All Chapters of THE CEO'S NOT-SO-OBEDIENT WIFE: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
130 Chapters
CHAPTER 21Relief washed over me, mingling with a surge of joy. I leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to her forehead, silently thanking her for taking this leap of faith with me."Goodbye then Emma" i said"Goodbye Alexander"As I stepped out of Emma's apartment building, ready to head back to my own thoughts, a woman's voice called out from the side of the road. I hesitated, momentarily taken aback by the unexpected interruption. Curiosity getting the better of me, I approached her cautiously."Excuse me, are you Alexander?" she asked, her eyes filled with a mix of determination and concern.I nodded, a touch of wariness seeping into my voice. "Yes, I am. Who are you?"The woman took a deep breath, her gaze steady. "I'm Laila, Emma's friend," she replied, her voice carrying a hint of urgency. "I care deeply about her, and I need to talk to you about the relationship you're about to embark on for the sake of your child."Her words sent a shiver down m
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CHAPTER 22Alexander took a deep breath, preparing himself to defend his choices. "Emma is not an ordinary girl, Mother. And yes, we are engaged. I made this decision to protect our family." Alexander's words hung in the air, his declaration reverberating through the room. His mother's face contorted with a mix of anger and disbelief. She leaned forward, her voice sharp and piercing. "Protect the family? You dare to speak of protecting the family while you throw your future away with some insignificant girl?" Her tone dripped with venom.Alexander's jaw clenched, his voice laced with a hint of frustration. "Mother, Emma is not insignificant. She carries my child, your grandchild. I will not abandon them."His mother's eyes blazed with fury, her words cutting like knives. "You think bringing an illegitimate child into this family is protecting it? You are deluded, Alexander. You have lost sight of what truly matters."The tension in the room escalated,
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CHAPTER 23Alexander.I tried not thinking about it but everything I do and wherever I go only seemed to remind me of that night with her. I tried using various girls to satiate my hunger for her but it never worked, that pleasure I got from her was never found anywhere else. I tried virgins and even paid them off, I tried sleeping with a virgin while both of us were completely drunk but all I felt was loneliness and confusion. I went back to the gallery and made researches about her and I found out that she was quite a talented artist and her art left me in wonder making her even more and more intriguing. I had been awaiting her call or at least even a text but she never even tried to text or call me. I wondered if there could be a possibility that the cleaning lady didn't give her the note so I went back to the hotel and made enquires, she had definitely received the number but she didn't seem to be willing to call me.Desperate, I had my assistant o
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CHAPTER 24I clung to her, finding comfort in her words. In that moment, I realized that even though my dreams had been shattered, I still had the support and love of those who truly cared about me. And that gave me hope.As I sat there, tears staining my cheeks, I made a silent vow to myself. I wouldn't let this define me. Instead, I would rise from the ashes, stronger and more determined than ever before.But first, there was something I needed to do. I needed to let go of the false notions of love and romance that had clouded my judgment. I needed to let go of the false notions of love and romance that had clouded my judgment. I needed to rid myself of the illusions perpetuated by countless romance novels lining the shelves of my home. They had fueled my imagination and led me to believe in a fantasy that was now crumbling before my eyes.With newfound determination, I slowly stood up, wiping away the remnants of tears from my face. Natalie watched me i
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CHAPTER 25Tears welled up in my eyes once again, this time not out of sorrow, but out of gratitude. In that moment, I realized the immense love and concern they held for me. They weren't belittling me; they were simply trying to shield me from further pain.I took a deep breath, letting their words sink in. "Thank you," I whispered, my voice filled with genuine appreciation. "I'm sorry for lashing out. I know you both have my best interests at heart."Laila and Natalie exchanged a knowing glance and then smiled at me. "We're a team, Emma," Laila said, her voice brimming with determination. "We'll face everything together, the highs and the lows. You're not alone in this, I have said that way too many times girl. We love you."With renewed understanding and a strengthened bond, we resumed our roles, each playing a part in clearing the remnants of the burnt books. As we worked side by side, a sense of unity and resilience.A wave of contentment washed ove
