All Chapters of The Billionaire’s Pretend Fiancée : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
110 Chapters
When is soon?
Sofie's POVI woke up with a start and a choked gasp.Clasping my hand over my chest, I looked down at my hand, and saw that my wrist was cannulated with a pack of saline solution embedded into the cannula.I fixated my gaze on the window for some minutes, trying to recall what must have happened, for me to have ended up in an hospital.I squinted when the illuminating rays of sunlight seeped through the window blinds and struck my eyes."Thank goodness you are finally awake, Sofie. I was so worried." I was startled when a familiar, feminine voice from beside me spoke.I looked in the direction of the voice and a shocked gasp escaped my throat as tears pooled in my eyes.It was Amy, my best friend who I had last seen six months ago, and she was here with me in the hospital room with a tired smile curving her lips.As I wordlessly gaped at her, the gory memories of everything that happened before I fainted suddenly descended on me with force, and I burst into bitter tears.I had watche
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Please wake up
Sofie's POV"Thanks a lot, doctor." I said as my obstetrician handed me a packet of vitamins.She just smiled and waved me off. "Please, Sofie. When will you stop addressing me so formally? Please call me Kylie.""Alright, Miss Kylie." I replied, mirroring her smile.She just shook her head and sighed. "You are insufferable. By the way, did my brother tell you when he's coming over today?""He told me he has work throughout today but he'd surely come by tomorrow." I supplied, to which she nodded."How are you holding up by the way? I can't even imagine how hard everything must be right now for you." She said, throwing me a sympathetic stare.I shrugged, in a bid to seem strong to her. "I'm holding up well. Thanks for your concern, Miss Kylie.""No problem, Sofie. Also, don't forget that if you need anything, I mean anything at all, don't hesitate to let me know, okay?""Okay." I whispered as tears clogged my throat, making it impossible for me to speak properly."Alright then, Sofie.
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Back to life
Roman's POVI stared at my mum with my mouth hanging open in shock."So I'm dead." I reiterated, and mum shook her head with a sigh."No, honey. You are not dead yet but if you keep staying with us, it is a matter of time before you fully join us here." She explained."So you guys are dead then." I said."You hit the nail right on the head." Rachel nodded."Wait, do you know what happened to me? Was I in a sort of accident or something? Why can't I remember anything?" I rambled out."You were shot by a psychopathic bitch." Rachel chipped in."Language, princess. Language." Dad chided her."What? I may not be alive but if I were to be, I'd punch the bitch in the guts. How dare she do this to my brother?" Rachel spat angrily."Don't listen to her, Roman. You can't remember anything because that is how the universe works. When you are in this world, you won't remember anything from that world and vice versa." Mum explained, and I nodded."So what is going to happen to me now? How do I go
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She is back
Sofie's POVI couldn't believe it.No. I'd never believe it.He was probably traumatized by everything that happened to him, so his memory wasn't that good at the moment.Yes, that was it. That was the only logical explanation for whatever was happening."I'm really sorry I can't seem to remember you, ma'am." Roman began. I stopped sobbing and just stared at him.He gazed blankly at me, and my heart broke again for the umpteenth time that day.Those eyes that used to hold so much love and adoration for me were now staring at me in confusion, as if I was a stranger.Those lips that used to call me all sorts of endearing pet names now called me 'ma'am.'"C-Can you remember anything else?" I asked, cleaving onto the last bit of hope in my heart."Like the name of your company, your grandmother and your close friend." I added.To my utter despair, he nodded and started counting them off his fingers. "Giovanni group of companies. My grandmother's name is Benedicta, and my close friend's n
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An unsettling feeling
Roman's POV"It's good to see that you've finally accepted defeat. You will never be able to beat me, Sofie. Not in this life or the next. You will always be a wretched lowlife."That was the reel of insults I woke up to.I slowly blinked my eyes open, only for me to see the strange woman–Sofie kneeling on the floor with her hands clasped to her chest as she wept."You better go back to wherever your stupid self came from, because you are not, and will never be needed here." The voice from earlier said again.I knew who that voice belonged to. I would always be able to decipher that obnoxiously loud and chirpy voice even in a room filled with thousands of women.Lana. A voice in my mind unhelpfully supplied as she finally came within my vision."Looks like he's starting to wake up." She said, leaning over to stroke my forehead.Sofie also stood up and stood on the other side of the bed, watching me silently."What are you doing here, Lana?" I asked, as she smiled down at me.The last
