All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Pretend Fiancée : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
110 Chapters
Taking matters into my own hands
Roman's POV I inwardly groaned as I squeezed my eyes open. I groaned again when I realized that my head still throbbed with an excruciating headache. I steered my gaze sideways and immense anger siphoned through my veins, when I set my eyes on the bane of my existence. The obsessive leech who had caused Sofie and I so much problems in the short span of two months. I wondered how she managed to enter the hospital despite the fact that I had already instructed the hospital's director not to allow her in. I guessed it was time for me to withdraw my investment in the hospital, since they couldn't even protect one of their major shareholders. As I stared at her, my ire intensified and I suddenly had the urge to commit murder. Before my logical reasoning could gain control of my senses, I snapped the cannula off my wrist and stormed toward Lana. She gasped as I yanked her off the chair and slammed her against the hard wall. I wrapped my hands around her throat as I glared murderous
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Sofie's POV I remained mute like a dummy as I blankly stared into space. I had desperately yearned for good news like this, but I had no idea how I was supposed to act when it finally happened. "Sofie, are you still there? Did you hang up on me?" Damien's voice wafted through my line of hearing. I forced myself out of the mini trance I was, to give him a response. "I'm still here. I'm sorry. I'm just trying to process it. So they got the warrant earlier then." I said. "Yes. They did. Thankfully. By the way, Roman just got discharged right now. I just got the message from my assistant. So you should see him soon. I have to get back to work. We need to have Lana sentenced to jail as soon as possible." Damien explained. "Right. You should. Thanks for everything, Damien." "There's no need to thank me, Sofie. Take care of yourself, and have a nice day." He said, and hung up. I mindlessly stared at my phone for a while as various unhinged thoughts assailed my mind, with the most pro
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Despondency and zeal
Roman’s POV I gazed at the closed door with my mouth gaped in a mixture of shock, confusion and devastation. I racked through my memory to figure out whether I had unknowingly said something wrong to Sofie. But I couldn't place a finger on one wrong thing that I had said. Something must have happened for her to have suddenly brought up the issue of the contract termination letter out of nowhere. I sighed as i inwardly debated within myself on whether to ring the doorbell again or not. Eventually, I settled on the latter option because I didn't want to further ruin our relationship, so I just dejectedly walked back to the car. Nathan darted me a scrutinizing stare, as I approached the car. Thankfully, he noticed my melancholic demeanor, and he didn't bother to utter a word to me, as he opened the back door of the car. "We're heading to my grandmother's place." I revealed, as he swerved the car away from the apartment complex. I threw the apartment building a final, wistful l
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Done with him
Sofie’s POV I scoffed as I watched the deliveryman set the basket of gifts down before handing me a notepad and a pen."I need your signature right here, Miss Diaz." He said, motioning to the dotted line at the bottom of the notepad."I know where I need to sign on. This is the fifth time I've received this unwanted package this week." I spat, shoving the notepad at him.He just bowed before getting on his bike and zooming off.I sighed as I darted the basket a cursory look.The day after I slammed the door in Roman's face, I had started getting daily deliveries of huge baskets of gifts.The gifts ranged from boxes of chocolates, packets of marshmallows, a handwritten apology from him, a bottle of non alcoholic red wine, a huge teddy bear, to a dainty bracelet, which Amy had later informed me was a two carat diamond bracelet that cost somewhere between three thousand to five thousand grand.Now I had five diamond bracelets which were worth about twenty five thousand grand, that I pla
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An unexpected change of events
Roman’s POV "Did Sofie say anything to the delivery man?" I asked Nathan as he walked into my office. "No, sir." He replied, bursting my bubble of hope. I concealed my disappointment with a nod. "Okay then. You may leave." In response, he bowed before exiting my office. I raked my hands through my hair, as an exasperated sigh escaped my lips. It had been five days since I last saw Sofie, and nothing seemed to be hopeful anymore. It seemed as if she had blocked my number because I could neither send a message to her, nor could place a call to her line. And that made me resort to sending her handwritten notes everyday. I was hellbent on persevering through her cold treatment toward me. I consoled myself with the faint possibility of her accepting me back into her life. Suddenly, my phone vibrated with a message which made me scowl. The scowl instantly dissipated off my face when I saw who the sender was. It was from Sofie. It seemed as though she had finally unblocked me.
