All Chapters of THE CEO'S NOT-SO-OBEDIENT WIFE: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
130 Chapters
CHAPTER 31Natalie nodded. "It's a bit too revealing. Just a bit tho."Choosing the perfect bridesmaid dress was proving to be a lot harder than I had anticipated. But despite the disagreements and the endless changing rooms, I couldn't help but smile. I was with my best friends, preparing for the most important day of my life. And despite the dress disagreements, I wouldn't have it any other way.With our spirits dampened by the dress debacle, we decided to take a break and grab some lunch. We found a charming little cafe nearby and settled down at a corner table. The aroma of freshly baked bread and brewing coffee filled the air, instantly lifting our moods.I was so hungry, my appetite seemingly insatiable. I ordered a Caesar salad, a mushroom and cheese panini, and a side of sweet potato fries. As the waiter took our orders, Natalie and Laila exchanged a glance and broke into giggles."Planning on eating for two already, are you, Emma?" Laila teased,
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CHAPTER 32Natalie, my maid of honor, leaned in closer, her eyes wide with admiration. "Emma, you look absolutely stunning! Alexander is going to be floored when he sees you."I smiled, my heart swelling with joy. "Thank you, Nat. You and Laila look breathtaking too. I'm so lucky to have you both by my side on this special day."Laila, beamed at me, adjusting the delicate flowers in her hair. "Emma, you're the one who's lucky. Alexander is such a wonderful man, and you two are perfect for each other. He is also lucky to have you and soon you both would be married and complete each other as a family."I blushed, feeling the warmth of their love and support. "I truly believe that, Laila. Today is the beginning of our forever. And I can only hope that our forever is just perfect with less hurdles in our path."As the makeup artist put the finishing touches on my look, she handed me a mirror. I held it up, my breath catching in my throat. The reflection stari
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CHAPTER 33As I reached out to hold Alexander's hand, a sense of confusion washed over me as he pulled away, his gaze suddenly cold and distant. My heart sank, and doubts began to creep into my mind. What had happened? Why was he acting this way?But I couldn't allow those doubts to consume me, not on this day that was supposed to be filled with love and joy. I pushed them aside, determined to focus on the vows we were about to exchange.I looked towards a woman in the crowd, her presence giving off an air of authority. Could she be Alexander's mother? I had never met Alexander's mother before neither had I seen her in pictures either, but something about her icy demeanor sent shivers down my spine. Her cold smirk made my heart skip a beat, but I quickly dismissed it as nerves.With a deep breath, I turned my attention back to Alexander, staring into his eyes with love and hope. It was as if I was pleading with him, silently asking him to let me in, to share
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CHAPTER 34The reality of our situation weighed heavily upon me, and the hope that had flickered within my heart extinguished.But deep down, a small ember of hope refused to die. Perhaps, just perhaps, love could find its way into Alexander's heart. Maybe, with time and patience, our fragmented promise could be mended, and the icy walls around him would thaw. The car rolled to a stop in front of Alexander's grand mansion, a symbol of his wealth and power. As I stepped out, my heart heavy with the weight of his words, he marched forward without sparing me a glance. I followed, my steps faltering, as if I were an unwelcome intruder in my own life. Once inside, a woman approached me with a warm smile. "Hello, I'm Maria, Mr. Alexander's maid. Welcome to your new home Miss Emma." Her kindness provided a fleeting moment of solace amidst the storm brewing within me. "Thank you, Maria," I managed to utter, my voice betraying the sadness that clung to me like a
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CHAPTER 35Her eyes held a mixture of sympathy and concern as she approached me. "Miss Emma, are you alright?" she asked, her voice laced with genuine care.I forced a weak smile, attempting to hide the pain that threatened to consume me. "I'll be fine, Maria," I replied, my voice barely above a whisper. "Just give me a moment alone."Understanding my need for solitude, Maria nodded and quietly left the room, closing the door behind her. Left alone with my shattered dreams, I took a deep breath, exhaling the weight of disappointment that clung to me.As I stared at my reflection in the mirror, tears glistened in my eyes once more. But amidst the pain and confusion, a flicker of determination was still ignited within me. I refused to let this be the end of my love story. I would confront Alexander, seek the truth behind his sudden change, and fight for the love we once shared.For now, in this lonely guest room, I would gather the shattered fragments of my
