All Chapters of Substitute Wife for the Mafia King: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
375 Chapters
Exchanging Rings
I felt lost in a trance as I wondered what it was that I was feeling and what was making me feel that way. The slightly cold hardness of the ring sliding along the length of my ring finger brought me back to my senses. Bradon was staring right at my face as he seemed to observe my reactions. His eyes met and held mine and I felt trapped in their beautiful blue depths. At that moment, everything surrounding us seemed to fade away and it felt like we were the only ones in our private little world. I felt the ring at the base of my finger. As if it had been custom made for me, the ring felt like a very perfect fit.“I think it looks amazingly perfect on you, Lady Diana,” the store manager spoke up brightly.I could almost hear the shattering sound of glass as the spell that held us together seemed to have been broken. My eyes blinked rapidly as I tore my gaze away from Bradon’s so that I could focus on the ring sitting on the base of my ring finger. The large diamond stood out against my
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Emotional Ride
I wanted to wring his neck but all I could do was smile and duck my head slightly like I was consumed with shyness. The manager smiled and I could tell that she adored our display of affection for each other a little too much and then she offered to put the ring in boxes for us.“We’ll just wear it. You can pack the boxes…” Bradon told her easily.“Right away. About the payment, shall I put it on your account?” she politely inquired.Since she thought that Bradon was Anthony, it did make sense that she would offer to charge it to his account just like what was done for regular VVIP customers.“You don’t need to put it on any account. Just use this card,” Bradon replied as he handed her a card.My eyes widened slightly when I realized that he was going to pay for it with his own money instead of Anthony’s. Perhaps it was because the purchase was high in value, and he didn’t want to bother his brother with the spontaneous purchasing decision that he had made.“Shall we?” Bradon said inv
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Nameless Feelings
‘He did tell me often enough that you two were only getting married in name only…’He was just with her, so how dare he kiss me like that?I wasn’t sure if I was more furious, disgusted, or shocked. My body trembled as I began breathing faster. Anger and dark thoughts swirled in my head as we locked eyes. It wasn’t as if I lacked experience with men or that I could claim to be a pure un-soiled angel of some sort and it wasn’t like I thought that he was an inexperienced virgin either. In fact, I had realized from the very first night that we spent together that he was beyond well-versed in how to pleasure the bodies of women. That could only mean that he has had many lovers before and there were no reasons for me to believe that he would have lovers right now.I should have known.To be more accurate, I knew all along but had probably let that fact slip from my mind for my own convenience. I told myself that I didn’t care about his past, his present, and also his future because it all
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Fire and Ice
He leaned all over me as my entire body stiffened in panic. Bradon gave me a cold glare before he reached for the seatbelt and fastened it. I immediately reached to unfasten the seatbelt again and that was when the car suddenly charged forward. My mouth dropped open when I realized that he had just sped past the red light.Did he just…run a red light?“I just ran a red light to keep you in your seat. You don’t have to look so shocked; I haven’t killed anyone…yet…” he said without looking at me.The night lights lining the side of the street whizzed by so fast that my body stiffened from a mix of fear and also shock. I didn’t think that Bradon would get that angry with my attempt to get out of the car. If anything, I was quite certain that he didn’t want me to be there with him either. It must have felt unpleasant and bothersome for him to have to spend time with me. I thought that I might be saving us both the trouble if I simply just got out of the car. Maybe just like Zain, Bradon s
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Irresistible Discipline
I had no idea what exactly he was referring to and that was because I had probably done countless things within the past few hours that he would disapprove of. I wasn’t sure if he was referring to the fact that I turned up to see him without permission, or the fact that I went out and spent quite a lot of money on my foolish shopping errand, or because I yelled at him about his disgusting lover. Then there was that matter of me trying to get out of the car while we were stuck at a red light on the road.“Do what?” I replied blankly.Bradon’s blue eyes narrowed slightly at me, and I wanted to bite on my tongue for saying what I had just said. I had no idea why I said something like that, but it felt like whatever I said to him lately would end up rubbing him the wrong way. Bradon’s cold gaze fell on my face, but he didn’t say anything. I heard the car door opening and then Bradon got out of the car.“He didn’t have to get so mad…” I muttered to myself.Suddenly, the door on my side was
