All Chapters of Substitute Wife for the Mafia King: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
378 Chapters
You Found Me
“Listen, I can explain…” I murmured before biting hard on my lower lip.“All you had to do was stay by my side. It was a simple rule that you agreed to, and you couldn’t follow it,” he stated coldly.“I have my own reasons for doing this…” I replied as I tried desperately to keep my voice from shaking.“We made an agreement, Dahlia…” Bradon said through clenched teeth as he glared right into my eyes.I knew well that it was my fault for encouraging and allowing the two of us to get separated; however, I didn’t think that Bradon would get so furious about me breaking the rule that we had agreed on. In the end, everything turned out fine and we weren’t away from each other for that long. Even after all that had happened, I still didn’t want to tell Bradon about what happened between Daphne and me. It was all in the past and I didn’t want to bring it up. If he didn’t know about it, then all the better that we could keep it that way.“Listen, I know that you’re angry and I guess you have
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Fake Confession
“Stop playing these games,” he warned as his hand tightened again on my upper arms.It was as if he thought that if he held me tighter and shook my body, his words would sink right into my head and an understanding would form between us. Sadly, things weren’t at all that simple.“Why? Do you regret saving me now that you know the truth?” I demanded to know as I glared back at him.“Dahlia…” he hissed my name.“You think I’m a horrible person, don’t you? I hurt Daphne and I even used you. I knew you would come and save me whether you liked it or not. You can’t let me get hurt…” I stated while I wondered just how much of those words were true.“Don’t ever do something like this again,” he warned, and I could tell that he was dead serious.“Aren’t you shocked…that I really pushed her down the stairs?” I asked before I could stop that foolish question from escaping my lips.Of course, I already knew the answer. I even knew that his answer would somehow end up hurting me, but I just wanted
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Body as Payment
If things continued the way they were headed, then I would end up having sex with him again. Just like wild animals in heat, we would seek pleasure from each other’s body. It was a natural give and take with purely the engagement of our bodies and nothing more. At least, that was how I was supposed to feel and that was precisely why the stirring and fluttering feeling in my chest started to scare me.“You did admit to using me just now…” he reminded me in a seductive low whisper.“Mhmm…” I moaned as his lips found mine again.His tongue plunged deftly between my parted lips and entered the wet depths of my mouth. My entire body trembled in his arms, but I was no longer trembling from fear or shock. I knew very well what he wanted, and I was no longer surprised to find out that my body craved so badly to have him as well. He was right about me using him and I could tell that he had waited long enough to collect on the payment that I owed.The heat and passion of his kiss filled my mout
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Passionate Comforting
My inside wouldn’t stop quivering and I knew that my body was frustrated from being robbed of the joys of orgasming although I was already so close. I swear that I didn’t have something like this in mind when I accepted the designer’s suggestion to insert a slit all the way up to almost my hips into the dress for the event. Bradon slid my panties off of me before discarding them on the floor.“Spread your legs…” Bradon instructed as his hands moved to pull my thighs apart.The dress parted and flew away from my legs as if it knew what it was supposed to do in such a situation to not get in our way. I felt my pussy being stretched opened as Bradon spread my thighs widely apart while he stood in between my legs. I could feel my core heating up even hotter than before as my pussy clenched in anticipation of what I knew was going to come next.“Let’s see how long you can stay sitting up,” Bradon said in wonder.He grabbed my thighs and yanked them even further apart. I cried out in a mix
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Can't Take it Slow
“Please…what?” he asked mockingly.I moaned softly when he began swirling my clit around with his fingertip while occasionally applying more pressure. It felt like all my senses had been awakened and the pleasure from his teasing touch was driving me wild with need. Just when I thought that he would give me a break, Bradon pressed his fingertip hard against my clit before pinching it and rolling it between his fingertips. I knew that he was teasing me, and that I was also reacting the way that he wanted me to. He took in my every reaction as my body unraveled right in front of him. The sweet and seductive torture that he was putting me through quickly became unbearable.I can’t take it anymore…“Ahh! Ahhh…Please…Fuck me…Fuck me already!” I cried out demandingly.“Good. Beg me, Leya. Beg for my cock…” Bradon whispered seductively to me.His hand wedge itself under my butt and lifted my hips up a little from the table as he positioned the engorged head of his cock at my twitching entran
