All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Pretend Fiancée : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
110 Chapters
She is missing
Roman's POV"Are you leaving already, sir?" The receptionist at the front desk of my office asked as I strode out of my office."Yeah, I've got somewhere important to be." I replied, handing Nathan my briefcase and car keys.My hands were tremoring so badly, and I knew I couldn't drive in that sort of nervous condition.I had no idea what I was supposed to do to salvage my ruined relationship with both Sofie and Damien.But most especially, with Sofie.The blossoming relationship that I had single-handedly destroyed because of my stupid ego and immaturity.Damien had also mentioned something about Sofie having complications with the pregnancy, but my head was too far up my ass for me to deduce what he was saying.I knew Sofie wouldn't easily forgive me even if I apologized but it was okay, because I brought it upon myself.If only I hadn't uttered such derogatory words toward her, if only I didn't give her a toxic response when she asked if I wanted kids in the future.She wasn't the
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Sofie's POVI woke up to the sound of the same shrill laughter of a female that I had heard, before everything went dark.As soon as I winked an eye open, I immediately knew I was in grave danger.The place I was in looked like a basement or should I say a dark, horrifying den.I was sat on a chair, and tied to it with a spiky rope that dug into my skin with every little movement I made, and my mouth was also sealed with a duct tape.I had also been stripped out of the clothes I was wearing earlier. Now, I was dressed in a short, dirty camisole that loosely hung off my shoulder, and barely reached my thighs.I felt so awfully vulnerable and exposed."Looks like the bitch has finally woken up." I heard the awfully familiar, high-pitched voice.Lana. She was standing right in front of me, with her head cocked to the right and a pleased grin twisting the sides of her mouth.Three scary-looking male thugs were also standing behind her, I sighted the bastard that had forced me into the van
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Finding out her whereabouts
Roman's POV"Hey, man." I said into my phone as I took my seat on the swivel chair in the study.I was currently talking to Damien. Also, it had been three days since Sofie went missing.I had already filed a missing person report but still, there were no traces of her movement. I had also hired a team of renowned private investigators but all their efforts to find her proved to be nothing but futile.They were now implying that she must have been abducted, but we still haven't gotten any call from any one demanding a ransom.Strangely, she had also not been captured on any CCTV camera.I regretted not paying enough attention to her. I really did.For the past four days, I hadn't been to work because I couldn't bring myself to focus on other things but Sofie."So how are you holding up? Have you been able to sleep at all since the past four days?" He asked.I caught a glimpse of my bloodshot, sleep-ridden eyes through the gold nameplate plate on the table, which bore my initials, and
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The shocking reveal
Sofie's POV"Would you look at that, huh?" I heard Lana scoff as she walked into the basement.She had last visited the basement on the day I was abducted, and I had been quite relieved that I didn't have to see her for a while.But the things her underlings had done to me in her absence were best left unsaid, because merely thinking about them badly enraged me.I gawked at her but said nothing as she cupped my jaw.She muttered something incoherent as she assessed me. "Nice job, boys. You made the art even better than I wanted. And for that, I'll give you a fully paid vacation to the Bahamas when everything is over."The thugs exchanged glances among each other before bowing to her. "Thanks for your neverending kindness madam."She just waved them off as she stood to her full height. She continued staring at me as if I had suddenly grown a beard or I had a fire crown on my head."What do you want?" I rudely asked.Despite her numerous threats to kill me if I failed to be respectful t
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The meet up
Roman's POVI massaged my temple as I patiently waited for Nana to finish what she was saying on the other end of the line.It had now been a week since Lana abducted Sofie.But I couldn't bring myself to tell my grandmother about it, because earlier that week, her oncologist had called to inform me that she was showing signs of being hypertensive. I didn't want to do anything that'll worsen her ailment, so I decided to keep mute.Inwardly, I hoped I wouldn't have to tell her in the future."Figlio, you're not saying anything. Is everything alright over there?" Nana asked, diverting my thoughts.I exhaled heavily. "There's nothing wrong, Nana. How are you doing?""I'm doing good, Romano. You've asked me this same question thrice now. Tell me the truth, my boy. Did something happen?" "No, ma. I'm serious. What could possibly happen? I'm just really tired right now because I was up all night reviewing a proposal." I lied seamlessly."Oh. Take care of yourself, caro. Don't push yoursel