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CHAPTER 26i marveled at the miracle of life, the intricate dance of cells multiplying and organs forming, all happening within the sanctuary of my own body. I was well aware of how sapiosexual I am and was willing to make my baby into that sort of person.Lost in the wonder of it all, I whispered softly to the tiny life within me, sharing my hopes, dreams, and unconditional love. It was a moment of pure vulnerability, a recognition that my own journey was now intertwined with another, and that the responsibility of nurturing and guiding this precious being would soon be my own.As I set my phone aside, the images of the babies still fresh in my mind, I closed my eyes and allowed myself to drift into a peaceful slumber. Dreams of a future filled with laughter, love, and the pitter-patter of tiny feet danced in my mind, filling me with a sense of joy and anticipation.And as I embraced the serenity of sleep, I carried within me the knowledge that soon,
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CHAPTER 27As the initial shock wore off, he turned his gaze towards me, his eyes filled with a quiet intensity.I splashed cold water onto my face once more, the refreshing liquid soothing my heated skin. As I gazed at my reflection, I realized that my sudden rush to fix my appearance was not solely because of Alexander. It was an instinctual desire to present myself in the best possible light, to feel confident and put together.With newfound determination, I rummaged through my drawer, selecting a simple, flattering outfit and carefully applying a light touch of makeup. Each stroke of mascara and swipe of lip balm was an act of self-care, a way to enhance my own natural beauty rather than seeking validation from others.As I stood before the mirror, I couldn't help but question my motivations. Why was I going through all this effort to look good for a conversation with Alexander? Was it merely an excuse I had concocted to justify my actions? Or was
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CHAPTER 28What did Alexander want to talk about? Was everything alright? A whirlwind of thoughts swirled in my head, but I tried to remain calm. Once we reached my room, Alexander stepped inside, his eyes scanning the space with curiosity. I couldn't help but blush, feeling self-conscious about the mess that was scattered across my desk and the half-finished art projects strewn about."Wow, Emma," Alexander said, breaking the silence. "Your room is beautiful. It's got this perfect girly aesthetic. I love it."A smile tugged at the corners of my lips, grateful for his kind words. "Thanks, Alexander. I've put a lot of effort into creating a space that reflects my personality."He walked around, touching the trinkets on my bookshelf and examining the art pieces adorning the walls. I watched him, feeling a mix of nervousness and excitement. It was the first time he had been in my room, and I hoped he liked what he saw."Your art is so beautiful, creative and
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CHAPTER 29As the weight of our conversation hung in the air, I suddenly pulled away from Alexander, a surge of excitement coursing through me. "Wait, Alexander! What about my wedding dress? And will I have bridesmaids?"A mischievous smile danced upon his lips as he reached into his pocket and pulled out a small envelope. "That's exactly why I came here so early. I wanted to give you this."He handed me the envelope, and inside was a handwritten note, along with his credit card. My eyes widened in astonishment as he continued, "Emma, this credit card is now yours. I've written down the PIN for you. I want you to go shopping for your perfect wedding dress, and whatever else you need. I want you to have everything you've ever dreamed of."Tears welled up in my eyes as gratitude overwhelmed me. Alexander may not be able to offer me love, but he was determined to give me everything else in abundance. It was an unexpected gesture, and I felt my heart swell
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CHAPTER 30"Oh my goodness, Emma, you look absolutely breathtaking!" Laila exclaimed, her eyes shimmering with tears. "Alexander won't know what hit him when he sees you in this."Natalie jumped up and down, clapping her hands. "I told you, Emma! This is the one. This is just perfect. You have to get it!"I smiled brightly at her words and stared back at myself in the mirror. As the excitement began to fade, a pang of sadness crept into my heart. I looked at myself in the mirror, the gown clinging to my body in just the right places, a wave of emptiness washed over me as I thought of the reality. No matter how perfect the dress was or how beautiful the wedding would be, it couldn't fill the void within me.A tear welled up in my eye as I turned to Natalie and Laila, my voice filled with a mix of disappointment and resignation. "You guys are right. The dress is stunning, but it's just a dress. It can't replace what's truly missing."Natalie's expression sof
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