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What I Like
“Ahh! So…fast…” I cried out in between my lusty moans and harsh panting.“You like it this way much better, don’t you?” he said almost knowingly.I wasn’t sure if I preferred to have it fast and hard, but I had to say that I was surely enjoying how his cock was pounding into my wet hole. My core felt so hot, and I could feel myself getting hotter and wetter inside. The sound of his cock stirring up my wet juices sounded so lewd and turned me on even more than before. My mind felt like it had been sucked under a spell of desire until all I could think about was Bradon and what he was doing to me.“Yes…Ahh…” I moaned without realizing that I had just answered his question.Taking it nice and slow might be nice for once between us but it just didn’t feel like what we needed at that moment. There was a right time for everything, and what felt right for both of us was some hot and wild sex. I already knew just how compatible our bodies were with each other and sex with Bradon had always fe
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Annoying Regret
Bradon must have realized it because he grabbed my legs and helped wrap them around his hips before his hands dipped under my ass.“Is this what you wanted?” he asked in a low seductive whisper. I nodded my head because I felt too overwhelmed with emotions to reply to him in words. To my surprised, Bradon suddenly kissed my lips. It felt too good and I found myself accepting his kiss without a second thought as my lips automatically parted to welcome the entrance of his hot and wet tongue. Our tongues danced passionately and then his cock began moving inside of me again. The weight of my body made it feel like his cock was reaching even deeper inside of me. Bradon held my hips where he wanted it so that each time he drove his massive manhood into me, it felt so rough and so deep. His cock hit hard against my womb with each thrust and I could feel myself getting closer and closer to my release. “I’m…going to cum…” I confessed in a soft whisper.All I could do was moan and then cry o
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Words I Cannot Say
“That’s not…” I murmured to myself as an empty void seemed to have opened up in the middle of my chest. It was when the door of the room closed behind him and I was left completely alone that I understood that those were not the words that I wanted to say to him. Everything that I said to him were probably all the wrong things. The look of slight disappointment that crossed his face whenever I apologized told me well enough that he didn’t like what he had heard from my lips. No matter how many times I apologized to him whether it was in pure sincerity or in pure anger, it would never be enough. “Thank you…for saving me…” I whispered so softly that I could barely hear myself. I had no idea why those simple words were so hard to say out loud to him. Of course, I knew that I had to apologize to him for going against our agreement and for using him; however, I should have known that I should have thanked him as well. It was so easy to apologize to get it over with and yet it was so har
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Our Perfect Honeymoon
“Where are we going?” I asked. “I don’t know. Wherever they want us to go,” he replied clearly without any care. I had to say that I wasn’t at all impressed when he reached for a brown A4 size envelope and slid it across the table to me. The envelope was still sealed and I was the one who ripped the flap to get my hands on the content inside. As I had guessed, the booklet inside included very comprehensive details about our upcoming trip. The photos of a sunny beach with attractive blue seawater and a setting sun at the end of the horizon. “The sea?” I said in wonder. It wasn’t a bad choice. It was clearly a classic yet classy destination for a honeymoon. I flipped through the pages that contained both photos and word descriptions of what they had planned for us. “A private tropical island paradise…” I read out loud in case Bradon was wondering where it was that we were going to be sent together.I glanced up from the page to see him shoving food into his mouth as if he was alrea
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Keep Up the Act
The large villa where we were staying looked quite impressive indeed. When I took up my phone to snap a short video of it, I also found out that the place was extremely photogenic. The almost entirely white building with a red roof in an eastern architecture style stood out against the lush green of the surrounding tropical garden. The coconut trees in the background also added to the tropical vibe, and I could already picture in my mind just how impressive the view would be at sunset. The breeze that blew my hair back felt calming and it made me feel like at least mother nature was welcoming me with open arms. Bradon wasn’t at all talkative during our ride and I was itching to remind him that Anthony would never act so distant and silent like this with anyone, let alone his own wife. Not to mention the fact that we were supposed to be on our honeymoon. “You two should go rest up and settle down before dinner time. We’ll be shooting a romantic dinner scene by the beach. In the meant
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