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Empty threats not so empty
Sofie's POVI screamed, and squeezed my eyes open in fear as I felt cold, chilly water cascade down my body.When I calmed down, I saw Lana standing in front of me with her arms crossed, a pail beside her, and a cold countenance mauling her features."What was that for?" I said as I shivered, from the aftermath of the sudden shower of cold water.A week and a day has passed since I was kidnapped and I was still clad in the same skimpy mini gown. I was convinced Lana wanted me to freeze to death.I had been studying her behavior since Roman had mistakenly blurted out that I was pregnant, and the way she acted around me was so weird that it aroused more suspicions in me.For example, she has directed her men to start serving me whatever I wanted since that day instead of the same meatless, thin, brown soup that I was usually served twice a day.To me, it felt like I was a sacrificial lamb that was being pumped full with food for it's impending death.And that thought badly scared me. I
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Finally reunited in more agony
Roman's POV"We can't just cancel the meeting with the Lazarda's last minute, sir." Nathan said over the phone, and I huffed.It was now the day I was to go to Lana's hideout to rescue Sofie. I had repeatedly gone over the plan the private investigators had made, and everything was now set.The thought of being reunited with Sofie and our baby after a long, torturous week made me somewhat nervous because we hadn't exactly parted on the best of terms.And I still didn't know the sort of devilish plan Lana had up her sleeve."Did you hear me say anything about cancelling the meeting?" I asked, blankly staring at the mirror."No, sir. But you said you are not coming in today, and I can't possibly go on your behalf." He replied."You will go to that meeting on my behalf, Nathan. You don't have to do anything other than to sign the documents. The company's attorney will go with you to guide you through the process of signing it, good day." I explained, and hung up.Next, I stared at my dis
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Change of plans
Lana's POV"I guess even Roman can't save both you and the bastard you're carrying." I smirked as I brought the knife closer to Sofie's abdomen."I will do anything you want me to do, Lana. Please don't touch an innocent child who didn't even wrong you." She begged, with tears cascading down her face.I smiled, satisfied as I looked from Sofie to Roman who was still struggling to ease himself from underneath my men's combined weights."Give up, babe. You can never get out of there." I yelled across the bunker, which drew out a chuckle from my dad.Eww, it sounded cringey as hell to call the deadbeat my dad. But I had to do what I had to do to get his assistance and trust, even if that meant using his guilt against him.I darted him a fake smile. "Glad to see that you're enjoying yourself, dad."He nodded. "I sure am. You sure know how to put on an entertaining show, darling."I just smiled again before I turned to Sofie whose cries had now been reduced to soft whimpers."You called th
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Rescued, but at what cost?
Sofie's POV"Roman, please don't sleep. Don't leave me alone in this world. Don't even think of going anywhere without me!" I screamed when Roman groaned again and fluttered his eyes closed.With a painful growl, he weakly flapped his eyes open and threw me a small smile.He gasped as he slowly stretched his arm outward toward me. When he saw that it was pointless and he could not reach me, he groaned again and gave up."I'm going out for a smoke." Alexander said, and without as much as a backward glance, he exited the building.I had no idea why he was even there or what his relationship with Lana was, but at that moment, his presence wasn't important to me, Roman's life was.I burst into fresh tears as I watched him fight for his life on the floor, which was now a mini pool of his blood.I wanted to be by his side so bad. I wanted to reassure him that everything would eventually be fine, even though the future seemed bleak."If I can't have him, no one should." Lana changed as she r
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An unreal world
Roman's POVI squeezed my eyes open and found myself drenched in my own sweat.It seemed as though I had been running from something or someone but I just couldn't remember whoever or whatever it was.With a dissatisfied groan, I yanked myself up from the bed, made my bed before trekking to the bathroom to take a quick shower.I didn't even know what day of the week today was.It felt as though I had slept for eighty years instead of eight hours.Afterward, I threw on a pair of denim pants and a black t-shirt before heading downstairs for breakfast.My lips curved upward in a smile when I saw my mum dishing out breakfast for that morning."Good morning, mum." I said, pressing a peck to her cheek.She turned to face me as she mirrored my smile. Hope you had a lovely night, baby?""Yes, mum." I nodded, before retrieving some clean eating utensils and bringing them to the table."You're such a good boy, Roman unlike that lazy being called Rachel." Mum patted my back and shook her head."
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