All Chapters of Guardian-In-Law: Chapter 1411 - Chapter 1420
1636 Chapters
Chapter 1411 Honest?
“Hi, I am Darcy Quint.” Darcy slightly frowned but she was not surprised at Corax's reaction. She politely said, “I heard that Mr. Durant is from Geranium, so to show our Lilyrose hospitality, I have told the restaurant to prepare some local specialty. “Let’s have a drink after the meal as well.” As soon as Darcy’s words subsided, she saw Corax’s face turn pale. Slam! Wanda slammed the table and bellowed, “Ms. Quint, are you doing this on purpose? You still want to drink with Young Master Corax? Alcohol is poison to us!” She might sound fierce but when she mentioned alcohol, there was an obvious fear on her face. Darcy’s expression turned heavy. She wondered why they were so rude. The first thought that rushed into her mind was to walk away. However, she soon realized Corax and Wanda were not angry at her. It was because she used the wrong words and it reminded them of something unhappy. Darcy noticed Corax’s sickly face. One of his followers even handed him a piece o
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Chapter 1412 The Arrogant
One man versus a dozen in a game of drinking and single-handedly knocked them all out. In the end, all of them were sent to the hospital for alcohol poisoning. If it made the headlines, Corax and his followers would be the biggest joke in their social circle. Not only would they be the biggest joke, but no one would sympathize with them because they got it coming. Grievance built up in them but they had no place to vent it out. “Ms. Quint, let’s skip the chatters.” Corax ignored Darcy’s question and said coldly, “Since we are already there, we must solve this one way or another. “I have two conditions.” Corax put his fingers out. “First, Kaze Lee must kneel before me and I will break his leg. “Second, you and Rose shall sleep with me tonight. “If you agree to these two conditions, I will forgive your husband about last night. Or else, I shall let you have a taste of despair.” Corax sounded like he already had the situation in the bag. Darcy was shaking out of an
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Chapter 1413 My Phone Has Something Better
“One sexy and one adorable! Young Master Corax is in for a treat tonight! Hehe…” Jorge and the others laughed pervertedly. “Corax Durant, you bastard!” Darcy flushed strongly. She swung a slap at Corax’s face. She had always been a peaceful person yet even she could not tolerate the insult and swing a slap at the bastard. She was truly irritated. Thuck! Corax caught her by the wrist and grinned. “Bastard? I’m a monster in bed! Do you want to give it a try? “Darcy, I know you and your husband are quite influential in Lilyrose. I heard that even Leigh Glitter can’t get his way with you two, but I’m not as stupid as him. I wouldn’t fight a losing war. I come to you means I have absolute confidence. “Before our meeting, Trent Fuller was having tea at my cousin’s place. He has been in power for twenty years. You should know how influential and powerful he is. “Be it wealth or power, you and your husband are no match for me. If I were you, I would just give in and sleep wit
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Chapter 1414 Deserved It
Dynasty Hotel was not just equipped with the best rooms and service. It also had professional printers for their daily promotional use. A while later, the owner came back with a stack of printed photos. “Have a look.” Kaze grabbed a stack and scattered them across the room. The room was raining with photos, scattering across the table. The colors in the photo looked vivid and bright. One of the photos showed Jorge sitting in his own vomit with his eyes rolled back. One of the photos showed Wanda curling her arms around one of Corax’s followers. There was even a photo with Corax covering his head on the table like a scared puppy, puking and peeing himself. …The photos captured their embarrassing moments in high definition. When they got drunk, their dignified images were gone. “Kaze Lee! You bastard! How dare you take pictures of us!” “You fucker!” Everyone in the room cried in shock. They picked up the photos nervously and tore them into pieces. Once the
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Chapter 1415 You Dare Lay a Finger on Me?
“We are not professionally trained, so beating us doesn’t mean anything, Kaze Lee! Young Master Corax’s bodyguards are the best of the best and they can crush you with their fingers!” “Fool! You think you are the strongest because you beat us up?” The others who got beaten up by Kaze last night started to provoke him. “Enough.” Corax raised his hand at his friends as he stared at Kaze coldly. “Kaze Lee, if you think you can stall until the police arrive, then you are terribly wrong. “Not even the police can stop me. Other than us, no third party will know about what happened last night. We will shut your mouth and then go after your wife and your sister-in-law! All of you will suffer my wrath!” His gaze had brazen murderous intentions for Kaze. “Darcy, you guys go ahead.” Kaze pushed the worried Darcy out of the room. When the other guild members left, he closed the door and locked it. “Corax, do you know that I don’t care who you are or who your cousin is at Geranium
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Chapter 1416 You Hit Me?!
