All Chapters of Substitute Wife for the Mafia King: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
375 Chapters
Want Him to be Mine
I liked how he talked to me in his gentle and soothing tone, the way he smiled at me, and the way he always handled me with care as if I might break. Then there would be times like earlier where I could get glimpses of other sides of him that never failed to intrigue me.“Anywhere is fine…” I replied as I felt myself blushing for no good reason.“Should we just run off? Just the two of us?” he suggested as his eyes widened with apparent excitement.“We’ll get in trouble if we do that,” I replied while worrying more about Anthony than myself.His wild suggestion was unexpected and didn’t seem to fit his character but that only made me feel special for getting to see this side to him. I ended up giggling at just the idea of making a run for it together even though I was supposed to be against the idea.“We’ll get in plenty of trouble already as it is…” he pointed out before winking at me.I knew immediately what he was referring to. He did just beat up someone, and even if it was for my
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Guilty First Kiss
“Hmm…is that so?” Anthony replied while sounding extremely unconvinced.I wished that I could come right out and tell him honestly that I wanted to see him in action but because I couldn’t quite tell him that, I decided to ask him something instead to change the direction of my conversation.“How did you find me?” I asked curiously.“I asked around for you and someone told me that you’d gone into the back garden…” he replied before grinning at me.I could tell that he had also learnt from that moment on why I had gone to the back garden, and I couldn’t blame him for not being impressed.“Does it happen very often?” he asked, and I knew that he was referring to those confessions.“Yeah…too often…” I replied honestly before pressing my lips into a regrettable thin line.“Diana…” Anthony said after a moment of pause.It looked like he had something that he wanted to tell me but before he could say anything, the loud sound of thunder roaring in the distance disturbed us. The wind picked u
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Guiltless Culprit
I hated how sad and lonely he sounded at that moment. His words and the worried look on his face tugged painfully at my heart and that was probably because it wasn’t true that I didn’t want him to kiss me. More than anything, I wanted him to kiss me. I wanted to feel his sweet lips on mine.“I…” I murmured hesitantly.In the end, I couldn’t bring myself to say no to him…or to myself…“Just close your eyes…” he whispered.I let my eyes drift close as I waited to feel his lips on mine. Having my eyes closed made everything even more frightening because I couldn’t see and didn’t know what to expect. I felt his soft and warm lips press gently against mine.That was it.The first kiss that I shared with Anthony was over before I knew it, but it made me realize that the feelings that I’d developed for him was far from over.…**The next day**“How was your date?” Diana asked teasingly.“What date?” I replied as if I didn’t know what she was talking about.“You’re going to tell me all about
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Unforgiving Victim
I stared right into her eyes as I silently asked her if she did it. She must have understood my unasked question because she nodded her head slowly yet firmly. Diana closed the distance between us and wrapped her arms around me.“I did it for you,” she whispered right into my ear.The smile that she showed me told me that she didn’t have a shred of regret in her body. It felt like something was sucking life out of me and my entire body felt cold and numb.“What is the meaning of this?” the teacher yelled, and it was clear that her question was directed at Diana.Diana slowly unwrapped her arms from around my body before turning around to face the teacher, the staff, and the other students that had gathered at the scene. She lifted her hands to cover her face for a moment before lowering them.“I didn’t mean to. It was an accident…” Diana said in a broken voice before she began wailing.Tears fell from her eyes in streams as her face contorted into a mask of extreme sadness and regret.
