in horror to the size of saucers when I realized my dream was not only real but even more horrible to view in reality.Roman was really on top of me, and was really trailing rough kisses down the slope of my chest. He fisted one of my boobs with a hand, while the other hand rapidly unbuttoned my night shirt with an hasty intensity that greatly baffled and scared me."W-what is this, Roman? What the hell are you doing?" I attempted to bark at him but my voice only came out in form of a timid whimpe
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Holding myself back
Roman's POV"Give me the strongest drink you have." I muttered, plopping on the bar stool.The waitress darted me a smile as she nodded before getting the equipments for mixing the drink ready.I sighed heavily, as I felt the blood vessels inside my head throb with a migraine.The thoughts of the night before invaded my mind for the umpteenth time, and my heart lurched with guilt. No matter how much the alcohol I drank was, I just couldn't shake the image of Sofie staring up at me, her coffee eyes misty with unshed tears and atrocious hatred for me.I had no idea what possessed me to take Sofie in the most painful way without her permission. Although a part of me hated her for lying to me, that didn't mean I wanted to harm her.I couldn't even bring myself to apologize to her, because I felt both hurt and disgusted toward myself.The flowery oud scent of an exotic perfume wafted into my nostrils, as I felt a shadow loom beside me.I couldn't bring myself to care about whoever the per
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The deadbeat dad
Lana's POV"I still can't believe Roman had the audacity to embarrass you in front of that golddigger." My best friend, Jessica Coleman said as the maid poured us two glasses of iced whiskey."That bastard will pay for his actions, and I really mean it. I'm going to take the most important thing in his life away from him, then he'd have no option but to return to me." I giggled, but my short moment of manic excitement was cut short by the maid's clumsiness.She had tripped and in the process–she had broken the half-filled bottle of whiskey."Please pardon my mistake this once, Madam Lana. I didn't look where I was going, ma." She knelt, begging profusely and not daring to look me in the eye."You stupid imbecile, is that bottle too heavy for you to carry? Do you know how expensive that whiskey is? Don't worry, I'll make sure you use your miserable, meager salary to pay for it, now get your useless self out of my sight, fool!" I barked, and she cowered but nevertheless, she scrambled o
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The peace offering
Sofie's POV"Did you hear about the professor from the faculty of botany? Allegedly, she had sex with five male professors in her faculty, and was caught on camera, and now the professors are getting fired while she's getting her license revoked, I mean how crazy is that?" Katie rambled, as we placed our food trays on the cafeteria table before taking out seats."Yeah, it's crazy. It's really crazy." I muttered, cutting the ham on my plate into smaller pieces.Katie dropped her cutleries, bunched her hands below her jaw and darted me a pointed look which caused me to sigh and also drop my own cutleries."You don't even know what I'm saying, do you?" She huffed.I made an offended noise as I glared weakly at her, "I do. You were saying something about a professor who had sex with five other professors, no?"She shook her head and said, "Okay, fine. You were listening but your mind is clearly not here, what's going on with you? I noticed you've been spacing out since the week began but
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Roman's POV "Postpone my meeting with the marketing team indefinitely and tell the team leader of the auditing department to meet me in two hours for a brief meeting." I instructed Nathan, as we both walked into my office.We had just finished attending a meeting with some shareholders from other companies, and for some reason I couldn't quite fathom, most of them were asking to sell their shares to get their money back."Sir, Alexander Guilon has withdrawn from the business proposal, sir. He asked me to inform you." Nathan said, as I sat on the swivel chair.My fave contorted into a frown, as I tried to deduce what could have brought the sudden withdrawal. The Alexander Guilon I knew had been quite desperate to form a business alliance with me, so having him cancel his plea to merge our companies was really strange to hear.I shook off the irritable memories of what had transpired between us, on the last day he had been to my company as I scrolled through my tablet, to see the rest
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Sofie's POV"Why do you look so surprised to see me?" I scoffed, as Katie's eyes widened into the size of jugs.I had decided to pay her an impromptu visit that day, because I was depressed and frustrated about my worsening relationship with Roman.The memories of the night before still burned my memory like a fresh wound, and I didn't want to keep mulling over my sad thoughts.It wasn't good for the baby."Because I am really surprised to see you! How did you even get my address?" She exclaimed, stepping out of the way to allow me in properly."You must have forgotten that you told me your address months ago, and I happen to have a very retentive memory." I said."This is a really nice surprise, Sofie. I must admit you took me completely off guard, don't mind the disorganized painting paraphernalia lying around. I paint during my free time, and I haven't really had the time to organize my instruments." She explained, as she grabbed the painting brushes and crumbled pieces of paper fr
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