All Chapters of Substitute Wife for the Mafia King: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
378 Chapters
Practice Kiss
“Practice…what?” I asked softly as I leaned back to put some distance between us. For a moment, I was once again conscious of the fact that I was alone in a room with Bradon and the comfortable-looking bed wasn’t too far from where we were. I could feel a fluttering feeling in my chest as Bradon continued staring deeply into my eyes. His eyes looked so captivating and so alive as he looked at me. I bit down on my lower lip when my gaze dropped to his perfectly-formed lips that were moving closer and closer to my face. He’s going to kiss me…Before I would lose myself in his seductive gaze, I placed a hand flat against his hard chest to hold him off. Bradon seemed slightly surprised before his face transformed into a look of amusement at my attempt to stop what he was about to do. “What do you think you’re doing?” I asked as I got on the defensive. “Practicing…” he replied before his lip curved into an alluring smile that made my heart ache in my chest. “...What?” I muttered in co
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Respecting My Decision
“At times like these, I suddenly get promoted…or demoted to be your husband,” he muttered before rolling his eyes at me. I narrowed my eyes at him without missing his choice of words. How could becoming my husband be viewed as a demotion?“What is that supposed to mean? Why? Are you telling me that you’re dying to do a kiss scene with me? That crazy director is going to make us kiss for at least ten times until we do it right…” I pointed out as I started to feel even more frustrated than before. Just thinking about it made me mad and disgusted. I knew without actually reading the script that everything that they had in mind was going to be some cliché and tasteless romantic garbage. My thoughts were cut short when Bradon suddenly grabbed my shoulders and pushed me down onto the sofa. I let out a small cry of surprise as I found myself trapped between him and the sofa. Bradon loomed over me and I could see raw desire dancing in his blue eyes. “Shall we continue with our practice?”
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Momentary Spell
I was still too astonished to say anything. The staff murmured a little at the unexpected disagreement that had erupted between Bradon and the director. The poor director struggled a little with himself before clapping his hands together to get everyone’s attention. “Let’s wrap up here for this scene and let’s head over there to shoot the next scene,” the director instructed. I smiled a little at Bradon when I caught him watching me. It was my way of thanking him silently for helping me and getting me out of this one. After changing my outfit and letting the stylist have their way with my hair, I was ready to rejoin Bradon on the beach. By that time, the wind had really picked up and the sky was completely dark. The stars twinkled so brightly in the sky that I couldn’t help but gaze up at them. “You like the stars?” Bradon asked from close to my side. I hadn’t realized that he was standing so close until I heard his voice. The stars shining up above must have captured my attention
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Looks Like Love
I didn’t realize at all that we were being filmed. When I turned to question Bradon, he shrugged his shoulders at me. That was when I knew without a doubt that he knew all along. It was no wonder that he called me Diana even while we were supposed to be alone. “Did you…” I began asking but decided against it. I already knew the answer already so there was no point in having him confirm it. It must have been his idea to get the director to film us naturally. I also doubted that we played out any kind of scene that was planned out in advance based on the script. That must have meant that Bradon somehow talked the director into filming us while we were naturally interacting with each other. I had to say that I did find it a lot less stressful, and unbelievably, we managed to get it all right in just one take. “Thank you…” I thanked him softly. “It’s not a problem. I didn’t do it for you. I did it for myself and the rest of the crew so that we can finally call it a day,” he replied a
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The Prince's Intervention
Dreading the arrival of that moment, I ended up taking a very long time in the bath while listening to the sound of the door opening to announce his arrival. At first, I didn’t want to face him but when it took such a long time for him to return to our bedroom, I started to wonder where he went. “This is so stupid…” I mumbled to myself before letting out a sigh.The water in the tub was no longer warm and I had gotten quite bored. Just as I climbed out of the bathtub, I heard a few knocks on the door. …Bradon?I wrapped a towel quickly around my body and headed out of the bathroom. Since Bradon would never knock on our bedroom door like that, I knew that my first reaction in thinking that it was him was definitely incorrect. “Who is it?” I called out questioningly as I approached the bedroom door. “It’s me…” a man’s voice replied. “Zain?” I replied, after recognizing his voice. “Yes, My Lady…” he replied. “I’m…I can’t open the door right now. Do you need something?” I asked. “