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Sofie's POV"What do you think you are doing right now, Sofie?" Amy hollered, as she stormed into my room.I sighed, as I calmly retrieved a suitcase from my wardrobe and placed it on the bed."What do you want, Amy? As you can see, I am organizing my clothes. I told you yesterday that I was leaving America, didn't I?" I scoffed.I had decided to stick to my initial plans to move away from America when the contract engagement ended.I wanted to live my life away from Roman.It had been a week since I met him at the restaurant, to hand him the contract termination letter.The daily basket of luxurious gifts had also stopped since last week. Initially, I had thought I'd feel an immense sense of relief when they stopped but I couldn't help but feel a bit saddened.Roman had looked so defiant when I told him I wanted out, but for the past couple of days, I hadn't even received a text from him.Maybe he had gotten fed up with my antics, and ending things with me made him realize that he d
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Buy the airport
Roman's POV"Good day, President Giovanni." My staff greeted in unison, as I walked into the conference room. I just nodded and took my seat at the head of the table, before they also did. "I heard you have something important to tell me. What is it?" I asked, flipping through the pages of the business proposal on the table. "Uhm, well sir." One of them, a short, stubby, middle-aged man began. I raised an irritated brow, as I watched him exchange glances with his colleagues. "I don't have the whole day. What is going on? Why are you exchanging glances with them like a trapped rat?" I asked, doing my best to suppress the ire boiling within me. Nowadays, I easily got irritated. And as much as I'd like to claim that it wasn't because of the unresolved issues between Sofie and I, deep down I knew it was. The last time I spoke to her was five days ago, when we met at the restaurant, and she handed me the stupid contract termination letter, which I had burned with a lighter immediat
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Making a choice
Sofie's POV"Thanks." I uttered to the driver, as he helped me take out my luggages from the trunk of his taxi."No problem, ma'am." He nodded, handing me my change.I shook my head, as I waved. "No, no. Please take it."He looked shocked, before swiftly pocketing the cash. "Thanks a lot, ma'am. I really appreciate it. I hope you have a safe and hitch free flight.""I hope so too." I muttered, more to myself than to him.I was finally leaving America but I still didn't feel eager to leave.Amy and I had gotten into an argument earlier that morning, she had vowed to cut me off for good if I continued with my 'stupid display of foolishness," and in my anger, I had asked her to do so.She had stormed out of our apartment before I left to heaven knows where.I heaved a deep sigh of despondence, as I trekked into the airport while dragging my luggage along.My eyes roamed around the waiting area as I walked in further.The airport was strangely scanty.Most of the seats in the waiting area
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The overdue gift
Roman’s POV Smirking against Sofie's lips, I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulled her closer to me, and easily slid my tongue into the warmness of her mouth.I basked in the harmonious melody of our heartbeats uniting, and beating as one, as our tongues moved in a satisfying rhythm.An uproar of cheers reverberated across the airport, with more cameras flashing on us as we passionately kissed, without making any attempt to let go of each other anytime soon.Sofie moaned into my mouth, as I bit on her lower lip before breaking the kiss.We bopped foreheads, as we shared a meaningful gaze with each other, and smiled."I love you too, cuore mio. You are the best thing that ever happened to me. And now you've given me another gift." I whispered, caressing her abdomen."Roman." She muttered."I was stupid to have said stuff like that to you. We both know that it takes two to make a baby. I should have at least be nicer with my choice of words. I'm sorry, cara. Please forgive me, and g
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Overdue hardcore sex
Sofie’s POV My gown was the first thing Roman yanked off my body, as he set me against the wall of the master bedroom."You have no idea how crazy I am right now. I just want to rip your clothes into shreds, and so all sorts of things to you." He gritted out, against my ear before nipping at my ear lobe."Then do it. I've also been waiting for this moment forever." I moaned, sliding his shirt off him.My hand came around his back, as he ripped my panties off before proceeding to do the same to my bra.I gasped in sensual ecstasy as he fondled with my boobs with one hand, and attached his lips to the other while his second hand firmly held me against the wall.I splayed my hands on his muscled abdominal muscles, and grinned in sex-addled craze as I darted him a lascivious stare."As hard as a washboard." I muttered, and he chuckled.Just like I expected, the dark, rich timbre of his chuckle only made my pussy wetter.I was totally caught off guard when he suddenly circled two of his f
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