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Passionate Heat
“Did you think that I kissed her like this?” he asked after his lips parted from mine.I was too absorbed in panting hard to catch my breath to provide him with any audible answer. It felt like he understood what I was thinking more than myself. It did bother me when I thought of him kissing her.“Mhmm…” I whimpered when his lips crushed against mine again.His kisses felt more aggressive than usual. The pressure of his lips against mine felt bruising and punishing, but at the same time, I had to admit that it felt so pleasurable and I couldn’t seem to get enough. I began kissing him back again while entwining my tongue eagerly with his. He kissed me long and hard before releasing my mouth.“Ahh…Ahh…” I moaned as I panted.Bradon pressed his thigh upward against my pussy. As he lifted his thigh higher, it felt like I had no choice but to straddle his leg. The way his leg was pressing up against my wet pussy felt amazingly satisfying. Soon enough, I could no longer resist the temptatio
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Can't Wait Any Longer
Just like how his hands had retreated from my breasts, he removed his thigh from between my legs. I panted hard to catch my breath now that it seemed like he was giving me a break.“Turn around,” Bradon instructed curtly.I wasn’t sure if I turned around or if he spun me around when I ended up facing the car. Planting my hand against it as I bent over made me feel exposed and vulnerable. Bradon wasted no time in tugging up the skirt of my dress to reveal my legs and my ass before quickly yanking down my underwear. I felt the air against my bare legs and then his hand moved in between my thighs.“Mhmm…Ahh…” I whimpered and moaned when I felt his fingertips slowly caressing their way up my inner thighs.I could feel his eyes on my bare legs as his hand slowly inched their way up my thigh. My pussy clenched repeatedly as it waited eagerly for his touch. I bit down on my lower lip when his hand got so close to that throbbing wetness in between my legs.“Bradon…” I whispered his name befor
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Thoroughly Ravished
Just like the way his fingers entered me earlier, Bradon rammed his cock roughly into me from behind. However, unlike the smooth entry of his fingers, the thick grith of his cock made me feel like it was going to be a bumpy ride. It hurt a little as my pussy opening struggled to adjust to accommodate the gigantic size of his cock. Not only was his manhood so thick, but it was also impressively long. Bradon reared his hips back, dragging his cock out of my hole before slamming it in harder and deeper than before.“Ahh…Ahh!” I moaned and cried out each time his cock pounded into my tight hole.My pussy wrapped itself lovingly around his cock as my hips began moving to match the rhythm of his wild thrusts. It felt like his cock hit deeper and deeper into me with each thrust. The thick head of his cock pushed against my womb as our bodies moved together to bring us closer to each other. My core burned so hot just like the desire that was raging inside of me.“It’s…so rough…” I whimpered w
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Useless Explanations
“That’s because it’s my room,” he replied without bothering to explain any further.Bradon placed me carefully on top of his bed. My hair and my clothes were a mess and so were my insides. I could still feel the sticky mix of our love juices inside of me and in between my thighs where it had poured out from my love opening. Bradon came a lot inside of me and I knew that it was the right decision for me to take those pills. I wasn’t sure if I planned on having sex with Bradon again or not at that time, but I did consider the possibility that I might end up sleeping with him again. To be on the safe side, I had decided to take the pills. That proved to be the right decision to make although I didn’t think that I would end up doing it with him so soon after.I sat up on the bed while trying to ignore the slightly sore sensation in between my thighs. The bed shifted under me when Bradon sat down on it. The moment our eyes met; I couldn’t tell what else he wanted from me. Since he brought
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Unspoken Truth
“Mhmm…”Dahlia suddenly stirred while making a soft whimpering sound. My entire body froze as I feared that she might wake up. When Dahlia continued sleeping silently just like she had done before, I was able to relax again. Although I liked seeing Dahlia speaking her mind, I also liked seeing her resting peacefully.‘How dare you do this to me when you were just with her?!’I could understand a little how Dahlia arrived at the conclusion that she had. When that woman walked in, I had no idea who she was although I recognized immediately that she must be on of Anthony’s lovers. Since Anthony’s condition was still being kept a secret from everyone, none of his lovers were informed that he would be missing from action for a while until he recovers. Of course, there was no reason why anyone had to explain that to them.Just thinking about how Annetta would react if she were to find out that one of her son’s lovers barged all the way into his office curved my lips up into a smirk. It was
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