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Necessary Duty
“I need your help again, my friend…” he said before letting out a long sigh. It wasn’t rare for the prince to give me a call and he was right when he said that we are friends. While taking Anthony’s place over the years, I’ve had a couple of opportunities to meet the crown prince. At first everything was very distant and formal between us; however, our relationship started to change when I suddenly received a mysterious invitation from the palace. What surprised me even more at the time was the fact that the invitation was addressed to me as ‘Bradon’ instead of to my younger brother. I had always thought that I was good at impersonating my brother but it appeared that the crown prince was even more talented at telling people apart. Upon our meeting, he could tell that I wasn’t Anthony and my true identity turned up after some investigation. Instead of probing into the reasons why the Vulkan family had a hidden son that sometimes impersonated their only son, the crown prince was more
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All Night Long
I could tell that he would rather come along with me and the rest of the men but I felt like he would have a much more important role to play here. “Watch over her and make sure that she stays out of trouble. Make sure she doesn’t do anything reckless,” I instructed sternly. “Will this help make you focus on your work?” Zain asked as he stared directly at me. “Of course. I’ll feel much better knowing that I can trust you to handle things here,” I replied honestly. “What should I tell her?” Zain asked for further instructions. “Tell her that I have some things to deal with and that she shouldn’t wait up for me,” I instructed. I didn’t think that Dahlia would wait up for me and it would come as no surprise if she preferred to have me gone. Zain nodded his head once to show me that he understood. …**Dahlia’s point of view**What time is it now?Is it possible to tell how much time has passed from the movement of the stars in the sky?I must have heard that from somewhere but I co
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His Crisis and My Joy
It infuriated me that he could do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted without a care about how I felt while I didn’t have the freedom to do the same. It honestly felt like my chest was ready to explore from the tension and frustration that had started accumulating inside. “I’m going to sunbathe…and then I’ll play in the water…then I’ll go for a swim in the pool…” I muttered my plan as my voice shook from anger. **Bradon’s point of view**I managed to wrap up the whole mess and calm down the situation within a few hours which was something that I felt slightly proud of. However, the fact that it came at the cost of a handful of my men sustaining injuries made me feel like I could have done better had I been less hasty. Men getting injured during these kinds of crackdown operations wasn’t abnormal no matter how well prepared we were. There would always be unforeseeable circumstances and dangers. Everyone had to stay on their toes and learn to expect the unexpected. Everyone’s life w
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Disturbing Rescue
“I’m Sam. Nice to meet you,” he introduced himself before showing me a smile. His sun-kissed tan skin complimented his light brown eyes and hair and I found myself smiling easily in his presence. “I’m Diana,” I introduced myself simply because I believed that he already knew who I was supposed to be. “Shall we get started?” he asked with clear excitement. “Sure…” I replied as I unwrapped the thin shawl that I had around my waist to reveal the bright red bikini that I had on. While in the middle of my lesson, I realized that Zain had suddenly disappeared somewhere. It must have been while I was under water with Sam because I didn’t realize when he left. It did not bother me and I decided to devote my attention to Sam and all that he was teaching and showing me. He was a good and patient teacher and he made sure to strike a good balance between teaching me the basics in words and getting me to try things out for myself. The staff was right in the deep end of the pool being very de
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“What were you doing in the water? Were you trying to kill yourself?” he asked with widened eyes. He did mention just now that I couldn't swim. Could it be…?“Bradon, you don’t happen to really think that I can’t swim, do you?” I asked as I narrowed my eyes suspiciously at him. “You can't…swim…” he murmured.This time I could tell that he was less certain than before and there was an unmistakable look of hesitation and confusion in his eyes. “Listen, I don’t know who told you that I can’t swim but I can. I can swim just fine,” I stated, slowly and clearly. Bradon looked confused and he didn’t seem convinced about the fact that I could swim while I wondered how much longer I needed to deal with this nonsense of his. “I’m not a pro but I’m quite a competent swimmer. Just so you know, I’m not going to simply and randomly drown in a swimming pool, and in case you haven’t realized, I had an instructor with me as well,” I explained while wondering why I had to point out the obvious.H
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