All Chapters of Substitute Wife for the Mafia King: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
375 Chapters
Sleeping Beauty
That was the plan that I had in mind until my eyes fell to his face, and I found myself staring at his long light blond eyelashes.Were his lashes always this long?Before I knew what I was doing, I had bent down a little to take a closer look at them. Seeing Bradon’s sleeping face felt like I had stumbled upon one of his hidden secrets. I wondered how he could look so innocent and harmless while he was sleeping. I knew that I should leave but if I moved, he might end up waking up. Regardless, I couldn’t stop staring at his sleeping face while taking in his closed eyelids, the long light blond lashes that framed his eyes, his perfectly straight nose, and the beautiful curve of his chin.Everything about him looked so effortlessly attractive and even his hair seemed to sparkle in the morning light that leaked slightly into the bedroom. Before I fully considered what I was doing, my hand was already slowly reaching out toward his hair.If I touch him just a little, he probably won’t wak
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An Old Friend
As if one ring wasn’t enough, he was going on about buying me one every month. My mouth dropped open when I realized that he made it sound like we would be together for many months to come. I didn’t know what to think or how to feel about that, but before I could voice my concerns, Bradon lifted my left hand and brought it to his lips and kissed the back of it.All at once, I forgot what it was that I was about to complain about. I also lost track of all my thoughts as I stared with widened eyes at the very attractive blond man with playful sparkling blue eyes that had just kissed the back of my hand with his tender and warm lips. He looked like a prince, and I wished that his looks didn’t come with such a rotten personality and menacing attitude.“Why don’t you post a picture of this ring on social media so the world can see it?” he suggested before smiling charmingly my way.Oh…I knew that I had to be right that he was only buying this diamond ring for me just to make our relations
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Dominant Husband
**A few days later**I was absolutely certain that Bradon would hate the outfits that I had prepared for us and that was the whole point of all the effort that I had put in for the past couple of days. Having absolutely nothing better to do, I spent time designing our outfits for the party with some designers and tailors. I was extremely happy with the result of my creations.“Matching outfits…?” Bradon said as he stared at the two mannequins that had on our outfits for the upcoming party. “Exactly! Isn’t it just wonderful? We will make our appearance together in our matching couple outfits,” I said before smiling widely at him.Bradon seemed stunned for a moment as he stared at the light pink suit and matching pants that one of the mannequins had on. The beautiful light pink dress that was meant for me suited Diana’s image flawlessly. Usually, the man would wear a tie, a pocket square, or an accessory of some kind of the same color as his date’s dress to show that they were a match
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Our Perfect Debut
“Don’t forget…” Bradon turned to remind me again of the rule that he had set just when our limousine came to a stop right in front of the event venue.“I know. I know already. Stop reminding me over and over again,” I replied without hiding my irritation.I should have known that Bradon would be a controlling husband, but I didn’t think that it would be to this extent. The crowd outside attracted my attention and I began worrying about my looks. I reached up my hand to pat my hair as I got ready to get out of the car. The party wasn’t just important because it was our first debut at an event together as a married couple. With the election coming up, each and every appearance counted, and I knew that this would be the perfect opportunity for me to reconnect with the societal circle in which I was born and grew up in. Although the party was mask as a charity event hosted by one of the oldest aristocratic families in the country, it was nothing more than another venue for my father and t
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Ignoring His Rule
Since the school was reserved for children from aristocratic families or those from very well-off families, I realized quickly that, just like everyone at the event, Kevin must have a pretty good backing of his own.“I guess we’re bound to run into our old friends in an event of this size,” I said before showing him another practiced smile.“By the way, do you remember our teacher from school? Mr. Howard? You know that teacher that taught us science. He’s here. I just met him, he’s over there. I couldn’t believe it at first. I mean, why would he be here?” Kevin said excitedly.“I’ll go see him later,” Bradon replied.“We should head over there now before even more people turn up. It’ll be hard to find him afterwards. You two used to be so close. I’m sure he’ll be delighted to see you after all these years,” Kevin replied before throwing his arm around Bradon’s shoulders.I could sense Bradon’s discomfort although he wasn’t letting it show. On the other hand, Kevin was completely obliv