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Twisted Accusations
I had no idea how many strings were pulled and how much money was spent. In the end, I returned back to school and spent my days with Diana as if nothing had happened. I wasn’t regarded the say way again since that incident, but it didn’t really bother me.“So, Dahlia didn’t tell you anything?” she asked.“No, she didn’t,” I replied as I wondered when she would just move on.Although I knew that she called me here to talk about this incident, I had hoped that she might have already come to terms with it and moved on. I was willing to help her in any way that I could now that I was literally in Diana’s shoes. I could help introduce her back into society or link her up with suitable suitors or any of Diana’s friends. Although Diana never regretted what she did, there was a part of me that wished that we didn’t need to part ways with Daphne like that. After confiding in me about the details of what really happened that day, I could tell that she was confident that she did the right thing
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Please Find Me
She closed the distance between us so rapidly that I was certain that she had already regained full and normal usage of her legs. In a flash, she was standing right in front of me, and her hand was raised.She’s going to slap my face…My instincts told me to dodge or lift my hand up to block the blow; however, I consciously decided against it. It was a small price to pay for all the years she had to go through without the use of her legs. I closed my eyes and braced myself for the impact. Her slap sounded much louder than it hurt.“Are you satisfied now? If you’re done, I’m going to leave,” I said curtly.I had no idea why she was keeping the fact that she could walk a secret from everyone. Perhaps it was an idea that she came up with to catch me off-guard. I smirked thinking that it wasn’t so bad of a plan given that it was Daphne that we were talking about.“I’m not done with you yet,” she said with her voice dripping with malice.I let out a loud sigh as I wondered what else she wa
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Staying by his side seemed like the best place to be at that moment, although I hated to admit that the rule that he had set was right all along. I wanted to scream out loud that she was lying through her teeth while my frustration started taking over. I wondered why Bradon couldn’t see through her act right away.“You must have someone out for your life if you have this many guards at an event with high security like this. It makes me worry a little about your safety. Feel free to let me know if there’s anything that either me or the Vulkan family can help you out with. It would be a pleasure to help one of my wife’s friends,” Bradon said before smiling warmly her way.“Thank you. You are so kind…” Daphne replied softly.“Not at all. So, tell me Miss Wanderwalt, did Diana do something to offend you or hurt you in anyway?” Bradon asked.I turned and narrowed my eyes at him as I wondered why he was asking a question like that. Did he think that I did something wrong simply because I sn
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Multiple Truths
Daphne’s legs seemed to cease to function at his words as she crumbled to the ground. The way she sobbed and then wailed made me pity her a little. It was probably killing her to be caught and seen like this by the eyes of the man that she is probably still in love with. On top of that, she was probably shocked beyond belief at how Anthony was acting. Bradon didn’t seem to care just how out of character he was acting at that moment. Although he acted like we were a sweet and doting couple by expressing his concern and care for me, his use of violence wasn’t at all like Anthony.“I guess you don’t know the truth either…” Daphne said before her eyes glared up at us.I wanted to stop her from telling Bradon about the incident, but I couldn’t think of a way to stop her at that moment. It was already too late. Whether I liked it or not, Bradon was about to hear about it.“She was the one who pushed me down the stairs. Because of her, I couldn’t walk and had to go through therapy for years!
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Threat Elimination
I could tell that Diana thought that what she did was correct.“She really got way ahead of herself. Asking me over and over about Anthony without even bothering to hide her interest in him. It grosses me out. He’s still my fiancé whether I like it or not so how can she say those things to me so blatantly?” Diana said before pulling her face into a look of disgust.“I guess she did mention it a couple of times…” I murmured as I seemed to recall the many instances that that had happened.I couldn’t side with Daphne, but I also knew that she was one of many girls who wished that they could end up marrying Anthony instead of Diana. Even though everyone knew that he was engaged, they all didn’t hesitate to give it their best shot in dating him with the hope that they might be able to change his mind. Little did they know that this matter was beyond just changing Anthony’s mind or making him fall in love. Even if Anthony wanted to marry a woman of his own choice, I doubted that it would be
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Locked in His Embrace
“Bradon…listen…” I murmured as I tried to recall the words that I had strung so perfectly together.Now that it was time to deliver them, I found it hard to even remember what it was that I planned to tell him. The way that his blue eyes were glaring at my face so intensely only made me feel even more nervous as my throat and chest tightened at the same time. I could tell that he couldn’t wait to make me pay for putting both of us through that episode with Daphne and her bodyguards earlier. He couldn’t even wait for us to ascend the stairs and that was why we ended up in the room on the first floor of the mansion.“I…I can explain…” I said softly while trying my best to sound calm and collected.It wasn’t really my fault…or was it?The way Bradon’s blue eyes narrowed at me made me wince and told me that he wasn’t at all interested in any explanations or excuses that I wanted to state in my own defense. It felt almost as if I could see and feel the mood around him darken. The words tha
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