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CHAPTER 36The love I had imagined, the connection I had longed for, seemed to have vanished in a few hours. The reality was far from the dream I had held onto so tightly.With a heavy heart, I mustered the strength to respond, my voice barely above a whisper. "I... I thought... I thought we could talk, Alexander," I managed to say, my voice betraying both vulnerability and determination.He let out a sigh, his gaze shifting away from me. "There's nothing to talk about," he replied curtly, his words cutting through the air like a knife. "We both know what this marriage is, Emma. Let's not pretend otherwise."His dismissal stung, and I felt a lump form in my throat. The realization that he no longer desired me, that our union had become a mere facade, tore at my heart. But even in the face of his coldness, I refused to let go of the hope that flickered within me.Summoning every ounce of courage, I met his gaze, my eyes filled with a mix of determination
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CHAPTER 37With a resigned sigh, I finally relented. I opened myself up to the possibility of sharing this simple meal with him. My eyes met his, and for a fleeting moment, I caught a glimpse of the vulnerability that lay hidden beneath his hardened exterior.Silently, he began feeding me, bite by bite, his movements gentle yet mechanical. The tension between us hung heavy in the air, but as the minutes passed, a subtle shift occurred. With each morsel that passed my lips, a fragile connection began to mend.Memories of our shared past flickered through my mind: the stolen glances, the laughter, and the tenderness we once shared. It was as if those tender moments were locked away, waiting for the right key to unlock them once more.As the last bite was consumed, I felt a flicker of gratitude towards Alexander for his unexpected act of kindness. Despite the coldness that still enveloped him, he had extended a small gesture of care, a glimmer of acknowledgment
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CHAPTER 38Last night, the times I had locked eyes with him had been almost too intense for me. Those blue orbs of his warmed me in a way that his embrace almost never could- and his embrace was one of the most comforting things I had ever been in. There was just something about his eyes that made heart flutter and made a delicious shudder lick up my spine; they were so full of life and emotions, sparkling intensely bright, yet warm and calm.I slowly snuggled closer to him once more and rested my head on he's broad chest while he spooned me lovingly. I felt a slight weight on the crown of my head and got out of my trail of thoughts, I glanced up to see that Alexander was now fully awake and had placed a kiss on the crown of my head. A nice gesture that always made me feel loved by him. I looked up to find Alexander's face mere inches from mine. His lips curved into a mischievous smile, and he leaned in to steal a morning kiss. Instinctively, I palmed m
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CHAPTER 39Despite her obvious disdain, I remained composed, refusing to let her hostility shake me. I knew that earning the acceptance of those around me wouldn't be easy. As I continued down the stairs, I couldn't help but wonder who this woman was and why her animosity was directed at me. But for now, I pushed those questions aside.Lunch awaited, and though her cold gaze lingered, I would not allow her judgment to dampen the joy I felt at being part of Alexander's life. I was seated at the dining table, my hands clasped tightly in my lap, my heart pounding in my chest. The room was filled with an uncomfortable silence, the kind that makes your skin crawl and your mind race. I could feel the coolness of the marble tabletop seeping through the thin fabric of my dress. The room was grand, much grander than anything I was used to, a testament to Alexander's wealth and status. The chair across from me scraped against the floor, pulling me from my though
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Chapter 40The setting was indeed romantic, and for a moment, I felt a pang of jealousy towards a love story that had begun in such a beautiful place. I found myself imagining Alexander proposing to me once more in such a beautiful place. We moved towards the gazebo, and as we sat, I felt a sudden shift in the atmosphere. Her icy demeanor seemed to harden further, if that was even possible."Emma," she began, her voice cold and hard. "I want you to understand something. I despise you."I felt a jolt of shock, but before I could respond, she continued. "I will never accept you as a part of this family. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, you will always be an outsider to me. A mere low class girl that is undeserving of my family's high class status."Her words stung, but I refused to let her see that. "May I ask why, ma'am?" I asked, meeting her gaze squarely."You think I do not know?" she spat, her eyes gleaming with anger. "You think I don't
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