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Two Sisters and a Friend
“It’s been too long. You look well…” I said with a smile.I meant it. She did look well. Everything about her looked well and perfect except for the fact that she was now stuck in a wheelchair.“You look very well yourself. Congratulations on your marriage. You look so happy, so I take it that marriage life is treating you well,” she said before showing me a sweet smile.“Thank you. I’m still trying to get used to married life, but it’s been quite smooth sailing so far,” I lied smoothly as required of my role as Diana.“I’m so happy for you, honestly. It’s such a shame that I couldn’t be there on your big day. I was still going through some rehab abroad…” she said while looking quite apologetic.“It’s not a problem at all. I did receive the present that you sent. Thank you again,” I thanked her politely.I had no idea whether the gentle smile that she was showing me was genuine or not, but if I had to place my bets, I would put everything that I had on the line to bet that she was jus
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Love Confessions
“Tomorrow is going to be another hassle…” she said before heaving another sigh.“More love letters asking you out?” I made an educated guess.She turned to me and nodded her head before shaking her head and rolling her eyes upwards at the same time. I ended up laughing whenever Diana made that funny face. I liked the fact that I seemed to be the only one who knew this side to my sister. After all, she couldn’t show off all the nasty, playful, and truthful sides of herself to anyone else without being judged. Sadly, that also meant that she couldn’t be herself in front of anyone, our parents included.“Dahlia, can you be Diana again tomorrow? Please…” she asked with pleading eyes.For me, it wasn’t that challenging to act as Diana. The effort was well worth it mostly because I knew that Diana could relax more on the days when she was acting as Dahlia. Fewer eyes would be on her and she wouldn’t have to spend her days living under such crushingly high expectations. The truth was that I
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Protective Shield
“Umm…” I murmured as I tried to pull my arm back.“Don’t just reject me like this, Diana. Why don’t you take some time to think about it properly?” he suggested as he closed the distance between us.I sensed immediately that this guy wasn’t simply willing to back down just like the other guys that I’ve rejected. I could smell trouble coming my way, but I wasn’t sure how I should deal with it.“I truly feel happy that you feel this way about me, but I don’t think that we can start dating…” I said while trying to remain calm.“Let’s start again. Do you even know who I am?” he asked with clear displeasure.I looked up into his face and had to admit that he didn’t look so bad. Most girls would probably find him quite attractive. He was probably a little older than I was. He was tall, well-built, and had attractive determined eyes. Since the love letter he sent didn’t have a resume attached, I didn’t quite know who he was in the sense that he wanted me to understand, and it wasn’t like I c
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My Hero
“Why are you here?” Bill growled with a scowl on his face.“I have date with my fiancée today,” Anthony replied smoothly before turning to offer me a charming smile.Oh, that’s right. I’m supposed to meet with Anthony today…Wait, but didn’t Diana mention that it wasn’t supposed to be a date?I was too captivated by Anthony’s attractive smile at first to remember that we still had a problem on our hands. By the time that I came back to my senses, Bill had already closed the distance between himself and Anthony.“Watch out, Anthony!” I yelled out.It was too late because Bill had already grabbed onto Anthony’s shoulder to turn him around. I was so shocked that violence was about to break out. Anthony is a kindhearted guy who would never resort to violence, and I immediately got scared for him and his safety. Everything moved so fast that at first, I wasn’t sure what exactly had happened. The next thing I knew, there was a cracking sound followed by a thumping sound and then Bill was sp
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Our Date
This all happened because I failed to control the situation and the things that I said to Bill must have angered him. I recalled the way that Bill looked at me and the feeling of his tight grip on my wrist. Thankfully, Anthony showed up when he did and saved me because I wasn’t quite sure how I would have handled Bill otherwise.I hated how helpless I felt and how that weakness of mine led to Anthony’s injury.“You don’t have to do this…” he said softly but he did not attempt to pull his hand away from mine again.“I want to do this,” I said before glancing up from his hand and smiling at him.It felt like the least that I could do apart from thanking him repeatedly. I could feel Anthony’s eyes on me as I cleansed his wounds and applied medicine on them before sticking bandages on them.“I think that’s a bit much…” he said as he looked at the result of my handiwork.The bandages did make the condition of his hand look much worse than it actually was, but I thought that it was best to
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