All Chapters of Guardian-In-Law: Chapter 1421 - Chapter 1430
1640 Chapters
Chapter 1421 Another Strange Request
Corax laughed. “Kaze Lee, with just a few words, you pissed off three hundred of my brothers and sisters. I have to give it to you. “But, have you thought about the consequences? You alone versus my army and you think that’s enough? I think that you did call for help but when they knew they were up against me, they refused to show up to help you. Not even your wife wants to stay! “You are abandoned! You are alone! You are just bluffing!” It was the reason why Corax was surprised but not bothered when he saw Kaze alone in the parking lot. To him, it was supposed to be a gang fight with both of them calling for help, yet it turned out to be a one-sided slaughter since Kaze was alone. Corax did not care anymore. He just wanted to ravage and trample over Kaze, physically and mentally, until his mind and body broke. “Corax Durant, I really want to give you half of my humility.” Kaze looked at Corax with disbelief. He was impressed by Corax’s imagination, which was fueled by hi
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Chapter 1422 Real Purpose
Kaze looked at Corax with a soft smile, finally revealing his true intention. He was only interested in Sieg. Since he would eventually cross paths with Sieg, he might as well confront Sieg now. Corax said coldly, “Kaze Lee, you better be joking.” “I’m dead serious. To be honest, if I really break all your arms and legs, all the hospitals in the city will be crowded today. “I prefer to keep a low profile and avoid making the news as it will only make me look violent. Things would be different if you brought your cousin here, I just need to break his legs. And it is also for your own good, Corax Durant. “One man’s medical fee is much less than three hundred. Even an idiot knows how to choose.” When they heard Kaze, not only Corax, but even the three hundred people laughed at him. Did he have any idea what he was talking about? Be it breaking three hundred arms and legs or breaking Sieg’s legs, both sounded ridiculous. How could Kaze spew those words without laughing?
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Chapter 1423 Jorge's Sister
Jorge was surprised. He saw the evil grin on Kaze’s face and instantly understood what that meant. Kaze was hinting at Jorge’s sister getting into power with her body. Like a cat’s tail being stepped on, Jorge stomped his foot and shouted, “You piece of shit! How dare you talk about my sister like that?! You are fucking dead!” As soon as his shout subsided, a car drove into the parking lot. The owner of Dynasty Hotel had already sealed off the parking lot for this confrontation, so the car that was allowed inside would either be on Corax’s side or Kaze’s side. However, it was obvious that it was someone from Corax’s side. “Hmph! I knew that’s my sister’s car!” Jorge grinned. He then walked out of the crowd and went over to the car. Kaze glanced at the car but the crowd blocked his sight. “Damn it! Who beat you up?” A frosty voice shouted from the back of the crowd. Charlotte looked at her brother’s swollen face angrily. Jorge said, “Some punk ass prick who has a
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Chapter 1424 Let the Brothers Have Some Fun
Charlotte’s arrival boosted Corax’s confidence. Even though he had never met her and only heard of her through Jorge because they were in different circles, knowing that Charlotte served Astral still boosted his confidence immensely. He felt even more confident than having his cousin around. No matter how strong the Geranium Four were, Geranium City was just an island south of the mainland. The strongest families in that city had yet to expand their influence in the mainland, where Lilyrose was located. Maybe it was the reason why Kaze, the fool, had the confidence to challenge Sieg. Charlotte, however, was different. Astral, as the eldest son of the Glitters, was probably one of the strongest persons in the entire South River State. He could easily crush a nameless idiot with a thumb. Since Charlotte was his personal assistant, she was able to represent him to a certain extent. With her around, no matter the background or support, anyone could be crushed easily, let al
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Chapter 1425 Who the Hell Is Astral Glitter?