“Ugh…” Kaze pressed Corax’s face against the table. The pain on his face made him want to scream but his voice was stuck in his throat. All he could make was muffled noise. “I have never heard of such a strange request.” Kaze looked at Corax coldly. “What gives you the idea that I don’t dare to hit you? You even threaten my wife, my sister-in-law, and my in-laws? You asked for it, how could I not grant you the wish?” Kaze then pulled Corax’s head up and grabbed the half-smoked cigarette to shove it into his mouth. “Aargh!” The cigarette burned Corax’s tongue and caused smoke to seep out from his mouth. The pain drove him mad. His eyes were bloodshot and his face flushed. He shook his head strongly, trying to break free from Kaze’s clutches. However, Kaze continued to push his chin upward with his strong hand, sealing his mouth completely. The cigarette in Corax’s mouth was extinguished soon due to the lack of oxygen. Corax was already exhausted from all the strugg
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Chapter 1417 Call For Backup
Screams of pain sounded like a symphony inside the room. Everyone was shocked by how powerful Kaze was. Not even the bodyguards could subdue him. It was at that moment that Jorge and the others realized Kaze was not even serious last night. “Kaze Lee! What are you doing? Stay away from me!” Jorge screamed in fear when he saw Kaze looking at him. Bang! Kaze went up to the man and slapped him to the floor. “What do I want? Other than that bastard, you are the most annoying!” Jorge fell on his butt. He covered his head in fear as he looked at Kaze. He was aggrieved. He blinked nervously as he tried to hide his emotions but he could not. He said, “Kaze Lee, do you have any idea who my sister is? She is…” Slap! Kaze slapped him once more, forcing the words back into his mouth. “Don’t you think it’s meaningless to say that now?” Jorge clenched his teeth tightly to hold his urge to talk back. His eyes were filled with hatred. Then, Wanda said timidly, “K-Kaze L
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Chapter 1418 Conflict Escalated
“Come on. Your job now is to accompany your husband to have lunch and not care about that lousy stuff.” Kaze grabbed Darcy’s hand and went upstairs to the VIP room under the owner’s guide. They usually had lunch on the first floor and did not care about how expensive the food was. Since Corax and friends were about to call for reinforcement, Kaze did not want Darcy to be involved. Strangely, even after lunch, Corax and friends had not contacted anyone to come to the hotel. “Darcy, why don’t you go back first?” Kaze told the Lilyrose Commerce Guild members to send her home. He even contacted Conan to secretly escort Darcy along the way. All Conan needed to do was escort Darcy back to Skylar View District since no one would be foolish enough to hurt her beyond that area. Rose and his in-laws were at home, so Kaze did not have to worry. While Kaze and Darcy had lunch, Corax finally got up on his feet with the help of his friends. He bellowed, “Call for help! If ten isn’t
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Chapter 1419 Like a Man
Conan was speechless. If Kaze had not been able to make the Queens bow to him by force, Conan would doubt where Kaze got his confidence. “Go watch the guild,” Kaze said as he sent Conan up. “Bro, you are going to stay here alone?” Conan was surprised. “They might call in a lot of help…” “No matter how many people they called, they are all trash. You watch the guild and stop them from causing trouble,” Kaze said calmly. He was just worried that Corax might sneak up on the guild while keeping him busy. “No problem!” Conan nodded and went into the elevator. At the same time, a motorcade consisting of more than a hundred expensive cars arrived outside the hotel. All the cars of different brands were eye candy. Judging from the number plates, they were not just local cars. Some of them came from the neighboring cities. All of them arrived within an hour and it was all because of Corax and his friends. Corax and his friends used every connection they had to gather t
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Chapter 1420 Meaningless
Three hundred pairs of eyes were on Kaze instantly. The boundless pressure from the gazes tried to crush him. He was alone, standing opposite three hundred people who scrutinized him. He was like a drop of water against a tidal wave, helpless and pitiful. If someone had shot the scene with a camera, it would be an artistic piece overflowing with despair. Some were impressed by his mentality because he was able to stand straight against three hundred pairs of scrutinizing eyes. “Corax, are you okay? Are you trying to put together a crew to shoot a movie?” Kaze looked at Corax as if he was an idiot. The entire parking lot was silenced. Despite being pressured by three hundred people, Kaze was able to stay calm and casual. He even mocked Corax for being dramatic. He was either overconfident or simply dumb. Corax was infuriated by the contemptuous gaze. He argued, “Kaze Lee, look at this! I am in control of your life! “You have one last chance to get here on your knee
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