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Raw frustration
Sofie's POV"Or should we just forgo cooking dinner tonight? For some reason, I have a craving for pasta today. Should we order from the new Italian restaurant across the street? That's it, I'm ordering." Amy's voice drifted into my ears as I blankly stared at the moving figures on the television screen.Somehow, I blurred her voice out instead of giving her a reply which earned me a shoulder smack from her."What did you do that for?" I winced, rubbing my shoulder."To bring you back to the world. What are you thinking so deeply about? I've beeno asking for your opinion on what to eat for dinner and you've just been staring into space. What's wrong? Are you feeling pains anywhere?" She asked, her voice softening as she eyed me."Yes." I nodded."Where?""Here." I pointed to my heart."Oh, Sofie." She muttered, and hugged me."I love you but you reek of potato chips, and it's making me nauseous." I said, barely managing to suppress my tears.Whenever she hugged me, I always felt so vu
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Roman’s POV I watched with ire boiling inside me as Lana walked into the room with a smile plastered to her face."Hi, babe." Her voice wafted into my ears, and I scoffed in annoyance as I picked up a book from the nightstand, and decided to pretend I was reading it.I was not in the mood to argue with her at that moment.For an unknown reason, I felt emptier that day. And everything seemed to irk me.I hadn't seen Sofie for the past three days. I couldn't make out why her absence seemed to be affecting me so much."Aren't you even going to acknowledge my presence?" She whined, placing the gift bag in her hold on the nightstand."What are you here for?" I asked, without steering my concentration from the book."I came to apologize for how I acted the last time I was here. I'm sorry, Roman." She pouted, staring at me.I huffed. "Since you're done apologizing, you may leave.""I have a fashion show in Paris in two weeks, so I'd have to leave New York soon. " She revealed, crossing her
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Subjected to ridicule
Sofie’s POV "Isn't that Sofie Diaz, the stinky lowlife Roman Giovanni is engaged to?" "Oh my goodness! You're right, she's the one. Funny enough I've seen her in one of my anatomy classes before. We take a few classes together and I never knew she was the one. That's so crazy!" "How else could she have been able to afford a private college?" "Yeah, I never thought of that."Those were the taunting words I heard as I retrieved my textbooks from my locker.The conversation was among three girls, who were standing idly beside an open locker behind me.I had noticed them glaring at me at the cafeteria earlier that afternoon but I paid them no attention because they certainly didn't deserve it.I took a sharp inhale to control my ire and decided to ignore them. I had no idea who they were anyway.The only person I knew in the whole school was Katie, and she had moved to London during the period I was held captive by Lana.After I woke up in the hospital, I had switched on my phone to f
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A dark pool of lost memories
Roman's POV"How come Nana hasn't come to see me yet?" I asked Damien as he cut up some apples for me. He halted, placed the half sliced apple, and knife on the plate before exchanging glances with Nathan. Nathan had come to visit me earlier with some of my staff, but my staff had already left. "I noticed something. Each time I ask you about her, you stylishly change the subject. Did something happen to her?" I darted Damien an accusatory stare. I had asked him about my grandmother the first time he came to visit me after I regained consciousness, but somehow, he managed to change the topic to the rising stocks of my company. Back then, I didn't really pay any attention to it. But when I asked him the question again a few days ago, he excused himself from the conversation and claimed he had to take an emergency call, even though his phone hadn't rang in my presence. "Is she dead?" I whispered, feeling a lump of bile clog my throat. "She's not." He replied, and I heaved a deep
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Light at the end of the tunnel
Sofie's POV"Is there anything I can help you with?" Amy asked, from where she was perched on the kitchen island.I stared at the freshly rolled cinnamon roll on the baking sheet, and shook my head. "No. It's alright, I can manage."She nodded in response as she threw some popcorn into her mouth. "You know we could have ordered in some cinnamon rolls instead of you stressing yourself."I rolled my eyes. "It's been three weeks since I had home-made food, Amy and it's the baby craving for it, not me."Amy raised her hands up in surrender. "Okay, okay. I'm sorry for asking."I just scoffed before placing the cinnamon rolls into the preheated oven."By the way, you still haven't told me about how your lunch date with Damien went yesterday." I said, taking a seat beside her on the kitchen island.She blushed and I huffed in amusement.The effect Damien had on her was crazy. Her lips instantly curved into a coy smile as she fiddled with her fingers. "It wasn't a date, Sofie. We just went o
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