Charlotte never thought it would be Kaze. A sudden realization struck her the moment she laid eyes on Kaze. Lilyrose Commerce Guild’s headquarters was located in Dynasty Hotel and Kaze’s wife was the president of the guild. She should have known better! Charlotte’s face turned pale. Her anger and confidence disappeared into nothing and were replaced by fear. Her legs started to shake. She could never forget what happened at Landor Residential Area. Astral, the man whom she served and who was like a god to her, knelt on the floor and begged Kaze to spare his life. After Kaze left, Astral fell sick. He was troubled by nightmares and had a constant fever. He would scream Kaze’s name in fear while he was asleep. He only started getting better last night. The eldest son of the Glitters was frightened by Kaze’s violent and brutal methods, which should make the headlines if the news got out. “K-K-K…” Charlotte’s shaking lips failed to speak Kaze’s name. Her mind
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Chapter 1426 Let Me Slap? You Said It
“Kaze Lee, if this gets to Young Master Astral, you will be dead!” “You ignorant fool! Young Master Astral did not need to deal with you himself. Looking at you is simply a waste of time. Charlotte here is more than enough to crush you!” “Yeah. Charlotte is Young Master Astral’s personal assistant. What makes you think she will go easy on you?” “Kaze Lee, your destruction is caused not only by your ignorance but also by your arrogance!” Everyone criticized Kaze for being overconfident. Even the female partners who were just there for a show mocked and laughed at Kaze. Astral was the eldest son of the Glitters and the founder of Astral Wealth Management. His titles alone made the women side with him naturally. Their authoritarian personalities made Astral their ideal male partner. Among all the women at the scene, Wanda reacted the fiercest. She came out from the crowd, looking angry and excited, and moved her left face closer to Kaze. She bellowed angrily, “Kaze L
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Chapter 1427 Honored
Kaze chuckled and said, “Jorge, what is in your brain? Shit? Didn’t you notice? I’ve been talking for so long and your sister doesn’t even make a sound.” “What the fuck did you call me? I’ll fucking kill you!” Jorge was upset and he still could not understand what Kaze meant. Kaze was speechless. “Fine. My bad.” Just when Jorge thought he won the little argument, Kaze explained, “It’s not shit in your brain, it’s your brain is made of shit!” “FUCK! I’ll fuck you up!” Jorge was fuming. He rolled his sleeves up and wanted to challenge Kaze physically again. “Jorge!” Charlotte finally spoke. She screamed her brother’s name to stop him from courting death. Her expression turned grim. Slap! She swung a slap at Jorge’s face. The slap stunned Jorge, and the others behind him. Kaze provoked them, insulted them, and slapped Wanda twice, yet Charlotte did not say a word. Just when Jorge wanted to beat up Kaze, his sister slapped him. What happened? Jorge regained hi
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Chapter 1428 Rule
“Don’t just stand there, you know my rules.” Kaze stopped Charlotte before she finished. “Charlotte, what does he mean by rules?” Jorge asked curiously. The others were similarly curious as well. Charlotte froze. She knew what Kaze meant by his rules. Leigh wanted to take nude pictures of Darcy and scatter them across the city, but he was the one who got punished in the same way. Astral wanted to strip Kaze naked, tie him under the helicopter, and fly around the city, but he, too, became the one who got punished. Charlotte looked at Kaze in fear. Her eyes were teary as she begged, “K-Kaze, I…” However, when she saw the cold look on Kaze’s face, she knew words would no longer work. Kaze would become the most stubborn man in the world when it involved his wife and he would take revenge no matter what. “Fine!” Charlotte bit the bullet and moved her hands to her shirt, unbuttoning the first button. Jorge was stunned for a moment before he realized what Charlotte was
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Chapter 1429 Sister Beat Brother
Many were speechless but not as shocked as before. Kaze was able to order Charlotte to strip herself down to her underwear, so ordering her to slap her own brother was not too surprising. However, the crowd was still confused. Kaze was a useless guy who married into his wife’s family. His wife might be the president of Lilyrose Commerce Guild but she was not that powerful. Why would Charlotte be so afraid of him? They could not wrap their heads around it. Jorge was stunned. Outraged, he shouted, “What the fuck is wrong with you? Why are you so afraid of him? He’s just a useless wife moocher!” He wanted to kill Kaze, why would he kneel? Charlotte was upset by her brother’s stubbornness. Her stupid brother did not know she was trying to save him. If Astral had to kneel before the useless guy, so would he! “Are you kneeling or not?!” Charlotte went up to slap Jorge again. Slap! “You don’t need to know who he is! You made a mistake by trying to get his sister-
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Chapter 1430 Corax Afraid
The reason behind the unity of the families in Geranium City was closely related to the city’s history. It was a sensitive topic and not many knew about it. Charlotte was close with Astral, so she had a chance to get bits and pieces of the news. “It’s like internal competition that kills, right?” Kaze casually commented on the topic. The so-called secret was not very surprising to him. He waved his hand and said, “If Astral is that useless, I don’t need him here. I just want to meet Sieg and see how powerful one of the Geranium Four is.” Kaze had a feeling that he would eventually cross paths with all the Geranium Four. “Yes, sir!” Charlotte stepped behind Kaze and sided with him. The others reacted with a complicated look. Jorge called his sister here to deal with Kaze but now she disregarded her own brother and helped Kaze to teach her brother a lesson. Even though no one really heard what Charlotte said to Kaze, everyone saw their interaction and the way she re
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